Sup viewers? I have taken your feedback on board and deleted all my other stories. I have read another story to help me but bare with me as I am new to this. I am making a clean start so I am going to think about what I am going to write instead of rushing! Right lets not waste any more time, lets get on with the first chapter! ...

_Chapter 1 : Feeling Low

"And that's the 20th time Sonic has not answered his phone or checked his Email! Has he found someone else or has he lost his phone or is his laptop dead? I'm sure he has lost his phone... Yeah Sonic still loves me he can't resist this (pulls a super modal pose) "

"Yeah, you are hot !" someone said "Who or what was that ?!" Amy exclaimed. Just then Charmy Bee came trying to kiss Amy on the lips

"What the -" she was cut off by a kiss. At that moment Amy was furious she grabbed her Piko Piko hammer and hit Charmy sending him flying in the air "Glad that's over! Don't try that again !"Amy said as she walked downstairs to wash her mouth out and then decide on some lunch. _

At Sonic's house he was laying fast asleep with chilli sauce all over his face, a pair of dark beige shorts on his head and a green robot T-shirt over his legs. Once his alarm clock went off, he started to search with his hand to look for the alarm. He managed to do it, he then looked at his phone ..." 20 messages from that obsessive hedgehog? She is so addicted to me" Just at that moment Charmy Bee flew through his window onto the floor cause a big mess. It looked like the after effects of a hurricane! "Charmy ! Why do you have to destroy my house every time you come see me? Don't you know I have a front door?! ...Jeez! So tell me where's the fire? " said Sonic wrinkling his forehead. Charmy took one look at the stairs and without hesatashon, ran off "That's it, get out of me house!" Sonic shouted as Charmy ran down his stairs.

Back at Amy's house

Back In Amy's kitchen, she was making some pasta for lunch. She was planing on winning sonic back that is if he hasn't got another girl friend. "My plan has to work " Amy said . Amy walks to her BT landline phone to ring Sonic to call him over tonight...


Sonic got Amy's call just several minutes ago so he's walking through the park on a autumn afternoon with the golden sunset just several miles away. There are lots of children playing in the field with frisbees and scooters and at that moment Sonic spotted Rouge with 3 children. One hedgehog, one fox and one rabbit. "Hey, Rouge I didn't know you had children " Sonic said ."Oh , these are not mine , I'm baby siting shadow's nephew and tails and creams kids " Rouge replied " Need any help, I've got nothing to do for the rest of the day" Sonic said totally forgetting about going to Amy's house. Then he noticed her beauty and thought " Her personality is as gorgeous as her beauty ,what what am I thinking I love Amy not Rouge. I should change the subject " So how's things with Shadow? Has he forgot about Maria yet?" Sonic asked . "Nope, I don't think that would never get over it" Rouge replied. Rouge sighed sadly. "Aren't you supposed to be at Amy's house? " Rouge asked. Sonic swears under his breath while remembering Amy " See you later hot shot ". Rouge called to Sonic as he ran off to Amy's house.

So I'm finshed and I shall start to work on my second Chapter soon because It's time for my dinner and I was offended by some peoples revews, so please don't give any hrsh coment's

see you all later!