Summary: 'Homra. The most feared gang in Shizume City. And that guy up the front – that's Suoh Mikoto, the almighty red king.' AU, Misaki's past and his life during middle school, as well the development of his friendship with Fushimi and his entrance into Homra. Yata-centric. Cute angsty times and violence (eventually).

Chapter 5

And just like that, Fushimi Saruhiko found a boy in his arms.

'Eh!' He was surprised. He didn't except to turn the corner and come face to face with Yata Misaki of all people. Especially not an obviously injured Yata Misaki.

'Misaki?' he questioned. The boy didn't respond, remaining slumped in his arms, his knees bent and his head resting on his shoulder. Despite the injured boys slightness, Fushimi could feel his weight bearing down on him and he struggled to maintain a strong stance.

'O-oi,' he stuttered, not knowing what to do with his discovery. 'What should I do with him?'

The rest of Homra made their way over, looking just as surprised as Fushimi was.

'Fushimi-chan, who is that?' Totsuka asked wearily. He stood behind Fushimi, unable to see the other boys face clearly. Kusanagi, however, realized instantly. Having seen the frightened kid amidst the fighting with Satsujin, he sighed with relief at the sight of him in Fushimi's arms. Although he appeared in a much worse state than their last meeting.

'Kusanagi-san, he doesn't look too good,' Totsuka said worryingly. 'Look at his shoulder.'

'We should've grabbed him when we could, fucking Satsujin,' Kusanagi cursed. Meanwhile Mikoto stood away from the others. A cigarette hung limply between his teeth, his hands shoved roughly in the pockets of his jacket. A deep furrowing frown dented his forehead. He looked enraged.

'Mikoto.' Kusanagi didn't need to bother with questions. 'He's the one Midori needed. Look's like whoever the Greens are after got the kid first.'

'What's so special about him? He looks like a middle-schooler,' Totsuka asked.

'Something to do with "the almighty Shidou",' Kusanagi responded dramatically.

Misaki began to stir.

'O…kaa..san,' he murmured. His eyes remained shut, but tears continued to fall slowly down his cheeks, soaking Fushimi's shirt.

'Poor kid.' Kusanagi shook his head. He walked over to Fushimi and inspected Misaki closely. 'He doesn't even look as old as you, Fushimi-chan.' Kusanagi pushed soaking locks of hair out of the injured boy's eyes and winced at the significant bruising on his jaw. 'We better get him back to the bar.'

With one swift movement, Kusanagi had his arm behind Misaki's knees and another supporting his back. As he did this, Misaki shrieked suddenly. Totsuka lurched forward in alarm in case he fell from Kusanagi's arms, but he stayed snuggly in place.

'Stop!' Misaki wailed. 'Please, stop hurting me. Okaasan, please…'

'Aaah, his shoulder is dislocated, can you see,' Totsuka cried, pointing. Fushimi could only stare sympathetically. 'It looks broken as well.'

Kusanagi held the whimpering boy close to his chest, allowing him to cling to his broken arm as he shook in pain.'

'Don't worry kid, you're going to the safest place you could go,' Kusanagi murmured softly as they walked. 'No one will hurt you anymore.'

'Fushimi,' Totsuka asked as they walked. 'You said his name before. How do you know him?'

Fushimi said nothing for a moment, staring into Kusanagi's back and the small tuffs of wet red hair behind his arms.

'Yeah,' he said slowly. 'Yata Misaki. He's in my class.'

'He's 14?!' Totsuka exclaimed. Fushimi nodded. But he couldn't stop thinking: How did someone else like me get stuck in this war?

'What is he doing hanging out with those dumb Shidou idiots!' Totsuka wailed, sounding exasperated.

'Tch, what does that make me then?' Fushimi responded, looking sullen.

Totsuka smiled as the two began to trudge along after the others.

'Ah, you're wrong there Fushimi-chan,' Totsuka said. He waggled his finger knowingly. 'You were always involved with us.'

Fushimi made another loud tch and folded his arms, deciding to end the conversation.

'Maybe he didn't have a choice either,' he mumbled


Fushimi stared at the boy in disbelief. He really couldn't believe it. How had Yata Misaki of all people gotten caught up in all of this? He watched as Kusanagi washed the young boy's face with a damp wash cloth, wiping away the blood and dirt. The bruising around his jaw was painful to look at, and with a loud tch Fushimi turned away, frustrated.

