Ryuzaki Sakuno Tales

III: Dahlia 2 (I never told you)

By: Reinne141



The auburn-haired girl slowly moved to sit on the edge of her bed and reached for the offending alarm clock, the sunlight pouring through the window and giving some light to her room. She knew she's already late for work.. but she didn't care. A feeling of emptiness started to spread from the core of her very being and she unconsciously placed her delicate fingers on her chest, on the part where her heart is supposed to be.

All she wants to do is just stay in bed and let this dreaded day pass.

It's been almost a year now since she lost the one person she loved the most.. Five days from now.. will mark Seiichi's first death anniversary.

And up until now, Sakuno still can't accept the cruel fate that has befallen on them. She just can't.. She just can't forget him.

Her friends' efforts to make her happy and see other guys only made her feel annoyed. What part of the phrase 'I don't want another fixed date' can't they understand? She knows they just want to make her feel better but..- she can't help but feel a little miffed. She didn't want to see anyone and pretending to be happy in another guy's company will be completely unfair to the person they're forcing her to date.

Because.. like what she said before, Seiichi already has her heart.. and when he died, he brought it along to his grave.

The day he died.. was the day she lost her heart.

And she knows she can never love again. Never in her life.. can she ever love like that again.

The girl misses him so much.. and knowing that she can never see him again is excruciatingly painful, like a torture device designed to drill a hole through her repeatedly, not giving it even a second to heal. She's barely living.. barely holding on. Seiichi certainly won't like what she's doing to herself but.. what can she do? She misses him so much.. so very much.

(A/N: I never told you by Colbie Caillat)

Glancing at her nightstand, she took notice of the lone picture there placed beside the lampshade and lifted it up.. it's a photo of both of them during her last day in highschool. He came to congratulate her even though he was supposed to take an important exam that day. Sakuno's hands tightened its hold as she saw his blue eyes in the picture.. full of life, warmth and happiness.. fondly looking at the auburn-haired girl beside him.

I miss those blue eyes..

And as always, his lips.. were curled into a pleasant smile. Sakuno flinched as the memory of him kissing her forehead in front of her doorstep made itself appear in her mind. His kisses.. were something she really looked forward to whenever they were going home. Soft and gentle.. yet reassuring in a way, like telling her that even though they'll be apart for the night, they'll see each other again tomorrow.. so sleep tight and have sweet dreams.

How you kiss me at night..

Another memory of him flashed in her mind.. but this time, it was during one of their sleepovers.

She had this habit of sleeping halfway through the film whenever they're having a movie marathon.. she felt so comfortable beside him that she'd usually end up sleeping on his shoulder.. the next day, she'd find herself lying on her bed. There were other times.. when she'd wake up and realize that they hadn't moved at all because he fell asleep too and the television is still on.

I miss the way we sleep..

Then he'd wake up.. and smile at her.. that beautiful smile that always makes her melt inside. That's why she loved being with him.. because his smile would always lift her spirit up, give her a positive vibe and at the same time, make her heart skip a beat. He has the most charming and dazzling smile.. that she'd always feel herself falling for him even more, no matter how many times she'd seen it.

Like there's no sunrise, like the taste of your smile..

I miss the way we breathe..


"Hai, I'll be going now."

She watched him hurriedly grab his clear book and place his bag on his chair.

"Wish me luck."

Sakuno can't help it..

"..I love you."

He heard the girl whisper so he turned, "Again?"

Sakuno, you baka. "Ganbatte."

..She was not able to tell him what she really felt. How come she didn't even notice that he was feeling the same way too?

But I never told you what I should have said..

No, I never told you, I just held it in..

And she regrets how much time she wasted, how dense she was for not telling anything, and for not sensing that he was in the same situation as she was. She's in love with him.. and he was in love with her.. but they never got together because they were afraid.. Stupid.. she felt so stupid..

Oh, how she misses him so much.. That even after a year, she still can't accept everything that happened. She loves him still..

But it's too late.

And now, I miss everything about you..

I can't believe it, I still want you..

"So.. will you still tell on me?"


"You're asking for it", his right hand tickled her sides and Sakuno almost doubled over in laughter. She tried to stop him but with his left arm around her, it's no use!

"No! St-Stop, Don't-haha! You know I'm ticklish! Please, Don't! Aah, Seeeiiichiii-kun!", her pleas fell on deaf ears as Seiichi bursted into laughter and continued tickling her.

And after all the things we've been through,

I miss everything about you, without you..

She misses him so much that she can see him almost everywhere.

In his former office, typing on his laptop..

In the conference room, giving his presentation to a bunch of awe-stricken officials..

At the park, sitting on their favorite bench with an ice cream in hand..

At the mall, walking beside her while gazing at the glass windows..

His memories continue to haunt her, even in her own home where he has memories in every corner of it.

In her living room, watching a movie while sitting on the sofa..

In her kitchen, washing the dishes they just used..

In the guest room, resting peacefully with his earphones in his ears..

And the worst of all..

In her bedroom, lying beside her with his blue eyes watching her intently.

And no matter what she does, when she's awake.. she can see fragments of him.. and when asleep.. her dreams are plagued by him.

A soft chuckle reached the girl's ears and she sleepily "Hmm?"-ed while comfortably snuggling on the warm and fragrant..- Another chuckle followed and Sakuno's hazy mind slowly registered that familiar sound.. She willed herself to open her eyes and when she did.. she was welcomed by a pair of beautiful blue orbs looking straight into hers.

"Ohayou, Sakuno-chan.."

I see your blue eyes, everytime I close mine,

You make it hard to see..

"And you know.. I do think we'd make a fine couple one day", the handsome lad chuckled, hugged her from behind and placed his chin on her shoulder.

Where I belong to, when I'm not around you,

It's like I'm not with me..

"I love you..", she muttered as a tear trickled down her cheeks. "I love you..", Sakuno gasped out a sob, "I-I love you..", as her index finger traced his face on the photo..

But she knew it's too late now. No matter how many times she repeat those words, she knew nothing can return him back to her..

But I never told you what I should have said..

No, I never told you, I just held it in..

"His works? Ah- I haven't seen them yet. Do you have some samples?", and they continued on talking, eating and transferring the food they don't like, while Michiko just stared at them with an odd look on her face. All of a sudden..

"You're like an old married couple."

And now, I miss everything about you..

Still, you're gone..

Sighing, the girl just nodded obediently and continued to walk.. The both of them not noticing that they were still holding each other's hands.

I can't believe it, I still want you..

Sakuno halted walking and eyed the road that she and Seiichi usually goes to after work.. It's the way to the park. He must be there now, waiting for her.. Should she just go there?

But then she shifted her brown orbs to the left and realized that it's the road that will be leading her to Kawamura sushi.. to where Ryoma is..

She stepped towards it but.. it's like something.. something is telling her to go the other way.

'Sakuno.. stop it', she thought and prepared herself to face the man who left her for his dreams.

'I have to do this.. Once and for all..'

And I'm lovin' you, I never should've walked away..

"Are you angry at me?"

Finally, the auburn-haired girl raised her head,

"Why would I be angry?"


"You have some arrangements left to do for the exhibition tomorrow, right? I think you should go finish them now.."

After all the things we've been through..

