I do not own anything about Naruto except a pack of trading cards, and even then, I only own those cards not the designs or characters on them.


Naruto looked out onto the ruins that where once the village hidden in the leaves Konoha. His mind felt fuzzy, at the sorry remains of society and forestry. It was as if he were dreaming, or perhaps, looking through a veil; his mind seemed adamant to refuse this sad reality as his own. He was currently standing on top of the Hokage's monument. The first and second Hokage's faces were gone completely, along with most of the rock wall that supported them; the fourths face was destroyed personally by Madara after Obito came to his senses. Tsunade's head fell almost instantly after her death and was mostly intact on the ground having crushed several dozens of the white Zetsu beneath it when it fell. Though not until they had taken down Sai.

The thirds face was the only one that stayed intact during the war against Madara. The only visible damage was the crack down his face which had occurred sometime before Naruto's first Chunnin exam finals. The Single face still looked as impassive as it had always been, he once feared the face would look lonely now. The thought that he didn't comforted Naruto, the third looked strong as ever to him. He smiled, the old man may have been the least fierce of the five; but he was always there even when the others couldn't be.

The buildings that they had rebuilt after Pein's' attack were nothing but rubble; Most of their previous inhabitants were dead. There were only a few dozen civilian survivors as there had been too many attacks for the ninja that were left to protect them. Gaara was somewhere to his right speaking with some of his ninja. After one of the worse attacks on Suna, Gaara had moved many of his civilians to Konoha. Now he was arranging for a more permanent solution as Suna as it was having been destroyed.

Naruto shifted his attention to Sasuke who stood off to the side; Sasuke had never thought it would turn out like this. Sasuke had seen what Madara was doing, he had understood the insanity of getting revenge on those born generations after your supposed betrayal. In the war he had returned to Konoha's side but in return Madara had almost completely blinded him and made his once prized eyes almost completely useless. Though he was still as expected, a valuable ally; thanks to Sakura he could still see bursts of chakra, and shades of colors which helped greatly.

Oh, Sakura she had changed so much but unfortunately not just in skill as the war progressed Madara had taken it as a personal offence that she healed so many of the almost fatal wounds that he seemed to enjoy inflicting. In one surprise attack he had personally infiltrated her tent and using some sort of corrosive acid jutsu had severely injured her they had managed to save her at least, but she would always be emotionally and physically scarred.

Though the right side of her face was completely normal in the left side of her face her once sea-foam green eye was clouded and the skin from there to her chin all the way to her ear was misshapen and looked as if someone had pulled it back. They had done so to stop her from losing her skin altogether, which luckily worked. Further down her arm was a mess of scar tissue from her shoulder to her mid elbow, as well as some on her wrist.

Lower though it was worse not very visible damage mind you but under the scarred hips and thigh was the lowest blow. Sakura had always wanted kids, and she would have been a great mom; but now it would never happen, she was sterile. If you asked lee though she was still just as beautiful as she had always been. In turn if you asked Sakura she would say that at least she had lee. (Who could sometime be worse than a five-year-old on a sugar high.)

Still as loud as he ever was Lee was also changed, the death of Gai sensei at Kaguya's hands. Sakura's injuries and Tenten falling into a coma, 1 month earlier had made him slightly more subdued; and though he didn't lose the spandex, he had changed the colors at least. The green was replaced a navy blue and the orange was switched for dull red to match his headband that he still wore around his waist belt style. Lee admitted it was partially for mourning, the rest was because it was better for stealth.

Naruto turned around and in separate group were the second generation Ino Shika Cho trio. Shikamaru looked even more like his father with a scar or two of his own now adorning his face. Still had his mom's legs though, one of Naruto's lips twitched with that thought. Shikamaru frowned a bit and glanced at him, as if reading his thoughts; this brought o small one-sided smile to Naruto's face. Ino was messing with her hair she had become a bit sadistic during the war and it reminded him a lot of Anko Mitsurashi. Choji was eating some homemade potato chips 'go figure'. Out of all of them, Choji was probably the least changed both physically and mentally.

