Chapter 5: the sun's worry

Lussuria paced inside the clinic. Everyone else had left because they had 'more pressing' things to do, which in Lussuria's opinion is nothing compared to his problem. The check-up was meant to provide answers and reduce his worry, instead the check-up just left him with more questions and bigger 'speculations' to worry about.

Just before he left, Shamal had blocked his way and asked him to listen to a heuristic he had formulated.

"Though, I still don't have concrete evidence this might also be one of the reasons, no,-" the doctor shook his head, "this might be the most plausible cause of that child's submissiveness"

"What is it tell me?" Lussuria excitedly asked. For him, it would be easier to find a treatment if they knew the cause. But when he heard Shamal's heuristic 'damn his smarty-pants term' his blood ran cold and he was burning, burning with rage. Right that moment, heuri-whatnot or true, he just wanted to resurrect the damn idiot and kill him slowly that he would wish he just remained dead. Heck, he would even willingly give Mammon all his fortune just so the sadistic illusionist would help him torture the brains out of the man.

'Maybe Bel would want a new sandbag he could throw his knives in. Oh, and I would make sure that he wouldn't hit anything vital' he thought as more ideas for torture came running down the normally dazzling sun. Despite his flowery attitude and role as the sun guardian Lussuria is still varia by heart, and every varia members had taken a lesson or two –in Mammon and Bel's case thousands- about torture.

But unfortunately, or fortunately for that rotten man, he's already dead. Their order was to not let anyone leave the mansion alive, and varia could be anything, but they follow orders to the dot, especially when it comes to cleaning trashes. His only regret is that he might be the one who had killed that bastard and it would have been a very painless death with a few broken molars.

'mou~ at least let him die by the hands of Mammon-chan or Bel-chan' and even with that it would had been a very easy death.


Everyone gape when Xanxus just took the child and left. They all thought that with the amount of effort needed to take care of the child Xanxus would immediately agree with Shamal's proposition. Truthfully, they thought that Xanxus didn't even give a damn about the child. He might have taken in him but it does not mean he would take care of him. He can't even tolerate them, what more a child with lots of issues. But just like always, their boss always surprise them and he always decide on his own.

"What just happened?" Squalo asked obviously the most dumbfounded. Xanxus picks things, he knows, he had been with the temperamental guy the longest but he only pick up strong people that can live without pestering him. Since when did their boss liked brats?

"ushishi, did the boss hit his head during the attack?" Bel asked unsurely, he too, seemed surprised by the flow of events.

"Are kids tasty?"





"VOOIIII what the fuck did you just say you fucking frog?! Where did that bullshit come from voii?" Squalo growled, he had known that Fran can be a bit –yeah right- spontaneous and weird at times, but he can't honestly fathom where that comment came from. Why would he ask a question like that at this particular time?

"ushishishi looks like the frog had finally lost his mind. But the prince is curious, why ask that question, answer me before I throw my knives" Bel demanded not caring that he's already throwing his knives towards Fran's oversized hat.

"ouch senpai, if you continue throwing those knives I might not answer" Fran said in his ever monotonous voice while he removed the set of knives already embedded in his hat.

"like I care ushishishi" Bel was in the process of throwing more knives when Lussuria blocked his way to question Fran. He would also like to hear the reason of Varia's resident weird- even by their standard.

"well you know how boss loves steak" Fran finally conceded after much coaxing from Lussuria "I was just wondering if maybe children's meat taste like steak. Why else would he keep someone weak if he's not going to eat it?" if he didn't sound serious Squalo would have seriously cut the illusionist in half. Theoretically speaking, his logic is not wrong. True their boss loves steak and meat and meat and meat but,

"VOIII! Won't you use that thing inside in your skull! The brat is too skinny for the boss' liking you damn stupid frog!"

"Mou~ Squalo-chan! Don't add to the stupidity~"

"Voii~ What did you say?"

"ehem!" before a fight managed to break out, Shamal thought it wise to use this opportunity to talk with the remaining varia members.

"Now that the child is gone and it looks like he'll be staying with you for an indefinite amount of time, there is something I would like to discuss with you as the guardians" before anyone managed to even utter a word, Lussuria gave them a look that says that 'if you don't keep your mouth shut right this moment I'll rape you 3 *heart*'.And just like a spell everyone immediately clump their lips together. They had dared going against that look once and cue shivers. That's a memory they would all rather bury deep, deep, deep, very deeply inside their minds.