Because what she saw in the studio.. displayed on its walls, being praised by the clients, critics, the press and art connoisseurs..

.. are paintings of her.

They were all her. Every single one of them.

I know it's never gonna come again..

.. They were dahlia flowers.

Familiar bouquets of dahlia flowers were arranged beautifully along the halls.. complimenting the theme of the exhibition. Written under each and every paintings.. is its theme.

"My Beautiful Dahlia Flower.."

Just like what was written on the cards she received.

I miss everything about you, without you..

Incomplete. That's the perfect word for her right now. Like.. something had been ripped from her and now she'd forever clutch her chest for its missing piece: Her heart.

She got up from her position and took some papers out of a white drawer beside her study table. It's a copy of the documents the court sent her, inviting her to attend a hearing and stand witness against the suspects.. those awfully heartless men..

She immediately recognized one of them as the police officers asked her of what she knew about those insufferable bastards. When she asked how they found out, they said that the rascals voluntarily surrendered (which really stupefied them) and afterwards, the police introduced her to the star witness.. the little boy they met at the park. It was Kei.

"I-I told my sister to go get help and I stayed hidden in the bushes..", Kei gulped and his eyes looked thoughtful, "I saw them.. They were trying to hurt him.. and one of them said that he should just give them the necklace.."

Sakuno's chocolate-brown eyes amplified in shock.. the necklace..?

"N-Nii-san.. was putting up a good fight.. He was- He appeared to be dizzy but.. he was fighting them and.. and he almost won.."

The girl started to shake but Sanada's reassuring hand calmed her a bit. He himself looked grim.. and whenever his eyes would dart towards the culprits, he'd look murderous and all but he knew God is on their side and justice will prevail. Those damn scoundrels will get what they deserve.. and he'll make sure of that. That night.. he had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. And.. he even received a short call, and in the middle of it, he was sure he heard the name 'Seiichi'. The voice.. the voice strangely sounded like.. someone he knew.

"..But.. when he was starting to get away.. H-He.. just stopped. He froze.. and I don't know why. It was like he was looking at something.. One of them took the chance and stabbed him..", the little boy started to cry, "..The others started shouting that he shouldn't have done that.. that it was not what they planned.. then they grabbed the necklace from him.. and they ran. They left him there.. out in the cold."

Sakuno heaved a deep sigh and smiled sadly.. at least they're now behind bars..

But.. still.. it's not enough.. she can't feel any satisfaction in that. Still, it's not enough. It won't suffice. No.. not enough.. not..

Her orbs caught sight of another paper in her drawer and she bit her quivering lip.

If only..



"I think this is yours..", and Michiko gave her a small paper that seemed familiar to her. She unfolded it and a cold shiver travelled down her spine.

'The man who has loved you for a long time,

Or the man who now wants to be back in your life?

But be careful of the path you'll choose to take,

For it will decide you and your soulmates's fate'

It was the paper the fortune-teller gave her. The one she never bothered to read.

She suddenly wondered.. how in the world did she predict something like that? Like what her Inui-senpai would say.. this is illogical. Shaking her head, the auburn head went back to her bed and curled into a ball.. her tears drenching her pillow.

Why did the fates had to be harsh to them?

Now.. she doesn't have anyone to hug her and make her smile. No one to see the sunset with.. No one to spend the rest of her days with. What if.. what if it never happened..? What if he didn't die- an image of him waiting near the altar, looking handsome in his tuxedo and her walking down the aisle, wearing a white gown, flashed in her mind.. it would've been magical.. truly magical.

They could've had three kids.. one who'll look exactly like Seiichi, one who'll look exactly like her and one who'll be a combination of the two of them.. with long ocean blue hair and warm chocolate-brown eyes.. he or she would've certainly looked gorgeous.

But now, it's never gonna happen. She'll never be able to be wed to him, they won't have a lovely family and they won't be able to grow old together. It's now all just a dream that will never come true.

Hugging the small paper close to her, the auburn-haired girl drifted off to sleep.. her thoughts lingering on her lost love.


"Do you believe in second chances?"

It was cold and dark.. not a light can be seen anywhere but the girl felt no fear. She didn't know why.. but it was like something tells her there's no reason for her to be afraid. Stepping forward carefully, she squinted her eyes and tried to adapt but to her dismay, the girl can see nothing.

The question echoed in her ears and she furrowed her eyebrows together: Second chances?

She wished she could.

Getting her thoughts together, she inferred that she must be in a dream. But what kind of dream is this where all she can see is darkness?

"I warned you.. I tried to.."

Blinking twice.. thrice.. she tried to follow what the serene voice just said. It sounded like she was in a closed room as the sound bounced and a wave of echoes followed. Tried to.. warn.. Tried to..?'

Something suddenly invaded her mind and her chocolate-brown orbs widened..

'The man who has loved you for a long time..

Or the man who now wants to be back in your life?

But be careful of the path you'll choose to take,

For it will decide you and your soulmate's fate..'

"W-Who are you?", Sakuno spun around, trying to find the origin of the voice.

"It's heart-breaking to see the two of you like this.. A hapless young man separated from his beloved muse. Oh.. such love story is not something we see everyday.."

Again, she whirled, "Who are you?", inquired the girl, startled.

"It's something that you do not have the need to know.. We've met before.. but.. it matters not now. Be grateful.. for we have been watching you for a long time and I myself have agreed to this..", a hint of joy was obvious in her tone and Sakuno's confusion escalated.. she has a feeling she knows what this person is talking about but.. she didn't want to believe it. Is her mind playing tricks on her now? Oh great. She must be going crazy.

"No, you are not losing your sanity, trust me."

Feeling herself gape at the statement, Sakuno started to stammer incoherent string of words, "H-How did- What did you-.. Impossi- What are you.. Please, explain further.. I-I don't understa- This is just a dream- ne? How can you-"

A soft laugh sounded and the girl's cheeks flushed.

"Do not worry.. Just heed my words and you will do fine."

"What do you mean?"

A sound from her far left made the girl turn but since it was too dark, she can't see if there was anyone there.. "You will be given three tries to change what has occurred. Fail.. and you will never be able to see your love again. Not even in your afterlife. Not in heaven.. nor hell. That is the price you'll have to pay. Not everyone is given this kind of opportunity and you must seize this to correct what has gone wrong. You will return to the times you want to change the most.. and will be given a chance to right it..", the surreal voice sounded near.. like it was coming right in front of her but it sounded far at the same time.

Three tries.. to save Seiichi? Impossible.. But..

.. She wanted it to be true.

"You do not have much time.. You must wake now.."

"D-Demo, this is impossible, I have more to ask-", a sliver of light appeared and the auburn head ceased from speaking.. Wh-What..

"Sakuno.. Do you believe in second chances?"

Hesitating, the girl remained silent.. which made the owner of the voice smile.

"Well then..", a hand touched her shoulder and she felt herself being pulled..

"..You should."



A soft chuckle reached the girl's ears and she sleepily "Hmm?"-ed while comfortably snuggling on the warm and fragrant..- Another chuckle followed and Sakuno's hazy mind slowly registered that familiar sound.. She willed herself to open her eyes and when she did.. she was welcomed by a pair of beautiful blue orbs looking straight into hers.

"Ohayou, Sakuno-chan.."

