"Yes Rio?"
"Have you seen my school bag?!"
"Under the stairs!" I shouted at her.
It's been 12 years since I left Soul Society... And thanks to Grimmjow, I now have a blue haired, 12 year old daughter... I named her Rio... Because after all... The old Rio did save my life... But the past, is the past, I've moved on!
I closed the door to the house, and locked it.
"Are you excited to be starting your new school Rio?"
"Not really..."
"They might make fun of my hair!"
"If they do, just tell someone..."
"They never listen..."
"Then call me, and I'll come and do something, ok?"
"Ok mum..."
I dropped Rio off at school.
"Are you working today mum?"
"No, I'm going to do some shopping. And if anyone says anything to you-"
"Tell someone, or call you... I know mum..."
Rio's POV:
I walked along the corridor with people staring at me.
"Look at her hair..."
"I wonder if she picked up the wrong hair dye..."
I walked in my new Form Room and sat down at my desk.
Everyone just looked at me.
"Morning everyone," My form tutor walked in the room, and sat at her desk.
"Now, you must be Rio" My new form tutor said.
"Yes, nice to meet you!" I said.
"Just to let you know, you will have to change your hair colour, to its natural colour,"
"It is..." I said.
"Blue is not a natural hair colour... Brown or Blonde is..."
"Well it's mine..."
I walked down the corridor to my next lesson, even though it was break, I would like to get there early.
I walked into the girls changing rooms, for P.E.
My P.E teacher walked in to the room, she saw me on the bench, reading a book.
"Your early, none of my students are ever early," She said.
"Uh huh..." I said turning the page.
"Miss! Why is the new girl allowed Blue hair, and we're not?!" A student asked.
"... How many times must I say this... It's my natural hair colour..."
"Blue is not a natural hair colour!" The girl said pulling at my hair, trying to see if my roots where a different colour.
"Hey! Get off!" I gave her a push, and she fell on the floor.
Everyone watched in amazement.
"Senior Detention..." The teacher said.
"She was invading my personal space..." I said.
"Don't answer back, or I'll make it after school senior detention,"
"Fine by me," I picked up my bag, slung it over my shoulder and walked out of the changing room.
I don't like being told what to do, even if I didn't start the situation in the first place. I don't like going to school, everyone just stars at me, with my hair.
I walked out of the school, and down the street.
"Well... Guess mum won't be happy about me skipping another school..."
I carried on walking, when I felt the floor beneath me disappear.
I looked down, to see a long black hole.
I fell down it screaming.
I landed on a floor.
"Itai!" I said clenching my toes together and my hand on my head.
I looked up to see 11 people looking at me.
Elizabeth's POV:
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE MISSING?!" I shouted down the phone to Rio's school head teacher.
"W- We'll find her Miss Barstow!"
"No, I'll find her!" I said before hanging up the phone.
Rio's POV:
"How did you get here?" The old man at the end of the room said.
"I don't know. I was walking, and then I was here!"
Elizabeth's POV:
I opened my garage. Inside was my car. I never used it.
I got inside it, and put the key in the ignition.
"Come baby, start," I turned the key. It turned over; I put my foot on the accelerator. The car started. I backed out of the garage. I got out of the car, locked the garage, and got back in the car.
Rio's POV:
"What's you name kid?" A man asked. He was wearing a pink Kimono and a Sakkat.
"Why should I tell you? I don't know you..." I replied.
"How old are you? You look about... 12," A girl, near the far end said.
"Where are you from?" A tall man with spiked hair asked.
"My mum said not to talk to strangers..." I replied.
"Can you tell us who your mum is?" The girl at the far end asked.
"... No..."
"Not even a last name?" The old man asked.
"... Fine... since you all seem so keen... It's Barstow..."
"I don't suppose your mum's first name is Elizabeth?" The man with the spiked hair asked.
"Yes... How did you know?" I asked.
Elizabeth's POV:
I parked up on my drive way.
"Well... I'm sure she'll come back soon..." I walked along the path to my front door.
The floor disappeared from my feet.
"Not again..." I fell down the block hole.
Rio's POV:
"I hear screaming..."
"So do I..." Son replied.
Elizabeth's POV:
I landed on the floor.
"OW!" I shouted.
"Mum...?" Rio asked.
I looked up to see Rio.
"What the hell where you thinking! You ran away from your school?! You could have called me?!"
"Urm mum, shouldn't you be more concerned where we are?" Rio asked.
"I know where we are!" I looked around.
"I don't know why I am back here? Why am I back here? Who bought me here?!"
"I don't know..." The old man said.
"Don't give me that Yamamoto! The floor didn't just suddenly disappear beneath my feet!"
"I had nothing to do with it..." Yamamoto replied.
"So, who's if the kid?" The man with the spiked hair asked.
"Mine, Kenpachi..."
"Well she certainly acts like you..." The man with the Sakkat said.
"Thanks Shunsui... Thanks a million!" I replied.
"What's her name?" The girl near the end said.
"What's with all the questions?! I mean really, I know it's been 12 years-"
"Months..." The girl at the end said.
"Years, Son, years,"
"Not here," Shunsui replied.
"12 months here, 12 years where I am... right... wasn't expecting that!"
"If she is 12... then you are... 28...?" Son asked.
"Yes... and her name is Rio..." I replied.
"You staying?" Yamamoto asked.
"Please?!" Rio asked tugging on my top.
"You are kidding me right... Rio...?"
"Please mum! You don't have many friends I know of!" Rio asked.
"Fine... Fine! Kenpachi, can she stay with Yachiru, I'm pretty sure they will get on," I asked.
"Yes, I'm going to bed! Son, is my room still in your division?" I asked.
"Yes... So are all your belongings," Son replied.
"Thanks!" I walked to the doors. "Rio, none of them will hurt you! They're all very good friends!" I said walking out the room.
"Captains Dismissed," Yamamoto said.
A/N: Right guys, with the majority vote, I have gone for Elizabeth. I will be writing up Son's Life Story soon, but struggling to grab the concept of Fruits Basket. I also have to cross Son's life Story with a TV program .. You will have to wait and find out wha~t. I also have to write up a Ouran One-Shot for my sister, who keeps going... on, and on, and on about writing it, but I managed to get a friend to help me with it.
So, to end it all, I will do Son's Life Story! in-between writing the this and my Ouran One-Shot!