A/N: So, I know it's been a super long time, but that's because I had taken a break from writing altogether. All my stories are currently on hiatus, but I've decided to try and finish this one. Hopefully, you're all still interested in reading it!

Chapter 8

Lilting music filled Sara's ears, a magnificent blend of incredible instruments that she had long since forgotten the names of. Below that sound was the murmuring and chattering of hundreds of guests, the swishing of skirts and the clack of heels on the floor, laughter and merriment and joy.

Sara had been so enjoying the sounds that she not realised her eyes were closed until William leant over and whispered that she should open them.

Her vision was flooded with a million colours; golden chandeliers, tables laid with ruby-red table cloths and dresses in turquoise, pink and green. Everywhere she looked something glittered, catching her eye and drawing her attention this way and that way.

"Two eyes are not enough." Sara mused to herself.

"Hmm?" William asked, watching Sara with a smile.

"I need a thousand eyes to take it all in." She said, "I want to see everything all at once, and watch every person at the same time. I don't want to miss a moment."

William couldn't help but laugh.

Sara glared at him, "Do not laugh at me."

His smile softened, "Sara, I am not laughing at you. I am happy that you are enjoying yourself, but we are not even through the door yet. There is much more to see."

"Show me?" Sarah asked softly.

"It would be my pleasure." William said.

He lead her further into the ballroom, stopping in front of a man wearing a tuxedo. The man barely looked at the couple, whilst asking "Names please."

"Mr William Randolph." William replied. A spark of recognition glinted in the man's eye. He looked to Sara.

"Miss Sara Crew." She said. She found herself nervous. William's name had obviously meant something here - he was clearly known in this circle. Her own name would hold no status.

The man turned towards the room, his voice booming above the music and the hum of the crowd, "Introducing Mr William Randolph and Miss Sara Crew."

Taking her hand, William led Sara down the grand staircase towards the floor of the ballroom. From this vantage point, Sara could take in more of the beautiful building and the beautiful people within it.

"It is like a fairytale." Sara announced.

"I hope that makes me Prince Charming." William said, smiling once again. Sara met his smile, but wavered. He was certainly Prince Charming, but that made her Cinderella; the lowly servant girl impersonating a princess.

"Come, let's dance." William said, pulling her further onto the dance floor.

"I'm afraid I may not be very good at it." Sara admitted, "My father taught me when I was very young, but I…well," Sara looked away to try and hide her blush, "I've never truly danced with a boy before."

"I have been forced to endure dancing with a hundred girls." William told her, "And even if you trip me up and step on my feet, I am sure you will still be my favourite dance partner."

She truly smiled then, in awe of the way he made everything so easy and so good. It was as if nothing terrible could ever happen around him.

So they danced, and whilst Sara was rather clumsy, she found herself being elegantly swept around the dance floor by William, giving her the appearance of effortless grace.

When four songs had passed and another began to come to an end, Sara found she could not control her smile.

William matched her smile as they began to walk towards the edge of the floor, "You are quite the dancer."

Sara laughed, "You seem to make it rather easy."

A man appeared holding a tray of drinks and William took two glasses. The golden, sparkling liquid was like nothing Sara had seen before. She took the glass William offered her and took a gulp of the liquid.

"Wait-" William tried to protest, but she had already swallowed.

"Oh!" Sara hiccupped. Bubbles fizzed up her nose and burned her throat; she had not been expecting the drink to be so fizzy. She raised her eyebrows at the glass.

"You may want to sip it slowly." William advised.

Sara took a small sip. This time - now that she knew to expect the tingling of the bubbles - she found it quite pleasant. She took another sip.

"This is delightful." Sara proclaimed.

"William!" A voice boomed from behind them.

The young couple turned to find a jolly looking man wearing a flamboyant dark-green tuxedo. He smiled broadly at William and clapped a hand onto his shoulder.

"It's so good to see you, my boy." The man said, "It's been too long."

"Yes, it has." William agreed.

The two fell into conversation, and Sara found her attention drifting around the room once again. She sipped her drink as she watched the people dancing, floating around the room as regal as kings and queens. All too quickly, she found her glass empty, but to her great enjoyment, her empty glass was soon replaced with a full one by one of the many staff.

She had almost reached the bottom of the second glass, when she heard her name.

"How rude of me!" William was saying, "Malcom, this is Miss Sara Crew."

Sara snapped to attention as Malcom greeted her, "Pleasure to meet you Miss Crew. My, that name sounds awfully familiar; have we met?" Sara shook her head. "My name's Malcom Finnigan. I've know William since he was a tiny baby."

Sara smiled, but she couldn't think of a reply. Her head felt as if it were spinning.

"Sara?" William asked, studying her face with concern, "Are you feeling alright?"

"I think…" Sara blinked a few times, "Excuse me, I think I need some air."

"I'll take you outside." William said. Malcom said goodbye, and William led Sara towards a set of grand glass panelled doors which led out into the elaborate gardens.

