Okay I got this idea from John Tucker Must Die! And I thought it would make a good kick story I have changed somethings. Not all of it just most. If you hate it ill take it down. If not ill keep it up!

Chapter 1: Invisible

Kim's P.O.V.

To everyone besides my family, mainly my mom, I have been invisible. I have actually wondered why I was invisible. I was never out spoken or extremely shy. I have taken karate because my mother said it's good for stress. I think the real reason is because if someone hurts her I can kick their asses. Anyways, my name is Kimberly Anne Crawford. This story isn't about me it's about Jackson Brewer! Well actually it's about the both of us.

My mom had a dating problem. She would date these jerks and let them in her pants and I would watch them leave in the morning. Behind her back, I would call then skipper. We established a way to mend the broken heart….double chocolate fugde frosting with as many different types of junk food as we can find. I am surprised im not fat by now. After the frosting, we would pack up and move to a different city. I was used to never saying goodbye. I was never in a place long enough make any real friends. So every time I arrived at a new school, for about 10 minutes I was the bad girl or the teacher's pet.

One time I had it with a teacher and yelled at her. Another girl go in trouble even though I willingly said I did it. No one noticed me. The all said their "oohs" and random laughing. But no matter what I was invisible.

Okay back to Jack Brewer. He is the school player, 3rd degree black belt, most athletic, bad boy, and did I mention major hottie. He dates girls in different cliques so he won't get caught dating more than one at a time. He lies, but the praise him like some type of god. I have been here for 2 months and I have seen him make out with like 100 girls. His best friends weren't really better except Milton. He was dating the "hottest" nerd. Jack doesn't have siblings but he has the school wired.

I know it seems like I am jealous of all these girls but really. He can stay away from me. I never had a boyfriend and I obviously don't want one. Don't get me wrong he is let's say yummy according to most girls. He is currently dating Donna Tobin, Lindsey I don't know last name, and Kelsey Wright. He takes them all to the same restaurant and same exact table. Your thinking how do you know this. I swear im not a stalker. I'm usually their server. I work at said restaurant. It's called Phil's. they never notice me because I am invisible.

The first time I talked to Jack Brewer, I was calm and collected. Okay maybe I studdered and he asked if I had a problem and being the very open person I am. I said what was in my mind. The next day he walks by me at school. Looks in my direction, but looks past me. I would never caught his eye. Maybe it's a good thing.