(Dear readers of this Fanfic, this is the final chapter of this story! Thank you for reading and please feel free to review. As I am not a big Avengers reader, I am using the film version of the characters, their personalities, mannerisms and what not. So if you can picture the characters as they are portrayed in the movies. Thanks and hope it is a good ending for you!)
"The Weight Of Lies" The Avett Brothers
Disappear from your home town
Go and find the people that you know
Show them all of your good parts
Beat down when the bad ones start to show
Going with a woman
A pretty girl that you never met
Make sure she knows you love her well
But don't make any other promises
The weight of lies will bring you down
And follow you to every town 'cause
Nothing happens here that doesn't happen there
When you run make sure you run
To something and not away from 'cause
Lies don't need an aeroplane to chase you anywhere
I once heard the worse thing a man can do is draw a hungry crowd
Tell everyone his name in pride and confidence
But leaving out his doubts
I'm not sure I bought those words
When I was young I knew most everything
These words have never meant as much to anyone
As they now mean to me
The weight of lies will bring you down
And follow you to every town 'cause
Nothing happens here that doesn't happen there
When you run make sure you run
To something and not away from 'cause
Lies don't need an aeroplane to chase you down
Cyclops stood in uniform, arms crossed and jaw locked as he glared at the hanger door way that led to the mansion. The others stood around scratching their heads, mumbling to each other and whispering with uncertain looks. Jean touched her forehead then rest a hand on her husband's back.
"Their coming Scott." Jean reassured as he grit his teeth and looked down at his watch with a shake of his head. After what seemed like another stretch of eternity a weary Rogue came through the door, dragging behind her a stumbling but uniformed Gambit who was carrying a coffee mug in one hand and a folder under his arm. His sun glasses where already on and while he looked freshly showed and shaven, he still had a haggard, disheveled appearance that caused a communal look of concern to pass amongst the assembled X-Men.
"Sorry we're running a little late,…. Remy had to gather some,….uh,…materials for his defense." Rogue offered with a bit of her lip. Cyclops looked over to Gambit with a stern expression. Remy stood his ground and shot him back an equally menacing glare barely hid by his dark shades. Cyclops turned and marched up the ramp into the Blackbird without saying a word. The others followed all glancing periodically to Gambit who ignored everyone of them and chose to focus on his black coffee, waiting to be the last one to board.
Remy's body was stiff and his eyes tired, wanting nothing more than to sleep all day in his big, comfortable bed. As he took a seat in the back he let out a sigh and closed his eyes, wondering if after today he would even be able to return with the X-Men to the mansion let alone his bed in his room. He huffed at the even more spine chilling possibility that The Avengers might decide he was better off locked up in a S.H.I.E.L.D detention center, rotting in some cell, and for what? Remy took another swallow of coffee and sighed as he prepped himself for the inquisition that he was about to march into.
The plane ride was short and silent, tension thick and the air sour. Gambit had finished his coffee and had put his poker face on, tired eyes narrowed and mind sharp and focused. Show time LeBeau! Remy looked up at the yellow gloved hand extended his way as Rogue offered him a nervous smile. Remy returned her gesture with an easy, relaxed smile and sigh, the last thing he wanted was Rogue to get all worked up. He took her hand and stood up prepared to follow the others out of the plane and onto the landing pad of the Avengers tower. The others all stole glances over their shoulders at their Cajun teammate before exiting. Cyclops turned and fixed Gambit with a final glare.
"Hope you're ready for this Gambit!" Cyclops spoke with a harsh tone before heading down the ramp, walking with his head up, determined to present himself as leader of the X-Men, a man to be respected by the Avengers even if he didn't always feel that way amongst his teammates.
"That silver tongue of yers better do more than charm the panties off girls Gumbo,…. Don't mess this up!" Logan growled as he roughly slapped Remy on the back and exited receiving an angry huff and foot stomp from Rouge.
"Wolverine!" She hollered but Gambit held up an arm to calm her down.
"Easy Chere,…. Remy gonna make dis right,…. Don' you worry you self none!... De Avengers ain't got shit dey can really do, not when we all in de same boat." Remy smirked at her confused and skeptical expression. He chuckled and stroked her face with two gloved fingers then headed for the exit ramp, his southern bell close on his heels.
"Ahhh, and there he is, the man of the hour!... Good to know you finally had time to pencil us into your busy schedule Mr. LeBeau!... Shall we get started or dose every one want tea and cookies?:" Iron man stood before the assembled X-Men with his arms crossed, mask covering his face. Gambit walked to the front of the others and nodded in acknowledgement to Stark then with a gracious wave of his hand and a bitter smirk spoke with hostile civility.
