Time has really flown since that day. How did it go again? Oh yeah, with Koizumi kissing me and black mailing me into a date. So much has happened between now and then, it feels like only a handful of weeks, too short to count, but here we are, welcoming fall into our procession.
Something like falling leaves and new fashion and holidays and family time. I can already see Imouto running around in the snow, and the winter money, and the freezing morning walks to school.
Oh the joy.
I'm slowly walking to the front door, already anticipating the cold that will stick with us for the many months ahead. Opening the door I'm greeted by a leaf hitting me right in the face. Ok, that's better than the icy winds.
It's not nearly as hot now as it once was, the sun slowly ebbs up over the horizon and makes the morning all the more melancholic, it's more like room temperature out here. Not quite cold, not quite warm. A sort of gray in between that you can't really place.
Just fine by me, not that I care.
The walk to school is no worse than always, but I had gotten used to it by now, so it wasn't that bad. Anyway, I carry my bag over my shoulder and I'm all but halfway there when I hear my name come from behind.
"Yo, Kyon!" Haruhi shouts, I stop and turn to see her running towards me.
"What?" I ask, she stops beside me, already she was in her winter uniform like a good child. She stands upright a moment later, as if the incline was steeper than the last time she was on it.
"I heard Koizumi is going back to his old school, you seem close to him so I was wondering if you knew why? Is he being forced to by some underground syndicate?" Leave it to Haruhi to be ever dramatic. But this time it wasn't in bad taste.
"Koizumi's transferring out?" I ask, I hadn't heard a word about it and yet here I am, being told about it by someone else. What's he thinking?
"That's what I just said isn't it? Apparently todays is last day, so I'm gonna give him the penalty for leaving the SOS Brigade." Haruhi said, then walked passed me.
There was a numb feeling in my chest. It's got to be a rumor. Yeah, maybe it's just gotten out of hand and Koizumi hasn't had a chance to end it. That's what I keep telling myself all through the day until school's over and I'm just standing outside of the club room after. My hand about to whisk open the door but for some reason it was harder than usual. Exhaling, I open the door to find Haruhi beaning Koizumi with a rolled up magazine.
Asahina is sniffling as she makes tea, she's probably heard the news already, and Nagato is sitting there, emotionless as always, only difference is she's not reading something now.
"Idiot," Haruhi says repeatedly, hitting him continuously, he has an apologetic look on his face, and for a second I'm stuck standing there. Watching him. A million things run through my head and of them are all the things we'd done till now.
All the times I thought he was being annoying or kind or the times that I really wanted to see him or to crawl in a hole and die because of him. His eyes fall on me and I don't meet his eyes. He nods, as if understanding, and I take a seat far from him, a tad bit close to Nagato but I don't care, since Asahina takes my usual place opposite of Koizumi.
"I demand an explanation!" Haruhi bellows. She finally stopped hitting him and waited for him to respond.
"My mother lives back where my old school is, and she's tired of getting phone calls from the school about me, so she's making me come home." Koizumi said, such a perfect excuse.
That doesn't mean it's alright.
"Oh? Do you have any proof?" Haruhi says, looking him over for the slightest hint of a lie.
"Nope." He said.
"Feh, I'm getting bored. Anyway, since you're leaving, I demand you buy us all drinks." Haruhi decreed, Koizumi nodded and stood up.
"Kyon, go with him, that's a lot of drinks, and I want a cola." Haruhi said. I reluctantly stood and walked with him, shutting the door behind us, I walk in silence. Koizumi doesn't say a word until we're at the machines, he pops in coins as I lean against the machine.
"You didn't tell me." I say, it comes out as a whisper.
"I'm sorry." He says.
"For what?" I say, kicking off the machine I stand beside him and watch him bend over to retrieve a drink, he hands it to me as he stands back up.
"I meant to tell you, it just…got out of hand." He said, more coins go into the slot.
What do you mean? The rumor or what we did? I want to ask my I can't seem to get them out. He stands back up and I shove the can back into his hand and walk away.
"Kyon-kun, let me tell you the truth at least." He said, and I stop. My back to him it's almost as if I have the choice to listen or not. Should I?
"My mom's just the cover, the organization, ya know, the Esper's, they're moving me since Suzumiya hasn't reacted lately to anything, they think replacing me might be the jolt they need to monitor her correctly." He says this to my back. "I'm leaving tonight at eight, I understand if you won't see me off, but I want you to know that if I could I'd stay here."
I keep walking, to the club room and take my bag before leaving, Haruhi yells at me, but I just keep walking.
Like I care.
I collapse on my bed, tired out of my mind, but I can't stop my brain from thinking. Going over everything, every moment, every kiss and every word- would it have been better if I'd just rejected him from the beginning?
From her room, I can hear Imouto singing loudly, the TV pales in comparison.
