Astrid ignored him, she resented him, she befriended him, she punched him, she kissed him…she loved him.

Hiccup was a strange boy and at first Astrid did not know him and made no effort to.

Hiccup took the fact that no one wanted to be friends with him in his stride and pretended he never noticed the glares or cruel remarks coming his way – but Astrid never once did that.

She never laughed at him or bullied him and for awhile, they were even friends.

And then the other teens fell into the habit of teasing Hiccup for being different and things were never the same between them again after that awful day.

Astrid had called Hiccup into the forest to talk with her.

Hiccup had shown up eagerly, never wanting to miss a chance to be with his only friend.

But he had become friendless that day as Astrid sat down beside him in Raven's Point Forest and spoken to him softly, gently.

She had no wish to hurt him, even if she knew she was going to do that a thousand different ways. "Hiccup, I just don't think…we're a good match."

Hiccup chuckled unconcernedly. "Why are we even discussing this? It's not like we're about to get married!"

Astrid bit back a scathing retort. "Because you're different. Hiccup, you're not…well, you don't really ACT like a Viking and…you don't look like a Viking, either, you…you draw and read and write…"

Hiccup looked at her, hurt in his eyes. "You're…leaving me? Just because I'm not…what people expect of me?

Is that why?"

Astrid shook her head. "No! That's not it, that's NEVER been it, you know I never cared…"

Hiccup stood up. A coldness had come between them, a finality, an understanding. "I should go then."

Astrid nodded. "Hiccup, don't…don't be upset, okay? I—

"Leave me alone," Hiccup said coolly, walking away.

And he never spared her a glance for the next year.