"After you Monsieur Stark." Gambit nodded again and Ironman returned the tipping of his head then demanded they fallow him. The uneasy team of X-Men reluctantly joined Ironman as he led them through several corridors toward a large conference room. As they walked Remy glanced at the many security cameras lining each corner that seemed trained specifically on him. He smirked again and shook his head. Ironman entered a key code to open the conference room door and turned to see the Cajun Thief glaring at a camera.
"We've updated security recently, you never can be too careful,… sometimes threats come in disguise as oh lets say, allies maybe,…. People you assume to be friends,…. Or at the very least,… professional acquaintances." Stark's tone was challenging and accusatory with no subtlety about what he was insinuating. Gambit grinned at Ironman as the others exchanged annoyed and uncomfortable looks.
"Ahhh,….. you mean a wolf in Sheep's clothing!..." Remy offered a coy smile as he took off his sun glasses, a dangerous glint in his eyes. With a lowered voice he leaned in closer to Ironman who stiffened in his suit, posture even straighter. "Well you don't gotta worry bout dat Monsieur Stark,… No wolves 'ere,….. just Mutants,…. But den, according to some of your allies and professional acquaintances dat might be worse, non?" Remy smirked and shook his head as he slipped past a silent Ironman into the large conference room were the Avengers were casually assembled, chatting, leaning against the table and ideally waiting for what some thought was sure to be a waste of time.
The attention of those in the room shifted towards the door as the X-Men filed in behind Gambit who walked up to the large table and dropped his folder with a dramatic thump. The other X-Men looked around, some polite acknowledgements and awkward hellos exchanged between the two teams. Gambit scanned the room and couldn't help but smirk at the plush furniture and decor with the obviously missing artifacts and works of art. The walls were bare with visible hooks where paintings normally hung and there where marble pedestals lining the room where sculptures or vases might be displayed.
Remy clucked his tongue and scratched his chin as he looked over toward Storm who stood ridged and regal but with a disapproving frown and anger in her eyes as she too recognized the deliberate effort made by Ironman to remove anything he thought might be stealabe. They caught each other's eyes and Remy gave her a humors shrug and frown followed by a wink and a smile. Storm returned his expression with steady, sad eyes and a quiet shake of her head. From a few feet away Jean caught the exchange and walked over toward Storm asking what was wrong. She was answered by a poignant stare and an open sweeping gesture. From where he was Remy could guess the telepathic conversation as Storm took her seat and Jean's concerned eyes glanced around the room and then landed on him, a regretful expression crossing her features. He again shrugged and projected his thought. Don' worry bout it chere. There was a shared moment of silence and hesitation from the occupants of the room until Iron man closed the door behind them with a key code lock.
"Please ladies and gentlemen feel free to take a seat in any of these fine chairs." Stark opened his face mask and gestured toward a long row of chairs lining the right wall. At the large black table that made up the majority of the room were a row of chairs on one side intended for the Avengers and directly across was one single chair, clearly meant for the subject of the proceedings. "I assure you the segregation is not based on genetic predigest." Stark smiled and batted his eyes sarcastically toward Gambit. "Dr. McCoy,…. As requested by the X-Men we have a chair up here with the Avengers that's got your name on it,…. Figuratively speaking that is!" Ironman drummed on a chair next to a rather board looking Hawk Eye who greeted the approaching Beast with a polite nod and stunted smile.
Everyone slowly moved toward their chairs except for Captain America who walked over to Cyclops and with a kirt nod extended his hand.
"Cyclops." He acknowledge the team leader with a firm handshake and a friendly smile. Gambit stood by the chair, hands in his coat pockets. He was watching, listening to everything that was being said and the things not being said by all the inhabitants of the room. Rogue walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him, studying the man as he studied the others. She followed his focused gaze that was fixed on the two team leaders.
"I got your back Sugar,… just,…. try to give them a reason not to through yer cocky ass in the Vault,… Please?" Rogue's tone started off sassy and confident but her please was soft and emotion choked. She placed a gloved hand on his face and kissed it then turned away and took her seat.
"Captain America." Cyclops returned the hand shake, polite but stern with almost a bit of confusion at Captain America's seemingly inappropriate good cheer. The two men cleared their throats and awkwardly looked around. Wolverine walked up to them and grunted a hello shaking the Captain's hand.
"Wolverine,… Good to see you again!" The Captain smiled genuinely but then as if remembering the circumstances of the reunion, gave a stern nod. Ironman walked up and rest his hands on both Steve and Logan's shoulders as he gave a mock grin to all three men.
