I hissed as the sun rose and burnt my skin, he'd forgotten to close the drapes that covered his massive glass doorway to the balcony. I hurled the comforter over my face and scurried in the other direction. I peeked out through a tiny hole and made my way to his closet, in which I flung the door open and crouched behind the wall. The sunlight didn't reach his closet, which was in a weird spot in his room, and thankfully it was spacious, but I was too tired and in too much pain to move. I lay my head against the wall and it sent a slight shock of pain through my left cheek, i could feel the burn healing, if I had been there any longer, I could have burned my face off.
A few hours had past until I was woken up by Gumball shaking me slightly. It was super dark, and I could tell it was hard for him to see.
"Marshall, Marshall please wake up, I'm so sorry- I can't believe I was so careless as to leave the drapes open and let the sunshine in. Marshall please don't be dead." He was sobbing ever so slightly. I awoke groggily, unable to form words yet but I at least managed a small grunt. "Marshall... please."
"Wha-what? Gumball I'm- I'm okay. Stop w-worrying." I said sleepily. My body ached badly from the position I'd been sleeping in, but I slowly unwrapped the covers from myself and wrapped them around Gummy, enclosing him in a hug.
"Oh thank goodness! I've been trying to wake you up for ten minutes and you never budged... I thought I'd killed you from leaving the drapes open! I'm so sorry!" He sobbed into my shoulder for a good bit. I gently rubbed up and down his back, trying to soothe him- he was a grown teen, almost an adult, but at heart he was still just a little kid, frail and emotional.
"Shh, it's okay Gumball, I'm right here." I caressed the side of his face and kissed him. Gumball suddenly dove into it, wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me in.
Needy much? Geez kid.
But of course when he does stuff like that he perks me up and gets me to go along with it. He had done it last night after I told him I needed a breather. I had leaned into it so much that I had him pinned on the ground on top of his comforter. I broke his kiss for a second, "How much time do we have?" I smirked.
"An hour and twenty minutes, I told peppermint maid I wasn't feeling well and needed a little extra sleep, so she gave me a little while to 'rest up.'" He smiled coyly and lifted his head up to meet my lips. I hadn't put my shirt on yet from last night, so he was already stroking my chest and torso. I removed his fancy shirt and performed the same favor back. I wanted to make him greedy, make him crave for more of me than just touching and kissing. I took both my hands and slid them down the center of his torso, then slowly crept them around his waist, and he shivered, smiling against our kiss. Then i reversed my last teasing movements and went up to hold his face in my hands. His smooth, pink skin was probably giving me more pleasure than what I was doing to him.
Hence the fact that a surprise decided to perk up on me.
I fought my own hormones and focused on enraging Gummy's, though it was hard to think with my brain at this point. I dipped down, brushing my torso against Gummy's than slithering back up like a snake. I had prodded him by accident but he didn't seem to care, instead he arched his back upwards, meeting my torso. I quickly slid my left hand up under his back and held him against me. I was floating in the air slightly above him- hoping to give him more freedom to move and do as he pleased. I kissed him hard and he grew limp, so I decided to take him off the ground and have a little fun my way. I held the back of his head with my other hand and then dipped slightly, licking his neck. He quivered slightly and let out a pleased sigh. I sunk my teeth into the curve of his neck and shoulder, love biting him, and taking just a tiny sip of that pink skin.
"Ah~ Marshall..." He choked, "That feels so nice."
I chuckled slightly and slid back up, giving him a kiss. Then, letting go of his head slowly, I licked his body from his neck to lower torso, then lay him back onto the comforter. He arched against my skin once more, and let out a small pleading whimper, "More."
Yes, I got him right where I want him.
I placed my fingertips on his pant line, sliding past a little bit and rubbed against his skin, side to side- pleasing him even more. He didn't reject my movements, so I went further. I decided to grind against him once,and his reaction wasn't against me, thankfully. So I did that slightly more, and he let out soft purrs through our kisses. I broke from our kiss and dipped down, his button in my teeth, as I slowly removed his pants. He helped me and wriggled out of them, then I slid back up and kissed him, grinding some more, the two of us in our boxers.
I don't sleep with pants on.
My hands made their way down his chest and slid under his boxers, grabbing his member. His body language craving for more, I rubbed him, giving him hand job- the boy caved in. He slid his hand down my back and squeezed my ass, then slid it around my waist and tugged at my staff, sliding his hand into my boxer shorts and returning the favor.
How do I put this though, I was surprised a bit- he was... slightly longer than I expected.
Gummy new how to move well, and as I broke from the kiss when he finished, he was smiling... not that retarded, stroke looking smile, but the lustful smile that looked deep into your eyes, the one you only get when someone truly loves you. I removed my hand from his pants and gave a quick lick to one of my fingers, then kissed Gummy passionately.
I'm never letting you go.
He still had twenty minutes left of time, and he readied himself to look presentable once more. As he was brushing his teeth I snuck up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist, and rested my chin on his shoulder.
"Marshall, where's your reflection?" He asked, removing the toothbrush.
"I'm a vampire remember, it's one of the annoying side effects. That's why my hair is always messy. I can't see myself in a mirror." I sunk my teeth into his neck again and taking a sip. He stiffened slightly then relaxed, smiling. He unwrapped my hands from him and turned around, interlacing our fingers. He looked at me with the cutest look on his face and I lightly touched our lips together. No tongue, just lingering there, pressed together.
Before he had to leave me once more, he embraced me in a hug and spoke of four, breath-taking words: "I love you Marshall."