Disclaimer I don't own Naruto or anything related to him.
Some ideas are taken from other stories.
Where this story begins Konoha Sand/Sound invasion with Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen the third hokage.
"So sensei I have a surprise for you." que creepy pedophile chuckle.
"And what might that be?" Sarutobi asks his traitorous student.
"What would the people say of this village if they were destroyed by two of the greatest heros of the hidden leaf." Que another pedo chuckle.
"And who pray tell might that be?" Sarutobi asks moving through hand signs when a giant ape appears in front of "summoning jutsu."
"Impure resurrection Minato Namikaze and Kushina Namikaze." Two coffins begin to rise from the ground.
"I have to stop him before he finishes the jutsu." Sarutobi makes a hand sign to dispel the jutsu, but hear's something fizzing.
Sarutobi looks down to see a paper bomb beneath him.
"Dammit." Sarutobi says as he uses the substitution jutsu.
With Naruto
"Wake up Gaara."
A red haired boy jerks awake from a bone crushing headbutt delivered by a blonde haired teen.
The sand monstrosity begins to crumble as Gamabunta dispels himself with congratulations to Naruto.
"What makes you so strong Uzumaki." The Gara rasps out.
"My precious people." Naruto groans to him.
"Your precious people. Make you strong." Garq rasps back as if it were a foreign concept
"Yes my precious people make me strong. Without them I have nothing"
"I have no precious people..."
"Gaara, Naruto-kun." they look to see a blonde teen with four pony tails landing by them.
"Temari what are you doing here?" Gara rasps out again.
"Gaara you do have precious people me being one of them. I was so worried about you. Are you ok?" Temari says as she smiles at the two of them.
"Get away from them fangirl." Sauske smirks confidently.
As he makes his way to them. "Now are we going to finish what we started Gara."
"Sauske don't be stupid he's done theirs no point in fighting anymore. If nothing else we can take them as prisoners the fighting is done."
"We'll go with you as prisoners Uzumaki." Gara rasps out as Temari nods.
"Konkuro get over here you maskara stealing little boy." Temari shouts.
What sounds like an angry cat hissing comes from behind the group as Temari giggles.
Temari slings Naruto's arm over her shoulder.
"Does he realy steal your makeup Temari-chan."
"Yes the idiot does." Temari says in exasperation.
"I do not steal your makeup." Konkuro denies agitated.
"Yes you do." Temari says an edge comeing to her voice.
"I don't steal your make up their's nothing else to say."
"Than explain these konkuro." Temari asks as she pulls out some empty makeup containers.
"T-t-temari-chan you know you don't need any makeup your preaty enough without it." Naruto mummbles embarrased
"Baka." and kisses Naruto on the cheeck with a massive blush. "Now lets go." She says as they begin to make their way back to the Chunin stadium.
At the Chunin stadium
"The barrier has come down." The Anbu say in a shocked tone.
As the man spoke a bright flash took his attention before he fell in a puddle of his own blood. The other anbu didn't last more than a moment before they dropped dying. More Anbu arrived to see their dying comrades and the yellow flash stepping towards them.
With team 7 and the sand siblings
Moving through the woods the four who can move relatively well hear screaming coming from the Chunin stadium. all have a shock when Naruto wakes and says.
"We need to help."
Temari looks at Naruto before she nods. "We do need to help."
"Why should we bring you their so you can rejoin your comrades and escape."
"Have we tried to escape yet?" Temari snaps back.
"Well no. Why would you stick around?" Sakura mumbles
"Than maybe this is enough for you?" Temari says as she pulls Naruto off his feet locks lips with the blonde boy.
The other four stare at the two blondes in surprise.
Temari looks at the other four. "What?" she says defiantly fighting back the blush on her face.
"She k-k-kissed the dobe." Sauske says in shock.
Gaara and Konkuro stare at Temari in surprise.
Sakura is something else entirely different.
"Nnnnnaaaarrrrruuuttttooo." She yells as she charges towards Naruto who is still being supported by Temari.
The next thing anyone hears is a dull thud.
Naruto snaps out of his daze and sees Sakura on the ground with a vacant expression on her face.
Naruto looks at Temari "what happened to Sakura-chan Temari-chan?"
Temari says nothing as she puts her battle fan back over her shoulder.
More screams resound through the woods.
"We need to move now." Temari says.
They run up to the stadium and see dozens of Konoha Anbu black ops lying dying on the ground as well as sand and sound shinobi.
In the midst of the wounded stand two figures one with oddly shaped tri-pronged kunai wearing a white cloak with red flames liking the bottom of the cloak. He's a blonde haired man a little over average height and pure blue eyes. The second figure is a tall red-haired woman with a medium sized katana she's wearing a blue sleeveless t-shirt and beige pants.
The six look at the two and Naruto starts to shake.
Temari looks at Naruto "what is it Naruto?"
Naruto doesn't say anything
"Naruto Naruto Naruto NARUTO." Temari shouts out,
"I-i-i-it's the fourth hokage." Naruto says going deathly pale. "He's returned from death itself."
With Sarutobi and Orochimaru
"What have you done Orochimaru?"
"What the leaf deserves for what they did to me."
"Is there no way to stop them?"
"Only one way." Orochimaru says with a sadistic grin.
"And hows that?"
"They need to find something that means more to them than life itself. Since there's nothing like that here in the leaf they'll never stop unless they die."
I hope the villagers are safe. thought Sarutobi As he started running through hand signs "death reaper seal". Sarutobi calls out.
"Orochimaru I could kill you here and now but I won't I want you to go on unable to use your precious jutsu."
With Naruto and the sand siblings
The two figures turn and are struggling with their steps.
Naruto Takes himself from Temari's side and makes his way to the two shinobi.
"I know who you are Fourth hokage." At this the five other teens look at the pair in shock.
"I know what you did to me with this curse I want to now why you would pick me to curse some nameless orphan with nothing and no one. I know you want your vengeance but just answer me WHY IN THE FUCK WOULD YOU PICK ME!" Naruto stops for a moment to catch his breathe.
The two figures stopped their approache towards the group of Genin.
"NARUTO UZUMAKI NAMIKAZE YOU WILL WATCH YOU MOUTH OR I WILL WASH IT OUT WITH SOAP." The red haired woman shouts out before she rushes over to Naruto Grabing the blonde boy by the ear. "do you understand me Naruto."
Naruto's ever inteligent mind comes into play "uh who are?"
"My baby Naru-chan." She says as she wraps Naruto into a hug.
"Let me go you tamato." Naruto shouts struggling to get away.
"Wwwwhhhhaaaattttt? What did you just call your kaa-chan?" The red haired woman asks as she lets go of him.
Naruto starts backing away as he starts shake from the aura the woman is producing.
"Ku-ku-kushina-hime he didn't mean it." the Fouth Hokage says cowering from behind Konkuro.
"Yes he did." Kushina says sniffling. "I blame you for it he's your son Dattabane."
"What the hell?" Temari says echoed by Sauske Gaara and Konkuro.
Thats it for this chapter R&R it wil always help with the story. I'll try to get another chapter done as soon as I can.