








"FINE!" A girl with long, indigo hair sat up. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and flipped the blankets off of her legs as she groaned. She stood up, and walked over to her drawer. She pulled out her black, cutoff shorts, grabbed her black t-shirt, a skull with a sequined rose printed on the front, and opened the top drawer to grab a bra and a pair of underwear. She walked into the bathroom, grabbing an over plush towel. She took a quick shower, and got dressed before she walked out of the bathroom, drying her tangled mess of hair. She turned to look at herself in the mirror to finish getting ready. The blow dryer whirred and Hinata ran a brush through her hair, snagging the tangles with every pull. She pulled a black beanie from the top of her dresser and slung her backpack over her shoulder.

BAM BAM BA- Hinata opened the door, and glared at her cousin. He was wearing a white,short sleeved button down shirt with black straight legged pants. His black messenger bag was slung over his left shoulder, to rest on his right side.

"What?" She asked irritated.

"Just wanted to make sure you were up. We have to leave after you eat breakfast Hina-chan."

"Okay Neji nii-san." she said, walking past her cousin, and into the kitchen. She dug around the kitchen for a poptart and grinned before she shoved another one in her backpack. Neji walked in just as she was walking to get her shoes.

"Ready to go Nii-san?"

"No, Hina, I really need you to listen to me when I tell you to stay away from those people. The Akatsuki aren't a friendly bunch of people." Hinata sighed and plopped into the chair.

"Neji, I know you love me, and want nothing but my safety, but you can't worry about me so much. You'll make yourself sick."

"But I just want to make sure you'll be okay."

"Neji, you've been lecturing me about this for the past, like, three or four days now."

"I just don't want you to forget." Hinata sighed at her cousin and pulled on her shoe. She loved him. A lot. But there were those times when she wanted to lock him in a closet, and never let him see sun again. She turned her head to look at Neji. He quickly put on his shoes, hopping around on one foot. Hinata rolled her eyes, smiling at her cousin.

"You done having your little mini seizure yet?"


"Okay. Lets go." They walked out of the house with their skateboards in their hands. Neji was the first one to set off. Hinata opened her poptart, and started to eat it, as she rolled down the sidewalks. She smiled as she rolled past the old shops, still open for business. The same benches were still where they stood six years prior, the apartment buildings were still dilapidated, and Hinata smiled. It was nice to be back. As she traveled past all the old, she couldn't help but think about the new.

'I wonder who all remembers me? I've changed so much. America really helped me develop. I wonder what everyone's like…' Hinata stopped thinking as she pushed herself forward. She was almost at the school already.

As you can plainly tell, our dear wallflower had lost her stutter. She went to America when she was ten. It was just for a visit with her pen pal, only suppose to last a week, but our mousy Hyuuga fell in love with the loud, noisy city she had stayed in. For six years Hinata lived in a small state shaped like a glove, in a rather run-down part of the area. Buildings were left abandoned, businesses were boarded up, and people walked on eggshells on the outskirts of the city.

Her and her pen-pal, Karen, had gone to a very prestigious school. You had to be the best of the best to even think about getting accepted. Hinata chewed her lip, thinking about how big of a change it would be going from a high class private school, to a public one in Japan. She shook her head, and shoved another piece of the poptart in her mouth, and propelled herself to Neji. She and him swerved around people, and each other. Hinata smirked when she saw a bench. She jumped with her skateboard. Grinding across the top, she smirked as Neji laughed at his cousin's antics.

'She's gotten so much better at that since she moved.' Nieji thought. Hinata jumped off the bench and kept moving forward.

About five minutes later, they were at the school. Hinata and Neji saw that the entrance was crowded. There were circles of people, that they both knew wouldn't move. Hinata and Neji gave each other a knowing look. On either side of the entrance, was a rail. Hinata and Neji both took one. The groups stopped talking, to look at who was making all that noise. When Hinata and Neji reached the end of their rails, the met in the middle, and high-fived each other.

"I missed doing this with you, Nii-san!"Hinata said, grinning ear to ear.

"I missed it too." Neji said rustling her hair.

"Don't! No!" Hinata said ducking and running behind her cousin, to take his long chocolate silk hair in her hands and played with it. Then, out of nowhere, a large dog pounced on the small framed girl.