Rolling to my side on my bed, I stare at my alarm clock. Even with eating and meticulously avoiding my homework, it was only seven thirty-five. It was only a short twenty-five minute recess before he would be gone.
Where his school was, I don't know, where he'd go beyond that I had no clue. Maybe it was all a lie. Everything from that really hot school day when we'd been in the club room till now, and I'd just been a fool and bought into it.
The minute clicked, another minute passed before my eyes as I stared at the clock.
Was it worth anything? All this heart ache? Another minute flicks by.
Did it make me a better person? Can I honestly say I don't regret one moment of it all? Am I alright with letting him go just like that? Another minute passes.
Am I that weak-
I shoot out of bed, grabbing my jacket from the hook on my door I slid on the slick wood flooring and nearly topple down the stairs, but I grab the railing and steady myself, bounding down and crashing into the wall. The hall clock read seven forty.
"Kyon?" Imouto calls, she's standing at the top of the stairs, "Where are you going?" She asks.
"Out, I'll be back alright?" I say throwing my shoes on and barreling out the door and into the cold night.
As much as I wanted to deny it, to deny him-
Pumping my arms and running down the street, freshly fallen snow covering everything.
-I couldn't find the strength to ignore him, to let him just fade away. Maybe it's idiocy on my part, maybe I should have tried harder, not just to keep him, but to make things work-
I slip around the corner and fall, the snow seeping into my pant legs, I could practically feel the minutes ticking away. The need to see him made me stand and start running again towards the station, it wasn't that far away.
-to tell him all the things I want to tell him, say all the words I couldn't before, to just be with him and not feel like he's the only one in this relationship. I'm part of it too, I have a say in it too-
It's not that far away, I can already see it in the far off distance as I round another corner, a bus nearly creaming me.
-I don't want him to go yet, there's so much we haven't done, haven't said, haven't seen together. I refuse to let it end here, I don't want to just let him slip through my fingers. I won't. I-
The distance is thinning, the long way falling into blocks, then to meters, then yards, then feet, then just a frosted doorway keeping us apart.
Shoving the door hard I step in, breathless, dozens of people are here, and I scan the crowds, trying to see him, or anything remotely familiar.
"The train going to Osaka will be departing in ten minutes, I repeat, the train going to Osaka will be leaving in ten minutes" the P.A. system says, that had to be it. I check the board, it's not to far away, just down the strip. I take off running among the people, pushing and shoving my way through to try and get there.
There it is, the train. At the door I see him take a step on, one foot here one foot there, he looks around just as I stop running, gasping for breath. His eyes fall on me and we're both just standing there.
He opens his mouth as if to speak but he's blocked out the by P.A. system announcing doors will be shutting in five minutes. It's all in slow motion as I walk to him, and kiss him.
-one more time, if only once-
Pulling back, I'm about to say something when someone runs into me, and I fall into Koizumi, he falls back, and we're on the train.
-can I ask for that?-
I get off of him and help him up, he still looks shocked, but a small smile creeps onto his face. "You came." He says.
"Yeah, well, I can't say it's all because of you. I have some say in our relationship. And it's about time I start pulling my weight." I say, he nods as if understanding. His bag is at his feet, not very much.
"How long will you be gone?"
"I don't know." He says.
"I…" I don't know what to say. Don't leave? Stay with me?
"Kyon-kun, I want you to know that, you're very important to me, honestly, I don't know how I would have survived the last few weeks if not for you. You're my sun." He says.
I hug him, tightly, as if that will keep him here, will stop him from leaving. He hugs me back, and it's all but silent for a long moment until the P.A. goes off.
"Doors will be closing now" It says, and something hard shoves my chest, throwing me back from where I stood and onto the cold cement of the walkway. Koizumi stands there, there doors shut and I watch him.
He opens his mouth, 'Kyon-kun I-' and I'm on my feet, trying to open the door.
'-love you.' he says, the train starts moving and my feet are like lead, keeping me standing there on the walk, watching his train leave, his face fading into the distance. I can't bear to watch the space anymore as it fades to black.
A tear falls down my face and then another. They just keep coming, and I wipe them away.
It starts to snow then, little flakes spindling down on imaginary threads.
Everything I could have done, should have done, fades away, and the icy feeling in my chest remains. Taunting me. Tormenting me. It's painful to say the least.
"Good bye… Itsuki." I manage, sucking in the cold air, trying to breath.
Watashi wa anata o aishite - 私はあなたを愛して
-The End-
*Thank you all for reading Sunshine and Kyon! I can't thank you enough for sticking with Kyon all the way through, and I hope you enjoyed the entire story. The ending is sad, and this is really the end for Sunshine and Kyon, so I ask you all to remember, 'Goodbye may feel like forever but it isn't' so cheer up. Please review! Lovino M*