A/N: Well... this is the first story i'm posting on here, so... take it easy on me!
Disclaimer: I don't own Adventure Time and all that shit.
Also I want to thank xXanime47Xx for spell checking and helping me make this what it is!
Prince Gumball walked into his personal kitchen. It was empty and barren, but it made the prince feel warm. The walls and appliances were colored in different shades of pink. Slowly he walked over to the rack located a few steps to the left from the door. On it hung several aprons, he took the one covered with red hearts (being pink itself) and put it on. Just placing this article of clothing made him feel comfortable, less fake and more like his true self. He took in a deep breath, filling his nostrils with with the smell of familiarity. This was his favorite past time, making delicious creations. It was once in a blue moon that he was given the time to come here, his sanctuary.
Today had been a slow day, the storm had kept most of the candy people inside. The pink teen could hear the distant sounds of the rain pounding against the windows. Lighting could be seen, barely flashing into the high windows above his head. Taking time, Gumball got out what he needed to make some cookies. Pondering for awhile with what kind, he tapped the wooden spoon against his chin, Out on the counter top was a few pots, spoons, flour, sugar, eggs, and milk. Finally deciding on chocolate chip, he quickly added chocolate chips to the pile of ingredients. The prince smiled to himself, thinking maybe he would make more than cookie. With a hum he pulled an empty bowl over to himself, pouring in the ingredients needed for the batter mix, and stirred it at a slow pace. Though, the prince loved being needed he still wished he had more time for activities like this; Sometimes he even longed for it. that's why he really enjoyed days like this one, where sweet syrup fell from the sky in drops and cotton candy clouds turned dark. With a sigh he added in the chocolate chips and continued stirring. When he was done, the prince brought out a pan and fired up the oven.
With a smile the boy began putting the pots into the sink, humming as he did, sliding around in a gracefully, Alamos girl-like manner. Gumball would've never acted Ike that in front of other royals, but in his private quarters, he could act how he wanted. Hell, he could strip naked and dance around and no one would see, well, almost no one. The prince set the oven timer and began on a new creation, a cake. Before he got started though, a rumble erupted from his stomach and he blushed from habit. Since the cookies wouldn't be ready for awhile, Gumball searched through the fridge to find a snack. His crystal blue eyes shone with delight as they went over the perfect item. Strawberries. There was a full container of them on the first row. After getting them out and popping one into his mouth, the teen went to get something to drink. after retrieving a glass, he filled it with water.
As Gumball turned around he was greeted by an unusual sight. Five of the strawberries in the bowl were now gray. Shocked, the prince moved to get a closer look. His shock only grew as two hands found their way over his eyes and a voice rang out, "Guess Who!" The teen was silent in his surprised state. The voice sounded again, "Come on, don't you recognize my voice?" It asked. Gumball did know who it was, but for some reason his voice wouldn't work right.
"M-Ma-" The pitched voice cracked, "Marshall?" A laugh rang out as the hands disappeared from the prince's eyes. He blinked, gazing around to find his intruder, Marshall was sitting on the cabinet, with a strawberry in hand already halfway gray. "Marshall Lee!" Gumball yelled, slightly red in the face.
"Yes," The vampire replied with amusement, "that's my name." The younger boy's face grew even more burgundy.
"What in Glob's name are you doing here?"
"What? I just felt like visiting you..." The elder said in a mock heart tone. "Is that so wrong?"
"But, it's daytime!" gumball protested, his face now completely red with the combination of shock, anger, and embarrassment.
Bubba dear," The king said, "have you even looked outside today?" Gumball mentally kicked himself, remembering that it was storming. No sun equals Marshall. The undead teen lightly floated from the cabinet and tapped Gumball on the nose with a husky chuckle. The prince mumbled something under his breath and crossed his arms. "What's that, Gum-gum?"
"How'd you even get in here?' He said again, louder. "No one is allowed in here but me..." Marshall glanced in the boy's direction, now floating on his back in midair.
"Doesn't that get lonely, being all by yourself?" The king came closer to the pink teen with each softly-spoken word. Instead of replying, the pink haired prince turned around, busying himself with the pots and pans. Marshall still floated, staring at Gumball with sight amusement.
"Don't just st- float there! If you're in here you're going to help me!" The boy ordered, handing Marshall an apron and a bowl. "Make yourself useful." The vampire smiled as he slid on the hot pink apron.
"I can make myself useful in a lot of ways." Gumball movements froze as his face turned an even darker shade of pink. "What are you making anyways?"
Red velvet cake." The one mixing contents around in a bowl, answered hesitantly. "You are hungry, right?" It was Marshall's turn to be shocked. "What, did you think, I didn't notice the color missing from your clothes? Or how fast you drained the color from those strawberries? I notice a lot actually."
Marshall was about to reply when a sound went off. "The cookies! Can you get those?"