A movement closer to the trees brought his attention to the yet unmentioned member of team ten Neji Hyuuga; his was standing guard in case anyone tried to sneak up on them. The most surprising change during the war was probably his fighting style. Neji had unexpectedly started using a double-bladed scythe, apparently, he was able to master it in only a few months which was practically unheard of; but if you watched him in battle you had to admit it was practically made for him. Though he still preferred gentle fist, his hands could only reach so far,

Naruto turned around ' maybe I should check on Tenten and see if she is any closer to coming around' internally he doubted it thus far since Tenten had fallen into the coma there had been absolutely no improvement. It was all they could do to keep her from deteriorating further than the state she was in now. Naruto pushed his pessimistic thoughts aside as he entered the medical tent.

It was Hinata's turn on duty today as Sakura's was yesterday and Ino was busy rebuilding. Hinata's smiled at him "have you come to check on Tenten Naruto-kun." Naruto nodded a bit sheepishly, she sighed unfortunately there had been no change. He nodded. Hinata had grown a lot during the war she wasn't exactly different but somewhere she had decided that she was done hiding and had let her more confident and determined side come out.

She still liked him he knew but she seemed to understand that he just couldn't. Sure, he loved her in a way (possibly and likely romantically), but for now it could be nothing more than close friends, too much had been lost and he had to make sure that the people precious to him were safe before he could even think of starting something. Finding a new subject, he asked "how is Shino's arm", Hinata's returned her attention to him. "He is able to feel light sensations but unfortunately her still cannot move it. I am afraid it is permanently paralyzed." Naruto looked down" "that's what I was afraid of."

The curtain behind them was pulled open, and they glanced back. The newcomers spoke up. "Hey Naruto, Hinata, what's up?" "Arf Arf bark." Naruto couldn't resist a smile "nothing much Kiba; You?" Kiba replied in the same light tone "not much just working." They exchanged a few more pleasantries before Naruto decided he should be going.

Naruto stepped out and let Kiba and his teammate talk in peace while he continued walking through the camp. Kiba though still loud he wasn't nearly as brash as he used to be, the partial paralysis of Shino; plus a few near-death experiences of his own had made him realize that he can't rush in head first all the time. He also became a fearless fighter and didn't care who he was up against he still tried his hardest to beat them and it worked too. (Naruto still has the rushing in head first thing after all)

Naruto turned the corner and almost ran into Konohamaru as he was walking by. "Oh, hey boss anything I can do for you?" Naruto paused "sure can you gather up the rookie 9 teams, team 10 bar Tenten, the head Suna trio, and have them and yourself meet me at training ground 7 in about three hours." Konohamaru paused not having expected any answer besides "No just keep rebuilding." Naruto watched as Konohamaru ran off to follow his orders. 'I hope this works.' Naruto stared after where the chunnin went for a few second as the shunshin'ed to the training grounds.

Naruto arrived at the training ground and unsealed a few brushes and a large bottle of ink from his scrolls. He started to unclutter the clearing of grass with a few grand fireball techniques. He then settled down to start the seals. After sage training he had decided that since not only was Jiraiya a seal master but his family on his mom's side was also well-known for seal making or fuinjutsu; he might as well take it up himself, and for someone who did better with abstract thinking and not common sense fuinjutsu was rather straightforward.

By the time the seal array was almost finished the people he had called for the meeting were starting to arrive. About five minutes later he was done and Hinata and Shino stepped into the clearing. 'Well now is a good of time as any' Naruto thought. "We have lost too many during the war." He paused as he looked at the other reactions. Many looked sad and regretful, after all many of them had lost friends, or even siblings; everyone had lost at least one teacher.

He continued. "I have discovered a way to fix this, but it only has a 50% percent chance of working." Naruto pointed to the seal array. "This seal array behind me is partly based on the hirashin jutsu designed by the fourth Hokage; which is a form of space time alteration. It also has component of a memory and a chakra transfer jutsu. Using this we should be able to transport our minds into the past where theoretically we would meld in with our past selves absorbing themselves and their memories to help blend in. We will unfortunately not be able to access our chakra reserves in the beginning unless we arrive at a time where we have already unlocked it. If we haven't yet unlocked it our current chakra, it will be suppressed and slowly grow; we will have our full chakra by five years or so."

