Here's the second chapter. Sorry for the long wait. Been real busy lately. R&R!

"You're what?!"

"Relax, babe. It's only a bet." He smiled down at his girlfriend, blue eyes shining. They were at her house, on the couch, cuddling. Sharpay pulled away from him, frowned, and folded her arms.

"How could you make a bet without telling me? How dare Chad offer something like this!"

"Babe, it's a bet..."

"How do I know you won't screw her?"

Troy laughed. "Babe. Seriously. Her?"

Sharpay rolled her eyes. She wasn't buying it. "I know you, Troy... You'd screw any girl... Remember the last time?"

Troy sighed. 'Yeah, I do remember... But I didn't fuck her...' So he kissed the French exchange student, big deal.. He was drunk at the time! "Come on, babe. The bet isn't for fun or anything. At least, not for me. It's only so me and the other guys can get free tickets to the next Lakers game..."

Sharpay didn't respond. "Please? It's VIP..." She sighed. She couldn't say no to those puppy dog eyes. 'Once you really think about it, he wouldn't go for someone like Kelsi. Besides, I'll warn her tomorrow about not trying to try anything silly on him...'

"Fine... As long as you don't screw her. Or kiss her. Or do anything to get her hopes up..."

Troy smirked and kissed her. "Thanks, babe... I knew you wouldn't disappoint!" The blonde beauty just rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Just don't fuck her..."

"So... How'd it go?"

"Surprisingly, she didn't pull of that 'possessive' attitude on me. She just showed some jealousy..." Troy laughed. "She thinks I wanna screw the girl..."

Chad raised an eyebrow. "Do you?"

"I don't know... I mean, she's nice and all... But..." Troy sighed. 'Kelsi's a nice girl. Cute too.. And smart..But... Do I really wanna...?'

He shook his head. 'I shouldn't be thinking of stuff like this. Much less talking about it with my best friend...' Chad smirked. "You do..."

"No..." He gulped. Chad's question really caught him off guard. 'What's wrong with me?' He grunted. 'Why am I feeling so ...weird?' Chad laughed. "Just admit it, dude. You do wanna screw her..."

Troy 'tsked'. "Whatever..." Chad smirked knowingly. "You were at loss for words earlier. I know you wanna do her... That's fine. After all, that's all there is to it. Right, dude?"

"Change topic, man..."

"Hey man, it's okay. It's hormones... Nothing serious..." Troy didn't respond. Chad smiled. "I won't tell Sharpay, don't worry..."

"That's not what I'm worried about..."

"You going to Sharpay's party next week?"

Kelsi looked up from the book she was reading, Tara Road. Gabriella was right in front of her, smiling hugely, her dark brown eyes sparkling.

"No..." She frowned. "I wasn't invited and..." She raised an eyebrow. "What party?"

Gabriella plopped down on Kelsi's bed. "She's having a party on Friday, next week. A normal teen party. Drugs, cigarettes, sex..."

Kelsi blushed. "That's normal? It's so unlike you to mention stuff like that..."

Gabriella blushed, giving her friend a sheepish smile. "Sorry, it's just, Sharpay invited me and..." Her voice trailed off.


"Well, I'm kinda excited to go..."

Kelsi knitted her eyebrows. "How did this happen? Since when did you start hanging out with Sharpay..."

"I don't hang out with her..." Gabriella bit her lip. "You see, earlier, Sharpay went up to me, out of the blue, and said I was invited to her party..."


"She was super nice when she asked me..." She hung her head.

"You're not mad... Are you?"

"It's just an act..." Gabriella's head snapped up, a look of surprise written on her face.

Kelsi sighed. "I mean, why else would she invite you? Probably just to make my life more sucky..."

"How is her inviting me to a party making your life sucky?"

"She's obviously trying to steal you from me..."

Gabriella laughed. "I think you're overreacting. Maybe she wants to be friends with us. Besides, I can bring anyone I like with me to the party... Meaning you and Taylor."

Kelsi frowned. "Since when did you think Sharpay's nice? You know she's a demon. I think she just wants to embarrass me in front of her party guests when I get there..."

Her fists clenched. "Probably 'accidentally' spill juice on my clothes or push me into the pool..."

"I don't think so..."

"You just think she's nice coz she invited you to her party, Gab... You think she wants to change just because she invited us to her stupid party... You should know that..."

Gabriella didn't respond. "Anyway, who would want to go to a party that involves drugs, sex, cigarettes, alcohol and loud music?"

"You're right..." Gabriella looked down. "I'll just tell her tomorrow that we can't go..."

Kelsi stood up and sat down next to the dark-haired beauty, putting an arm around her shoulder. "Hey, don't look so glum. We can have a sleepover next week. Same time as Sharp's party. Just me, you and Taylor..."

Gabriella smiled. "You know what, you're right. We don't need to go to that brown-eyed monster's party..."

"What ARE you worried about?"

"When I start this... Bet thing... When I actually start, I don't want to lead her on..."

"What? That's the whole point of the bet! You agreed to it!" He punched Troy in the arm. "You're not having second thoughts, are you, dude?"

"Well, once you really think about it... Hurting her feelings... Is not really what I want to do..."

Chad rolled his eyes. "I don't understand you! You were up for it ealier! So eager! Now you're having second thoughts? What is wrong with you? She's just a nerd..." He looked Troy in the eye. "Do you like her or something?"

"No..." He said quickly. "I just feel bad her. Her life is already as bad as it, I don't want to add to that. She's already being tortured... I don't want to add to her pain by leading her on... Playing with her feelings..."

"She's. A. Nerd." He scoffed. "She'll get over it..."

"I don't know... I don't think so.."

"Come on, man..."

"I don't know, man. I'll probably be the first guy that 'liked' her. I don't wanna ruin her first time... Having a boyfriend... That's suppose to be special for - "

"Just tell me right now if you want to back out of our bet."

Troy sighed, closing his eyes. "I really don't know..."

Terrible grammar. I know. Working on it. Anyway, thanks for reading!