Disclaimer: I am in no way claiming the characters of this fanfiction, and am in no way making money off of it. The premise and story are all my ideas, but the characters and show belong to the original copyright.
"Whoo!" the blonde let out a happy sound as she drove the old convertible through the parking lot, and stole a spot from a waiting Bmw.
The driver starts to yell something, before realizing who it is and speeding off. Reaching into her glove compartment the girl grabs a couple of emergency fat cakes, and then adjusts her rearview mirror. Sam Puckett's bright blue eyes stare at her reflection, and she refuses to admit she wants to look kind of nice. Nice for him, irritated with herself she shoves the mirror away and slams out of the car.
Patting her baby, she still couldn't believe she got her license let alone a car. Convincing the dmv hadn't been easy, and if it hadn't been for spencer's friend socko's relative trey; funny how it didn't rhyme, she'd barely got her card. Who would have ever thought it, Sam Puckett driving and with a car she bought on her own.
She looked up at the shays apartment building, and started walking. It had all been a coincidence that a representative of fat cakes had seen Icarly, and found she was a perfect sponsor for the brand. Icarly was getting more attention than ever, and she was steady sitting on a line of jobs. In the end even she had been surprised, when she had been offered a chance to assist a food critic. Before she knew it she was doing more tasting herself, than the critic.
Even without the reviews written, the restaurants found that people who saw Sam eating their food with such enjoyment tended to eat in their places. Before you could say what's what, Sam found herself in demand just to eat in certain restaurants once a week with friends for free. As she passed a green Volvo her mind switched gears, and the butterflies she both dreaded and enjoyed filled her stomach.
Over the summer it had gotten exceedingly hard to not notice how a certain nub had filled out, and even worse was her memory of lockout. The lobby door opened and a red faced Lewbert was found screaming at a pair of adults. With a smirk Sam walked slowly behind them, and held up her pear phone so only he could see. Her finger poised to press a number, and the unmistakable picture of his crazy ex-girlfriend.
With a garbled sound Lewbert fled to his office, and a loud click sounded as he locked the door. Feeling more like herself, she headed towards the elevator and the shays apartment. Ding! The elevator doors opened, and as she walked out she ran into a certain tech nub who wasn't watching where he was going.
Freddie dug his shoe into the carpet of the hallway for the hundredth time, and tried not to look obvious. He was waiting for Sam, and he was determined to get her to finally talk about the night of the lock in. He had been confused since that night; and not just because of the kiss, but because of what the kiss made him want to do. He was 17, and all he had felt for other girls was mild to medium interest.
Carly had turned out to be his only semi- serious crush. And truthfully he had been over her for 2 years, ever since the Valerie relationship. However Sam; Sam's simple kiss had his palms itching to drag her back to him, and to fuse the mouths together until they could barely breathe. He wanted to imprint himself on her skin, and... He shook his head as he tried to skip over the thoughts.
He found himself pressed painfully against the seam of his jeans, another thing that never seemed to rear its head in his prior relationships. Sexual need... It had never been a problem. Sure, he thought about sex like the normal guy, but it had never burned so brightly in his mind as it did with Sam. The thoughts that followed were far more disturbing, such as holding her hand or cuddling on a couch.
The ding of the elevator pushed him from his thoughts once more, and he rounded the corner quickly hoping it was Sam. Before he could stop his momentum he found his arms full of the blonde demon, and carpet rushing for his back.
"Oof!" the wind knocked out of him, and he sat up slowly bringing Sam with him.
"Ow! What's the big idea Sam," Freddie moaned at her, as she punched him hard in the arm.
"What are you doing standing in front of the elevators for nub," Sam complained after the punch.
She was pretty sure why, but she'd be damned if she would really ask him. Pushing up she started towards the shay apartment, and ignored the brush of his hand as he attempted to stop her. She was afraid to really touch him again, because she was already on the brink. The fall had pushed her restraint to far too fast, and his touch and warmth had almost been her undoing.
More and more Sam found herself fighting a battle which she was quickly losing ground, and she was finding herself admitting just how she felt about the dork. She was just worried how long she could hold out, or how long until he would finally corner her.
