Those who know Shizuo Heiwajima know he's not one to be messed with, not in the slightest way.
But that doesn't apply to Kasuka.
Or, Yuuhei Hanejima, as most people know him for his above-average acting skills, not to mention charming good looks that had girls screaming all the way from Japan's furthest edges. Oh, yes, the name was quite familiar as Shizuo's name was, too, but only a few knew that the two were actually siblings, mainly the Orihara twins who'd never stop bugging the poor blonde about it.
To go on, as Cerberus* was to music, Shizuo is to Kasuka – in simpler terms, the sight of his younger brother's face calmed the former bartender down only in a matter of seconds, a lot faster if it's not just a poster or a billboard. Now, not to say that Kasuka blew off his older sibling completely – he always tried to see him whenever he could, but due to the harsh and demanding schedule of his career, it wasn't often.
On a particular morning in, oh, late June, Shizuo was just lying about on his couch watching some redundant TV program. It was just another rerun, but he was off work at the moment, so it didn't bother him as much. As the protagonist embarked on his long, strenuous journey (Shizuo already knew that the guy dies in the end, though…), throughout the show, the blonde began to think about his baby brother. He heard something about him coming to Ikebukuro for only a short while to greet fans before he headed out to France for some romance/comedy movie.
"Hmm…guess I should call him…" Shizuo said to himself and lazily reached for his cell phone in his pocket, but just as soon as he found Kasuka's name of his contacts list, his doorbell rang.
"Ah, dammit…" Shizuo ruffled his hair, a bit annoyed at the interruption. Nevertheless, he rose and trudged slowly to the door, muttering, "I swear, if it's the twins…"
But it wasn't Mairu or Kururi – it was Kasuka.
"Hi, Big Brother," he said in his regular monotone voice that matched his emotionless expression. He had his hands behind his back and kinda titled from side-to-side, almost like he was anxious about something…
"H-hey, Kasuka. I was just about to call you," Shizuo started, "This is actually kinda surprising."
"Yeah, well, I have to board the plane in about half an hour, but Brother…may I ask…a favor?"
A favor? Shizuo thought. It was true that the debt collector would probably jump off a cliff to jagged rocks below for Kasuka, since for one thing, it probably wouldn't even kill him, and the younger of the two already knew that, but it still was kind of embarrassing to ask what he was about to ask.
"Uh, sure," Shizuo replied, "What is it you want me to do?"
Kasuka darted his eyes downward, "Well…um…"
"Big Brother…"
Kasuka, suddenly looking determined, flung his hands above his head and out to Shizuo.
"Will you look after Dokusonmaru?!"
…The cat?
Shizuo looked up at what was in his brother's arms the whole time. It was a white, fluffy cat, a Scottish Fold to be exact, and its huge, round eyes stared right into the blonde's own. It shifted its little paws showing the pink pads underneath, and it mewled at the high position.
Shizuo honestly didn't know what to say, or rather, what to think. He knew Kasuka had a cat, but he wasn't too fond of them. He was more of a dog person, but even with that being said, he didn't really have the time to keep and care for a pet.
If he said yes, it'd be the first time.
"D-dokusonmaru?" he stammered, "I, uh…"
"I can't take my poor little kitty-cat to France. He's never been out of the country before and plus, he hates flying, so will you do it, Big Brother? Please?"
…Combined with the kitten's own piteous eyes, how could he say no to that face?
"Yeah, okay, "Shizuo said finally, taking the small furry creature in his hold, "Just how long will you be gone?"
"Not long. We won't be shooting anything yet, but we're just going there to analyze the setting. It's Friday, so I think I'll be back by Sunday."
"Thank you, Big Brother, "Kasuka bowed, "I owe you."
"Ah, stand up straight," Shizuo lovingly chided him, "I'm sure this'll be no trouble at all."
Shizuo then raised an eyebrow, "Wait, so is there anything I need to buy for him?"
"Oh, no, no," Kasuka replied, then stepped to the right, leaving Shizuo to see almost a mountain of luggage and bags, "This is his stuff. It's his food, toys, and any other things he's gonna need."
"…So all of that's…his stuff…for three days?"
"Ah…okay, then…"
"Good, I should get going," Kasuka gave a small smile and leaned in close to the cat's face, cuddling its nose on its ticklish whiskers.
"I'll be back in no time, my precious little snowflake~ Can you give Daddy a kiss?"
The cat's ears perked for a second, then it nuzzled Kasuka's lips with its own ever so softly. Shizuo could only stand by and watch awkwardly as Kasuka stood up and waved goodbye to both of them. The blonde sighed, wondering what the hell he just got himself into, and held the cat up to get eye-level.
"Well…" he sighed again, "It's just me and you…'snowflake'…"
After Shizuo got all the bags and stuff in (the blonde could've sworn the white cat amusedly stood by the doorframe as he pulled in suitcase after suitcase), he brushed his hands off on his pants and stared at the cat, who gladly stared back.
"…Dokusonmaru, was it?" he scratched his head, then stopped.
He was talking to a freaking cat.
