A/N: Hey guys! Guess what? Yup, last chapter! It's gonna be weird not writing for this story anymore! I'll say more at the end. . . ENJOY THE LAST CHAPPY!

Disclaimer - Still twelve. Still don't own Kickin' It.

Epilogue: 10 Years Later

"Grace! Julie! Kelsey! Mika! Eddie! Milton!" I was screaming name after name. I hadn't seen any of them in a year, the only one of the Wasabi Warriors I had seen was Jack. Which makes sense considering we live together. "OMG, KIM!" Grace exclaimed, tackling me into a hug.

"Grace, you still act like a high schooler. . . ."

"And? So do you!"

"Touché. . . ."

Everyone embraced each other and evenusly we found ourselves by the lake we used to hang out all the time. "Where do you think we'd all be if it weren't for the project?" I asked.

"Hating you" Jack responding quickly, I rolled my eyes.

"Love you too!" I say sarcastically.

"You asked. . . "

"Thats not what I meant, genius. . . . I meant . . . do you think we would have become friends?"

There was a silence for a long time before Jack answered "I think when we got older we would've starting hanging out more, but I don't think that we would have gotten to close. . . "

"I guess your right."

I stayed silent for a long time. Everyone was having their own strange conversation. Milton was quizzing Jerry and his non-existant brain and Rudy was insisting that he was "mature adult". I smiled at my friends, it's strange to think of how far our friendship has come in eleven years. I mean even in a year without seeing each other, we're still best friends.

It's even funnier to think that . . . we all hated each other - except for Mika, Kelsey, Julie, Grace & I. But, even we weren't really close. . . .

"Yo, Kim! Remember when you fell off that mountain because some pigeon attacked you?" Jerry exclaimed bringing me out of my thoughts. He started bursting out laughing. I smirked.

"Oh yeah! Wasn't that the day a squirrel went up your dress?" that got him to stop. There was mini silence while I glared at Jerry and he tried to hide behind Jack.

"Oo-kay. . . . Hey Rudy, how's little Jack?" Yup that's right, Rudy had named one of his kids after Jack.

"And little Kim?" I added. Oh yeah, he also named one after me!

"AND Jerry?" and one after Jerry. . . ,

"Hey! Don't forget about Milton!" He and Bethany had four kids. . . . Jack & Kim were twins and the oldest (Kim is two minuts older), then Jerry, then Milton. Which I always found funny because Milton was the oldest out us, then Jerry, then Jack, THEN me.

"Why didn't you name a kid after me?" Eddie complained.

"Don't worry Eddie!" Rudy started "We named the dog after you!" that just made us all laugh and Eddie glare.

"What about us?!" Mika said gesturing to her and the girls.

"Hey! I named plants after you! You all should be grateful! Mika is a tulip, Julie is an Iris, Kelsey is a rose, and Grace is a daisy!' Bethany bit her lip.

"Um . . . Rudy?"


"Mika died last month because you forgot to water her. Julie died right after because she didn't have enough sunlight. Then Kelsey died because you OVER watered her. And Grace died this morning because her petals kept going everywhere so you ripped her out of her soil and threw her into the fireplace. . . ."

Grace's jaw dropped and she made an angry face. "Thanks for the reminder, sweetie. . . " we all laughed, except Rudy and four angry girls..

"Where do you think we'll be in ten years?" I asked after a while.

"Well, I know where we'll be!" Jack said smirking at me.



"How do you know?"

"Stand up."


"Just do it!" I rolled my eyes and stood up with him. That's when it happened. He got down on one knee and said five words, that made me wanna pass out: "Kim, will you marry me?"

I don't really remember the details, but I was too in shock to speak, so I just nodded really fast.

So I guess that's all there was that night, but I knew that we would all be together until our deaths.

And I was right.

The End.

A/N: Alright. . . . so that last part wasn't supposed to happen, but I just had to! It makes up for my lack of Kick in the story. . . .

I hope you guys enjoyed this story! Look out for my name on FF! I already have a new story that I've been writing! That's why I took so long to update this. . . . anyway guys, thanks for all the reviews, follows, and favorites! I love you all!

Review! Just nine until 100! PLEASE help me reach my goal!

I hate goodbyes!

But BYE, I hope to see you all at my next story!

- Juliana