But I never told you..

Oh. God. Impo.. Impossi..- With her eyes locked on him, staring as if she was afraid that he'll disappear if she tries to blink, her hands made its way unto his chest.. his solid, and warm chest.. and she felt something underneath her palm.. his heartbeat.

What I should've said..

Gasping a sob, she exclaimed in disbelief, "Seiichi-kun!", then threw herself to the surprised young lad beside her on the bed. Sakuno wrapped her slender arms around him in a tight hug and cried, "S-Seiichi.."

No, I never told you..

"Sakuno? Eh, what's wrong?", Seiichi tilted her chin and smiled- his smile that she longed for so much. She just shook her head and continued to cry.. "Saa.. You must've had a bad dream. I'm here now.. ne, Sakuno-chan?"

I just held it in..

A bad dream.. Yes.. it must've been just a bad dream, ne? It was impossible in the first place.. Seiichi will never leave her.. He won't even think about leaving her, right?

He's here now. Here. Right now.. He won't leave.. He will never leave her.

And now, I miss everything about you..

I can't believe it, I still want you..

The girl tightened her hug and leaned on his chest, inhaling his familiar scent. Smiling affectionately, the blue-haired lad returned her embrace and they stayed like that for a while, a heavenly feeling settling in them..

After all the things we've been through..

I miss everything about you, without you..


"It was just a dream.. right? B-But.. what if.. it's not? How will I explain this to him?", the auburn head clasped her dainty hands together anxiously, "..But what if.. I'm just dreaming right now?", then she proceeded to pinch herself and all it gave her is a stinging red mark on her cheek and a proof that she is not dreaming indeed. "I don't understand.."

"You're talking to yourself, Sakuno-chan..", and she felt a pair of firm arms engulf her in a hug from behind. Her smile widened and she felt so blessed.. she had never felt this happy since he.. left, "What's got you so worried?"

"Betsuni..", and she reached for the ladle, the blue-haired lad still glued on her back. But she prefers this than to have him taken away from her. She prefers this much, much more.

That stupid dream certainly got into her.

"You know, I think we'd make a fine couple one day..", she heard him speak while hugging her, then he placed his chin on her shoulder.

Giggling happily, she replied, "I think so too.."

And it made the blue-haired lad stiffen behind her.

She wondered.. was his death really a dream? But if it was.. then why did it feel so real? And to think that a year passed! And.. if it really was not true.. does that mean his confession.. including his paintings.. the exhibition.. they're not real too? She feels so confused now.

It really was impossible.. because if he really is dead, then he shouldn't be with her right now. There must be a logical explanation for this.

She felt him detach himself from her and she turned her attention back to the soup. But she was barely finished when she heard three familiar words rang behind her.

"..I love you.."

Sakuno froze.. if that was a dream.. then why is it so similar to what's happening now? Yes.. she can still remember that the same thing occurred before.. she thought he said 'I lov-'.. Kami-sama.. With her heart thrashing inside her chest.. she slowly whirled.

But no one was there.

Then she heard the sound of shuffling feet upstairs.

Oh God. Just the same as.. Oh no..

This is almost exactly the same as what happened a year ago when he slept over in her house after watching a movie.. It was not a dream, it's real!


And just like what happened in her 'dream', Sakuno received a bouquet of dahlia flowers, Seiichi left early from work.. and if her guess was right.. she knew she'd find him in a restaurant, talking to the coordinator of the studio where they'd hold the exhibition, relaying his plans for a grand confession.

How she wished she was wrong.. it was okay if his exhibition wasn't real, even if he didn't love her.. just.. just don't let this be true. Because if it is, then he really was meant to die.

Walking faster to the mall, she turned on a corner and just like what she predicted.. there he was.. holding a necklace with a flower-shaped crystal pendant and talking animatedly to a red-haired woman.

"You will be given three tries to change what has occurred. Fail.. and You will never be able to see your love again. Not even in your afterlife. Not in heaven.. nor hell. That is the price you'll have to pay. Not everyone is given this kind of opportunity and you must seize this to correct what has gone wrong. You will return to the times you want to change the most.. and will be given a chance to right it.."

This can't be real.. Impossible. Then it means.. Oh God, please don't. No.

"I can't let him die.. I can't.."

So it was true..? And now she's here.. and she was given the chance to save him from the impending danger.. Sakuno can't understand what happened.. how it happened and why it happened.. but.. she's certainly not going to waste this.. she's going to make sure that he'll survive.. and that he'll live a happy life with her afterwards.


Gripping her phone tightly, Sakuno ended her call with Seiichi. Moments later, she typed something on her phone which read:

'Gomen, Ryoma-kun. I won't be able to come tomorrow.'

If she doesn't see him, then Seiichi won't have any reason to wait for her at the park, right?

This will work. She'll save him. He'll live.. he will.


The next morning, Sakuno greeted Seiichi with a big smile and embraced him, much to the latter's surprise. The auburn head sure is being sweeter to him.. and he likes it.

"Ne, Seiichi-kun, you'll walk home with me, right?", the girl stepped back to look at him.

"Of course, I wasn't here yesterday and I have to make up to you. And if you're lucky, I might just treat you to some ice cream too..", the handsome lad patted her head tenderly and Sakuno can't help but lean to his touch.. she missed him so much. He was gone for a year and she certainly won't let him go anywhere this time.

Feeling a bit warm inside, Seiichi closed the distance between them and once again, hugged her. He didn't know why.. but.. he has this strong urge to just imprison her in his arms and never let her go. His lips broke into a smile and he hugged her closer to him.

"OMG! You guys! Finally!", a squeal made them look on the door and they both saw Michiko who was holding her phone and seemed like taking a picture of the both of them. "Why didn't you tell me?! Yaaa! After so many years! Oh freakin' God!"

Sakuno rolled her chocolate brown eyes, glee apparent in them. Well.. Seiichi will confess to her on Friday, right? She'll just have to wait then. But for now..

"Michiko-chan..", the auburn-haired girl laughed softly. Seiichi thought she'll say something like 'Stop that..' or 'We're just friends..' but this time, she didn't.. and it made him so happy that he almost smothered her again with his hug, if not for the fact that Michiko was there, gawking at them. So he settled on just ruffling her hair lovingly and giving the black-haired girl a wink.

He didn't know what's happening to Sakuno.. but he's thankful to whatever that is.


Walking home together had never felt this good. Seiichi squeezed the girl's palm with his thumb and Sakuno beamed at him. She held his hand as soon as they left the building and he felt like the happiest man alive. She's so endearing.. that he wanted so much to kiss her and tell her how much he adores her..

Tomorrow.. he'll tell her everything. And if Sakuno is feeling the same, then.. he smiled at the thought.

He made sure that she's walking on the safer side of the sidewalk, since she has this tendency to walk on the road while spacing out. The handsome lad shook his head as a memory of her five years ago almost getting hit by a car replayed in his mind. It was a good thing he pulled her out of the way just in time.

"Where are we going?"

Seiichi turned to look at her and replied, "..To the park."

The girl, as soon as she heard Seiichi say the last word, stopped all of a sudden so he halted as well and tilted his head questioningly,


"I-I don't think we should go there.. Ano.. Let's just go somewhere else, ne?"

