Third Person's POV :

"Benjamin! Don't get into any trouble and stay on the path." Grandma yell from the cottage porch as Benny walked at of the towards the Kindom. " Be sure to get the right herbs" she added

" Yes. Grandma." Benny said as he picked up the basket to carry the items they need from the market .

"Bye!" Benny said as he waved to his grandma . She waved in return and went inside. Benny turned and made his way through the forest. This is what Benny loved doing going to the Kindom because he loves seeing how beautiful nature is and when he is in the Kingdom everyone treats him with respect and are kind to him. Benny was humming a little tune while he walked until he was knock down be something. "Oh I'm so sorry sir!" said the young blonde who knocked him over. " Its alright as long it does't happen agian. What got you in such a hurry anyway?" Benny asked

" Oh I was running from the witch." he said.

" The witch?" Benny asked while giving a questioning look.

" Yes , Sarah.."

" Oh...yea..that one." Benny said rolling his eyes.

" Stop don't do that she will curse you if you misuse her name." he said

" Oh I am so scared." Benny said starting to walk away " Oh and watch where you're going next time."

" Hey, wait your just going to leave me here." the blonde running to catch up with him.

" Look whatever your name is, I got things to do." he said not making eye contact and still walking.

" My name is Rory. What's yours?" Rory said walking behind Benny trying to keep up.

" Benny, but still I got to go." He said turning around facing Rory.

" I know. I know. Please can I just walk with you in to the Kingdom?"

" Alright." Benny said.

" Lets go." Rory said smiling as he and Benny walked side by side the rest off the way. They started making random conversations and trying to get to know each other better.

" So you like the Prince?" Rory asked.

" Yes.." Benny said blushing

" Don't blush, Benny, we all have our strange crushes." Rory said giggling.

"Strange! Its not strange He is adorable." Benny said laughing along with Rory

" and You shouldn't be calling me strange. I don't like the fruit stand girl." Benny said.

" What? she is really pretty and I like her fruits." He said winking.

" Oh haha you prev."

"Well Rory, I think this is where we go seprate ways." Benny said stopping at the border of the kingdom. " I guess it is." Rory said.

" Well it was great to met you and I will see you later." Benny said shaking Rory's hand and walking towards the market place. Benny walked around for hours getting herbs, spices and some other things he thinks he might need. He was to busy digging through his basket making sure he got everything he wasn't watching where he was going and bumbed into someone.

" Hey! Watch it kid you could have injured the prince." one of the royal gaurds said to Benny who looked behind the man and saw the prince ajusting his crown.

" Oh your majesty, I apologize for my carelessness." Benny said bowing infront of the prince.

" Its quite, alright. It was an accident after all." The prince said smiling. Benny thought he was going to be faint as he was starstrucked by how handsome the prince looked. Its been 5 years since Benny first laid eyes on Prince Ethan. He was here at the market with his Grandmother collecting scraps of cloth to make new clothes for him. He never thought of seeing the prince again considering, He rarely left the Kindom.

" We must go, Prince Ethan, your parents are expecting you." One of the gaurds said.

" Yes, sir. Well I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you around." Prince Ethan said while smiling and waving goodbye to Benny who just stood there blushing like an idiot.

" B-bye Prince Ethan." Benny finally said and kept walk home.

~ Deep in the forest ~

Looking through her magic mirror. The witch, Sarah has been watching Benny since he met Rory, her apprentice. She hates Benny with a passion, not because he likes the prince thats just a bonus, its that his father and her were in love until he got Benny's mother pregnant and married her, she then vowed to get revenge on her and the baby. She already got his mother, she casted a curse on her to give her death but sadly it affected the father too. So she is going to try something for benny.

Hey Guys, so I started a new story yay! Now some of you may not like it and want some of my other upcoming story to be published. I am saving those storys for later so you will get a chance to read them. Anyway I hoped you guys like this first chapter. I may update next weekend if some of you like this story so REVIEW please. Also my final chapter for Whats gonna happen now? is coming along and will be posted next weekend also because I am swamped with school work.