'What's wrong, Fushimi-chan?' Tostuka asked from the doorway. 'I suppose it must be a shock seeing a friend suffering like this.'

'He's not a friend,' Fushimi replied sharply. Tostuka only laughed grimly.

'No, but still. It's hard to believe Shidou-san let a child like him get taken by the Green Clan.'

Fushimi frowned. 'What do you mean, "let him get taken"?' he asked. 'There's no way this dumb guy is the strain everyone's looking for.'

Kusanagi looked up from tending Yata's wounds.

'We haven't identified the strain yet, but we know Satsujin are lookin' for him. He's not been around in a long time. I imagine old Midori is getting pretty impatient.'

'But you don't know why he wants some hideaway strain.' Fushimi sighed. 'Why are we involved in this again?'

'Midori and Shidou are trying to "take the city",' said a gruff voice behind him. Fushimi jumped, like he always did when Mikoto appeared. The man always made him nervous.

'Aah, Mikoto,' Tostuka crooned. 'How was your nap?'

Suoh Mikoto did not reply. Instead, brushing gently past Tostuka, he approached the bed where Yata lay peacefully. Finally resting, Kusanagi had been able to apply a splint and a sling to support his broken arm and dislocated shoulder. He didn't have the expertise to pop it back into place, especially when the bone was also broken. That would have to wait till morning when the boy was awake.

Finally clean and in dry clothes, Yata slept. A good dose of painkillers and sedatives had seen to that. Mikoto frowned. Now that he had a good look at the kid's face, a slight rage begin to bubble dangerously inside. The kid was barely in middle school – some stupid punk Shidou had managed to scoop up and disregard. How many kid's had suffered because of him? He was reminded of Totsuka, who always ended up on the other end of a fist for his sake. But Tostuka knew the dangers. This kid was just up for a thrill.

'Shidou isn't a king,' Mikoto said. 'We'll burn him.'

A tense pressure filled the small room. Kusanagi sighed and shook his head, but didn't protest. Tostuka looked slightly worried and frowned in thought. Kamamoto nodded earnestly. And Fushimi…

"Tch, Shidou isn't worth our time. Go take out Satsujin. You're supposed to be a king.'

'Ahh, Saruhiko-chan,' Kusanagi sighed. 'Y'know Mikoto likes to make more of a…fiery point.'

Mikoto snorted once, probably indicating laughter. Fushimi just scowled.

Fushimi opened his eyes and peered into the dewy morning sun. The couch he was sprawled on had become enveloped in golden sunlight, the warmth awakening him from his irritable slumber. A dull ache in his back made him roll over stiffly.

Tch. He always hated sleeping on the couch. Being the youngest usually meant he missed out on the bed in the spare room. And as if anyone would want to share a bunk with Mikoto.

He heard footsteps pad quietly down the stairs.

'Ah, Fushimi-chan is awake!' Totsuka called cheerily.

Fushimi mumbled in response, and pulled himself sleepily off the couch.

'What time is it?' He asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Totsuka took a seat opposite him and stretched. Squinting into the bright dawn sunlight he replied, 'Hmm, probably just past 6 I think… Kusanagi-san is still with the boy upstairs.'

'He's still alive then.'

'Ehh! Fushimi-chan shouldn't talk that way about his classmates!'


'So,' Fushimi continued. 'Any news?'

'Not really,' Totsuka admitted. 'Just the same Intel you found last night. Remind me again what you found out.'

'Not much. I couldn't get far into the Satsujin system. Their code it too good. The only info they don't seem too bothered about hiding are the Strain Files and some scanned newspaper articles.'

'Ah, send them to my PDA,' Totsuka said. Fushimi complied.

'So its true!' Tostuka exclaimed, stared intently at his phone. 'Shidou's brother is the green clan's king!'

'Don't act too surprised,' Fushimi grumbled.

'Why's that?'

'Nothing…' Tostuka stared at Fushimi suspiciously. 'Look through the articles. The Shidou name own a big chunk of this financial corporation. Satsuri. The CEO is Taiwanese and guess what his name is?'

Totsuka whispered, 'Mousha?'

'Chinese for Satsujin.'


Sorry for the delay again. Oops