"Well, it's just so nice to see everyone getting along but, um, we kinda got some unpleasant business to take care of." He turned to the Captain and pulled him away as they fussed back and forth taking their seats.
"Am I right Steve?"
"Yhea Toney, I just…."
"Common, united front right Captain?... It's bad cop time!"
"I don't do bad cop!"
"Yup that's why I get to ask the questions kay?"
"It's your show Ironman!" Steve threw his hands in the air as he took a seat.
Wolverine rolled his eyes at their banter as he sat down between Jean and Storm. Everyone took their seats as Gambit chuckled to himself at the ridiculousness of the situation, sitting down with a sigh as he rubbed his tired eyes, shaking his head again. Ironman sat down between Captain America and Thor the first looking uncomfortable the later looking board. Gambit sat comfortably in the chair, one hand resting on his lap the other tapping on the folder. His face was unreadable, eyes focused on reading those before him. Ironman's show,…. Fuck dat! We'll see who runs dis show. Stark looked up at Gambit and laughed at his demeanor.
"Good God you look like you're at a poker game!" Ironman smirked and gestured toward his tapping fingers. "What, are we boring you here,…. Huh?" ironman laughed again and looked over at Thor who crossed his arms and laid back in his chair, looking Gambit over with mild interest.
"You got questions Ironman,….. I got answers… Waiting on you to start dis shindig off homme." Gambit sighed as he cocked his head and one eyebrow. There was another tense moment of silence with a death glare exchanged between the Thief and the billionaire mechanic.
"Okay Monsieur Remy Etinne LeBeau aka code name Gambit." Stark spoke his name with a poor impersonation of a Cajun accent. He took out a computer tablet and using his hands brought out digital 3D images, photos and recorded imagery. "Hope the Funeral you went to for one… Godiva Beavea,… went well. A dignified send off and all that for a woman that,… wow,…. Was arrested six times for prostitution, three times for assault and a stunning eight times for possession of narcotics over the past 28 years!" Stark brought up all of Godiva's mug shots displaying their digital images like holographic posters before the gathered Avengers and X-Men. Gambit felt his fists clench and his jaw lock as everyone looked on at the images of his Angel, the murmur of confused gossip already taking hold.
Out of the corner of his eye he could see Wolverine crossing his arms and glaring at the Avengers, Storm was stoic, her face fixed in a permanent frown. Rogue looked fired up, legs crossed and nose fared with anger, hands on her hips while Jean just looked sad and sympathetic. Gambit shifted in his chair and smiled sweetly as he leaned forward, hands folded on the table.
" Yes de Funeral sho' was real nice, T'anks fo' askin Mista Stark,…. Godiva was put to rest in a blond wig, fake nails and a bright red, sequence dress. Down in Naw'lins we like to send our loved ones off lookin dere best for de good Lord to welcome!" Gambit deliberately played up his Cajun accent, smiling broad before sitting back in his chair with a sneer at his hosts as he shook his head.
"I see,… and is it customary to attack defenseless old men who come to pay their respects after the service,…. Is that a Cajun thing or….." Ironman asked with a casual tone as he brought up surveillance footage taken no doubt from a S.H.I.E.L.D satellite. The 3D images projected an irate Gambit launching himself at Fagain and punching him until Wolverine was able to with strain him. This time the mumbles of surprise were louder with visible disapproval from the scrutinizing faces of the Avengers while the majority of the X-Men looked at Gambit in dismay, all but those who were there. Jean was holding an incredulous Cyclop's hand as she mentally explained what had happened while Storm sat back in her chair with a sigh and Rogue buried her face in her hand with a moan.
To the surprise of every one Gambit responded by laughing and shaking his head as he let out a groan and rubbed his eyes.
"Ya gotta be kidding me!..." He rubbed his face then leaned forward again, his smile replaced with a more serious look, his eyes narrowing on Stark. "Dat piece of filth ain't so defenseless and his presence was unwelcome….. He was asked to leave and when he didn't respect my wishes I asked him more persuasively, before he was escorted out." Gambit spoke with his teeth gritted.
"Escorted out by two members of the New Orleans Assassins Guild, of which your X-Wife Belladonna is the Matriarch, is that right?" Stark asked with a flat tone, eyes fixed on the Cajun X-Man, a man he was determined to expose as the shady criminal he suspected him to be.
"I beg your pardon Ironman but I believe that whatever…. activities Gambit may or may not have been engaged in over the past few days has no bearing on the proceedings we have been summoned here for today." Beast interjected a clear tone of irritability in his always civil and eloquent speech. The other Avengers nodded or shrugged, the X-Men all sitting completely still, a growing resentment spreading amongst them.