Shamal took a stool and set it infront of the door before sitting down. His back straight and not in its usual slouch and gone was the usual boredom and laziness in the doctor's face. He looked serious and totally out of character. But that only puts more emphasis on the gravity of the situation the doctor wants to discuss.

"Some of you might have noticed, but physical and verbal abuse, imprisonment, starvation, darkness, dirt, grime, and torture no matter how severe won't have resulted to submissiveness at that child's level" At this both Mammon and Flan nodded their heads, though discreetly and almost invisibly.

"Abuse and torture will lead to a more subdued behavior, the child might follow all the commands the perpetrator ensues, but it won't force the child into submission. Multiple personality, temporary escape from reality, yes, but total oblivion? I can only think of two things that might cause it. Though, I still don't have concrete evidence this might also be one of the reasons, no,-" the doctor shook his head, "this might be the most plausible cause of that child's submissiveness"

"What is it tell me?" Lussuria excitedly asked.

"First. Drugs" in here Mammon nodded his agreement; he's well versed with the usage of prohibited drugs to get the desired result from captives. While the others either blanched with disgust or whatever it was, or just ignored it. In the mafia world, usage of drug is normal. Thought it did leave a bad aftertaste, especially when it was used on a child on top of all the abuse he had gone through.

"Second." In here Shamal was a bit hesitant, there was no evidence, and he shouldn't be speculating like this. Especially when it comes to patients, but if ever he was right, then he wouldn't want to expose the child to more unwanted scenarios due to his 'guardians' lack of knowledge. "Sexual abuse" this time, it did get a livelier reaction: A tilt of heads here and there and a bit slackening of jaws- Child sexual abuse is disgusting but definitely not uncommon.

"Repeated sexual abuse" a nod, and a bit of clicking sound from Squalo and tightening of fists from Lussuria

"Possibly for years, I haven't checked but it could have started since that child was very young to even utter the word mama" well, he based it on how the child refuses to speak even if there's nothing wrong with his throat and despite getting his 'approval' from the current master. Now, this time the Varia member's face contorted in disgust. For someone to stoop as low as raping a child until he broke, even Varia's not that heartless. But they don't know the child all that much to warrant a 'normal' reaction. They pity the child, but that's it. Well of course aside from Lussuria and surprisingly Squalo who both look like they're on their way to resurrect the said man. Whatever happened to them will remain a mystery to the remaining members…. Until they start feeling it too- which is still a long way ahead.

"Why are you telling this to us?" Mammon voiced out what the other unaffected members were asking inside their heads. Their mafia, true it might be a bit uncommon but it's not unusual and definitely not impossible. If it's the doctor's way of trying to gain some sort of sympathy from them then he picked the wrong people. Ah, right, it was Xanxus who decided it.

"I'm telling you this so that you will refrain from exposing the child to anything that will remind him of his abuse, especially the sexual abuse." Belphegor blinked at what Shamal had said in surprise.

"Ushishi, it seems like you became attached to the peasant brat as well sensei~ but why should the prince do something troublesome like that?"

"All I ask of you is to keep your innuendos in when the child is present and to refrain from either intimidating or approaching him with malicious intent. Please, let me help this child" he finished his statement with a low bow that earned the attention of everyone in the room.

Well, it's not like it's going to cost them anything.

"As long as no one pays me" Mammon said before he vanished into thin air.

"I only follow what the boss wants. I won't bother with something like a child" Levi grumbled before finally leaving the room through the window.

"Well~ as long as the frog entertains me, then the prince might not play with the peasant child" Belphegor stood to leave with Fran following after him,

"Eh~ why would I have to put up with senpai?"

"Voooi! Do you think I would sink as low as those fucking punks!"

"Mou~ I'll protect my dear child with all I have!"

~end of flashback~

And that was how Lussuria was left pacing in the clinic. Alone. After he had gotten the closest to an approval he can from Varia Shamal immediately left for who-knows-where. Sigh, honestly Lussuria is very thankful to the extent his co-members were willing to cooperate. They even listened to Shamal without leaving or maiming the said doctor even if they're more than capable of doing so. But now, with his initial rage dissipating, he's worried again about a totally different thing.

It's been a long time since Xanxus, their dearest boss, left with the child and Lussuria's not sure where to find them and what they're doing. For all he know Xanxus might have lost his patience and finally throw the child. But he can't also go searching for the child when Xanxus clearly conveyed that he'd want to be left alone.

"This is very stressful~" he was still thinking on what to do when his cellphone rang its funky ringtone of born this way.

