Hey guys, I'm super sorry that I haven't updated in a while, my laptop has officially died and it took me a while to find an app for writing on my nook. My sister got married and I was maid of honor, I got my black belt, I went to African and all that stuff. Thank you so much for the reviews, this story has the most reviews out of all of my stories at 177. anyways, sorry for the long delay, but here it is.

DISCLAIMER: As much as I wish I did, I don't own Kickin' It or any characters except for the ones that you don't recognize.


I flushed and avoided eye contact with Jack, that was uncharacteristic of him, but I'd be lying is I said that I didn't enjoy it. I never thought that I would find a boy that I liked so much. In 9th grade when girls were discovering boys, I was never interested, I always thought that I would end up like Rudy and try desperately to feel something for some one.

Speaking of Rudy., I thought about that woman, Jack was right, she's definitely creepy. It wasn't her scowl though, she had a deceiving look about her, she's a duplicitous. I don't know how, just that she is, something is off about her, but Rudy is too distracted by her model like looks to suspect anything. I transferred my worry for him to my lip as I manually washed dishes.

I had been furiously scrubbing the same dish for 5 minutes when I felt my lip crack under the pressure and heard Jerry's voice, "Kim, you okay? Whoa! You're bleeding!" Jack was at my side instantly.

"Kim, what's wrong? You're going to scrub a hole in the plate if you don't stop." he gently took the plate from me and I sighed, all of the boys' attention were on me now.

"Maybe I'm overreacting a bit, but I'm getting a really bad vibe from that woman. I know I shouldn't be acting like this, but I hate not knowing." Eddie came over to stand by me and opened his arms for a hug, but when I didn't react he decided to just rub my back comfortingly. Milton spoke up.

"We all want to know, Kim." Before any of us could answer, Rudy and Ms. Trenk walked in again and we all fell silent.

"Guys, Devine here is going to be staying for a while, she's interested in doing business here with us and she may perpetually find someone to buy the building but she assures me that we will all still be here, just someone else will be paying the bills." Us kids glanced around, silently asking each other if we bought the story. All eyes turned to me and I shrugged, there was nothing we could do about it. Milton nodded and turned to Rudy.

"That's great, Rudy, but where is she going to stay?" Leave it to the nerd to ask the important questions.

"Well, there's plenty of room in the girls' wing, so she'll be staying in one of the rooms down there." At least she's not staying in my room.

"Alright, well I'll show Ms. Trenk to her room and give her a mini tour." I volunteered, eager to talk to her and try to figure her out. Rudy gave me a proud smile, probably imagining aunt and niece bonding, poor guy.

"That'd be great Kim. Go ahead and rinse off while you're at it then come back to the mat in 30." I nodded my consent and started walking to the door.

"C'mon Miss Trenk, I'll show you around." She caught up to me and walked with me out of the kitchen, normally, she would only be a few inches taller than my 5'4 frame but because of her crazy hair and heels, she was nearing 6 feet.

I decided to make small talk, "So where are you from Miss Trenk?" She flipped her hair and responded in a preppy voice.

"I was born in Chicago but I moved here for college to be in the business industry, not like a little girl like you would understand any of it." She added coldly.

We were in front of her room now and I stopped before the closed door and crossed my arms, "No, I don't know business, but that's because I don't want to, not because I'm a sixteen year old girl in high school, I still understand that there is good business deals and well meaning people, but I also know that there are bad deals and people that mean bad news, you fall in the latter. I don't know what your deal is, but I will find out and you will never get a job in Seaford again. Are we clear?" She glared at me and clenched her jaw and nodded shortly, "Good, here's your room, I wouldn't unpack if I were you, you wont be here long."

I started to walk away but her voice that had lost all preppiness stopped me, "Kimberly, don't waist your time."

She then disappeared into her room and I took a deep breath to calm myself before I knocked her door down and ripped out her hair. I headed back to my room to get ready for training.

When I got to the mat, the guys were already on it warming up with Jack leading stretches while Rudy was in his office, Jack really became apart of the family. But sentimental thoughts were not on my mind, I was still seething from my encounter with Devine, or should I say Deville.

