-gets slapped by all of you waiting for so long-


Speaking of reviews, I'm thinking about for the last half of the fic making it based on how many reviews I get, like, set up a certain number of reviews, then update. I just love seeing reviews, and I really would like some more feedback. So, I do believe I will do that, set it up so after a certain number of reviews, I'll update. Just a warning to you all.



The next morning, Aster yawned, pawing at the space next to him. He expected to feel the cool flesh of his lover, to feel his silky hair, anything. However, there was only an empty space. The pooka's eyes shot open and he looked around for Jack, whining slightly. The boy would never promise something as solemn and serious as becoming his mate just for sex, then leave, would he? The boy could not be that shallow or cruel! Or worse, maybe Pitch had come in the night and had taken Jack away! Bunny's ears flattened at the thought and he quickly hopped up, prepared to go looking for his young mate.

However, just as he was about to throw on his bandoleer and run out the door, there was a horrible groan. He perked his ears up, head whipping back to look at the source of the sound. The Guardian's eyes fell upon his bathroom's door, thrown open in a desperate attempt to get inside. Bunny quickly walked over to the small room, peeking in. The sight he found both horrified and worried him. Jack was sitting next to the toilet, panting and coughing. He looked up to Bunny, whining slightly before the blue eyes widened again and he looked back to the toilet, the contents of his stomach quickly spilling into the bowl. Aster frowned, quickly kneeling next to his mate and stroking his back. He had no idea what to do in this situation except let the boy vomit until his stomach had no more to throw up.

After about fifteen minutes, it seemed Jack was done, and he leaned heavily against Bunny, whining softly as he held his empty stomach. Aster stroked his air, frowning down at his mate.

"Come on...Let's get you cleaned up..." He said softly, helping Jack stand. The frost spirit nodded slightly, standing on shaking legs as he leaned against the pooka. Bunny lead Jack to their bed, then got the young male to lie down. "Now, love, do you know what happened?" He asked gently, sitting down next to the boy and grasping his hand.

"I-i just started feeling really dizzy and sick...S-so I got to the bathroom quickly..." Jack mumbled, relaxing on the pillows.

Aster frowned at this, cocking his head and standing. "All right...we should get North...I'll send an egglet to fetch him." He said calmly, trying to hide his fear for his mate. Quickly, he picked up a near-by egg, scribbling a message down on the white shell. "Get to The Pole. Get North." He explained to the egglet. The tiny creature bobbed it's head, it's way of nodding before hopping twice and opening a burrow. It ran down, soon closing the tiny portal behind it. Bunny then looked back to his mate, grasping his hands and stroking his hair as they waited.


It was nearly forty-five minutes before North entered the Warren, his entrance being made known by the loud portal's opening. However, it seemed he did not bring his sleigh this time, since there was no sound after that except the pounding on the door. Aster quickly ran out, opening the door before the Guardian broke it down. North's brow was furrowed with worry as the pooka led him to the bedroom, where Jack still laid on many pillows Bunny had gotten for him. The man's brow furrowed and he pulled a small pouch from his coat, nothing much, just a tiny red velvet sack. Aster watched as North pulled out some necessary equipment for looking the young frost sprite over, and he chuckled as his lover's eyes widened.

"It is like his present bag. A lot bigger inside than it seems." He explained, pulling up an old wooden stool next to the bed and grasping Jack's hand. The Guardian of Wonder soon set to work, checking Jack's temperature, checking for any signs of sickness. It was when North pulled out a stethoscope and held it to Jack's heart that the man's eyes widened. Bunny had been watching, thrumming his fingers nervously as his mate was given a thorough inspection when he saw the man's eyes widen and he perked his head up, cocking his head as the man moved the stethoscope lower. His instincts suddenly kicked in and he growled, standing up.

"North, what the hell, that's supposed to be used on his heart, keep it on his chest and no low-" Bunny began, snarling and grasping Jack's hand possessively. Quickly, he was cut off by the Russian shoving a finger in his face and an annoyed glare.

"Shut up, rabbit. I am busy." North huffed, looking back to his work. "I will not touch Jack inappropriately. I just heard something."

Bunny's ears perked up and he cocked his head, confused. "Heard something? Whaddya mean?" He asked. North ran his hand over Jack's flat stomach, earning a soft groan from the frost sprite.

"Still here, ya know!" He mumbled, looking down. "What is it, North, Just a stomach ache?" He asked.

The older man listened for a few more seconds, grinning slightly before looking up to the two Guardians. "НЕВЕРОЯТНО!" He exclaimed. Green eyes met Blue in a shared look of confusion before North continued. "Aster, come here!" The older man pointed to Jack's stomach, giving a knowing grin. "Go ahead, take a whip."

"It's take a whiff, Nick." Bunny snorted before leaning down and gently kissing Jack's head. He then moved to sit next to North, sniffing his mate's stomach. His eyes widened and his head whipped up to look up at both North and his mate before going back and pressing an ear to Jack's stomach. The teen cocked his head, brow furrowing.

