This is the sequel to my story 'School?!'

Reading that is not a requirement, as it most likely will only be mentioned once or twice, but people seemed to enjoy it, so you might as well.

I do not own Danny Phantom, and that is the only time I will be saying it. If you accuse me of not putting it in every chapter I will ignore you because I just don't.

Danielle woke up on the ratty old mattress in the run –down apartment she had found the night prior. She was no better than a kid on the streets, so she took what she could find.

She opened her eyes and attempted to stretch. Attempted, because the second she tried to raise her arms she felt every muscle in her body ache, and heard a large ripping sound. She bolted upright and the ripping nose increased.

She looked down and seen that her t-shirt had ripped at the shoulders and chest. She ran over to the broken mirror in the corner of the small room, stumbling a few times due to the unfamiliar height, and gapped at her reflection.

In the place where her short, 12 year old self should stand, was a tall, curvy, full chested teen, with a head full of waist long, raven hair and large bright blue eyes. She was dirty, and her clothes were torn, her elastic was now a quarter ways down her back and every bone in her body throbbing dreadfully.

Without even trying to think of any other reaction, she gave a loud, shrill scream.


Danny slept peacefully in his bed. He hadn't had a single ghost attack that night, and it was a Sunday morning. There was no need to get up.

Not even for his ghost sense which went off a half-second later, or the knocking at his door.

'Wait.' He thought to himself. 'My door's open, isn't it?'

He cracked an eye open, and sure enough, there was his door standing with an empty frame.

He heard the knocking, no, tapping again.

Now both eyes were open and he was sitting up, staring at his window. Slowly, he got up and walked over to it. He raised an eyebrow before throwing the blinds back and opening it.

Before he could stick his head out the window to see who was tapping, a small form fell in and landed in a black and white clump on his floor.

The form quickly straightened out, and lifted its head, revealing itself to be Danielle, in ghost form, as well as a large black coat.

"Danielle?" Danny asked, shocked.

"Uhh, hi Danny." She blushed. "You don't think you could lend me some clothes, do you?" She stood up to reveal her hazmat pants stretched to their limits, and her boots completely missing.

"Um, yeah. Sure." Danny said, walking over to his dresser and tossing her some pyjamas. "You change, I'll be right back."

Danny walked out to the hallway and closed the door behind him before walking down to the kitchen. Jazz was sitting at the kitchen table, reading a book.

"Where are mom and dad?" Danny asked, going to the fridge to get some food for Danielle and breakfast for himself.

"Out somewhere." Jazz shrugged. "They said something about a ghost, but when do they don't?" The 16-year-old laughed.

"Oh, good. Hey, do you think you could help me with something?" He asked, pouring two bowels of his favorite cereal.

"Yeah, what is it? A ghost?" She asked.

"Yeah, sort of." He smirked. "Come on, there's someone you should meet." He grabbed the cereal and the rest of the food, remember Danielle's diet from the first time they met, and lead Jazz to his room.

"Danielle?" He asked when they got back up.

"Danielle?" Jazz asked, but just gapped when she looked in his room and saw Dani, back in human form, sitting on his bed, reading one of his magazines.

Danielle, on the other hand smiled, recognizing Jazz from Vlad's description of her. "Jasmine! It's great to finally meet you." She beamed.

"Um, it's just Jazz." She told her. "And, who are you."

"Oh, right." She blushed. "I'm Danielle, your brother's clone. You see, Vlad's insane, so he tried cloning Danny, and I was the result."

"But you're a girl," Jazz pointed out.

"Yeah, not quite sure how he managed that one." She shrugged.

"You should have seen the others." Danny shuddered.



After Danny and Danielle had relayed the cloning incident back to Jazz, then the melting incident, then Danielle explaining how she woke up that morning, they say around Danny's room talking.

"From what you told me, I'd guess that the ecto-dejecto, or whatever kooky name my father came up with, stabilized you, it was only a matter of time before your body caught up to Danny's." Jazz shrugged. "Have you gotten any more powers recently?"

"Not since I last checked." She told them through a mouth full of food. She swallowed. "I haven't even tried today, since I had a hard enough time just walking with these new legs."

"Well, I'd say to check it out soon, because you might have some new ones, or might be getting some soon." Jazz laughed.

Danny smiled at her before pulling out his cell phone to call Tucker and Sam.


Flash forward a few months, and you will see Danny, Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Danielle and a reluctant Kitty sitting around the Fenton Kitchen. Kitty had just been given the task of telling Danielle the news that her Lair had just been destroyed by a rampaging dragon-ghost.

"So, there's nothing left?" She asked after they had tried to come up with ways to get the Fenton's to take her in without asking too much.

"Nothing, unless you want to live in a pile of rubble," said Kitty. "Look, I'm really sorry, Dani, but I have to get to my date and I'm really doing no help here." She shrugged. "See ya'."

"It's alright. See you around." They all watched Kitty faze into the floor before turning back to each other.

"I can't believe we just got out of one mess, and now we're back in another." Danny sighed.

"I know, maybe we could set her up in a foster home? Or an orphanage?" Tucker suggested.

They all stared at him in disbelief.


"I'm sorry! It's was just a suggestion!" He yelled in defence.

"Actually, that's not a bad idea. Kind of." Jazz said.

"You're joking. Right?" Sam asked.

"No, hear me out. Danny and I have an aunt Kalene. She's my dad's older sister. She spends most of her time traveling the world, so maybe we could convince her to take Dani in for the short time she's around, and then ship her off here for whatever time she's away."

"That could work." Dani said. "Good job, Jazz."

"Hey, it was my idea!" Tucker complained.

"No, it wasn't. Your idea was stupid." Danielle told him.

"You're dad has a sister?" Sam asked Danny, picturing something along the lines of a female Jack.

"He has three. One older, two younger." Danny shrugged. "And a brother, but they're the only two that look alike."

"Oh." Sam said.

"So, what are we going to do, just march up to Kaleen and tell her the secret?" Danielle asked.

"Well, I guess that would be the next thing we have to figure out." Jazz shrugged.

No comment on the lateness.