Benson wouldn't be cruel, but she knew the chances of reciprocation were zero considering their history and the way she had treated him. Knocking on the door she thought of the two fat cakes in her pocket, and decided to save them for emergency cheer up. Besides she knew there was bacon somewhere in the shay fridge.
The door jerked open as Spencer shay jumped out.
"Guess what!" he said excitedly, as Sam scooted past him without answering.
Freddie pushed in behind her almost immediately, and shut the door. "What up Spencer?" he said as he set down his laptop backpack on the couch. Following Sam into the kitchen he hung onto the fridge door as she searched inside, his gaze completely focused on her. Sam squirmed under his gaze as spencer pulled something onto the counter, and they both turned. Dumping the bacon on the cooking tray Sam shoved it in the oven, and turned to face a pumpkin looking object on the counter.
Freddie pressed into her side, and flicked his fingers over her palm gently. Sam moved to get away, but his hand wrapped around her arm like steel, and she had to stand there while her heart thundered wildly. A shiver traced up her spine as his hand stealthily glided up her arm and climbed up into her hair. She half listened to spencer as he talked about his new project, and tried to remember how to breathe as tingles raced everywhere.
Desperate she shoved her foot down on his, hard, and Freddie let go abruptly and she rocked forward off balance just as the pumpkin face changed into a gruesome mask. Startled both she and Freddie yelled, and spencer grinned stupidly.
"I call it Peek- a - Boo!" spencer gestured widely with a hokey ghost like voice.
Freddie dragged Sam up by her arm, and muttered an absentminded, "cool", to Spencer's strange decoration. His eyes fixed on hers as she let him pull her. He started to lean towards her as the pumpkin started shouting 'Happy Halloween' startling them both, and Sam leapt back as she broke whatever trance she had been in. As she started calming down anger filtered into her blue eyes, and she glared at Freddie.
"Sam…" he began but was cut off with a violent shove.
Spencer watched the two with thoughtful amusement, as Freddie managed to get back to his feet. He spotted blonde hair flying up the stairs towards her best friends room, or if he was lucky the Icarly studio. Just then his luck ran out when the smell of burnt bacon filled the kitchen, and he and spencer dashed to the oven to try and save the food.
Carly's bedroom door slammed open as an angry Sam practically ran in, and closed the door quickly and set her back against the cool wood. Turning from her makeup table she watched her best friend turn and lay her forehead against it, and then curl her arms over each other with a sigh.
"Damn, I forgot the bacon," she heard her mutter under her breath.
When she turned back around she looked up with vulnerable eyes, and that worried Carly the most. Holding in the questions she smiled at the blonde, and instead asked, "What bacon?" Shaking her head the blonde didn't say anything, and tried to ignore the staring brunette.
"Sam…" she began just as Sam burst out with, "I think I'm in love with him." Her eyes rounded as Carly stared at her best friend, Sam didn't do vulnerable and she certainly didn't do love.
Ugggghhhh! Sam let out a frustrated sound as she launched herself toward the mini trampoline, and pounced onto the bed face first into the pillows. After a few seconds Carly carefully sat down next to her, and waited for Sam to say something else. Feeling Carly sit down she rolled over quickly, and sat up.
"That nub!" she practically yelled.
She launched a pillow across the room, and grabbed another pillow but let her wrist go limp. Stuffing the pillow behind her she lay back down, and felt Carly settle down next to her. They lay there silently for a few minutes, neither of them trying to think particularly hard thoughts. Sam lifted her left arm, and spread her fingers blotting out some of the ceiling light.
"You know his hands are bigger than mine now," she murmured almost to herself, and clenched her hand into a ball before spreading them out again.
"He's sweet, cute, and funny, puts up with my shit, and when he touches me….it burns," she said as she dropped her arm and turned towards Carly. "Oh God Carls, what am I gonna do? I'm in love with Freddie," Sam confessed.
At a loss for words Carly just grabbed her hand, and squeezed as she tried to process it all. She knew about Sam's feelings, and had even seen the kiss. But the confession, the confession was something completely different. It made it all real.