Naruto looked up again, they were shocked; any questions about this technique? Surprisingly it was Shikamaru who spoke first, we know you probably can't do it on your own if you asked us here and I know it's troublesome but I'm sure you already ironed out the problems. With your insane amount of luck, I'm sure the 50% chance of survival is nothing to worry about; where do I start?" (And what more could they possibly lose?) The rest seemed surmised too, but they nodded in agreement. "I have faith in you Naruto-kun." Spoke Hinata. "Your flames of youth shine through the darkest of night's Hokage-sama" shouted Lee. "Go boss."

The shouting started to get out of hand; Naruto raised his hands to try to calm them. After it became quiet Naruto spoke again. "I'm glad I have you guys here with me, but I still have some warnings, first besides the danger there is a small window that time I know will likely arrive. The jutsu only goes back as far as our existence so most of us will be at least three hopefully around twelve. I have no way to be sure when we will arrive."

'I need one of you to bring Tenten here though because we certainly can't leave her, behind can we?" "No, we cannot it would be truly unyouthful for us to abandon our friend in her time of weakness." shouted lee. "I will fetch her for you." Before anybody could respond he was gone. Naruto shook himself out of his youth induced stupor. "Ok now that that's handled the rest of you please stand on of the fourteen points of the seal."

They all nodded and got into position. "When Lee gets back he and Tenten, and moegi will be situated in the middle of the seal since neither of them can mold chakra they will be taken with us as passengers." If we arrive during our gennin days, we will meet at the team seven training grounds if we arrive at the academy time we will meet there any younger and we will meet at the park we used as kids.

After Lee got back and he, Akamaru and Tenten were directed to sit/lay in the center Naruto gave the signal to start. Everyone on the edge of the circle stated pouring their chakra into the ground, slowly the seals started to light up and spread toward the center. After it reached the center of the circle the glow slowly became brighter until soon they couldn't see anything.

Then suddenly Naruto felt some type of jerk as if something was trying to yank his stomach out of him, and it felt about as painful. He continued pouring in chakra soon he felt another jerk, this one was a lot stronger and wasn't giving up; he gritted his teeth. One more jerk and suddenly he was no longer on the ground instead he was hurtling… somewhere.

He was only aware his comrades joining him and in incredible painful sensation of feeling like he swallowed a knife which was now spinning out of control. Realized someone was also falling a few feet under him. He sniffed the air since there was no light available, but there was no air to smell with; he couldn't breathe. Naruto then felt as if they were approaching something and they were coming up on it fast. He gasped at this speed it might kill them before he could warn his comrades they hit. He felt as if his entire skeleton was shattered he was aware of a sensation not unlike water washing over him as he fell into unconsciousness.


Naruto's body felt sluggish and his eyelids felt heavy, "ooohhhh I feel sick" he sat up and opened his eyes. "What the hell, I'm in the orphanage this thing burnt down years ago." Suddenly his memories rushed back to him, 'it… worked…' his eye widened. "Yatta, Sugio, battebayo, and Awesome it totally worked." He stopped and looked at his hands, the appendages were unmarked, soft, stubby, and above all tiny. 'uh oh how far back are we exactly?" He ran into the bathroom and tried to look in the mirror; key word is tried, 'I can't even reach the sink.' He saw a stool and pulled it closer to the sink and climbed up. As he stood he couldn't stop his jaw from dropping.

"I'm a toddler I probably haven't even reached 3 years old yet." (Naruto is the youngest in his graduating class) Naruto heard someone coming down the hall. 'Wonder who that could be?' the door swung open and there was an old woman with graying hair and only three visible teeth were there, she cringed at him; oh yeah, I forgot the whole hate the Kyuubi brat thing oh well. "Brat what are you doing outside your room, Naruto pretended to look confused, the old woman grabbed his arm and started hauling him towards one of the back rooms; not to roughly mind you or the old man Hokage would find out, but still didn't mean she had to be nice.

Naruto continued playing the innocent little kid, but internally he groaned; I guess I'll have to save them all over again to earn their trust. 'This is so not going to be easy. At least we have a lot of time to prepare and being this young we can change even more events. I almost forgot Hinata's kidnapping, that must be changed Neji deserves a little more time to know his dad. Boy we sure got our work cut out for us, this is so troublesome.

