John Connor was drunk , no doubt about it. He was quite a few sheets into the wind and he decided he had had enough for one night . He pushed himself off his chair, threw his leather jacket around his shoulders, and tucked back in his Motorhead shirt back into his pants behind the two holstered 1911's he had at his back . He chuckled to himself and thought 'old habits die hard, I guess'. He made it back to the house with minimal assistance from the street lamps and fumbled his way into the door. He started making his way through the darkness to the stairs when the flick of the light took him by surprise . In the blink of an eye he had drawn his gun and flipped the safety off in one fluid motion.

" Christ , Cam. What the fuck were you thinking ?! I could have emptied a clip into your head" John ranted as he slipped the gun back in it's holster.

"You had left without advising me of your location , John. I have been waiting." Cameron stated matter of factly as always

" I was out" He sighed as he lit the cigarette he had held in his mouth since West Sunset Blvd.

"The ill effects of tabaco are numerous, John it can lead to... "

"Cameron, am I sick in the future"


"Then ... Fuck ... Off"

"Every night John, you come home in this inebriated state, you barely nourish yourself, and smoke an unhealthy amount of tobacco. You need to keep healthy for ... " She stopped herself and her hands tightened.

"For what Cameron ? J-Day ? The thing that was supposed to happen two fucking years ago ?!" Cameron stood their a grimace forming on her lips as John continued his verbal assault "Mom made sure that didn't happen , didn't she? All it took was a few well placed nano-thermite bombs and her own goddamned life ! "

She should stoically as he screamed in her face. He had done this quite repeatedly and the words were always the same so she let him go without pause. It was his coping mechanism. Survivors guilt . Everyone else had died besides him. They had burred Derek Reese and Sarah Connor. The cost had been high but the war was now won. Judgment day , which they once thought inevitable, was averted. That was where the quandary lay with John , He was a General for a fight that was not going to be fought, training his entire life for a purpose that was now gone. And as such , her objectives had now been achieved , no more mission or directives.

She was so lost in her own recollections that she hadn't noticed that John was now silent. Watching her with a shocked look across his face. She finally snapped back into the present and was shocked to find she was malfunctioning somehow , her facial muscles felt contorted and wet. She ran a diagnostic but nothing was coming up as irregular but she knew something wasn't right. Her systems were overcome and nothing was computing as the moisture level and facial contortion increased.

He could scarcely breathe as he looked at her and tried to sort out in his head what was happening . There was no way this could be happening. She seemed to finally notice the odd look on his face as she tilted her head while closely studying his expression. Then he saw the realization spread across her face that something wasn't right and then a look of confusion and overwhelming.

He did not say a word. He couldn't even understand it himself but that didn't matter . He wrapped himself around her shoulders and she went completely rigid to his touch . He pulled her into his arms and dropped his own head into her neck and started to cry. After a few moments he felt her head do the same and then her arms enveloped him and he almost felt like she was about to crush him with how hard she was now holding on . Then the world went away as two lifetimes full of pain flowed out and the silent home was filled with the sounds of unchained grief

They cried for what seemed like an eternity and both their heads seemed to rise in unison. He felt the coolness of her cheek even through his beard as their cheeks made contact , He was driven by a need to press his lips against the coolness and did it repeatedly. His thumb started stroking the other side of her face as he continued his kisses to the top of her head then traveled down to her forehead and eyes and nose.

He stopped himself and pulled back . She looked at him with glassed over and confused eyes. Her looks seem to pierce his very heart and soul as she never let her gaze stray from his as she herself slowly closed the gap he had just created and crushed her lips to his. Lingering there for a few moments and then opening the gap again.

She did not know what was coming over her as she went in for another kiss and started sliding off his jacket. All that she knew was that her only thoughts were a want for him . To feel his bare flesh pressed against his own. She embraced him with increasing fervor between each item of clothes she removed and allowed him the same up to the point where it had almost become animalistic in nature by the time she was nude.

He grabbed her hand gently after they were both undressed and led her to the bedroom. He laid her down on the bed and resumed his lips ministration, traveling his way from her lips, down her chin and neck , across the swell of her breasts and down her flawless stomach.

She gasped as his tongue found her. Her processors a blur of unintelligible information as her body responded. Her body quacked with every luxk until she could not stand it anymore and pulled him back up to her one handed by the shoulder . She bits his lip and let out a throaty growl as his hands danced around her body . Her legs clamping around his hips as he entered her . Each thrust drove her more and more into a silent excasty as her jaw jerked up and down in a permanent 'O'. . Her teeth bit down on his shoulder as the tempo started increasing as her hips rose up to meet his. For the first time in her existence she could not have told anyone how long it lasted . She knew everything down to the second but this felt like a limitless eternity until they both peaked and collapsed into each other.

John finally came back to his senses as he rolled back onto the other side of the bed . He groggily looked over at Cameron who lay there in all her glory with a slight smile while looking at him.

" You should rest now , you have had a fair amount of exertion" she stated

"What, not even a cuddle first?" he laughed as his eyes started to slowly droop.

The last thing he remembered was her head on his outstretched arm and her own across his stomach as the sleep overtook him.