I'm beautiful in my way

'Cause God makes no mistakes

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret

Just love yourself and you're set

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born this way, born this way

Without bothering to look at the caller ID he answered his phone, all the while singing along with the song.

"If I ever hear another gay shit, I'm gonna fucking blow your shitty excuse for a face, trash" His leader 'happily' greeted him, looks like he had forgotten to disable the ringback tone for Xanxus' calls.

"oops sorry boss~ I'll change it immediately" Lussuria happily replied momentarily forgetting about his dilemma.

"shut up and just fucking come here, this brat needs clothes and if I don't see you're fucking face in 5 seconds then I'll blow you up till you ain't recognizable" and with that Xanxus dropped the call without properly telling where exactly 'here' is located. But no need to worry, Lussuria managed to translate his boss' words into human language. He said: "Never mind that and just come here in my room. This brat needs clothes and I don't know anything about them so choose for him. Hurry up if you don't want to die early" end of translation.

Well if their boss is in the mood to buy clothes then that just mean that he's still interested with the child.

"Oh my~~ my cute little bunny~ Mama Lussuria will choose cute clothes for you~" he squealed before punching in the numbers of his trusty designer friends.

~a few moments later~

After a few minutes of walking to the other side of the mansion while making phone calls to everyone he deemed necessary for the child's makeover, Lussuria had finally arrived at his boss' room. Truthfully, he was expecting to see the child sitting on the floor with his hands carefully placed on his lap while Xanxus is drinking wine in his beloved throne of doom. So when he opened the door with a "mama's here bunny-chan~" he was shocked to see something completely opposite of what he was expecting. No wonder Lussuria immediately slammed the door shut and stepped back to properly look at the door he had just opened.

"Mou~ I need to replace my glasses~ I'm starting to make mistakes" Lussuria playfully berated himself. He looked at the door again and the nameplate hanging on it. On a silver nameplate, written in pure gold ink was: Xanxus Vongola Decimo. Lussuria blinked his eyes three times but the name didn't change. He even tried wiping his sunglasses but the name persisted.

'There MUST be some mistake here! Because that…. That… couldn't be' slowly, Lussuria opened the door again and inside was and still is Xanxus sitting on his throne of doom while drinking wine –nothing wrong there-. On his lap, sleeping peacefully, is the child with his lips parted into an O while clutched in his cute little fingers is a piece of feather ornament adorning HIS boss' clothes.

"b-b-boss?~" Lussuria shouted incredulously which earned him a deadly glare from the now irate vongola.

"Shut up, scum" contrary to his normally loud voice Xanxus said that in a slightly average voice, though the danger lacing his words doubled. Inwardly, Lussuria smiled at this. It's unusual but definitely not unwelcome especially if it's due to the cute little bunny.

"mou~" regaining his usual enthusiasm, Lussuria pranced towards the two and peeked at the child while remaining at a safe distance. "bunny-chan is really too cute~ I so want to poke those cheeks right now" he restrained his fingers from doing the 'evil' act. But for Lussuria the temptation is just too strong. Now that the child is all clean and relax, his long eyelashes rested softly on his smooth and pink cheeks, he would want to poke it right now just to see if it's as soft as it looks. And those cute button nose and parted lips~

'Well, I would like it more if he had a bit more fat' for a moment his thought strayed towards a path it should not cross. He was sure that if the child was awake then his killer intent might frighten him. Well, as if the child instinctively knew what a killer intent feels like, he started squirming in his sleep and close lids began to flutter to reveal sleepy caramel orbs.

"Oh my~ Did I wake you up?" His voice must have startled the child because as soon as he saw Lussuria the child's eyes widen with fear. His small body momentarily trembled before it died down and his eyes started to droop reverting back to its dull, unseeing pools.

Lussuria was panicking; he didn't mean to surprise the child. It looks like the child isn't normally in his 'oblivion', but because of him and his momentary slip the child is quickly switching gears. 'Oh no, oh no, I didn't mean to do it…. I…the chance to help him is….' But before the child had completely entered his 'submissive' state, a big hand covered his eyes and Xanxus' rough voice can be heard.

"Stop." The child flinched.

"I told you not to act like a weakling, or is that brain of yours too damaged to even understand something as simple as that" His words were harsh but Xanxus' tone was normal almost neutral. "Relax" and just like a magic world, the child's tensed shoulder slacked and he dropped on the vongola boss' torso. Xanxus sensing that the child is normal again removed his hand, allowing the child to turn his little body and bury his face into his chest just like what he did in the presence of the maid.

