Kyle remained hospitalized for 5 days. Stan spent every afternoon and evening after school with his best friend as well as the majority of the Saturday and Sunday he was there. That following Monday, a week after the ordeal, Kyle was allowed to go back to school. His head and side were still stitched and bandaged but his hat and jacket covered both respectively. Everyone was glad to see him back in school, and everyone gave him a sort of "special" treatment for a while. Everyone was concerned about him, always asking how he felt or helping him with things. Stan, of course, was right beside him throughout the entire school day for the first week he returned. Even Cartman took about a week hiatus from insulting Kyle and his religion because of what happened, even though he still didn't blame himself.

A few weeks later, things were back to normal.

"Fags!" Cartman whispered.

"Shut up Cartman! Just because we didn't invite you to hang out with us this weekend to almost get us fucking killed again, doesn't mean you have to be a little bitch!" Stan snapped quietly.

"Boys! If I hear one more word, you're staying after school and reorganizing all of the textbooks in the classroom! Don't make me do that boys, it's Friday and I'd be just as pissed as you if I had to sit here and make sure you little retards did it right!"

"Sorry Mr. Garrison…," Cartman said sarcastically.

"Dude, I can't believe your mom even lets you out of the house after what happened, let alone allowing you to stay the weekend at my house again after what happened last time…," Stan whispered to Kyle.

"I know. I anticipated being locked in my room for the rest of my life, as overprotective as she is. You should have heard the lecture she gave me when I asked if we could spend the weekend together… It was totally over the top. So much so that I just packed what I needed for the weekend and threw it in my backpack this morning. If I had to go back to my house after school today, we wouldn't get over to yours till like 6!"

"Kyle!" Mr. Garrison yelled.

"Sorry Mr. Garrison! I was just asking Stan what homework problems we needed to do from Monday. I didn't get them written down."

"Please wait until I'm done talking to ask next time," Garrison said obliviously, turning back around to the board.

After a few moments of silence, Stan decided to risk speaking yet again.

"I promise this weekend will be more fun than the last time, for both of us," he said smiling.

"We haven't really spent much time together outside of school in the past few weeks, so just hanging out with you will be fun enough for me," Kyle smiled back.

"Awe, isn't that sweet? Are you two going to make out all weekend?" Cartman antagonized.

"Shut up fat ass!" Kyle retorted.

"Don't call me fat you fucking Jew!" Cartman roared.

"Eric, that's it! You're staying after school!" Mr. Garrison yelled, clearly disgusted.

"What?! But- Kyle- It was- The Jew set me up!" he assured.

"I don't care, you're staying after school and that's final!"

"Serves you right Cartman," Stan commented as Kyle smirked.

"I hate you guys… So much…," Cartman scowled as the bell rang.

"Later Cartman!" Kyle waved as he walked out the door with Stan.

The boys quickly made their way through the Friday afternoon chaos in the halls and out the door toward Stan's house for the weekend.

"So how are you feeling?" Stan asked as the boys walked.

"My side is still a little sore but other than that, I feel fine."

"That's good, dude. I'm glad you're okay."

"Hey, Stan…?" Kyle stopped walking.

"Yeah?" Stan asked almost worried.

"I just wanted to say, Thanks. Thanks for helping me; thanks for being there for me; and thanks for caring about me. I couldn't ask for a better friend," he said patting Stan on the back.

"That's what super best friends do," he said patting Kyle on the back in return. "I couldn't ask for a better friend either."

The two arrived at Stan's house a few minutes later.

"Hello boys!" Sharron greeted as Stan closed the door.

"Hi mom."

"Hey Mrs. Marsh."

"How are you feeling, Kyle?" she asked.

"I feel alright."

"That's good to hear! Your mom brought me over some of your pain medication for your side this morning. If you need some just come and let me know."

"Okay. Will do. Thanks Mrs. Marsh," Kyle said, climbing the stairs to Stan's room right behind him.

"So… What do we want to do?" Stan asked, throwing his backpack by his closet.

"Well…," Kyle began, as he sat his backpack next to the nightstand. "We could go outside and play some basketball. It is pretty nice out."

"Dude…," Stan looked, dumbfounded, at his friend.

"Eh, you're right," Kyle sighed. "Fuck that. Let's just play videogames all weekend like normal kids."