"Yeah..." Marsh answered grabbing one of Gumball's oven mitts and opening the oven. The cookies were indeed done and smelled delicious. Marshall took one and tried a little bite. Even if the vampire preferred shades of red, he could eat anything.
"Now can you put those on a plate?" Marshall didn't answer but instead went to get a plate. He returned to see Gumball's progress, he was flabbergasted. The little baker already had the cake batter prepared to place in the oven. Handing them to Marshall, the vampire then placed the two cake pans neatly on the bottom rack. Gumball proceeded to set the timer.
"Want this?" Gumball asked offering up a bowl in his hands filled with batter. Marsh grabbed it.
"Of cource!" Marshall replied and started eating the contents, first draining the color then eating the mix. He noticed Gumball gathered the now-dirty dishes and placed them in the sink. The boy was running some soapy water. Marshall floated over and placed his feet onto the ground. He placed the now empty bowl into the sink and stood behind the busy prince.
Gumball groaned in annoyance and Marshall smiled deviously. Slowly, the king got closer to the younger. He placed his arms under Gumball's and grabbed a dirty pan. The vampires breath bounced onto the gum prince and tier bodies were pressed close. "Need any help?" Bubba froze, shivering slightly with the contact of Marshall's cold skin. His breath was warm against Gumball's neck.
"What are you...?" Gumball started.
"Doing?" Marshall finished for him. "I'm helping." Then, Marsh gripped the other's hand, which was now holding the pain in one hand, and moved it to wash the dirty dish. "Wash," He whispered, brushing his lips against the boy's neck. Since Bubba couldn't trust his voice, he just nodded and followed directions.
They continued this until all the dishes were clean and sitting in the dish rack. But, even so, the two teens didn't move away from one another. Instead, they stood frozen in place, both enjoying the contact. Gumball mustered up his courage and slowly turned around to face the elder. Their breath now tangled in front of them. Just when Marshall was going to move forward, a loud noise rang out, breaking the two apart.
"Uh, the cake's done." Marshall stated with backwardness.
The prince nodded, face crimson, "Yeah.." came the low reply as he walked over to the stove, mitts now on, and took the two pans out. After closing the door, he grabbed a toothpick, sticking it into the cake to check if it was done. It was. Gumball cleared his throat as if he was about to say something, but as he turned around the words died on his lips. Marshall was standing behind him causing the two to come face to face. The vampire king didn't waste any time and forcefully brought their lips together. The kiss didn't last long before Marshall pulled away.
The two teens just stared at one another before Marshall broke the silence, "I'm sorry." He apologized, stanching the back of his head nervously. The prince only smiled at him, face lightly tinged red.
"It's okay," Gumball assured him while grabbing the cake pans. "Ready to decorate?" Marshall was at a loss for words for once. Stunned by the prince's coolness of the situation, the teen floated over to the spacious table, where Gumball stood, without saying a word. "Aren't you going to help? It is for you.." A blush lit his cheeks slightly.
Marshall couldn't help but smile before walking up behind him, feet now on the floor. Doing like he did before, Marsh put his arms in the same position as when washing the dishes. They began putting red frosting on the cake.
"Marshall?" Gumball said quietly. The undead boy made a noise of recognition. "Can I ask you a question?" The prince's voice was steady but hesitant.
"Yeah," The elder asked, "What is it Bubba?" Though Marsh couldn't see it, gumball blushed at the old nickname,
"Why did you kiss me?" the boy asked in a whisper. Marshall stilled, unsure how to answer, "Well... Why did you? I need to know why."
Marshall sighed. "I like you.. I mean, well, more than a friend should... and when the timer went off, I was disappointed. I realized just how much I had wanted to kiss you."
Silence was the reply to Marshall's explanation. And the king grew aggravated. He turned to the younger boy to face him only to see Bubba was trying not to cry. "What's wrong?!" Marshall asked, worry evident in his voice. Gumball smiled.
"I...feel the same way," came the reply, more silence followed. "What now?" Gumball prompted.
"This," Marshall connected their lips and this time Bubba kissed back. Traces of red had smeared on both of their faces. "Want to finish decorating?"
Gumball nodded. "That sounds good," Marshall got back into position once again. "We should do this more often," Marshall chuckled.
"Next time there's a storm, i'm all yours." He Promised, causing laughter from Bubblegum.
"I'll hold you to it." He promised, leaning back and laying his head against the other's chest.
"Y' know, you taste like bubblegum.." the vampire said quietly against the other's ear.
"Is that a bad thing?" Gumball asked surprised by the random comment.
"No," Marsh respond, "I love it." He put his head in the crook of the younger prince's neck and quickly licked a small part. A king of shocked whimper came from the bubble gum-flavored teen's lips.
This went on for awhile as they slowly finished decorating the cake, enjoying each other company.
Well that's all for now. I've got another one already wrote that I may have time to type in the next
two days, no promises though.
Please R&R!