He noticed something in her eyes.. like fear.. and he knitted his brows, why would she be afraid of the park?

"Saa.. I promised to buy you some ice cream, right? A promise is a promise so.. come on." The blue-haired lad tugged on her but she still didn't move.. "Sakuno..?"

"Let's just go home.. we can just watch a movie.. or we can go to the mall.. or we can- please..", a faraway expression occupied her eyes, mixed with fear and.. and something he can't put a finger on.

"Why? What's wrong with the park?", asked Seiichi whose curiosity is now piqued.

"Let's just go.. Now.. Seiichi.."




A sob. "-..I-I don't wanna lose you.. Let's just go.."

That astounded him.

"Sakuno.. what do you mean?", he placed both of his hands on the girl's shoulders and made her look at him directly. He looked thoughtful for a moment.. What is she- then he remembered what happened the other day when she woke up crying and his blue eyes lit up. The blue-haired lad smiled reassuringly, "Naru hodo.. Is this about your dream? Does it have something to do with you losing me?", he chuckled, "You won't lose me. Ne? It's just a dream.."

The auburn head looked up with tearful eyes.. considering telling him the truth but.. will he believe her? What will his reaction be? What if he just- She nibbled on her lips nervously.. while Seiichi felt his stomach sink as he watches her. She must've been so scared.. "I promise you.. you won't lose me." And to prove his point, he pulled her and led the way to the park.


The sun hasn't set yet and Sakuno breathed a sigh of relief. According to the autopsy, the incident that ended Seiichi's life happened a quarter of an hour after nine. All they have to do is just leave early and he'll be safe..

"Here..", a strawberry ice cream appeared in her line of vision and she smiled at the blue-haired lad. Seiichi sat beside her and they both indulged themselves with the ice creams. "Isn't that Kei-kun and Aya-chan? It's almost six now and I don't think it's right to just let them wander outside unsupervised."

Sakuno suddenly remembered Kei's role in his court hearings. If he only knew.. that those kids still play here even in the late hours of the night.. that they even witnessed something their innocent eyes shouldn't have seen.

"You're really fond of children, ne?", Sakuno licked the side of her cone.

Seiichi chuckled and gently wiped some of the ice cream off her chin, "Hai, that's why.. well.. I'd like to have my own kids someday. It'll be nice to see some little Seiichi's running around here..", he subtly glanced at the girl beside him before lowering his hand and said, "..And some little Sakuno's as well."

Sakuno's heart pounded wildly against her rib cage and a pink tint rose on her cheeks. She looked away.. while trying to suppress a smile from forming on her lips. Unknowingly, Seiichi did just the same.

"Ano.. Um.. I think we should go now.. We still have a movie we didn't finish watching, right?", the girl asked. She stood up and brushed off the non-existent dust from her skirt.

"Hai..", the blue-haired lad laid out his hand for her to hold, which she took, "Let's go." The couple walked past the other people and went on their way. Sakuno felt contentment when she saw how.. alive he is. Relief making its way unto her, she sighed and told herself again and again.. 'It'll be over soon..'

It'll be over soon.

And apparently, she was right.

"Kei-kun! Matte!"

"Catch me if you- AYA!"

In a split second, she felt his hold on her hand loosen and a whirlwind of blue dashed unto the road, right on the exact area where the little girl is. A loud honk was heard, followed by screams and horrified yells. With her mouth agape and her heart frozen.. Sakuno watched as Seiichi pushed the girl out of the way.. and he got slammed to the pavement by a black car, his head hitting the concrete road, blood instantly gushing out of an obvious wound and splattering on the air. He fell to the ground like a beautiful life-less doll.. with his ocean blue hair swaying in front of his face which was devoid of any emotion.

She should've gripped him more tightly.. She shouldn't have let him go.. She should've held him back.. She should've-


But I never told you..

The girl rushed to the lad who was lying on his back, his arm twisted in a painful way and his breath ragged. Her hand touched his hair and she was terrified of the dark red liquid that she felt sticking to her fingers. Sakuno's chest constricted painfully and she held his shoulders..

What I should've said..

"Please wake up! Please wake- Seiichi-kun, wake up! Don't do this to me!", she begged him, "You said I'm not going to lose you! You promised me! A promise is a promise, right? Seiichi, don't! No!", she shook him desperately, her tears streaming down her face uncontrollably. This can't be happening.. why..? Why, why, why?!

No, I never told you..

The people started to crowd around them, the others went unto Kei and Aya while some already called for help. "Miss, we're going to get help for him, don't wo-"

But she didn't hear them. Her focus is only for the blue-haired lad right now.. why wouldn't he move? Answer, darn it!

"Seiichi, please don't leave me!"

No movement.

I just held it in..


The pool of blood started to spread and her knees felt wet.. this can't be..



And her world stopped.

And now, I miss everything about you..

"Seiichi?", her chocolate brown eyes widened and she leaned closer, "S-Seiichi?!"

Breathing roughly, the man tried to open his blue eyes and lift his other hand to her face..

"Saa..", he coughed and a small trail of blood appeared on the side of his lips. "Y-You're crying.."

I can't believe it, I still want you..

"Stay awake, ne? The ambulance will be here soon, okay? How are you fee-", a finger stopped her from speaking further.. the lad slowly smiled.. and the tugging in her heart she once felt before.. the pricking she felt that Thursday night when he waited for her.. returned.

"..Don't cry, Sakuno.."

Please, don't..

"No.. Please.."

Not again.. No.. Please, no..

After all the things we've been through..

"-miss you..", Seiichi said as crystal-like tears trickled down his cheeks from his blue eyes. He felt so.. light now. But.. he can't leave yet. He didn't even had the chance to tell her his true feelings.. He can't leave yet. "I-I.."

Please, no..

"Seiichi..", Sakuno grabbed his hand and held them.. Not ready to let go again. "You'll be fine! Please!", She's not ready.. she can't lose him again. She won't be able to take it..

I miss everything about you, without you..

The blue-haired lad gasped in pain but he still didn't lose his gentle smile.. He tried to speak again but his body won't let him anymore. Tears cascaded down his face as darkness filled his vision.. Sakuno's beautiful face fading from his sight. Just when he was about to tell her everything.. Why now.. "-I.."

Kami.. Just a second longer..


And darkness surrounded him.

As a blue strand of hair was cut by the fates.. Seiichi's smile slowly disappeared. And soon after.. Sakuno found herself losing consciousness.


Opening her chocolate brown eyes, the auburn-haired girl realized that she's once again in that dark place where she spoke to that serene voice days ago. She looked around.. and an image of Seiichi lying on the ground registered in her mind, "S-Seiichi.. No..", she became frantic and tears started to well up on her eyes again. He was bloody.. and in so much pain.. "Seiichi! No!", she screamed as the pain for losing him the second time around tore her heart. She can't bear it.. He died again and there was nothing she could do..

But then she remembered what the voice said..

"Where are you?! Help me!", the girl fell unto her knees, "H-Help me get him back!"

She knew this is impossible.. How she saw Seiichi, she didn't know.. And she knew, this is crazy but she didn't care. She has a chance now to be with him and she'll take it. Sakuno will do whatever it takes..

