Prompt: Imagine Person A of your OTP teaching Person B how to waltz.

Disclaime: I own none of the characters they belong to dreamworks.

Wanna Dance?

"It's a stupid party. Why am I freaking out?" Jack thought sullenly as he watched the other spirits mix and mingle all round him. North had decided to through a big party for all of the spirits, Guardian or otherwise, three days before Christmas. Now don't get him wrong, Jack loves a good party and was excited at the prospect of it, that is until he realized that it was a fancy sort of ball where everyone wore their finest. But he had already agreed to go and even asked North if he had a suit for him, heck was even wearing shoes, and at first everything was fine. Until they started dancing, and Jack realized he had no idea how to slow dance or anything like that. So here he was standing against a wall watching everyone else having a good time while hoping, praying, that she wouldn't ask him to dance, worrying about when she'd arrive. He didn't want to embarrass her, or make a fool of himself in front of her, or… "Jack?" Jack whipped his head in the direction the voice had come from, and there stood the one person he was both wanting and dreading to see.

Hiccup was looking at him with concern and confusion as she walked to stand in front of him. Jack couldn't help but admire the way she looked, the dress fit her perfectly. The deep green color helped make her auburn hair and green eyes pop out, ever modest, the ankle length skirt with a slight opening in the front made her look elegant, and the swooping neck line and long sleeves somehow made her look older. What really stood out though was the gold maple leaf charm, showing she was the spirit of autumn, on her right hip that cinched the area a bit and the silver snowflake pendant hanging around her neck, a gift from him. Hiccup smiled at him before saying "You know, you look good in black." Jack looked down at his suit. Pinstriped black pants, a brown vest over a white shirt with a dark blue tie, and plain black overcoat. He'd be lying if he said he didn't agree with her. "It's good to see you here." Jack replied relaxing a bit."Yeah sorry about being late, you know how some of my younger dragons can be." Hiccup admitted as she moved to stand next to Jack "Hope you weren't too lonely without me." "Pfft, nah it was just a bit boring." Jack scoffed before smiling and adding "But it is better now that you're here." Hiccup smiled before asking the one question Jack had been fearing "Jack would you like to dance?"

Jack froze up for second before hurriedly saying "Nah, I'm good but you can if you want to." Hiccup's face morphed into one of surprise then concern. "Jack what's wrong?" she inquired tilting her head slightly. "Nothing's wrong. I just….it's just that…" Jack trailed off shifting nervously from foot to foot. Hiccup merely waited for to say what was troubling him. "I can't dance." Jack mumbled looking down at his feet. Hiccup blinked before laughing a bit. Jack looked up a bit hurt before Hiccup said "Jack you know I could always teach you." Jack didn't even get a chance to respond, as Hiccup grabbed his hand and took him to the middle of the dance floor. Jack gulped as Hiccup took his right hand and placing it on her right hip before laying her hand on his shoulder. Jack lifted their conjoined hands into the position he saw the other couples had them and Hiccup smiled up at him. "Now just take one step back when I take a step forward." Hiccup instructed before doing so. Jack stepped backward glancing down at his feet. "Hey keep your eyes on me Jack." Hiccup encouraged as she continued going through the steps. Jack eyes snapped up to meet Hiccup's gaze at the same time he accidently stepped on her foot. "Sorry!" Jack exclaimed as Hiccup cringed a bit. "It's all right Jack. Really I don't mind" Hiccup grinned "Keep your eyes on my face and you'll get better at it." Jack nodded nervously following Hiccup's lead. As they danced Jack started to relax and move much more easily. Hiccup smiled up at him before adding a few new steps to their movements. The two continued dance breaking from their hold for an occasional twirl, but all in all feeling like the only two people in the room and all that mattered was the person in front of them. Hiccup rested her head on Jack's just as the just swayed for a bit. Jack sighed and put his chin on the top of her head. Neither wanted to break the spell they were under but Jack wanted to say something, felt he had to. "Hiccup?" Jack asked and she merely hummed in response. "Thanks. For teaching me I mean." He answered pulling away slightly to look at his lover. "It's nothing Jack, but why where you so nervous about it?" She inquired looking up into the blue eyes she loved so much. "Well I never needed to learn how to dance before, and…I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of you." Jack admitted sheepishly. Hiccup looked surprised for a moment before a pink tint rose to her smiling face. "Jack I'd never think you'd look stupid." She said moving her hands to cup his face. Jack smiled down at her and with how happy he felt and how beautiful she looked with the lights shining off her hair and the light blush she was sporting; all he wanted to do was kiss her. So he did. Jack closed the small distance between them pulling Hiccup closer while she moved her arms around his neck readily accepting the kiss. When they pulled apart the both smiled up at each other before simultaneously whispering "I love you." and moving for another kiss.

There you have it. Tell me what you think and I do not take flames.