"No, … of course your right Dr. McCoy,…" Iron man closed the computer images and set down his tablet, eyes locked with Gambit who had frozen in place with a look in his glowing red eyes that could kill. His jaw was locked and body tense as he leaned back and narrowed his gaze letting it drift toward the X-Men who looked flustered at best and downright pissed at worst. Wolverine was shaking his head as he glared at Stark and Storm's eyes were completely white, causing a heap of weather outside no doubt. "Just curious about….the character of this man who considers himself a part of the X-Men,… a team of Mutants who clam to be Super Heroes…. If you people even know what that means." The last comment was mumbled under his breath but load enough to hear.
The reactions where immediate and louder then mumbles as Beast began to protest and Wolverine let out a growl.
"Ironman that is completely uncalled for!" Beast stood up from the table.
"Why?... cuz I'm stating the obvious that you people seem to be missing?" Stark huffed back.
"You gonna run yer trap all damn day Stark, or get to the point!?" Wolverine growled as Ms. Marvel rolled her eyes and Cyclops shook his head looking down.
"The point Wolverine, is that your whole team seems completely content allowing criminally volatile mutants with no other place to go join your ranks!" Ms. Marvel spat with a condescending tone as she shot Rogue a fierce glare. The southern belle looked away from her stare as she always did, clutching her heart with tears in her eyes. Now tensions exploded with members of each team shouting over one another as Gambit remained silent, his face down, cast in shadow as his eyes shown bright.
"Oh, and are the Avengers so perfect and flawless that none of you have any mistakes in your past,…. Any errors in judgment that might reflect poorly on your status as Hero?" Storm had risen to her feet with thunder in her voice.
"Okay, everybody just calm down!" Captain America was up with hands out to demand civility.
"A Hero requires more then merely great power or strength X-Men,… ones character is shown through ones actions and they are what is paramount in defining who we are!" Thor's voice spoke with equal authority, loud and commanding.
"And who are you to judge his actions without knowledge of the circumstances surrounding it!" Jean's voice was now heard as she too was up with the fire of the Phoenix in her eyes. Cyclops grabbed her arm to hold her back as all were now on guard, the heat of the words fueling the temperamental superheroes.
"The X-Men have always existed in ambiguity!... That's why we don't rely on them!" The Black Widow threw her hands up with an annoyed expression.
"Ambiguity!... Lady we know what we stand for!" Iceman laughed in disbelief.
"Everyone knows Xavier's whole purpose for creating your team is promoting mutant rights,… The rest of the problems in the world aren't your concern!" Hawk Eye shrugged.
"That is not true!" Shadowcat yelled over the building noise of escalating voices.
"X-Men Stand down!" Cyclops faced his team with arms raised, attempting to stop the fight before it started.
"Yhea stand down before we have to put you down!" She Hulk had fists raised, her teeth bare.
"That would be an unwise decision." Psylock let her psyci blade shine as Warren's metal wings unfolded.
"Typical hot headed Mutants!" Ironman complained as he locked his helmet back in place.
"Didn't take you for a bigot Tin head!" Wolverine drew his claws.
"Wolverine, that's enough!" Cyclops barked again as he stood next to Captain America while Jean tried to mentally calm her teammates down.
"Wolverine!...This does not have to be a fight!" Captain America was doing his best to keep the peace but emotions were boiling over.
"Cap, it looks like a fight is exactly what they want!" Ironman stood toe to toe with Wolverine's snarling face.
"Ironman has brought us here to fight?!" Colossus frown as he turned into metal.
"I did not assume that was the case but I am starting to have my doubts!" Beast's voice roared as he joined the X-Men in their line of battle.
"Well as long as we are all picking sides,….. how bout a rematch Rogue you power stealing, life draining Bitch!" Ms. Marvel erupted with the words she had long wished to yell as she closed distance between them, Rogue ready for the fight.
"Sir, I believe we have a situation here!" The Black Widow spoke into her com device as she took out her guns and put them on stun. Hawk Eye quietly followed her lead, jumping up on the table with his arrows drawn.
An explosion occurred above all their heads as dust and random partials of what was only seconds ago a chandelier rain down upon them.
"Is everyone all right?" Captain America's voice asked while coughing as he waved his hands, clearing the dust.
"What the hell was that?" Ironman scanned the room and pointed at the far wall.
Everyone quickly scanned the room to see what had happened. As the dust cleared, their eyes settled on a loan figure leaning casually against the wall, legs crossed shuffling a deck of cards.
"Dat was a two of clubs…You should see what an Ace of spades can do." Gambit smirked as he slowly sauntered back toward them, casually placing the cards back in his pocket, folder tucked under his arms.