"Tell me what to do, please, I beg you..", she cried. "S-So what did that mean? Should I take him away from the park? Should I meet with Ryoma-kun? Should I.. What do I have to do?!"

But the serene voice did not answer..

"Please tell me.. I'm begging you..", clenching her fist, she tried to calm herself and said, "W-When you said that I have three tries to save him.. Did that mean I should save him from those guys who tried to hurt him? Was that what you meant?", the girl breathed deeply, "Please say something! Anything!"

No one answered her and she felt her hope slowly dying away.. No, she must do something. She must save him.

"Y-You said I have three tries, ne? Then.. I'll use the second one now.. Take me to that night.. the night he died at the park. If I needed to stop it from happening.. then I will.. Please!", she desperately shouted.. but received no response in return. Bowing her head, the auburn head cried.. but a sudden burst of light blinded her and she felt herself being pulled again.

Once she was gone, the owner of the voice showed herself with another blue strand of hair in her hand. But this time.. it was already cut. A sad smile formed on her lips..

"I feel sorry for the both of them."


Running feverishly, Sakuno's orbs roamed around the place where she ended up. It was right in front of their office building. The harsh thursday night wind blew past her face and she felt herself shiver. She must go find help.. It was 9:15 when it happened, right? She has 5 minutes left..

What to do.. What- Right, find help! Hurriedly, she went to a phone booth and tried to contact the police. After a quick report, she dialled the number of the next person who crossed her mind. Sanada Genichirou.

A few seconds had passed before someone picked up the phone. But there were strange sounds hindering her from explaining everything.. "Sanada-kun, please help Seiichi! He's in danger!", there were statics and she knew that the person on the other line didn't quite catch what she said.

'That night.. he had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. And.. he even received a short call, and in the middle of it, he was sure he heard the name 'Seiichi'. The voice.. the voice strangely sounded like.. someone he knew.'

3 minutes..

The girl abandoned the phone booth and ran, silently praying to the Gods for Seiichi's safety. On the way, she saw Aya who was dashing on the other side of the road.. the little girl didn't even notice her.

"I-I told my sister to go get help.."

Sakuno knew where to find him.. she knew he'd be at their favorite bench. She swiftly made her way there.. stumbling a little due to the pebbles around her. Seiichi..

2 minutes..

She soon heard shouts from somewhere..

"Not so cocky now, are you?! Arrogant bastard.. That girl was pretty.. but that thing you're holding is prettier! Must've cost a lot, huh?"

"Just give us the damn necklace! We'll leave you alone if you just hand it over, punk!"

"I saw them.. They were trying to hurt him.. and one of them said that he should just give them the necklace.."

Willing herself to go faster, Sakuno almost yelped when she saw Seiichi's small figure from a distance.. It was obvious by the way he shook his head that he was dizzy.. but his fist still reached the jaw of his opponent after knocking the baseball bat out of his hand.

"N-Nii-san.. was putting up a good fight.. He was- He appeared to be dizzy but.. he was fighting them and.. and he almost won.."

Almost there..

She saw him kicking the other guy on his stomach and then, backed away while placing his left hand on his aching head and his right hand clutching the necklace.

'Seiichi, go away from there!'

He moved and even though everything around him seemed to go around in circles, he tried to sort his thoughts and ignoring the hammering pain in his head, turned. He started to walk away.. seek escape from them.. but as his eyes darted towards the road.. he saw something or rather, someone who was running to him.

"..But.. when he was starting to get away.. H-He.. just stopped. He froze.. and I don't know why. It was like he was looking at something.."

It was Sakuno.

His blue eyes widened as he realized that she was arriving. What is she doing here?! It's dangerous, they might see her and- his thoughts were cut as he felt something heavy and sharp hit his side.

"One of them took the chance and stabbed him..", the little boy started to cry.

Sakuno stopped in her tracks as she saw him look at her.. their eyes connected for a moment.. But before she even got there, a figure appeared behind him and swung a silver metal unto the blue-haired lad's ribs. Blood splattering on the ground.. he fell.. but not before the man who stabbed him twisted the knife in his hands.

"You moron, what have you done?!"

"I didn't tell you to kill him! Damn it!"

"..The others started shouting that he shouldn't have done that.. that it was not what they planned.."

Seiichi's face was turned to her direction. What has she don- Panicking, she moved to step towards him but halted when she saw him mouth the word, "Don't.." while shaking his head. The shadows of the trees hid her from the others and the lad felt relieved that she'll be safe.

'I have to save him.. No..', she shook her head as well but Seiichi just returned it, his orbs begging her not to.. beseeching her to stay away.

"Please.. hide..", he mouthed soundlessly.

She was the reason. It was her fault.

"Let's get out of here before the cops arrive!", one of them crouched down and pulled the necklace away from the blue-haired lad's grasp. Seiichi tried to tighten his grip but another one kicked him, making him release the precious necklace he wanted to give to her.

"Then they grabbed the necklace from him.. and they ran. They left him there.. out in the cold."

Sakuno felt as if the time stopped. She's too late.. and she caused his death. But how did this even- Her chest felt like exploding.. It was her.. It was her!

A whimper made her head snap to her right and she saw Kei who was hiding behind a bush and crying. The poor boy witnessed everything..

As soon as the men left.. Sakuno, whose tears glistened as the light of the moon hit them, started to move but when she was just about to step, a pull jerked her back and she knew she's once again returning to that dark place.

She failed. Again.


"What do you want me to do?!", Sakuno screamed while letting her tears fall freely, "What do I have to do to save him? You said you'd give me a chance! But he died!"

'Yes.. we did give you a chance. But you ended up causing his death instead of helping him.. You were bound to make that mistake." The surreal voice answered her. "Sakuno.. Seiichi was really meant to die that day.."

Her head bolting up, the auburn-haired girl asked, "W-What do you mean?"

"Everyone.. is destined to die. Each of us has a thread of life.. and once it reaches its end.. it's the end for you as well. We, the fates..", Sakuno froze as the word made its way to her ears, "..are the ones who control that..", the serene voice paused.. before adding, "Seiichi's life.. was supposed to end that day.."

"Then why give me these so-called chances if-"

"The first two tries were our way of showing you that his death was inevitable.. whether you met your past lover or not, whether it was night or afternoon.. If you're meant to perish.. you will. And.. we wanted you to know for yourself what will happen so that you can make your decision wisely for your third try.."

Sakuno blinked and bit her lip.. "Third? But you just said he was meant to die.. What can I do to change that? I can't understand it, how can something like this even happen..?"

"There are a lot of things people don't understand, Sakuno.. That is just how this world of ours works. Everything happens for a reason and goes in a never-ending cycle.. It has mysteries one can never unfold.. But.. you can still do something, dear girl."

The darkness was soon lifted and the auburn-haired girl suddenly found herself beside a lake where a woman in a cloak was standing just in front of her. The owner of the voice raised her hands.. and showed an auburn strand on her left, and a scissor on the other. "This is yours..", she lifted her left hand to show Sakuno's auburn strand of hair, long and smooth. "The decision is up to you now." She heaved a long breath and smiled sadly, "Will you.. be prepared to give up your thread of life for him?"

