The Airing

Chapter 1

Bel was in the hospital with Freddie. Hector had taken Marnie home. It didn't escape Lix's notice that Hector had repressed a shudder as he'd said goodnight. He'd seen what Cilenti had worked when Freddie was carried into the ambulance. None of us will sleep tonight, she thought, sitting in one of the newsroom chairs. Her hand tapped an unlit cigarette against the formica table. Drawn near to her was one of the office's many bakelite phones, in case Bel rang, in case there was news. The doors opened and Isaac and Cissy burst in.

'Ms Storm! Sh-should I turn on the light?' Isaac stammered, his arms full of script, tape, photos, the usual detritus left over from broadcast.

'No thank you Mr Wengrow, I'm perfectly content in the moonlight.'

He nodded and placed the items on his desk. Cissy stood with her coat on, watching Lix warily, 'Would you like me to stay? I've got lots to be getting on with.'

'Oh but it's your wedding day-' Isaac interrupted.

Lix waved them to silence, 'Both of you should get along. I'm going to have a cigarette,' neither of them commented on it remaining unlit, 'and wait for Ms Rowley to call from the hospital.' Cissy and Isaac exchanged worried looks.

'I ask you, just go!' Lix immediately regretted the impatience in her voice. With a flickering smile she added, 'Honestly darlings do as I suggest. Mr Wengrow will, no doubt, be in early tomorrow morning and needs some respite. Miss Cooper,' Lix brought her hand to her chest in a gesture of apology, 'I am sorry, Mrs Ola, simply must see her husband.' Cissy held the door open as Isaac collected his coat and hat. They chorused farewell as they left and the newsroom fell silent again. Lix went into her office and fetched a tumbler and a half full bottle of whiskey. Collapsing back into her chair she unstoppered the bottle and waited, pulling in a jittery breath. She listened to the clock tick and then, in a flourish, recapped it and pushed the bottle away to the other side of the table. Clenching her teeth she blinked back tears.

Outside Lime Grove Cissy and Isaac had just parted when she saw Mr Brown. He'd finished giving a statement to the police and was stood alone, looking at the heavens above. She could see the steam of his breath. 'Mr Brown..?' His expression was desolate and Cissy immediately regretted disturbing him. 'Yes Miss Cooper?'

'Mr Brown, I thought you ought to know... I, I'm worried about Ms Storm.' Even as she said it Cissy felt she was wasting the Head of News' time. Mr Brown waited. 'She's in the newsroom, waiting for Ms Rowley to 'phone.'

'It's been a distressing night for all of us Miss Cooper.'

'Yes Mr Brown but... but she was upset earlier, before we knew about Mr Lyon. I just thought you should know.' Mr Brown nodded solemnly, 'Thank you.' He headed back into the studios and Mrs Ola began her walk to the bus stop. She thought first of poor Mr Lyon and hoped dearly that he would recover. By the time she'd purchased her ticket however her thoughts had turned to Sey waiting for her at home.

The corridor Randall Brown walked down was deserted. After the discovery of Mr Lyon's body, he had taken sole responsibility for talking to the authorities, both inside and outside the BBC. He felt bone weary but his mind was running in circles, with thoughts of Mr Lyon, Sofia, that evening's programme, Lix, Cilenti, his breakdown. It was all disordered thought chasing thought. Turning off the corridor before the newsroom he came slowly upon Lix's office. The lights were off and at first he thought she might be at her desk in the darkness. 'I'm in here Randall.' Her voice was flat and came from the room beyond. She was facing away from him.

Lix gestured to the chair next to her and he sat down. 'Bel said she would ring when the doctors have an idea of the damage. Poor girl. Poor boy.'

'If I'd seen this coming Lix I'd have never-'

'I know. You're a journalist, not a monster.' Randall nodded in mute thanks. He noticed the whiskey.

'You've been...?'

'No. When things get really bad, that's when I stop drinking, remember?'

'Seville.' This time it was Lix's turn to nod. Randall took her hand in his. For a long time the two of them sat together in silence. Each wondered what the other was thinking. Each worried there was nothing to be said.

The peal of the 'phone made them start. 'Yes, hello? How is he?' Lix cradled the receiver to her ear, 'But he's stable..? Okay, yes darling, you're staying? Can I fetch you anything? I'll ring tomorrow,' Lix's voice caught as she said, 'Oh poor Freddie, I'm- I'm so very relieved, yes, serious but stable, very well. Take care darling, give him all our love, goodnight.' She hung up the phone and took a huge sigh, running her head through her hands. 'They think he'll recover. Long road, small steps, but he'll recover.' Randall let out the breath he didn't know he'd been holding. Lix got to her feet, 'We can leave.' She put on her coat and gathered her handbag as Randall, buttoning his coat and avoiding her eye, asked, 'Where will you go now?' Lix looked at him keenly, forcing him to meet her gaze.

'Come home with me Randall. We both need company.' Randall gave a stiff nod though his heart soared. Nothing scared him so much as facing the night, and Sofia's death, alone.