"Boss what is happening?" Lussuria asked in shock. For the child to become attach to their boss, of all people, in a short span of time. What sorcery did he do?

"Like I know" Xanxus growled as he drank his bottle of wine. "Where are the clothes?"

"ha?" Lussuria asked dumbfoundedly, he's still finding all this things strange.

"The clothes for the brat. I didn't tell you to come here just so I can see your face" Xanxus growled clearly losing his patience. And just like that Lussuria brushed off the strangeness and decided to excitedly tell the boss about the designers coming right this moment to help him pick cute clothes for the little bunny. 'If this means the child's not going to be in his submissive mode then who cares~' Well there's a reason he's the sun right?

Omake and Tsuna's POV

I woke up when I felt something sending shivers down my spine. It's uncomfortable and suffocating. Slowly I opened my eyes and light greeted me. Light? Since when did this place became bright? And…. Thump thump… since when did the floor created sounds?

"Oh my~ Did I wake you up?" a voice! Who? I whipped my head and saw a man with a strange hair style and glasses looking at me. Who? I—I… I'm scared… I'm scared… hurt… he's gonna hurt me too…. I don't want… I don't want to feel it…. Slowly the edges of my eyes started to darken… sleep…. Leave… don't want to be here…. Don't want… and the familiar darkness started invading my senses.


I heard a voice, a rough voice telling me to stop. Nobody has told me to stop going to that place before. Am I not allowed there anymore?

"I told you not to act like a weakling, or is that brain of yours too damaged to even understand something as simple as that"

Weakling? Somehow I remember someone telling me that. Someone warm…. Yes… someone warm, like the hand on my eyes.

'Don't worry' the familiar voice told me, 'it's him, he's here, your safe' the voice continued. Safe?

'yes, it's Xanxus'

Xanxus…. the name brought back memories of the scowling man.

'He won't hurt you' yes, yes, Xanxus is kind, he's different he won't hurt me. And the voice even said so, no reason to doubt.

"Relax" I heard Xanxus said and just like that I feel all the tension and fear leave my body. For the first time, I felt genuinely safe. Yes, if the voice says it's okay, then It's okay. The voice had never been wrong before.

'now go back'

'yes, Xanxus will keep me safe. I know'

A.N. sorry for the delay! I know that I've kept you guys waiting for over a month! I have no excuse other than college being a mean force!

Just like what was said before I don't have any idea on how this story will develop so it might take a bit of time and effort. Sigh. But I did try to make this chapter long, so far it's the longest chapter I've ever done. BTW I don't hate the song, I just insulted it because of Xanxus lol...


I don't own anything

Just like promised here's the response corner:

Koike: D'awww thank you~ the best bonding time for them is by sharing steaks they both love XD

Aeternum Spe: hahaha yes I love slash! sometimes it's even hard for me to read hetero stories lol... and urgh, yes the grammar, I normally proofread my work once so I tend to miss some errors. :( but I'm glad you like it XD

Narutopokefan: I see another X27 fan out there! hehehe well it would still take a long time before I go there unfortunately

Naturalsam14: yay! thank you I'll edit my previous chapters when I have the time and I'll definitely use the term XD

emriel: hahaha! another shota fan! or not? I would love to write a story 'bout that! maybe a oneshot when I have sometime

R3iga: Ikr? it's so hard to look for great X27 out there, when I love them too much! they fit each other so cutely~

hiwatari: I'm sorry if the chapter came out slow~ and not that fluffy! but I'll do my best next time

thousandcross: oh my~ you talk like the varia! hahaha I'm very honored~ I just wish I'll just continue sparking your interest

scratchart: hahaha well your review acted like a wake up call LOL thanks

shadowfang: I'm glad you like it! I'm sorry I'm not that good with fluff

j3nny24: yahoo~ another X27 fan! I just hope I'll have the motivation to do the sequel~

usagi grecia desu: oooh another X27 yay! and yes I soooo sooo love a possessive Xanxus, don't worry he'll come out soon XD

bebepantheon: hmm... well Tsuna's past will be revealed soon XD hahaha and I loved that scene too! I can't believe Xanxus shared his beloved steak!

Nitmi: hahaha thank you very much~ sorry for the late update

toolazy4accound: d'awww that's the sweetest review I've ever received! thank you very much

tiger723: thank you very much and sorry for the lateness

Rumu: I hope so too. Because I love X27!

Final Syai Lunar Generation: your username's too long, can I have a nickname please? XD thank you very much for the very cute review~ I hope I didn't disappoint you with this new chapter