Stunned, Sakuno gaped at her with a disbelieving look in her brown orbs. The one-third of the fates closed her eyes and sighed. She felt sympathy for the girl.. It's going to be a tough decision.. it's not that easy to just sacrifice yourself and she knew it. After all, it's a matter of life and death.. What will she-

"I'll just have to cut this, right?"

The cloaked figure's eyes widened and she shifted her eyes back to Sakuno. Did she just..?

Sakuno took the auburn strand and the large scissor.. "If I do this, he'll live.. am I right? Seiichi.. will live?", she asked as her fingers felt the soft texture of her hair. The woman nodded, still surprised by how easily Sakuno made her decision. The auburn-haired girl noticed her and she spoke, "Living without him.. felt like death anyway. I won't be able.. to live normally.. so..", her tears fell, "..I think he deserves to live better than I do."

"But you-"

"I love him.." She readied the scissor and with one swift move.. divided the strand into two without any hesitation, "..so much."





Seiichi sat alone beside a tree with a bouquet of dahlia flowers in his hands. It was a riveting scene.. with him holding a bunch of flowers while his blue eyes were looking into space, sadness etched into them. His friend, Genichirou, just stood from a distance and watched him. How someone can love a person who was already dead for five years, he'll never understand.

Five years ago, Sakuno was hit by a car while they were walking home from school. She was just 18 when her life was taken from her.. The blue-haired lad wanted to save her but he froze on the spot. Since then.. he'd never been the same.

'He made sure that she's walking on the safer side of the sidewalk, since she has this tendency to walk on the road while spacing out. The handsome lad shook his head as a memory of her five years ago almost getting hit by a car replayed in his mind. It was a good thing he pulled her out of the way just in time.'

It was like.. he died along with her. He felt so empty without her that sometimes.. he'd wish to just die as well. He's now just a broken porcelain that no one can piece back together. The past five years had been torturous for him.. because he can see her everywhere.

If only he can turn back time.. he'd tell her everything he wanted to say.

But I never told you,

"Sakuno.. How are you?", he spoke to no one.

What I should've said..

"I've been miserable since you left.."

No, I never told you..

"..And you know what.."

I just held it in..

"..I still love you. After all these years..", Seiichi hugged the dahlias he planted in memory of her.."..I still love you..", his shoulders shook slightly. "I'm working at Shukado now as a sales representative. You know.. sometimes, I'd imagine you working with me. You'd love the art works we have there.."

And now, I miss everything about you..

"I miss you.. I miss you so much.."

I can't believe it, I still want you..

"If only you knew how much I love you.. God, if only you were here.."

After all the things we've been through..

"I can't seem to forget you.."

I miss everything about you, without you..

"..Actually, I think It's worsening.. I am worsening.. I miss you more and more each day."

His bestfriend turned his back.. it's hard to see the person who had been their strong leader.. the person he respects the most.. turning into an empty shell. Seiichi.. is slowly wasting away.. He lowered his cap and gave his friend a few minutes to compose himself.

The blue-haired lad laid the bouquet on the ground.. right where Sakuno is six feet under the ground. She was buried beside a Sakura tree.. reminiscent of the times she'd stay and sit under them before. "Do you know how hard it is to live without you?"

"You love her that much?", a voice spoke to him.

Seiichi stiffened as the surreality of the voice made him furrow his brows slightly.. He scanned his surroundings and found that no one was there aside from him and Genichirou. How could that possibly..

"Would you like me.. to explain everything and give you the same thing we gave Sakuno before? We gave her a chance to decide for your life.. We just think it's fair to give you your chance as well." At the mention of the auburn-haired girl's name.. Seiichi stood up and searched the place with his eyes, careful not to attract any attention from his former teammate.

Three trees away from him.. is a cloaked figure holding a blue strand of hair in her hand. With his heart racing inside him.. the handsome lad strode to her direction and soon enough.. was gone.

A snapping sound from breaking branches, like someone stepped on them, alerted Genichirou and he whirled around.. only to find Seiichi missing. "Yukimura?", he looked around and a foreboding sensation made him feel concern for the blue-haired lad's welfare. "Yukimura!"



Yukimura Seiichi.. the Child of God.. is a person who prides himself with his calm demeanor and discipline.. that even Niou's biggest pranks did nothing to faze him..

"They're beautiful.."

But nothing could've prepared him for this..

"Arigatou, Seiichi-kun!"

He knew it's impossible.. utterly impossible.. to think that there's someone in the world who can dictate one's life. But a single brief look at the three cloaked figures in front of him and he knew.. nothing in this world is what it seems anymore.

"Mou.. I'm fine, don't worry.."

The blue-haired lad's knees weakened and his chest constricted as a loud cry escaped his lips..

"Daijobou, Seiichi-kun? You look tired.."

To know that the person he longed for all these years.. the person who's now resting in a coffin under the ground.. died.. sacrificed her life in order for him to live.. seemed more painful than what he saw years ago when that car accident killed her.

"I prepared a Bento for you!"

Heart-broken, confused and bewildered.. he listened as they told him everything.. telling him his option.. and in turn, giving birth to a new hope..

Sakuno loved him too.. She loved him too.. and he gave out another cry..

His dahlia.. loved him too..

"Let's walk home, ne Seiichi-kun?"

With his hand clutching his chest.. he stood up and faced the fates.. a small bittersweet smile making its way unto his features.

Didn't she know that he loves her more than life itself?

"Sugoi! Seiichi-kun, you topped the entrance exam!"

"Give Sakuno my life..", he spoke with not even a hint of hesitation, "Give her mine.. and let her live."

"But the girl sacrificed hers just to-"

"And I can't let her do that", the lad replied firmly, "Give her back her life and return everything to the way it's supposed to be. I'm the one who's supposed to die, not her! So please..", his voice cracked, "..let her live. I'll be more than happy to do this for her."

"You're my bestfriend ne, Seiichi-kun?"

She will live.. and will be happy.

Sakuno will live.. and he'll give her the chance to do so.

He reached for the scissor but before its edges touched the strand..

"Will you grant me one last favor?", he requested to do something that utterly left the fates flabbergasted.. but nonetheless, they still gave him his wish.

They gave him a chance to say goodbye.


His time is running out..

Letting his thumb travel on the side of the pendant, the shocked expressions of those scums who stole it from him flashed in his mind. No one will believe them that someone who was already in the grave returned and took it back.. surely, their conscience is going to do the trick and guilt will destroy their sanity. It'll only be a matter of time before they surrender to the police voluntarily.

'She immediately recognized one of them as the police officers asked her of what she knew about those insufferable bastards. When she asked how they found out, they said that the rascals voluntarily surrendered (which really stupefied them).'

He muttered a silent apology as Akaya's voice reached his ears. He felt sorry for his friends.. and most of all.. for leaving without even saying goodbye. And when Niou called him Buchou.. he can't help but feel a tug. Clenching his fist, he walked to a table where his last batch of dahlia is. Seiichi quickly took it.. and after whispering another "..Gomen..", he left.

A couple of minutes later, a voice boomed inside the flower shop.

"T-They're gone!"

"What do you mean?"

"Seiichi-kun's last bouquet of dahlias! They're gone!"


There she is.. standing in front of the door. Alive and well.. Beautiful.. still as beautiful as the last time he'd seen her. He watched as Sakuno picked up the necklace and the flowers he left on her doorstep.. his eyes full of longing and love.