Eddie, always the sweetie noticed my mood first as I skipped warmup and started beating the crap out of a dummy. My knee was feeling better, still a bit stiff, but I knew that working out was what it needed, back to Eddie, "Kim, what happened?"

"Miss Deville happened," I growled without stopping. I felt arm wrap around my wais and drag me off the dummy before I decapitated it. Jack turned me around.

"Kim, what happened with her, did you find anything?" I glanced at Rudy's office, his door was closed, but the wall was really thin and I didn't want to risk him overhearing.

I turned to the guys, "Tonight, after the workout and lights out got to Jack's room and I'll tell you everything, but right now, just act like nothing has happened."

They all reluctantly nodded and we went back to training. Rudy eventually came out of the office to supervise and I swear that I felt a chill in the air when Deville graced us with her horrible presence to watch and "see what we had to offer". Her words, not mine.

I caught her scowling at me several times and I gave her a sickly sweet smile before beating a dummy while I imagined it was her. When the dummy had dropped to the floor, I looked back at her and she had a contemplating look on her face. I rose an eyebrow and glared at her while I tilted my head to the dummy, a silent threat. Her face paled behind her pasty make up and I ended my workout by picking up the dummy, bowing to Rudy and making sure to bump into a frozen Deville on the way out.

I quickly made it to my room and gathered my toiletries for a quick shower. After wards, I brushed my hair out but left it down and changed into a dark purple tank top and black and red plaid pajama bottoms. My clock informed me that I still had an hour before meeting with the guys so I pulled my moon chair over to the window with my sketchbook to capture the half moon partially covered by clouds. Fall was coming to an end with the first of November in three days. Had almost completely forgotten that Halloween was this Friday, I would probably go as a zombie cheerleader or something like that.

I focused on my drawing and let my imagination run as I added touched of the Halloween spirit with bats in the sky, bare trees shaped like claws and I even managed to draw mysterious ghost images, one of my best drawings yet. I was working on shading the clouds when my phone vibrated next to me. I picked it up and saw a text from Jack, 'You coming?'.

I checked my clock and realized that it was 9:05 and I was late. I dropped my sketch onto my moon chair and slipped on a bra. Even though I was very close with the guys, I'm still not very comfortable with wearing a light tanktop with no bra in front of them.

I didn't bother to text back as I rushed to Jack's room as quietly as possible and slipped inside while whispering that it was me so that they didn't freak out.

"Finally, now that the slow poke is here, can someone please explain to me what's going on?" Jerry exclaimed, slow much?

"Kim initiated this meeting because Miss Trenk is a duplicitous, but we're not sure what her business is yet, so we're discussing this topic to come up with a plan to take action of what to do." Milton replied. Jerry stared at him blankly.

"Dude, I don't what half of the words that came out of your mouth mean." Milton sighed.

"Let me explain this in the most simple way possible, Miss Trenk is bad," he started and Jerry nodded his understanding, "So, we have to hear Kim's story and make a plan to stop her. Understand?" Jerry stared into space as he processed the words then smiled and nodded. Jack looked at Jerry warily but then turned to me.

"Okayy, well now that that's done, tell us everything, Kim."

I launched into my story with all the details and ended it with my theory that she was proabably working with someone else out there.

"Wait, why would you this, she seemed pretty clever herself, I don't think she would need an accomplice." Eddie commented when I was finished.

"True, but have you ever heard of a business deal taking place with just one person?" I challenged.

Jack jumped in, "Yeah, and now that I think about it, how often is it that the boss does the dirty work? Milton, you're in business class."

"Jack's right, it's very uncommon for the boss to make the deals directly because of so many other deals going on."

"So what you're saying is that Miss Trenk is just a worker for someone else?" I asked, making sure that I got it right. Milton nodded.

"Wait! On TV, the worker always reports to the boss a lot," Jerry mused.

"Oh my gosh!" Jack exclaimed, "Jerry's right, she had to be contacting her boss a lot while she's alone."