He shook his head and sat right back on his warm spot on the couch, yawning as he stretched. All of a sudden, he felt something light and fuzzy hop on his head. Shizuo groaned as Dokusonmaru pawed at his blonde bangs.
"Quit." was all that he said at first, but when the cat started to meow loudly, Shizuo pried the thing off him and set it on the floor.
"Stay." He commanded, "I dunno what your schedule is with your 'Daddy', but I'm not up for playing right now."
Closing his eyes for some rest, he growled when the felt the cat climb on him again, this time nipping at the blonde's bowtie and pulling it loose.
"I swear to God if you don't stop…" Shizuo seethed as the black bowtie fell to the floor, but he reminded himself that this was Kasuka he was doing this for, and besides, it was only for three days.
What's the worst that could happen?
Shizuo then felt something warm and wet spread in a huge puddle on his chest.
"Oh, you little son of a…"
It was going to be a long three days, but Dokusonmaru only hopped down, licked his paw, and purred happily.
The rest of the day was pure hell. It was like taking care of a baby rather than a feline. When Shizuo prepared Dokusonmaru's meal, he didn't eat it until the cat food was equally distributed throughout the bowl, which took Shizuo at least eight to ten minutes. When the blonde placed his bed out for his nap, he wouldn't sit on it unless it was fluffed first. When Shizuo tried to give him milk, Dokusonmaru wouldn't taste a drop unless it was in a bottle. Not to mention that the clever kitten always used his litter box when the debt collector was out of sight, but he made sure to leave a little "surprise" for him whenever he was around.
They say celebrities can be hard to deal with, but what is up with their pets?! Despite the issues, he'd never think of anything like "accidently" leaving the door open or killing it. Kasuka would never even dream about him again.
So now, it was 11:00 PM - just a staring contest between the two of them. Shizuo looked down once to see the various scratches he'd received during the day. They were on opposite sides of the living room, but the blonde was only so far away from going insane. When it was all too much, he suddenly pointed an accusing finger at the cat.
"Alright, you little bastard," he said behind gritted teeth, "I got an idea. Why don't we have a little fun?"
Dokusonmaru pricked his folded ears. Shizuo had the perfect plan.
Reaching behind his back, Shizuo pulled out a little feathery cat toy attached to a string and a bell. Dokusonmaru wasted no time running up to the plaything and pawing at it.
Shizuo grinned, stepping back some spaces, "Yeah…you like the wittle kitty toy, dontcha?"
He lured the fated feline all the way into the kitchen, and finally, he waved the toy on top of the counter. Dokusonmaru still followed and jumped up as well, only a foot or so away from the kitchen sink.
Shizuo shook the pink feather as the bell jingled wildly, alluring the white cat even further, until he centered it right above the drain.
"C'mon, little kitty, kitty, kitty~" Shizuo cooed, "It's right here – come get it."
At that moment, Dokusonmaru jumped straight into the sink, but Shizuo was too quick, threw the toy to the side, and turned on the faucet, spraying ice cold water all over his white fur. He yowled and squirmed and scratched whatever he got his pink-padded paws on, but, oh, Shizuo was practically dying from his laughter. Small tears rolled down his cheeks as they turned red, and he held his stomach while banging his fist on the counter.
Bad move.
The second his fist connected with the hard-top, Dokusonmaru ran up his arm as if it were just a tree branch and latched onto the blonde's face.
Claws and all.
Shizuo yelled, flailing his arms and bumping into random objects in his house as the cat dug its nails into his cheeks, "Get it off me! Get the hell off me, you little-!"
Both of them stopped simultaneously as Shizuo cell phone rang in his pocket. His growl turned into a gulp when he saw Kasuka's number flash on the screen. Pulling the damp cat off first and holding it by the scruff of its neck, he held the phone to his ear.
"Hi, Big Brother," Kasuka's voice was heard to say, "I'm just calling to check up on Yuigadokusonmaru – how is he?"
Shizuo had no choice but to lie through his teeth, shooting the cat a death glare first.
"Oh, he is just…peachy~"
"Ah, that's good to hear. Not that I think you'd do anything to him, but I miss him already…"
"I'm sure for him it's 'ditto'…"
Kasuka gave a small chuckle, "Anyway, I know it's late, so I'll let you two get some rest. I still can't thank you enough for doing this."
"Like I said, it's not a problem at all…"
"Great – blow him a kiss for me."
"Alright, bye."
As soon it was confirmed that Kasuka had hung up, Shizuo put the phone back in his pocket and held the cat nose-to-nose.
"You know…I actually might hate you as much as Izaya, if not more."
Dokusonmaru bared his teeth and snarled, his fur standing up on its edges as if to say "The feeling's mutual…"
Ah, like I say on my Author Page, I used to be a dog person - now it's cats! If I ever got a Tuxedo cat (it's a real breed - look it up...) I would name it Sebastian, Sebby for short! I'm pretty sure someone's already done that, but there never can be too many Sebastians in the world, ne?
*Cerberus is a mythological three-headed hound that guards the gates of the Underworld. In one case, it was lulled to sleep by a guy named Orpheus who played music for it.
More will be added on to this story!