Shikamaru sneezed himself awake, 'why do I feel like Naruto just stole my catchphrase?' He sighed and sat up, it was around 7:00 in the morning he guessed he had absorbed his earlier memories and remembered this is usually when his mom dragged him out of bed. Sure, enough she stepped into his room. "Oh, Shikamaru I heard you sneeze." She placed a hand on his forehead. "Are you catching a cold?" Yoshino placed a hand on Shikamaru's head. "Hmm you don't seem to have a fever so it's probably nothing." She picked him up and carried him to the kitchen. 'oh, great I have a booster seat, don't I?' thought Shikamaru, and sure enough on the side of the table lay a chair with a bright neon blue booster seat and a bowl of Cheerios. He sighed 'troublesome.'

Ino Yamanaka jumped up and looked around. 'Yes, it worked I'm little again now I can wear all those adorable outfits made just for kids, just sit back relax and let my parents spoil me.' Ino twirled around, but first I should probably get dressed; after all I can't run around in my pjs can I?' Ino quickly threw on a purple shirt and a pair of black shorts. She ran out of her room and headed to her parent's room. Before she could open the door though she heard… giggling? She leaned closer. 'Oh, dear kami I forgot how into each other my parent where before they died.' She backed away from the door and went to make herself some cereal.

Neji heard birds chirping outside his window he looked out at them and felt oddly free. He reached up to brush his seal, but instead he felt… nothing. 'What where is the seal it disappeared? No' he thought again and took in his surroundings. 'It was never there, I haven't gotten it yet Hinata's birthday isn't for another three months and that's her fourth birthday. I don't get branded for another two years right before dad died…" DAD!"

'Neji ran down the hall and into the neighboring room. Hizashi Hyuga sat up at the noise. 'What's wrong Neji is everything okay?' Neji was silent for a few seconds and smiled "sorry dad I just had a nightmare I'm okay now." Hizashi nodded "do you want to sleep in here?" Neji shook his head "no thanks I'm fine now that I know you're okay." Hizashi nodded and got up" it's about time for breakfast anyway, come on Neji. Neji nodded and followed his father.

Elsewhere in the Konoha orphanage there was a little boy getting ready to wake up. He literally bounced out of bed. "Yosh Naruto-kun's flames of youth burn as bright as the sun for he has indeed brought indeed." The young boy, ran to the bathroom only to freeze and stare, it was an impressive feat to render him speechless. This boy was of course Rock Lee but at this time, he lacked the trademark green spandex and would hopefully stick to navy and red. But now he had his still braided hair in his plain white obi.

Sakura sat up and stretched 'oi that jutsu sure hurt like hell.' She looked around she seemed to be in her old room and it wasn't yet cluttered with girly magazine like teen ninja and some fashion magazine. 'Well this is definitely before I became a gennin but how long before?' she went over to her dresser and looked in the mirror. For a few seconds she just stood there, until one phrase escaped her lips. "Holy $#%$."

Gaara shook himself, due to Shukkaku he never really slept but he did sometimes meditate when he was older now he couldn't do either. He looked through his child self's memories. He didn't have his tattoo currently. He didn't get that until he killed his uncle at six. In fact, at this time his father had yet to set any assassins after him. He sighed and decided to go to his brothers and sisters room; which took a while because, they live in a separate wing.

Temari and Kankouro were indeed up, Temari had jumped up on the bed and spoke up. "Well that hurt like hell, but it seems the short little blond bastard actually did it. I'm six now and Kankouro is almost five." She chuckled "that leaves little Gaara at a whopping three years old. Gaara ignored her while Kankouro was grumbling about rebuilding his puppets. Gaara was busy trying to repress Shukkaku as his demon was going into a complete mental breakdown now that he realized Gaara was suddenly too smart and mature for him to control. "Troublesome."

Shino woke up as the sun's rays shone through his window, remaining silent Shino slipped out of bed and got dressed. He paused only a moment when he found his left arm working right along with his right. He finished dressing put on his glasses and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. The entire time the young boy remained completely silent.