"Was that feeble attack suppose to threaten us Thief?" Thor's voice roared like thunder.
"Nope yer Godlyness,…. Just trying to get everyone's attention focused back on yours truly." He sighed as he looked up at Hawk Eye who still had his arrow out pointed directly at him. Remy shrugged at him with a look of, why? Then looked over to Black Widow who had both guns trained on his head, a red dot between his eyes. "Seriously?" He rolled his eyes and kept walking in a lazy stride, meandering between the other occupants of the room, carefully stepping over the broken crystals with a seemingly relaxed demener. "You brought me 'ere for a reason, non?" He continued to stroll around the skeptical faces and uneasy stares from his teammates and Avengers alike. "Why, Oh Why,….. you ask,…. Did dis Mutant Thief break in to a top secure S.H.I.E.L.D facility and more importantly,…. What did he do?" Gambit smirked as he walked slowly but with purpose through the crowd of superheroes, using his own body to separate those who only moments before where ready to tear each other apart. He paused as he stopped right in front of Ironman and with a thoughtful smile and a little wink he opened his folder. "But the real question you each should be asking your selves is,….. what dose Gambit know dat we don't bout everybody's favorite Big Brother agency, hmmm?" He turned and looked first at Cyclops who hadn't said a word but looked madder then hell, before looking at Captain America who was watching him intently.
With a twist of his lips and another smirk he selected the first paper clipped stack of papers, with the heading, Strategic Defense Against Ironman aka Toney Stark. He looked back at Ironman and handed him the file. "Congratulations Mista Stark, now you stole information from S.H.I.E.L.D… Just like me." He studied Ironman, as the Metal man lifted his helmet and looked down with surprise at the printed document. Remy took out another and handed it to Captain America with a heading much the same. Another was handed to Thor, She Hulk, Hawk Eye and The Black Widow who finally lowered their weapons. As he handed one to Ms. Marvel, he shot her a glance then looked to Rogue and back again, eyes narrowed and blazing red. "Don't you ever threaten my Rogue again." His voice was low and dangerous. She glared back at him as she snatched the file. The rest he handed to each of his teammates all with similar headings. He walked back to his chair and sat down with an exhale as everyone silently flipped through the thick documents. "Ya gotta hand it to dem,… dey are thouro!" He smirked again as Ironman looked up at him with an alarmed look.
"Yup, dey even gotta a way to hack into Jarvis and monitor your private affairs as well as implant their own software corrupting his data so dat your very own robot operated house can be used to betray you,…. Control you!" Gambit's voice went from amused to serious, his tone a warning. He looked to Captain America who was rubbing the back of his neck. "Dey already got three different types of dat poison Mr. Rodgers. Been testing it on mice dey had injected wit' a similar version of dat Super Soldier Serum dat got you all buff and bad ass!" He shrugged. " The lab results is in dere too,…. Each poison dose something different,… Me, I t'ink de worse is de one dat attacks your regenerative cells until your body brakes down,…. Bones crack, liver fails, muscles stop working,… Ages you right quick,…. But even so would still take almost three years to completely set in,…. Meaning if and when dey injected you wit dat stuff,…. It would have to be very premeditated." Gambit's tone was respectful but hostilely blunt. He looked to Thor who was gripping his sheets white knuckled with a building ferocity. "And even de Mighty Thor has his weaknesses, non?" Remy got back up and walked toward him. He leaned in with a whisper. "Now, I wonder who S.H.I.E.L.D got dat information from hmm?... Who did dey contact in order to create such an elaborate plan of execution,….. dat is, should you decided dat serving S.H.I.E.L.D was no longer in your best interest?" Thor rose his head and his eyes grew with the realization that S.H.I.E.L.D had actually been in contact with his enemies from other realms in order to learn what and who where his weaknesses.
"And yes,…. Even S.H.I.E.L.D's own agents!" Gambit grinned at the Black Widow and Hawk Eye who had been quietly looking over their personal files with a subtle degree of resentment. They knew that Nick Fury had this information, and they even understood why these contingency plans where necessary. However the extent of the details and the tremendously personal, and psychologically devised attacks were beyond professionally cold blooded, they were black mail, mind control and ultimately death. "Looks like if you don't work for S.H.I.E.L.D, Fury don''t want you working for no one!" He pointed to Hawk Eye's folder. "De best part is at de bottom of de last page!" Gambit raised his eyebrows and nodded in encouragement. Hawk Eye glared at Gambit then back down flipping to the last page.
"It maybe in the interest of this agency to…" Hawk Eye's voice trailed off and Natalia peered over his shoulder, her eyes growing large as she quickly turned to her last page.