With only a little time left before he disappears into dust.. he embraced her from behind.. her familiar warmth and scent fogging his senses.

There is only one person in his life he knows so much that he can even tell it's her just from her mere fragrance and warmth.

Now.. Now's the time..

"..I love you, Sakuno.."

Only her..

He felt her nod her head earnestly.. and when she tried to look at him, he locked her in his arms. He placed his chin on her shoulder.. just like the way he would whenever he's hugging her.

Sakuno sobbed and spoke,

"..I love you, Seiichi.."

Nothing can compare to the sensation it gave him.. the wonderful feeling her words sent directly to his heart. How he waited to hear her say that..

He nodded as well and his blue hair brushed her cheeks, his nose touching the crook of her neck. Seiichi smiled.. after all these years, he finally heard it from her. If only this won't be the first and last time he'd hear it.. he would've been happier. But.. he's contented.. as long as she's safe and alive.. he'll be content with it.

"There, we finally confessed.. I'm happy now..", he said with his usual gentleness yet.. there was an unnatural quality to it.. there was something ethereal in his voice..

He stopped the urge to scream as he heard her say..

"Seiichi, don't.."

"I'll miss you.."

He really will..


His time is almost up..

'Don't ever dare do that for me again, ne? Live.. for me..', he wanted to say this as well but he knew she won't understand. So he just said..

"Please live.. ne? I'll always be with you.. Ne, Sakuno?"

"Don't leave..", she tried to turn around again but he held her still. He can't let her see him fade into nothingness.. So.. just like the times when they'd play around and he'd tickle her.. he tightened his arm around her.. she should know by now that struggling will be of no use.

"Saa.. don't cry. I don't like it when you cry.."

'You're making it harder for me to leave you.'


"I'm sorry.. for leaving this early.. But, I'll be waiting for you.. okay?"

'One day.. we'll see each other again. So I'll be waiting for you.. ne?'

"P-Please..", she pleaded him, her voice breaking as her sobs continued to escape out of her lips.

"..I love you. I always have.. and I always will. Remember that."

'Always remember that.. Sakuno.'

A gust of wind followed.. and he felt himself drifting off.. weary and aching for rest.. his voice faded into thin air.. and his fingers, although trying to hold on to the girl in front of him.. vanished.


"Beautiful, isn't it? Two people.. prepared to sacrifice their lives for each other. It's been a long time since I've seen something like this.. They've proven how much they truly love each other." The one who spoke peered at the lake with a knowing look, while her sister on the left just sighed.

"At this rate, their cycle will never come to an end, much like an ouroborous. They'll repeat it over and over again.."

The one on the right spoke, "I think..", she started which made the other two turn to her, "..it's time we, the fates, intervene..", her gaze landed on the lake which showed a girl with auburn-hair weeping. "..We will have to do a reset."

"But.. to reset everything.. would mean that.."

"..The two of them.. shall not meet on that fated day. The man shall not see her under that tree.. and the girl shall not come across him during her trip to his school. Of course..", said the other, " This kind of second chance.. shall not be given that easily. Everything comes with a price, dear sister."

"How sad.. to do something like this..", said the cloaked figure on the left resignedly.

Raising two strands of hair, an ocean blue and an auburn.. the one in the middle smiled, "..Not to worry..", she dropped it into the lake and it glowed.. merging into one, "..They'll find a way. They're soulmates after all."






23 year-old Sakuno enjoyed walking early in the morning. So even though her work place, Sakura art studio, is a bit far from her home, she's perfectly fine with it. She's been working there for a few years now with Michiko, who was the one who persuaded her to apply there after their graduation. Shukado was her first option but Michiko really wanted to work there, so she gave in.

The auburn-haired girl is currently living in a house she bought herself in Tokyo. It's quite lonely for her.. because her Obaa-chan decided to stay in Kyoto after she retired. Sumire won't stop nagging her about finding herself the right man and settling down.. she even tried to set her up again with her ex-boyfriend, Echizen Ryoma. At first she thought, maybe it can work.. but the moment she saw him.. she realized she's really moved on.

Sometimes.. perhaps because she hadn't been with any guy for ten years now.. she'd feel a queer emptiness inside her. Like.. there was something missing.. Oftentimes, she just shrugs it off but it's constant presence in her chest really bugs her out. How can you miss something you don't know?

She was barely crossing the street when her chocolate brown orbs caught sight of a flower shop near her. It wasn't the sign nor the flowers in front of it that attracted her.. but the dahlias in a vase displayed on the cashier's desk, visible through the glass windows. Sakuno didn't know why she even noticed that small detail in the shop but after looking at it.. she instantly felt that strong urge to go there. Stepping backwards, she strolled to the flower shop.

Upon entering the establishment.. the auburn-haired girl froze as she felt something strange. Her hand went up to her chest and she blinked as her heartbeat rose, wildly beating even though she hadn't done anything that could cause it to. Tilting her head, she slowly walked to the desk and directed her gaze to the beautiful flowers on it. Dahlias are her favorite.. no one knows about it though except for Ryoma.

Smiling, her fingers gently touched its petal. She didn't know what.. but there's something special about them. Sakuno frowned slightly as a sense of nostalgia invaded her.. What is-

"Oh, a customer!", an elderly woman appeared from a door (which must be the door to the garden) and approached her, "What can I do for you?"

Sakuno quickly retracted her hands and looked at her, "A-Ano..", her orbs shifted on the dahlias and she pointed, "H-How much for these? A bouquet?"

The woman followed her finger and afterwards, sighed.

"I'm sorry.. but they are not for sale."

"Eh? N-Nande?"

A smile took form on the older woman's lips, "My nephew planted them, you see.."

Nephew? A guy?

"-..He's really obssessed with them and doesn't want me to put it up for sale. But I'm sure, you can find other flowers in here that you might like."

Sakuno gaped a little.. a guy planted these? He must really have a green thumb.. Undeterred, the girl tried again.

"D-Demo.. They're so pretty and I-I'd like to-"

"I'm sorry, miss..", the woman looked at her apologetically, noting the girl's disappointed expression when she denied her. Sighing dejectedly, the auburn head bowed and thanked her. But when she was about to leave..


Sakuno turned around and found a single dahlia in front of her. She looked at the woman who smiled at her, "I can't sell you a bouquet but here, you can have one." The girl happily accepted it and profusedly thanked the owner of the flower shop, she even tried to pay for it.

"It's okay, it's on me! Besides, you seem to really like them."


"Arigatou gozaimasu!"

Why does this kind woman..

"Don't worry, I'll try to persuade my nephew to sell them."

.. seem familiar?

"E-Eto..", Sakuno hesitated but after a while of much contemplation, "..may I know your nephew's name?"

Surprised, the woman stared at her.

"B-But if you don't want to-"

"Seiichi." And Sakuno stiffened as her heart raced. "His name is Seiichi."


"Who was that?", Seiichi emerged from the back door with an apron on, his hands a little dirty. His blue eyes fell on the glass windows and there.. he saw a girl with auburn-hair walking away from the shop. He can only see her back and an unexplainable desire to see her face suddenly overwhelmed him. Shaking it off, he turned to his aunt who was also staring at the girl. "Auntie?"

