Hello Everyone! I know it has been awhile and I am so so so so so so so so sorry, there are not enough ways that I can say sorry. I can honestly say there is not a day that goes by where I am not thinking about how badly I need to update my stories. However I have absolutely no motivation to actually write anything and I feel terrible... I feel so bad for all the people who have followed my stories. I really do love and appreciate everyone of y'all. I promise I am going to try and get chapters out within the next few weeks but I don't know if it will happen but I promise you I am trying! I really am! However I would like to know if any of you guys would like to adopt either Double Crossed or Just Add water. You can continue them however you like and if you want suggestions my inbox is always open. All that I ask is that I still get credit for the parts that I wrote but other then that you can have full rein. Please think about this! I really want to see these two stories finished but I just don't see myself being able to do it and that hurts so much but it's the truth. I can promise though that if no one is willing to adopt them I will finish them it just might take while... a really long while... I truly love everyone of y'all and I thank you so much for sticking with me this long. If you have any questions just message me or leave a comment :) I really hope one of y'all will choose to adopt my stories. 3 thank you.