"We need someone to get closer to her, someone who she can think is her ally here, who she might relate to..." Eddie trailed off as their gazes fell on me.

I held my hands up, "While I would usually go for deceiving her, she has already deemed me an enemy, I threatened her for goodness sakes! Twice!" They all groaned and started blaming me for ruining their plans, "Hey, Milton could do it." They looked at me curiously, "She's obviously into hair and accessories, and Milton is good at giving off a diva vibe. He could do it better than I ever could."

Everyone looked expectantly at Milton, "I guess I could do it, I'm pretty good with people."

we smiled and thanked him before realizing that we should probably get to bed, we quickly agreed that our plan would start after school the next day.

While the boys piled out of the room, I helped Jack gather up the wrappers and trash that they left and the blankets on the floor we all sat on. I realized that this was the first time I had been alone with Jack since our almost kiss and his flirting in the kitchen.

"Thanks for helping Kim, you really didn't need to," Jack said.

"I shrugged, the thought of his flirting made me bolder, "Maybe I just wanted some alone time with you."

We were draping his sheet on the bed and I had my head down as I said this. I heard his stop moving on the other side of the bed and I finally looked up timidly.

"Really?" Jack asked as if he was surprised.

I rolled my eyes we had to stop this game, "C'mon Jack, you know I like you, there, I said it, as if the almost kiss this morning didn't say enough. I know you like me, we cant pretend anymore. Even Jerry can see it, Jerry! We cant deny it anymore so why try?"

Jack had been slowly walking around the bed as I said this and now he stood inches away, my head was tilted up as I looked at him and our chests were almost touching. He leaned down slowly, "You are absolutely right." He whispered, his lips brushing like air against mine. Just then, as fate would have it, a gust of wind blew furiously through his window and slammed his door closed with a loud bang and we jumped apart in surprise and waited in tense silence to see if anyone heard. The dojo was quiet and we exhaled simultaneously.

My heart fell as we had just missed another chance to finally kiss, I felt like I was going to explode, but the moment was gone.

"Well, um, I'm going to go to my room, I need sleep before school. So, I'll, um, see you at breakfast." I muttered, trying not to feel awkward but Jack wasn't helping as he was staring at me so intensely that I couldn't help it. He didn't respond so I whispered a "night" as I reached up and pecked his cheek, I turned towards the door without looking at him and started towards it.

"No, not again," I heard Jack growl and he grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest his lips roughly planted on mine before I could even make a sound. I immediately responded and closed my eyes as he backed me up to the wall by his door so that my legs wouldn't give out. I wrapped my hands around his neck and burrowed them in his soft hair as our kiss slowed to a more romantic first kiss speed. Eventually Jack pecked my lips a couple of more times before we stopped altogether and he leaned his had against mine, his minty breath blowing in my face as we caught our breath. "Finally," he kept breathing quietly along with sighing my name.

Our breathing was finally under control when Jack whispered, "Be my girlfriend, Kim Crawford?" He asked as if he ever thought I would say no.

In response I leaned in and gave him a long but chaste kiss and nodded my head when we pulled apart. He smiled a dazzling smile and brought me into a hug, kissing the side of my neck once as he went. I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder as he stroked my hair.

"As much as I would love to stay like this, you should probably go to your room before we fall asleep standing up," he whispered.

I laughed and reluctantly pulled away and smiled up at him, "You're right," I told himm while sneaking my hand to his doorknob. I looked up at him from under my eyelashes and he leaned in for another kiss as I opened the door. As his lips barely brushed mine I whispered, "Goodnight Jack" and slipped through the door way. I heard his annoyed groan as I made my way to my warm bed where I slipped into a dreamless sleep with a smile on my face.

Okay, I thought I'd give you something special. Sorry for any typos, I'm typing on a touch screen and you might know how that is, difficult. I'll try to be better with updating so please be patient with me. Thank you for all your support. It would be awesome if we got to 190, but I suppose I might settle for 185, 190 would help me update more though! And come on! Look at the chappie I just gave you!