This is the last chapter to this story! It's been quite a long time, but here it is! Please enjoy~
Leave some reviews, comments, follow, favorite, whatever you'd like! I hope you've enjoyed the story!
It had been two years since that incident. Zoro and Sanji decided to live together. They tried to become a couple, but things were difficult. Sanji made things difficult. Despite
having "settled down" with Zoro, he still went out and slept with women. He'd often come home with a woman in his arms. Leaving Zoro no choice, but to turn a blind eye to
this. They were not an official couple after all. Sanji would sleep with women in the same bed he'd share with Zoro. It made Zoro feel sick. Yet, no matter how upset he was,
all Sanji had to do was to apologize and whisper sweet words in his ear. Zoro knew Sanji had a problem and somehow it caused him to sleep around. He didn't want to throw
Sanji away. Sanji had stayed with him after what happened that day. He was growing tired of it though. Sanji's empty promises of how he'd stop sleeping around wore him
out. How long would he have to deal with this?
Zoro walked in his apartment early morning. He was training since the day before. He's gotten a lot stronger these last two years. He was somehow reunited with Luffy and
continued to spar with him. His training sessions were the most enjoyable part of his days now. He slowly opened the door to his apartment. He expected to see Sanji asleep,
but not with a visitor. He walked over to the bed, grabbed Sanji, and threw him off. "H-Hey!" Sanji shouted, but then figured out it was Zoro. "Oh shit" he thought. The woman
screamed and panicked. Zoro grabbed her things and threw her out while slamming the door behind me.
"I am looking. Do you know what I see?"
"Zoro, are you jealous? You know you come first, right?"
Zoro walked over quickly and punched him. This wasn't the first time. "You're dead!" he kept punching Sanji. "Stop! Stop it! Stop!" Sanji caught his fists and brought his arms
down. "Let go of me! You're no better than those whores!" Sanji knew he had hurt Zoro again. He pushed Zoro down and forced himself on him. "Get off!" Zoro struggled to
get away. Sanji had him pinned down though. This was all too familiar. Sanji kissed him until he had calmed down. Zoro had lost his fighting spirit once again. "You gave up so
quickly this time…were you jealous of that woman because you wanted me to do this to you?" He quickly got rid of Zoro's clothes and started caressing his body. Zoro reacted
to every one of his touches. After having toyed with him long enough, Sanji moved on to the main course. As he penetrated his body he kept apologizing. He apologized so
much Zoro didn't know what he was apologizing for anymore. He would always be like this whenever he had been caught in the act. He'd look like he was hurting just as much
as Zoro was. Zoro sometimes wondered if Sanji even knew what he was doing when he slept with those women. Maybe his urges are so overpowering that he can't control
himself and loses his sense of reality. Men who are unfaithful don't look at their partners with the kind of sorrow Sanji does when he looks at Zoro.
Once they were done, Sanji sat on the bed and allowed Zoro to wash up first. They didn't talk for a while after this. Even now their conversations had grown sour. Zoro didn't
like this and he was sure Sanji didn't either. But Sanji wouldn't let him go and neither could he. After losing Doflamingo, he couldn't experience that again.
Zoro left the apartment without even looking at Sanji. Sanji couldn't bear to look at him either.
Zoro went to a bar. He needed a drink after what had happened. Maybe he'd be ready to talk if he had some alcohol in his system. When he entered the bar he couldn't
move from his spot. Sitting at the bar….was the man who had thrown him away. Doflamingo sat there with a drink in his hand. Zoro thought about leaving, but he had been
caught. Doflamingo suddenly turned around and their eyes met. Zoro noted that his movements seemed a little sluggish. Was he drunk? He never thought he'd ever see
Doflamingo like this. Doflamingo smiled at him—it was a painful smile. As Zoro walked towards him and noticed that the usual glimmer he'd see through Doflamingo's dark shades
was not there. These past two years must have been tough on him as well.
The moment Zoro sat next to him he felt a wave of regret. He regretted leaving him. He wanted to go back to him. To be held by him. To have him look at him with the same
fever he used to have. Sanji had left him rather empty. Zoro couldn't have these thoughts though. After what he had done to Doflamingo…after what had happened between
them…..he couldn't be selfish and decide to go back to him. He'd only be doing what suited him the best. He felt ashamed. Zoro joins him and drinks as well. They drink and
drink until enough alcohol had entered their systems.