"AKAMARU! Get off! Oh hey Neji. AKAMARU!" A boy with messy brown hair yelled at the dog on top of Hinata. He pried the dog off of her and held his hand out. She took it gingerly looking up at him. He had deep brown eyes, and red triangle like marks under his eyes. Hinata grinned. She knew just who this boy was. It was one of her old best friends Kiba. She glomped onto him and hugged him tight.

"Neji...Who's this" Kiba asked kinda creeped out.

"Don't tell me you forgot about Hinata already."

"Hinata?" Kiba did a double take of the girl in front of him. SHe had her midnight hair, but it was much longer now. He looked at her eyes, and smiled. Those lavender moons hadn't changed, and were still filled with kindness. "Hinata!" Kiba grinned, picking her up and spinning her around. With Hinata in his arms, he carried her across the front lawn of the school to a big oak tree, Neji in tow. He dropped her and stood to the side, and stretched out his arms in a presenting manner(Kinda like Will Smith with his wife).

"Ta-da!" Kiba said. A girl with short pink hair, and emerald eyes looked at Kiba and the new girl. She looked over to the raven haired boy with onyx eyes. He looked the new girl up and down. She flushed with anger.

"Kiba, is this another slut?" She asked. Hinata's opal eyes narrowed, as she took in the pinkett. She was wearing a crimson tube top that stopped about three inches inches from her belly button. She had on a white skirt that barely brushed the tops of her thighs and red flats. A cherry belly button ring glittered in the small beams of light filtering through the leaves. Hinata shoved her against the tree trunk and the girls eyes doubled in size.

"Watch who you call a slut." Hinata growled into her ear. The girl gulped and nodded. Kiba, and everyone else looked at Hinata with wide eyes. She stepped back, and let go of the pink haired girl. Kiba cleared his throat.

"Well...uhmmm everyone. This is Hinata."

"Hinata left six years ago Kiba. She's not coming back." A boy with raven black hair, in a white button down shirt, the arms folded to his elbows. A navy blue shirt peeked out from under the collar. He was wearing black skinny jeans with rips in the knees. His bangs framed his face, and is onyx eyes glared at the boy in front of him.

"Sasuke Uchiha. You haven't changed. You're still an ass, huh?" Hinata said with an icy voice.

"HINA! IT REALLY IS YOU!" said a girl with brown hair and dark skin as she tackled Hinata. Hinata stood up, pulling the girl up with her. She looked at the mystery girl. She had brown hair, in two buns on the sides of her head. She had dark brown eyes, and a goofy grin. She was wearing a magenta, silk karate shirt, and khaki shorts. She was wearing magenta converse, and she had a small sweet pea flower in her hair. Hinata grinned at the girl and hugged her tightly.

"Oh Ten-Ten! I missed you so much!" Hinata said. Neji walked up to the group.

"Well...I see you've re-met everyone...and..made an impression." Hinata rolled her eyes at him, and smiled.

"About time you joined us, Neji." The boy rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest.

"Hinata, it's time to go get your classes." Neji huffed, taking her arm and leading her to the principal's office.

'This is gonna be a loooong day.' Hinata thought as she allowed her cousin to drag her behind him, giving a wave to the group fading into the shadows.

Neji and Hinata made their way across the campus lawn, passing many groups of people, and into the front entrance. When they got to the office, Neji held the door for his cousin. Hinata ducked under his arm, and stood awkwardly in front of the desk quietly. Neji made his way to Hinata and spoke to the secretary like he knew her first hand.

"Hello Shizune, is Principal Tsunade in yet?"

"Yes, but I'd be quite if I were you. I got here at five this morning, and she was laying here on the floor passed out again. I swear, that woman has sake running through her veins, not water." Neji smiled and nodded his head. He turned the doorknob, and gently opened the door a crack, only to see the Principal sitting at her desk, her head in her hands surrounded by stacks of paperwork. She was a blonde woman, her hair in two low pony tails thrown over her shoulders. She wore a green button down shirt, the top few buttons undone exposing some of her ample cleavage. Neji coughed lightly signaling their entrance.