"…to terminate or detain the agent upon retirement or injury in order to ensure the protection of S.H.I.E.L.D's security….Termination is recommended. " Black Widow's voice faltered, her blank, expressionless face gave way to shocked disbelief as she shook her head. Hawk Eye set down his file and wrapped an arm around her.
"Don't worry Nat,…Fury wouldn't let that happen!" Hawk Eye shook his head.
"You sure about that Hawk Eye?" Wolverine growled as he sat back down in his chair angrily clutching his file. "Says here that the egg heads at S.H.I.E.L.D think that if they can dump my body in boiling acid and keep it there, eventually the Adamantium will melt and the particles of my flesh will stop attempting to regenerate!" Logan snarled.
"Nice to know that S.H.I.E.L.D has decided to deal with us humanly." Psylock commented as she clenched her psycik blade while reading her death sentence.
"It is advised that termination of Jean Gray be carried out using Wolverine as a means of preventing the Phenix entity from regaining control of her person!" Jean gasped, coving her mouth. Cyclops quickly looked at the file then up to an alarmed Logan.
"Mind Control,….. Dey want to implant a device in your brain and allow a satellite to activate it when ever dey decided her time is up." Gambit nodded at Logan who jumped back up to his feet with claws drawn.
"Did you know about this Stark?!...Did you know they were gonna fuck with my head!... Trick me in to helping out the Avengers just so they could use me as a GOD DAMN WEPON AGAINST MY OWN TEAMMATES!" Logan shouted, marching towards Ironman before launching himself with a roaring growl. Ironman held up his repulser beam last minute in surprise sending Wolverine crashing back against the far wall.
"Wolverine!... Just calm down!" Captain America stood in front of Ironman as Colossus held out his hand to help his fallen teammate. "And you!" Captain America marched over to Gambit who had walked over to Rogue's tear-filled face staring down at her file. Gambit looked up with a cocked eyebrow as Captain America stormed over toward him. " What the hell is all this?... How are we suppose to know this is real and not just some kinda,….." The Captain was obviously upset and was less then enthused with the idea that the very agency who brought him back from the grave devised a plan to kill him painfully and slowly.
" Je suis desole Mon Captain,… but dis Cajun might be a Thief,….. a damn good one too,… but I ain't lying bout dis,… dese ain't forgeries mon brave,…ask Ironman." He sighed and gestured with his head over to the genius engineer who had one of his gadgets out scanning the documents. He looked up at all those around him, Avengers and X-Men alike and with a grim look he nodded, not sure what else to say.
"It says,… it says that based on Mah powers,…. I may prove tah be too much of a liability and that,… I….They wanna do tests on me!... They wanna take mah powers and give 'em to their agents,…." Rouge's voice quivered as she looked up at Remy with a genuine look of fear. Remy took the file from her and hugged her tight, rubbing her back reassuringly. He looked up at those around him who all were occupied with reading or whispering. He kissed the top of her head then walked away into the center of the room.
Gambit rubbed his tired eyes before looking up with a simple and for once, honest expression on his face.
"Mon Amies,….. I ain't here to try and convince you dat I am a good man,… dat being a team player and fighting for a nobel an' honest cause is what I live for….. It' aint!" Those assembled fixed him with curious stares, X-Men and Avengers alike. He looked around at them all, choosing his words carefully. " Some say I am a street rat dat crawled out from de gutter of New Orleans,… and dey be right….. Even more probably say I ain't no good and never will be,…. Dat I am a no count, underhanded, dishonorable scoundrel dat would stab you in de back if I could gain a nickel from de effort!" These words he said with a hint of humor while bitter with a twist of resentment. His glare drifted from Cyclops to Psylock, Archangel then Ironman and the rest of the Avengers before ending on Captain America. He walked slowly around the room, his thumbs hitched in his belt loops.
"And ya know what,….. much as I hate to admit it,… dey be right too, at least about de man I have been,…. More of a boy really,….. young and stupid,…. Reckless,…. mistaking arrogance for pride. I worried only about my own hide and was desperate enough to do whatever it took to survive." He sighed and looked up to what he imagined was Godiva watching him with a sassy smile. He smiled back then brought his eyes back to those around him, who waited for him to continue, drawn in by his slow southern drawl and winding words.