Doflamingo suddenly brushes the side of Zoro's face with his hand. Zoro immediately turns to look at him with hopeful eyes. Could everything be forgotten? Did Doflamingo still
want him? "Those earrings really suit you." Zoro touched his earrings and blushed. They were the last thing he had from Doflamingo.
"I'm surprised you kept them."
"Well they really do look good on me, don't they?" Zoro teased. "I don't really care about them…..but you gave them to me…" Doflamingo remained silent. "You claimed me…and
even though I did what I did….even though I ran away…I was always hoping if I kept these, that somehow we'd meet again." Doflamingo looked away from him, "Aren't you in
love with him? The chef?" Zoro looked down at his drink. "I used to feel something like that for him. I thought he did, too. Maybe he still does….but we can't be together. He
can't stop getting an erection the moment he sees a woman!" Zoro tightened his grip on his drink. Doflamingo noticed this, but said nothing. He'd let Zoro confess.
"….then he comes home to me, obviously in tattered shape…and he takes me….he persuades me—controls me." Zoro returned his gaze on Doflamingo. There was a softer look
in his eyes. "You did too, but you had some honesty….although your motives might have been twisted in the beginning. I felt your sincerity." Doflamingo carefully moved his
hand next to Zoro's and they touched for a moment. Zoro felt as if he was being encouraged. As if Doflamingo was saying, "Tell me more."
"Sanji looks at me differently. He's not really looking at me, and with all the sex we have, I wonder if he's not just tired of it all. He must be tired…" Doflamingo put his hand on
Zoro's and squeezed tightly—affectionately. "…he's tired, but can't let go….can't give me up and I can't either. But when I look at you, I feel crazy! Now I understand what
she meant! You were obviously the better choice. I couldn't say 'Yes' to you and-"
"Stop that. You're not the young man that captivated me. The young man whose photos soon filled my portfolio." Doflamingo leaned in closer and looked into Zoro's eyes. "…
the one I fell in love with, the one I hurt….the one I did such terrible things to…."
They both feel anguish, but they both also feel overwhelming love for each other. Doflamingo wants to lean in closer and kiss Zoro, but he can't bring himself to. He did not
have to, though. Zoro closes the distance between them and kisses him. A passionate kiss. Zoro tears up and he feels the warmth of Doflamingo's tears as they fall as well.
The kiss is needy—not driven by lust. They just finally realized hos much they need to be together.
That night, neither of them went home. Sanji was left waiting at home. As he sat in the apartment and thought about Zoro. "Was this how Zoro felt?" he thought. As time
passed and no signs of Zoro, he felt like it was over. And it was.
Doflamingo brought Zoro to a hotel. After not having seen each other in so long, Zoro couldn't help, but feel timid. Even Doflamingo was more cautious than he used to be.
Once they were alone again, they continued to kiss. Doflamingo explored Zoro's body with his large hands. Even though it had been touched countless of times by someone
else, it was still new to him. He was curious to see if there were any changes after all of this time. Their touches became more and more desperate as time passed. Yet,
Doflamingo was not interested in ravishing Zoro's body. He was just relieved that he could have him again. This time, Zoro had submitted to him.
When morning came, Doflamingo was a little worried. What if Zoro just wanted to be with him for one more night? He sat up in the bed and noticed he wasn't the only one
that was awake. Zoro was watching him. Doflamingo had unconsciously taken his shades off. His eyes were entrancing. This was the first time Zoro had seen them and
perhaps Zoro was the first to have seen them.
"Good morning, Zoro."
"I haven't heard you say my name in so long…" Zoro blushed. "Your eyes…why do you hide them from everyone?"
"It'd be troublesome if work could not get done if people were too busy staring at me."
"Is that really the reason?"
"No." Doflamingo laid down again and held Zoro closer to him. Zoro had a better view of his eyes. "Maybe I saved them for someone. For you….maybe they're your reward…."
Zoro felt his body become warmer—it was a pleasant heat. "As nice as that sounds, I don't think that is the entire reason." Zoro chuckled.
"Will you tell me?"
"My story is a long one, are you sure you have the time for it?"
"I'm not going anywhere."
Doflamingo was surprised and pleased to hear this. He didn't have to worry after all. "Now talk. You still never told me about yourself."
The two stayed in bed that morning. Doflamingo found it easy to talk about his past with Zoro. All his discomfort had been blown away by the overwhelming love he felt right