"Come on, we're talking about me here, quit dropping me out of the conversation! What the hell is so important about the smell of my stomach!?" He huffed, raising his brow and crossing his arms. Bunny's paws trembled as he heard exactly what North had heard before, nearly making his heart stop for the first time in nearly a thousand years. He sat up, looking to his long-time friend and cocking his head.

"B-but this isn't possible, Nick, we're both male, t-there's no way he could be...!" He mumbled, looking to Jack. The frost sprite growled, sitting up.

"What's. Wrong? Am I gonna die, Am I sick, come on, just tell me already before I freeze you both!" He exclaimed, tugging on his hoodie that had been discarded for the use of the stethoscope.

North only grinned at him, patting the teen's belly. "Jack, you are pregnant!"

The frost sprite paused, staring at the man for a good few seconds before cracking up. "You're hilarious, North, but C'mon, there's no way-"

"Jackie, it's true." Aster mumbled, running a paw over his ears. "Ah heard it mahself, and ah could smell it."

Jack grew more panicked, swallowing and flicking his eyes between the two men. "Come on, Guys, This isn't funny. I may be really sick or something, don't make a joke outta this because me and Bunny..." He trailed off as he looked into the eyes of his lover, expecting some kind of laughter or jest, but there was nothing. Only sincerity and as much surprise as he had. The boy suddenly felt very light-headed, rubbing his head and swallowing. "W-what...b-but how...?"

North grinned, pulling another object from his coat. A large book, old and beaten from years of use. He opened it and began flipping through the yellowed pages until he reached the page he had been looking for. He then set it down, pointing to a small diagram. The picture was older, with two stick figures. Surrounding the two of them were different colored orbs. "Says here that when mating between spirits, regardless of gender or race, that each of the two parties give a small amount of their energy." The man explained, pointing to the next picture, the two figures were now holding hands, and it could be seen that the edges of the orbs were mixing slightly. "Now, think about this, Aster is a Spring spirit. A spirit of a holiday that represents fertility and new life, no less! Then, there is Jack, a spirit of a barren season, with new life just waiting to blossom beneath the cold snow."

Aster huffed, eyes narrowing. "Will you just cut to the chase, North!?" He snapped, slamming his paw on the table. "How is this possible!?"

North gave him an annoyed grunt, shaking his head. "You must be patient, old friend, it is good story! So, when you two mated, your energies combined and took root in Jack's stomach, forming a sort of womb for a child to form. Your combined energies have made a child!"

Jack watched in amazement, looking over the drawings in disbelief. Bunny already knew what was coming and dashed over, quickly catching his mate as he nearly fainted.

"I-i'm pregnant..." Jack repeated breathlessly to himself, looking up at Bunny. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he grinned, sitting up. "We're gonna have a kid, Aster!" His hand rested on his flat stomach and he shifted excitedly, snuggling against his mate's chest.

Bunny's eyes widened slightly in surprise, cocking his head. "M-my, you're takin this rather well." He mumbled, stroking Jack's hair. "A-ah had no idea ya wanted kits that badly."

"Of course I wanted kids, Bunny! I mean, just think about it, a little pooka-human! Oooh, I wonder what it will look like! Maybe it will have your eyes and markings, Or maybe it will have my hair and grin~!" The frost sprite chimed. "We'll have a little family!"

Bunny couldn't help but smile softly at the teenager, resting a paw on Jack's stomach as he began babbling on about him making a new room for the child and names, as well as talking to North about getting an ultrasound soon. He was happy that his mate was excited, and even more happy that he would soon be a father, something he had never gotten to experience back when Pookas thrived in their world. However, the dreams and hallucinations of a sobbing child as his own Warren was burned to ash haunted in the back of his mind. Would it really be safe for the child while Pitch was still at large? What if he harmed Jack, harming the child as well?

That moment, he made a promise to himself, his mate, and his child. Looking down to stroke Jack's stomach, still flat and showing no sign of the life it held, he smirked slightly.

Pitch wasn't going to take all he loved again. He wasn't going to leave him in the middle of a blazing inferno as he listened to all he held dear being torn away with the simple slice of a scythe and the shriek of the fearlings. No, oh no. He would have to go through Bunnymund, and this time, he was ready for all the Nightmare King had to throw at him, anything to save his mate, child, and dear friends.

So, as Jack and North chatted about the child, while Jack rested his hand over top Bunny's paw, The pooka only smirked and nuzzled his shoulder, kissing his temple.



There. I did it while watching Doctor Who, I have no idea how that inspired me. Maybe because the Doctor was so vengeful about his own world being destroyed? Oh well, I don't quite know. Point is, I got it out, and I hope you all enjoy the fruits of my labor. I may try to bust out another chapter before I leave for vacation on Friday, but I may not...I may work on the smut, if you all want another smut chapter. I DUNNO. GIVE ME FEEDBACK, PEOPLE.

All right, so, until next time, I hope you enjoy this chapter.