Kagami Taiga + Arron Hiiroshi

"So what exactly do you plan to do Taiga?" Arron bit on the tip of her pen and leaning back on the dinner chair

"I have no idea. I don't even know my feelings for Kuroko yet."

"Daiki has to much of an influence on you..."

"Sh-shut up!"

Arron smiled and hummed a high note.

"So here's what i was thinking,"

Kagami leaned forward.

"Simple. nothing a girl would like, It's Tetsuya after all. He always likes something small. The thought that counts, right?"

Kagami deadpanned at her.

"Really? That's all you got?"

"Well, Sorry!" Arron pouted.

"I knew all that already!"

Arron cold eyes glared lazily at him and sighed heavily.

"This is why I hate people in love..."

"You'd think something else from those words..."

"What? Jealousy? Nahh It's not that...If I was in a relationship i'd make it my own, be creative and take it in my own swing," Arron put her arms behind her head and closed her eyes "It's more fun that way."


Arron opend one eye and glanced at her friend. "What?"

"Thanks Hiiro."

"Hah?" Arron yawned and glared confused.

The Battle of Kagami Taiga and His Date

It was 11:30AM and nice sunny clear Saturday and Kagami was waiting at the meeting place waiting for his date to appear. His usual casual attire a Black T-shirt and some well fitting jeans. Kagami yawning softly and scratched the back of his neck.

"Good morning Kagami-kun."

"Mornin" Kagami stared at his smaller friend "You showed up normally..."

Kuroko tilted his head slightly to the side. "What do you mean Kagami-kun?"

Kagami shook his head. "Nah, It's nothing. Let's go?"

Kuroko nodded his head and walked close to his date.

"Where are we going Kagami-kun?"


Kuroko blinked.

"I heard you wanted to see that one adapted from one of your books and I thought It'd be nice to take you to see it."

Kuroko smiled. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me till after the movie."

Kuroko nodded. "Hai."

Even though It was a Saturday, The seats of the movie theater we're empty and was so quiet to a point of hearing a pin drop. Which in their case was fortunate.

"I'm glad no one is here." Kuroko stated

"Why's that?"

"Because it will be quite and we'll be alone."

Kagami face palmed himself 'don't say such embarrassing things idiot!'

Kuroko sat himself the the right of his date and sipped the vanilla milkshake Kagami bought him on the way to the theater.

The movie begun minutes later and was very smooth and steady to the near climax.

Kuroko moved his arm onto the armrest and snuggled into his body warmed seat.

Kagami a few minutes later placing his arm on the same rest brushing his arm and finger's against Kuroko's. Kagami automatically blushed and didn't look at what was occurring since his instincts told him so. His first reaction was pulling his arm away and mumbling a short 'Sorry' in response.

The slight contact was warm and sent a spark up Kagami's arm. And it wasn't Friction static as he first thought. His mind soon floating off somewhere, instead of paying attention to the movie. He started wondering if he liked the male as Aomine did. He wouldn't deny he had some interest of relationship with the boy but he didn't think it was bad enough to make his heart thump. Was he wrong? Kagami didn't know, he;d have to think hard on this and sadly...thinking wasn't his achieving strong point...

The movie ended and Kagami decided to walk Kuroko home on request. Kuroko needed to get home since he needed to feed Nigou his lunch and his parents we're coming home a half and hour from now and was told to be home before they reached the house.


Kagami mumbled a 'hm?'

"Should I consider this a date?"

Kagami glanced at his partner and inhaled calmly.

"I'd be happy if you did, but if you don't like the idea of this as a 'date' you don't have to."

"Kagami-kun is such a Tsun."

"I'm being honest here!"

As reaching the small front gate Kuroko entered and closed the gate, leaving only the gate as the block between them.

"I had a nice time." Kuroko smiled

"Hey Kuroko."

Kuroko tiled his head slowly and slightly in question.

Kagami put his hand on the smaller's shoulder and bent down to press his warm lips against the boy's cold ones. It was chaste, short, and berief but it was enough to make Kuroko blush slightly. Kagami pulled away and put some distance between them still locking his eyes with slightly widened blue orbs.

"I'm not sure about my feelings for you...but if you wanted to date me I wouldn't say no. I don't want an answer now but..."

Kuroko stiffened.

"Kuroko Tetsuya...will you go out with me?" Kagami smiled and ruffled the smaller's hair. "Tell me your answer...I'll be waiting for it."

With that Kagami Taiga left a very confused Kuroko Tetsuya standing at his front gates, with a flushed face and a very confused heart beat.

Author's Note: So Heyyyy guys owo i'm sorry for not updating for almost a month BUT! here's Kagami's date and next time it'll be Aomine's~ I expect this to have 2 more chapters and an after story after Aomine's date! so stay tuned for that ^w^

You can still vote for the final pairing Remember AOKURO OR KAGAKURO ONLY! I got this weird vote saying MuraKuro and Akakuro and I'm sitting at my computer with this confused face like "...but I said Aokuro or Kagakuro" I was gnawing on my coke straw for a good 10 minutes thinking on how to please this person. SO!~ i'll make a Akakuro oneshot in the future since they are one of my top 5 OTPS xD (KagaKuro, AoKaga, AoKuro, KiKuro, Akakuro) and dedicate it to you ^v^ I try to make everyone happy if it's within my zone and interest~! also don't assume this is Kagakuro because of one kiss c; it is AoKuro and KagaKuro you know!

anyway Review my work and vote~! hope to see you next time