Kiba woke up and looked around. 'He did it; the dead last actually did it.' He got up and walked to his parent's room his dad was still around at this time. Not that he really cared he abandoned them and wasn't worth being upset about. He closed the door and walked to his sister's room he looked in she was safe too, he sighed and went back to his room. Life at the Inuzuka household started late. Good thing too because, he felt exhausted.

Tenten shot up what where am I? I remember me and lee fighting off some of Kabuto's sound ninjas but then nothing. She looked around holy #$%! %^& #$%# $%$ %&$& I'm three again. Did I travel back in time? Whoa I got to stay calm this is probably just a dream I guess I'll just go with it. It's not like I have anything better to do. I just hope the others are okay. The rest of the day for the young girl continued as normal as could be when she went to the cafeteria a saw a black-haired boy giving her some thumbs up. Who is… Tenten cut herself off as she saw his face and more specifically his eyebrows. Oh Lee.

Hinata woke up slowly, she sat up and looked around; she saw her bedroom and smiled. "I knew you could do it Naruto-kun." She heard her mother stepping into Hinata's room. "Hinat… oh you're already awake." Hinata smiled "Hai mother and I'm guessing it's time for breakfast." Her mother nodded and stepped out. Hinata looked after her before getting dressed. "Mom it's been so long I can't believe your still here." Her mom had died shortly after her sisters second birthday quite suddenly. They still weren't sure what exactly happened to her though. They had discovered her in the garden.

Sasuke opened his eyes partially expecting more darkness but to his shock he could see. He laid there simply staring for what seemed forever. He heard footsteps outside his door. He got up and opened it, he looked down the hall. He almost gaped in surprise. "Mom!" she stopped and looked back at him "hmm what is it Sasuke do you need something." Realizing he had spoken out loud he shook his head. "No thanks mom I'm fine." Almost as an afterthought he asked "where's Itachi?" she paused and frowned. "I'm not sure I think he is still completing d-ranks with his sensei.

Sasuke was surprised. 'He's still a gennin.' Then again, he is only about seven now so that understandable. "When will he be back?" his mom frowned. "I'm not sure he usually plays with Shisui after missions." Sasuke nodded. "Itachi you're not going to be alone this time I'll make sure of it." He heard his mom giggle. "Oh, Sasuke I think it's so adorable when you make that face." Sasuke twitched. 'Cute… cute.' Sasuke seethed. 'I'm an s ranked ex missing Nin, I am not cute.' Somehow when his mom saw his clearly outraged face she couldn't resist laughing harder. 'When I see Naruto, I'm going to kick his ass.'

Choji groaned and rolled around and sat up. For a few minutes he just sat there letting his eyes adjust to the light. He didn't even react when his mom came in and picked him up to carry him into the kitchen, cooing gently. The tired toddler didn't react when she and his dad sat down and left him with a bowl of Cheerios, chips and a Sippy cup. In fact, it wasn't till halfway through the morning that Choji thought. 'Well it worked… how about that.' He took about another spoonful of his Cheerios.

Konohamaru had been awake for a while. One of the only thoughts on his mind where 'oh I really hate you sometimes Boss.' It was understandable as Konohamaru was completely immobile in a thick cloth presumably a blanket. Then again, his eyes where heavy and would be for a while. At least I didn't have to deal with how birth felt. Then I would have really killed him. Konohamaru guessed he was roughly three months old or less. 'He sure cut it close though.'

Eslwhere Moegi shot awake and tried in vain to sit up properly before giving it up as impossible she was not that surprised. 'Boss has the weirdest luck' thought moegi as she looked around at her over-decorated nursery. Nothing in it was expensive but her mom tended to collect whatever she thought interesting, or when she was pregnant she was into passively educational. Via how time changes things. Evidence lying with the hunk of petrified wood that was actually gorgeous and a bit over-polished. That's what you get with a R&D parent.

Udon sighed and went back to staring at the mobile he believed it was called, it was a boring dinosaur themed toy with no real purpose now that he knew more about physics then either of his parents ever would. Even if he couldn't really display his knowledge the simply toy was distracting enough to keep him from getting too bored.


Choji is in no way dumb but it's hard to faze him he is the type of person who can take most things in stride plus he is NOT a morning person.