Summary: Thorin and Bilbo fell in love during the journey to Erebor. Once Thorin becomes King Under the Lonely Mountain however, he need a Queen, a dwarf Queen. Enter Bazani Ironquarry, from the Blue Mountains, he fell in love with Thorin when he recuperated there after Smaug's attack. And she is not fond of Thorin's little hobbit mistress taking his attention away from his queen. Bilbo Baggins had to go.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. This is fiction
Warnings: Mpreg, violence, swearing
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Thorin/Bilbo, Thorin/Bazani(one-sided), Fili/Kili
Bazani growled as she heard the laughs from the neighbouring room. Damn them! Thorin was her husband, he should be in here, trying to impregnate her. Not in the next room with that...hobbit thing. She couldn't believe this. She was the Queen Under the Mountain, but it was almost like everyone preferred Bilbo. Why? He wasn't a dwarf, he knew nothing of mines and their inner workings, he couldn't tell an emerald from a gem and he wasn't a warrior. Frankly, in Erebor, he was a waste of space. And he was a distraction to Thorin. But try telling that to other dwarves. "Oh, he got rid of Smaug, he helped us take back Erebor, Thorin loves him." The last one stung. She knew the only reason Thorin had married her was to have a heir, a pure, dwarf heir. If he had been allowed, Thorin would have happily taken Bilbo as his consort and their children would be heirs. But the Council felt that the heir to the reclaimed mountain should be a dwarf, not a hybrid.
She glared at the door as the laughs and giggles(giggles! It giggles!) turned to moans. That was it. Bilbo Baggins had to go. Bazani couldn't take anymore. She would deal with the hobbit and then Thorin would see that she was perfect for him. Now she had a choice to make, send the hobbit back to the Shire or kill him. She smiled t herself as she made the decision
Kill the hobbit.
A/N Okay I know I said updates of The Hobbit and the Dwarf would be slower, but I had to get this fic posted before it took over my brain R&R please. Next chapter, we go back in time to see when Bazani and Thorin first met