The cold air hit Sara like a brick wall, and she had to lean against a stone wall to keep herself from swaying.

"Sara, how much champagne did you drink?" William asked.

"Champagne?" Sara echoed, trying to get her tongue around the word. It sounded French. It had been years since she'd spoken French.

"The drinks we had." William explained.

"Oh! I didn't know it was called Champagne. I've never had it before." Sara told him, beginning to babble, "I had two glasses. It's very nice!"

"You drank them rather quickly; I think you're a little merry." William said.

Sara giggled, then said, "I quite like it."

William couldn't help but smile back, "I quite like you."

Happiness bubbled up inside of her and she couldn't contain the grin that covered her face, "I quite like you too."

Perhaps the Champagne gave her confidence, or perhaps the atmosphere of the beautiful party made her believe that anything was possible, but for a moment she forgot that she was a servant who lived in an attic, and she believed that she was a princess.

Standing on tip toes, her lips brushed William's in a soft barely-there kiss, tingling with sweetness. When they pulled apart, both of them looked drunk with happiness.


William walked with Sara to the front door of the school, holding her hand as they chatted and smiled. They paused outside, knowing they now had to part ways, but neither of them wanting to go.

"I have had a simply fantastic night." Sara beamed. She was no longer tipsy, but her smile had not shrunk and she felt happier than she could ever remember. "No, in fact, I had a simply perfect night. It couldn't have been better!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." William said, "As did I. I love spending time with you, Sara."

"I love spending time with you, too." She replied, "You make me happier than anyone else in the world."

The clock in the square struck 3 o'clock.

Sara sighed, "I really must go, though all I want to do is stand here with you all night."

William smiled and brought his hand up to gently brush her cheek, "I know exactly what you mean, but we will see each other again soon, my dear."

"Goodnight." Sara said.

"Goodnight." He replied.

She watched, a little sadly, as he walked up the steps to his house and went inside. Only when the door had closed did she begin to move towards her own home, slipping down the side ally to the kitchen door where she knew Becky would be waiting.

She was so excited to tell Becky all about the dance, but a tiredness had washed over her, and she suddenly wanted nothing more than to get into bed and sleep, dreaming about everything that had happened. She supposed she could tell Becky the details in the morning.

Opening the kitchen door, Sara slipped into the school. She frowned as she saw a small tatty suitcase in the middle of the kitchen floor. It hadn't been there when she had left, and she couldn't imagine why it was there.

Then, to answer her question, Miss Minchin stepped into sight.

"I've packed you a spare dress, but everything else belongs to the school. I gave you my hospitality, and you have decided to utterly disrespect me by sneaking out, so you are no longer welcome here." It was as if she had rehearsed the speech and said it without thinking, and then as soon as she was finished, she actually looked at Sara. "Dear God, what are you wearing?!" Sara, in shock, did not reply. "Answer me, child!"

"A dress, Miss Minchin." Sara said.

Miss Minchin's eyes narrowed, "You little thief!"

"No, Miss Minchin, I-" Sara began.

"Do not lie!" Miss Minchin shrieked, "Do not try and tell me you could afford to buy such a dress. Where did you steal it from?!"

"I didn't!" Sara protested.

"Take it off at once!" Miss Minchin said. Sara trailed her fingers over the soft fabric, but jumped when Miss Minchin yelled, "Insolent child!"

Miss Minchin slapped Sara hard across the face, then turned her roughly around and undid the back of the dress. Ignoring her protests, Miss Minchin pulled the dress over Sara's head. Now in only her undergarments, she shivered in the cold kitchen.

Her head was reeling; if she couldn't stay at the school anymore, she would be on the streets. She hated living at the school, but she would likely die on the streets. How had Miss Minchin found out?

"Where is Becky?" Sara asked.

This only seemed to anger Miss Minchin more, "Oh, do not worry about Becky. She has been taken care of. And as for you Sara Crew, you shall wait right here whilst I call the police."

"No, Miss Minchin, please, I swear I didn't steal anything!" Sara protested.

"Stop lying!" Miss Minchin yelled again. She turned on her heel and went towards her office. Sara could hear her dialling on the phone.

She couldn't think straight. What had happened to Becky? Miss Minchin had said she had been 'taken care of'. Was she okay? What would happen to Sara now? How had a perfect night turned so horribly wrong all in a few minutes?

Sara could hear Miss Minchin talking. She was calling the police.

Although she was innocent, Sara knew had to go before they arrived. No one would ever believe her story; that the penniless orphan girl from the attic had gone to a ball in a beautiful dress that a handsome gentleman had bought for her.

Oh, William…she may never see him again.

Grabbing the spare dress Miss Minchin had packed her, Sara quickly got dressed. Taking the now-empty suitcase, she headed for the door. She looked longingly at the dress on the table, but she knew taking it now would put her in even more trouble if she got caught.

Tears unable to stay in her eyes, she slipped out of the kitchen door with a sob and disappeared into the night.