Author's Note: Wow! Haven't updated this in a while! I'm sorry! I plan on updating everything within a few days, so if you read my other fanfics, I hope you can bear with me here. Also, sorry if you get a bunch off e-mails from about me because I'm updating so much. Heheh. I suck, I know. XD ~ Lusaun/Mr. /Leon/Haruhi (( Pffft, I go by so many names, I don't know what names to put anymore. ))

Immortal by Seven

Chapter 4

Voice's Revenge

After talking just a bit more, the two teens had headed home. Feliciano's mind was in a bit of a haze, as he thought about what all had just happened. He had almost died... again. But had it not been for Ludwig... He shook his head, sighing. No. No, he couldn't think about that. There's no way her could put his brother under that pressure again. He couldn't keep living their lives so scared that Feli was going to keep having near death experiences until...

Until you finally die like you should, you mean? Jeez, you should have died so long ago, kid. But look at you being all immortal and just coincidentally managing to live again at the last minute. Don't you realize how many people you've had died for you, all because you just couldn't die, after someone already took your place. That voice was back. And it came stronger, merciless. And it was ready to really bring the Italian down. He clenches his fists, shutting his eyes tightly a moment.

'Great, you're back. So happy to see you're here again...' he thought to himself, sighing inwardly. Seriously, did this voice just not know when to stop? To just give it a rest? This wasn't all his fault... He never asked for them to give their lives for his. He was barely conscious when they would do it. It was their choice. He couldn't choose for them. No way would a doctor allow that.

Well, maybe if you weren't so stupid and careless to get in those situations in which you nearly died all the time, maybe you wouldn't have had to do this what... two... three times now, not including when you were born. Your father gave you life after you were born...

'Stop,' he tried to tell th voice, not wanting to listen anymore. But he couldn't. He was forced to listen, and nothing could change that. This voice was in his mind. And he couldn't just tune it out.

Because no one else would give their life for you. Then, you were a little kid, playing with your brother... And what did you do? You ran into the street to get your ball. What happened then? You got hit. By a van. You idiot. the voice continued. Now tears were coming to the teens eyes and he clenches his teeth. He was leaning against a building now, taking a small, deep breath, trying to stop his shaking. This voice was getting out of hand. And it just wouldn't quit.

And who gave their life for you? Your mother. She told her father, begged him to just watch both you and your brother when she was gone, but she wasn't going to sit and watch her son get killed for living. How sweet. Not. Then what happens? A year ago, after being such a good boy and not getting in trouble, who left the house after dark? And who got shot? Your dumb ass did.

'Quit talking! I know of the choices I made! I can't change what others did for me though!' he tried to counter as he just faintly felt himself begin to slide down the building, his back against the wall. He curled up, bringing his knees to his chest, hugging them tight, before burying his face between his legs. His shaking wouldn't stop, even when he was now on the cool concrete ground.

Who took the death for you when you made a sudden recovery? Your grandfather. And now it's just you and your brother. But wait! Let's not forget the time a few months ago too! Oh, this is my favorite one! The voice sounded so thrilled, like this was a game for it. It just loved to see how far it coul push the younger Italian, see just how much he could take. It knew he couldn't handle as much as he was throwing at him, with how many people he has lost. But it found great joy tormenting and reminding him of his stupidity.

'No... No, that was sheer, dumb luck! There was no way it was suppose to end like that...! I never wanted it to!' Feliciano argues, now able to feel those hot tears begin to stream down his face. This was going too far. It was too recent. He still felt like he could hear it all happen around him when he walked by that road... God, that was awful.

Oh? You mean when that car slammed straight into your friend's car on your side? When it should have completely crushed you, killed you instantly, but not a scratch on your friend? He got out unscathed! He should have just let you die! ... But no. Even though you were battered up, broken, you pulled through. Last. Minute. Once again. The Boy Who Never Dies, no matter what the fuck you put him through!

'Stop... Please, just stop...!' the teen begged, covering his ears now, as he bit his tongue, the back of his throat stinging. His heart clenched, and his blood ran cold, as it just went on, and on... and on.

Your friend died. Because he felt it was all his fault. He didn't stop, and that flying car slammed into his on your side. He told your big brother that he would take the fault for it. That he felt he was alive for this purpose. And he died for you. You're killing people by living. Why don't you do everyone a damn favor, and just die?! For God's sake, they'd be better off without you! You could die, and they'd never have to worry about being a fucking Life Giver for your sorry ass!

'JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!' he almost screamed out loud. But even though no one was walking by then, someone could probably hear him. Someone could have a window open, be down the block, walking the other way. And the Italian knew he would scream loud.

Just give it up. Make a call. Make a reservation. And die.

"NO!" he finally yelled out,and he forgot his worry from basically two seconds ago. He just wanted peace and quiet. He just wanted it to end; he wanted this stupid voice to stop reminding him of all of this. He wanted to just continue to live life, and stop worrying he would die because of something around the corner. This. Wasn't. Fair.

"Feliciano?" a voice calls, but finally something that wasn't it his head. He looks up quickly, tears still streaking down his face, as he looked to see who was talking to him now. He was just glad it was a voice that everyone could hear... and not the one in his head.