Tsunade looked up and smiled at Neji, and beckoned for him to enter her small office. Neji walked in, and Hinata followed.

"So, I'm guessing this is your cousin Hinata?" Tsunade asked, looking at the girl standing before her with her hand outstretched. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Tsunade, your new principal. I hope you have a good time at this shitty school." Hinata smirked and shook hands with her new principal. Tsunade spun around in her chair, and dug through some files.

"Ah! Here it is. These will be your classes for this trimester. I don't know if you share your classes with your cousin, but he has told me what you enjoy doing. So I put those electives in for you."

Hinata nodded and thanked Tsunade, and she and Neji walked out of the office.

"So what classes do you have?"

Hinata looked down at the piece of paper.

"First hour I have trig with Asuma, second hour I have health with Anko, third hour I have gym with Gai, and Kakashi, then lunch, then I have dance with Kurenai, and then art with Nidaime." Hinata nodded her head.

"Do you like what I put you down for?"

"Well… I could definitely do without trig, but I guess I have to take it don't I? What classes do we have together?"

"We don't have anything together, but I have the same trig teacher second hour."

"So I don't really have to pay attention, and you'll just give me the notes and answers later?" Neji turned his eyes to Hinata, and stopped walking.

"You've got to be kidding me. No! I'm not going to do that? Why on earth would I do that?"

Hinata turned to face Neji. She had her bottom lip stuck out, and her best set of puppy dog eyes she could muster/

"Because I'm practically like your sister, and you know how hard of a time I have with math. You're my big brother Neji. Pa-lease?" Hinata drew out the last word for almost a solid minute until she saw her cousin's' eyes soften.

Neji sighed, and closed his eyes. "Fine." He gritted out through his teeth. Hinata smiled and pulled her cousin into a tight embrace

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Neji smiled and hugged his cousin.

"You're welcome. Now, while we still have time, let me show you around the school." Neji lead Hinata down the hall. This is your first hour room, its number 120. This teacher isn't too bad, just kind of monotone." He led her down the hallway and took a right. They walked outside through a small breeze way, and back into the school. They took another right, and stopped in front of room 140. "This is the health room. I don't know this teacher very well, or really at all. I haven't taken health since before they changed the teacher."

"Oh, alright."

They walked down the hall and took a left. They walked down the hallway and took another left. All the way down that hallway, on the right hand side of the hallway was a set of large double doors.

"Room 510. This is obviously gym. The teacher for this class is a bit exuberant. He team teaches with another teacher. He's always late. And if you mention the one teacher being late, the other one will ride his ass about it all period." Neji slightly laughed, recalling many memories.

"Why does it seem like you liked gym class? Neji, I remember when we were younger, all you'd do is sit in the bleachers and talk to your imaginary friend. How is little Hoshiko? Is she still your wife?" Neji glared at his cousin.

"Haha. Very funny Hinata." Neji punctuated, showing his displeasure at her joke.

"I know!" Hinata smiled at her cousin, who in turn shook his head, a small smile gracing his lips.

Neji rolled his eyes and pulled her back the way they had come before. They made their way to another set of double doors. The little plaque read: Room 515.

"I don't know much about this…. I-I'm not much of a dancer."

"Oh that's a crock of bull. You use to dance with me all the time. That's what got me into dancing in the first place!" Hinata spun around on her heels and glared at her cousin. "I can't believe you stopped dancing!"

"Well, when you grow up, saying you're a guy that knows ballet, isn't going to get you a girlfriend." Hinata bit her lip and sighed.

"I'll let this go for now…. But it will come back into conversation. I will get you to DANCE AGAIN!" Hinata emphasized her passion with furrowed brows and .

As soon as the last word left her lips, the bell rang, signaling the start of the school day. Hinata's eyes widened and she looked at her cousin.

'I still don't know where my fifth hour is!'

Neji shrugged his shoulders, and grabbed her wrist.

"Do you remember your way here?"

"Well…. I don't know where the lunchroom is, but I'll just follow the crowd I guess."

Neji nodded and they made their way to trig. Hinata gave Neji a quick hug, and he ran down the hallway as the minute bell sounded. Hinata gathered herself and stepped into the room for her first day of school after all.