" When I joined up wit de X-Men,…. I wasn't much of a hero,… a gentleman when it suited me and heroic if I had something to gain….. But,….. I'd like to t'ink dat de t'ing dat most distinguishes de X-Men from other,….. equally note worthy super teams…" Remy smirked and tilted his head with a slight gesture of his hand and a bow toward Captain America and Ironman who stood next to one another. "…. isn't dat we are Mutants,… but dat Xiaver has offered a place for second chances,….. a place where we can learn to use de powers given us in birth to do more good den harm for others. An opportunity to live for more den just ourselves,… and a cause to believe in." His eyes drifted to Storm who stood tall and proud, her tear filled eyes locked on Remy as she nodded slowly with a faint smile. He smiled at her and with a sigh he threw up his hands.
"Gambit be de first to say I ain't perfect. I prefer to spend my time indulging my self in various forms of… recreation." He smiled again as he caught Rogue rolling her eyes with a suppressed smile. "Dis whole super hero t'ing don't come too natural for me,… some of us may have at least dat in common." His eyes focused again on Toney Stark and with an amused smile he wink at the wealthy playboy known as Ironman. Stark smirked, a subtle twist of his lips but still glared at the Cajun X-Man.
"I have walked de path of darkness wit' de devil his self whispering in my ear,…." His expression was once again deathly serious and a brief look of remorse crossed his brow as he looked away from their eyes, his gaze growing distant. "Gambit done t'ings he ain't proud of,….. terrible t'ings dat will haunt dis ol' Cajun till de day he dies." Gambit swallowed hard then looked back up at Cyclops with a look that was almost apologetic, his eyes drifting to Rogue then away again with another sigh. Mon Duie he felt tired, down to his very soul. He walked over to the chair and took a seat with a slump, realizing that he had said far more then he had intended too. He smirked shaking his head with a cursed mumbled to Godiva for possessing him and loosing his tongue.
"Believe it or not, ….I am tying to be a better man,…. Every day I wake up wit' de knowledge of who I was and what I have done… but I can promise you dat I am trying to do better,….. to be better." He leaned in and looked pointedly at Ironman with an intensity that Stark was not prepared for. " I don't wanna dance wit dem demons no more!" Remy rested his elbows on the table shaking his head. "Don't wanna walk wit de devil, I want to fly wit de angels,… but if you kick me out of your super hero good guy club,….den chances are I might fall back in wit some nasty characters dat I would really rather avoid!" Gambit sighed and leaned back, once more taking the posture he first sat down with at the onset of this tribunal, tapping his fingers with an expression that stated, the balls in your court, non?
"So are you telling us that if you can't be a hero then you would automatically become a villain?" Captain America questioned with a challenging tone.
"What I am telling you Mon Captain is dat dere be some pirañas out dere just waiting to get dere teeth in me again and de only t'ing keeping me from falling into dere grasp is allying my self wit' dis band of do gooders over 'ere!" He pointed toward his teammates who sat quietly waiting to see how this latest episode of dramatic discourse played out. "I got me some skills Captain, skills and talents dat can be used for good or, in de wrong hands,….. can be used in all kinds of bad ways….. Basically you hero types are better off having me around as an ally then as an enemy!" Gambit said with a matter of fact tone with a casual shrug.
"Well Mr LeBeau, I think you are ruling out a third and in all actuality most logical probability,…. We dump your Cajun ass in a S.H.I.E.L.D detention center and that way we don't have to worry about weather you are an asset or a liability from one week to the next!" Ironman mimicked Gambit's casual tone and shrug, his remark receiving an uncomfortable shift in the room. Gambit just snickered and shook his head as he rolled his eyes, muttering French curses under his breath.
"Ain't gonna work out Monsieur Stark… Gambit don't stay put unless he wanna, and I got no intention of spending anytime locked up,…. I be a lot more trouble den I'm worth,….. ain't dat right Nick?" Remy turned his attention to the far corner of the room, staring at what looked like nothing. As if appearing from nowhere Nick Fury stepped forward with an appraising look receiving several hushed whispers.
"Thought I smelled you in here Fury!... We got somethings to talk about!" Wolverine snarled as his fists clenched and he rose from his seat.
"Ironman,….. you have lied to us about the intention of this meeting!" Beast spat, with a furious look.
"Beast I had no idea he was here!" Stark said defensively then turned toward the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. "And how the hell did you mask yourself from my scanners?" Stark demeaned with a shocked and unnerved voice.
"S.H.I.E.L.D has plenty of devices that we,… normal humans can employ to make up for our lack of super power." He answered with a shrug. "We knew this little get together was going down the minute you planned it,… and we have also known that Xiaver has been feeding us information,…. Even though we couldn't trace it and until recently weren't sure how." Fury walked toward the gathered heroes who stood stiff and on edge, eyes glaring at him. His hands where behind his back and he walked about the room casually as Gambit had. " The profiles and contingency plains you each hold in your hands concerning how S.H.I.E.L.D has determined to deal with any of you should you become a problem are authentic,… but have not been submitted for final reviews." Fury spoke with authority as he met eyes with Captain America then looked over to Cyclops who was glaring at him intensely.