"J-Just a customer..", the woman averted her orbs to him, "She asked if she can buy these..", and she gestured towards the dahlias.

Nodding, Seiichi narrowed his eyes as the girl's figure slowly diminished.. and a throbbing started in his heart.

His aunt continued, "She was really pretty.. I even asked her if she'd like to meet you but she said she had to go.. You know, she really liked your flowers..", her eyes glazed, as if in a stupor.. "Why wouldn't you sell them anyway?"

The blue-haired lad opened his mouth to answer but changed his mind. How would he tell her that they're for someone he doesn't know? That those dahlia flowers.. already has a rightful owner? He didn't even know why he kept planting them.. so how will he be able to explain that the flowers already belong to someone?

His throbbing heart made him clench his jaw, his feet becoming more and more restless.. as if wanting to chase after..

"She really liked them?"

His aunt replied with a nod and without another word, Seiichi took the dahlia flowers and dashed out of the flower shop.. not knowing what he was doing. He just has this urge.. very, very strong urge.. to give the flowers to the one it truly belongs to.

Searching the crowd of people walking on the street, he began asking himself what he was doing.. why.. and who is he looking for.. the auburn-haired girl? Then.. where is she?

Instinctively, the handsome lad spun around and saw a bus moving.. He had no idea why his chest is suddenly aching but.. when his eyes scanned it.. he felt suffocated as a girl with auburn hair who still has her back on him sat on the seat at the rearest side of the vehicle.


Seiichi strode out of Shukado inc., as the the hands of the wall clock in his office indicated that office hours is finally over. He works there as a sales representative and fortunately, he'll be promoted next month. His sister sometimes tells him that he's such a workaholic and that he should try dating but.. he just can't get himself interested with those girls they're setting him up with.

"All work, no play makes Seiichi-nii a dull man..~", his sister chimed which earned her a pinch on the cheek, "Why are you working so much anyway? You should try to have fun sometimes!"

The blue-haired lad chuckled, "Saa.. I'm planning to buy myself a car next month so if you want to have a ride with it, you should stop that right now."

"First a house and now a car..? You sound like someone who's planning to get married. Some people your age don't even have enough money to rent an apartment!"

The handsome lad shook his head.. planning to get married? Where is she getting those ideas from? But when an image of a girl walking away from the flower shop intruded his mind.. he halted in his tracks and almost dropped the things he's carrying. What possessed him to chase after someone he didn't even know? What's got into him?

He sighed as that throbbing came again.. should he go for a medical check-up? With that in mind, he continued on his way, lifting the canvas from the ground where he rested it and bringing it along with him. After his conversation with the chairman.. he knew he should start working now and paint. Chairman Tanaka was impressed with his past artworks and even made a deal with him. Being a sales representative slash artist will certainly double his money flow, that's for sure. His skills as an arts major graduate will now be put into good use.

His blue eyes gazed at the setting sun and he smiled.. it truly is a beautiful sight. But still.. he felt no inspiration.. where's inspiration when you need one?

Seiichi walked to the park to get to his favorite bench. It may sound silly but he really liked it there.. and he didn't know why. It's like.. there was something there drawing him.. a familiar feeling.. so, every day, before going home, he'd make it a point to visit that place.

When he was just about ten feet away from it.. he stopped as a jolt of electricity coursed through his veins. It was as if time itself paused as he stood still, entranced.

.. Because someone is already sitting there..

.. And apparently, this someone.. has auburn hair.

Staring at the riveting scene, the blue-haired lad felt his heart once again jump. The sunlight gave her hair a reddish tint.. and made her eyes appear golden. It was like she was glowing and Seiichi can't help but be spellbound. Her delicate fingers are laced around the stem of the single dahlia flower she was holding.. It was the dahlia his aunt gave her. He knew it was her.. He can feel it. Her pink lips curled into a sad smile and he felt a strong tug in his chest.

Unconsciously, he placed the canvas in front of him and he took the painting materials out of his bag, fast and quiet. It seems like his hand now has a life on its own.. because it automatically moved, brushing the white canvas, making this moment into something that will last for a long time.

Why is he feeling like this? Like he wanted to cry.. to laugh.. to just.. pull this stranger into his arms and never let her go. There was pain.. longing.. yearning.. the mixed emotions he felt made him want to scream in frustration.. but, there was also relief, happiness and something he can't identify. And it brewed turmoil in his system.. What's happening- a tear glistened on the girl's cheeks and Seiichi knew he can hold it no longer.

Putting the brush down, he slowly moved closer to the auburn head, careful not to frighten her or snap her from her thoughts. But all of a sudden, the girl raised her head and her chocolate brown orbs widened..

For a moment, they stared at each other.. the two of them looking like people from a beautiful painting, with the sun setting between them, the wind blowing and making their hair slightly sway.

"Umm.. A-Ano..", the auburn-haired girl's voice trembled..

Have you ever..

Seiichi plastered a pleasant smile and inwardly scolded himself for almost losing control.

"Hello..", he spoke with his usual elegance, "..I was wondering.."

.. met someone for the first time..

Sakuno tilted her head, her grip on the dahlia flower tightening.


.. and felt like you've known them all your life?

"..If you could lend me a hand? I'm a painter and..", he gestured towards the canvas he left a while ago, his mind reeling, looking for a way to prolong his meeting with her.


A nervous chuckle. "Well.. I need a muse."

"They'll find a way.. They're soulmates after all."

Sakuno, who was still in a daze, nodded her head which made Seiichi sincerely smile. But then..

"H-Have we met before?"

"I..", another chuckle, "..don't really know."

'One day.. we'll see each other again. So I'll be waiting for you.. ne?'

Sakuno focused her doe eyes on him, as if studying him and Seiichi's breath was almost taken away. He smiled and laid out his hand..

"Yukimura Seiichi.. Yoroshiku."

"..I love you, Sakuno."

The girl took his hand and she felt her heart race..

"Ryuzaki Sakuno.. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.."

"..I love you, Seiichi."

Fate can be described as the force that predetermines events. Some people are driven by fate but others who are more determined overcome their fate.

"Saa.. Would you like me to explain everything over a cup of coffee?"

'An image of him waiting near the altar, looking handsome in his tuxedo and her walking down the aisle, wearing a white gown, flashed in her mind.. it would've been magical.. truly magical.

They could've had three kids.. one who'll look exactly like Seiichi, one who'll look exactly like her and one who'll be a combination of the two of them.. with long ocean blue hair and warm chocolate brown eyes.. he or she would've certainly looked gorgeous.'


"..I love you. I always have.. and I always will. Remember that."



Please review it, ne? Sorry for killing Seiichi-kun on the past chap T.T I hope this can appease you guys. Arigatou for reading this, minna! And thank you to the ff: Peace, Snippets of Dream Catcher, Mistress Hydrangea, Kuriko-chan, Snowmageddon, Deathly jester, Kikumarucat, Thornado, D'cute, JC-zala, Nekomimi, GallyandBlack, Kidanimationlove, Wolfgirl123098, Megingjoro and Linnea Farrhen. Thank you so much!

To those who'd like to know the sequence of the chapters (whose story is next, etc. I posted up to 8 chaps), check it out on my profile. *waves and smiles* Ja!