Mealting a Frosty Heart
This is the story of a girl.
A girl who has amazing powers.
A girl who is forever frozen at the age 18.
This girl's name is Eliza.
She discarded her last name a long time ago.
But first, let us go back a bit. 300 years in fact.
Where Eliza has just made three pairs of ice skates for three specific people.
Herself, a boy named Jack Overland and his little sister Pippa.
The skates are Christmas presents for them.
Eliza has liked Jack for a long time and when he asks her go to ice skating with him and Pippa, she can't help but say yes.
Her mother made her stay home and finish her chores and by the time Eliza makes it to the lake, Jack has already fallen through.
A few years later, the Salem Witch trials comence and Eliza is suspect.
But she escapes and sets off into the world.
AN: A bit dramatic? Please let me know what you think! Review and you'll get computer cookies! :)