"And what the hell dose that mean Fury!" Wolverine barked as he took a few steps forward. Claws on edge.
"It means Logan,… that none of that information has been approved yet and will not be implemented or integrated into S.H.I.E.L.D's protocol unless you give us a genuine cause for concern." He looked around the room with a a steady gaze. " S.H.I.E.L.D is responsible for keeping track of and dealing with all superhuman activity that is or may become a potential threat to the welfare of our planet….. All of you are powerful, elite, and lithely capable fighters and as long as you use your "talents,"….." he looked to Gambit, "for the benefit of mankind then we will not interfere and in many cases will assist you when needed." He walked toward Gambit and sat down on the table's edge looking down at the casually reclining Thief. "Some of you have past connections or transgressions that concern us,…. But as long as you are willing to do whats right by us,…. We are willing to turn a blind eye from time to time….. I have no interest in detaining you Mister LeBeau,… frankly you are a greater risk to my security incarcerated then you are as an X-Man and professional thief." The two men were locked in a stare that was both appraising and challenging. "You are a very dangerous man Gambit and I would rather see you fly with the angels,…. Because we both know the tragic and devastating consequences when you allow your self to be taken under wing of those demons you have tried to brake free of." Their stare was hard, a fierce battle of wills but Remy looked away and swallowed hard. Fury leaned in with a steady and firm voice, a warning not to be taken lightly. "Just remember Gambit,… one day they will find out what happened, and it won't be S.H.I.E.L.D or the Avengers you will have to answer too. Who ever said the truth will set you free never had the pleasure of meeting the complicated and often conflicted, mysterious Mr. LeBeau and his many personas… We will be watching you. I have a personal interest to see how this plays out." Gambit looked back at Fury with a narrowed glare as the Director rose to his feet and walked toward the door.
"Fury!... We ain't done here!" Logan yelled as he held up the file. Nick paused at the door.
"As a matter of fact we are,…. Now you know what S.H.I.E.L.D knows about each one of you,… I suggest you continue to keep your selves in check so that the unpleasant possibilities mentioned in those files doesn't have to become a reality…. And remember,….. we're here for you!" Nick gave a two finger salute with a smirk and exited the room, leaving all to digest what had just taken place. After a few moments Gambit got up looked around the room and with a flat tone spoke with finality.
"We done here." And with that final statement he walked casually toward the door and excited the room. As he took his first few steps down the corridor he felt a great weight lifted from his shoulders as he exhaled and walked with determined steps toward the door that led out to the landing area. As he pushed open the door a gust of wind struck him with force and he stumbled as he heard a taunting laugh carried in the breeze. The prince of thieves who got away, his hands still bloody, soon must pay! The hollow voice whispered as a chill ran down his spin and the beating of his heart echoed the beating of the drums as maniacal laughter drifted through the air and the fire rose up in his chest. Remy clutched his heart and staggered forward, feeling dizzy and out of breath.
"Remy?... You okay Sugar?" Rogue's concerned voice seemed distant and far away even as her worried face stood before him, her eyes wide as she held his face in gloved hands. He shook his head and with hooded eyes and a raspy, out of breath voice he whisper with desperation.
"Take me home Chere,… don't let dem see me like dis! …. Please!" His body trembled as she nodded, not sure what was happening but understanding the vulnerability and panic in his eyes. With out another word she wrapped her arms around him and took to the sky just as the others came out onto the roof. She heard Cyclops call her name but knew she had to get Remy to safety. He had put on a good show, had stood his ground and kept a calm and collected appearance but she could see his exhaustion and now as they flew high over the city she could feel his shields slip as a deep sense of foreboding dread settled upon her, the emotions not her own. She held him tighter and flew faster, away from the watchful eyes of the Avengers, X-Men and S.H.I.E.L.D.
So many questions raced through her worried mind as snippets of the conversation between Gambit and Fury hinted at his early admission of having done terrible things and reminded her of the Loa laughing at the fire about the souls from the other side seeking vengeance. She bit her lip and looked down at her teammate who was breathing heavy as if his body was compressed, struggling to get air. Oh Remy, what kind of trouble did you get your self into and what on earth did you do?! She swallowed hard as she flew on toward the mansion, desperate to let her fears of his past go and to embrace the present and future he could have with the X-Men. In time she would learn the truth but as Fury had suggested, this truth would be anything but liberating and perhaps that is what scared her the most.
The End