SadiePaiz95 challenge; Rainbow Dash is Celestia's daughter
Disclaimer: I don't own my little pony.
Thanks to my beautiful and talented beta, The Truth's Lie! Check her out! She's amazing!
Equestria was a land of magic, a land of hope and in this moment a land of miracles.
A final scream echoed around the regal halls of Canterlot Castle. Moments later, the crying of a filly was heard. Princess Celestia leaned back against the fluffy pillows of the medical hall bed, tired but happy. Her smile was as bright as the sun she rose every morning as Dr. Redhoof handed her the newborn.
"She's beautiful." He said. "Have you any idea of a name, my lady?"
Celestia looked at her daughter. She had a cyan coat with a mane every color of the rainbow. She smiled brightly at her mother and her wings fluttered happily. She was a bright light, a shining star and deserved a name that reflected all that she was and would be. After all, Celestia thought, laughing to herself, it wouldn't be good to name her something like Pipsqueak when she'll grow as big as me some day. She nuzzled her filly. "If only you could speak, maybe you could tell me your name, my dearest rainbow." She paused as an idea struck her. " dearest Rainbow Dash." She whispered.
"What was that, my lady?" Nurse Redheart asked, leaning in.
"Rainbow Dash." Celestia announced, loud enough for all to hear. "Princess Rainbow Dash of daughter."
"A lovely name my lady." said Dr. Redhoof "And a fitting one at that... " He chuckled as he looked at her rainbow mane.
There was a chorus of agreements from the nurses.
"Quite fitting."
"Thank you. She is going to do great things in life, I can feel it." Princess Celestia said.
"I'm sure she will, princess." said the Doctor "But you should sleep now. It has been a long day."
She yawned. "Yes, thank you, doctor, I think I will." Said the princess as she snuggled into the blankets with her child.
"Good night, princess." said Dr. Redhoof as he left with the others to give the ruler and her foal privacy. "I'll come and check on you both in the morning."
"Good night." She said to the doctor. She looked once more at her foal and smiled. "Great things." She repeated. "I can feel it."
If only she knew how right she was.
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