Black Witch

Driven to hopelessness by grief, Alyssa Flumina, a skilled witch and potions master, is pulled into the past by one of her potions and into the arms of an equally desperate Ciel. But desperation and vengeance are a dangerous combo, especially when a contract with a demon is in the mix.

~Victoria Super Omnes~

Chapter 1

Potions bubbled around me. Their scents rising up and tainting the air with their various fragrances, some not in the slightest bit appealing.

'This is absolutely disgusting,' Celine hissed, winding her body around my arm. For a snake she was rather vocal about her opinions of... everything.

'I know, but bear with it," I hissed back, stirring the cauldron before me. The liquid inside was smooth and inky black, it's surface unblemished save for the ripples caused as I stirred it.

Nervously I stepped back to admire my work. The copper cauldron stood in the centre of my personal courtyard in the Flumina manor. The full moon shone down brilliantly on it, almost completely reflected on the surface of the potion. A few more minutes and the potion would be complete.

I smiled, admiring my work.

'This seems like utter nonsense to me,' Celine hissed at me, perching her head on my shoulder.

'Of course it would to you," I told her, scratching her scaly chin.

'Why bother with this anyway?' she asked. 'You don't even have any wishes you want fulfilled.'

I shrugged and resumed petting her, keeping a keen eye on the moon as it crept to the centre of the sky.

Why would I bother with this indeed? A tricky potion that boasted that ability to grant a single wish if brewed correctly. But it would be useless for me. If I succeeded, there still wouldn't be anything I could wish for. All that I desired was beyond my reach, and definitely out of the reach of some potion, no matter what it said. The dead could not be brought back. Once some things are gone, they can never come back.

My parents, recently dead in an internal war in the wizarding world, would never come back. Would never hold me in their arms and tell me tales of their adventures with dragons. My lover, dead in a duel while trying to save me, would never kiss me again. And me, shunned from the rest of the community because blood traitors were looked upon with contempt and hate.

And as kind as my cousins and aunt were, they really didn't understand how lost I was right now. How alone I felt. And how the sudden emptiness of the manor completely depressed me, reminding me of the fact that my parents were not there and would never come back.

The moon crept on and I wiped away a few tears that had gathered. Time to see if there was any stock to the rumours.

The instant the entire body of the moon was reflected on the surface of the potion, I began to work.

A hollowed unicorn horn full of a mixture of dragon's blood and fairy wings was poured into the cauldron immediately. I lit the flames below to the lowest possible heat and began to stir.

Three stirs clockwise, a stir anticlockwise. Pause. Three more stirs clockwise, a stir clockwise, pause.

I continued stirring for just under a minute.

I glanced at my watch, the timing had to be perfect as my wish had to be spoken during the last ten seconds of midnight.

As soon as the second hand hit 10, I took a deep breath. My heart was pounding but there was no hesitation in my words.

Somewhere in the recesses of my heart, I hoped. I hoped that this would work.

"I wish... I wish for someone to give me meaning in my life," I said, almost begging.

Midnight passed. The moon shifted. Nothing happened.

I sighed. "I suppose I was asking too much," I said sadly, scratching Celine's chin as I put out the flame.

'I'm sorry it didn't work,' she said, rubbing her cold face against my cheek. I smiled sadly, but just as I was about to start putting away the potions, the cauldron sparked.

A jet black flame shot out of the cauldron, shooting high into the air.

Startled, I jumped back, whipping out my wand. Celine reared her head; fangs exposed hissing dangerously at the threat.

Then, as quickly as the black flame came, it died down only to be replaced by a flame midnight blue in colour. This time, it didn't shoot as high as the black flame, but shot out one spark before circling out, engulfing everything it touched in blue flames. Surely enough, as the fiery ring grew larger, it sped to me.

"Aguamenti!" I yelled, but the jet of water that shot at it did nothing to hinder its progress.

In a heartbeat, the flames were engulfing me as well. Pain hit every nerve in my body as the blue flames ravaged my body. The heat was unbearable. In my ears I could hear Celine screaming, the heat too much for her. Her powerful body constricted around me as she writhed in pain, knocking the wind out of me.

The lack of oxygen and overload of pain was too much to handle and, gratefully, I slipped into a world of darkness.


I was dizzy. The blue flames finally died down and I was ready to sob with relief. I nearly collapsed on the floor as my knees, too weak to support both my weight and Celine's almost gave out on me.

"Kyaa! It came!" I hear someone, distinctly female, scream.

I looked up. All around me were people dressed in black and wearing masks running around in a frenzy. The place looked like an underground temple for rituals and judging by the bloody altar and knives, none too good rituals either.

"Grant me eternal life and youth oh demonic one!" a fat man said, throwing himself down at me feet. I pulled back in disgust and almost fell over again. A cult! These sick people were worshipping demons!

"Save me!" another voice said. It was so quiet I almost missed it but I looked around and spotted a small child in a cage, desperately reaching out towards me.

"Silence him!" one of the members commanded.

Pure rage filled my body. Children! They were using children as sacrifices!

In a blind rage I swept a long arc with my wand. A loud bang filled the air and many ran screaming.

Seizing the opportunity, I ran over to the cage and quickly unlocked it. I saw relief fill his face as I pulled him out. He was filthy, covered in blood and who knew what else. Cuts and bruises marred his otherwise beautiful face, but crystal blue eyes stared back at me full of hate.

"Kill them," was the first thing he said to me.

I was stunned for a moment, but grit my teeth as I brought him to his feet.

"Believe me, that was next on my list," I said before turning to the congregation and gasping.

"What's going on?" the boy asked, peering around my skirt, letting out a gasp as he saw what we were staring at as well.

In the centre of the altar, a massive dark presence had formed. Red eyes with slits for pupils glared out of the black mass, eyeing everyone in the room.

The magic in my body went crazy, alternately wanting to just go to the thing and jump in or just destroy it entirely.

My grip on the boy's shoulder tightened when the eyes focused on him.

"Ah, you," a dark velvety voice said. Then the entire thing seemed to move. "You were the one that brought me here."

This child did...? I dragged him back with me as the thing advanced.

"What is your desire you tiny thing?" it asked.

The boy hesitated, I felt it in the shoulder in my hand, before clearly commanding, "Kill them all!"

The thing had no mouth, but I sensed it was grinning as it meticulously carried out the slaughter of everyone in the room. It took the appearance of a man, at least in its body, but no matter how hard I tried to look at its face, I could never seem to get a clear look at it.

I covered the boy's eyes as the massacre occurred, then it turned itself to me.

"Just one more," it said. I pointed my wand directly at it.

"You won't lay a finger on this child demon," I said, readying myself for a fight.

"Stop," the boy said. "Do not kill her." He moved my hands from his eyes and looked up at the demon.

"You have given a big sacrifice," it said. "Now it's your choice whether to make a contract with a demon and have your wish granted, or not. The Price to cross the river has already been paid."

"Price?" I muttered.

"His soul is already mine," the demon said. "It is just a matter of whether he will make the most of this deal, or allow me to take payment now."

"Power," the boy said softly. "I want power!" he yelled. "The power to take revenge on the ones that did this to us!" His hands were clenched so tightly that they actually started bleeding.

"Demon, I'll make a contract with you!" he said, stepping forward. The glint in his eye left me no doubt that he was well aware of what he was doing.

"So you're abandoning the light for the path to hell... fine," the demon said. I could practically hear its laughter. "Well then, let's mark our bodies with the contract seal. Where do you want-?"

"Anywhere is fine!" he said, cutting him off. "I want power stronger than anyone else's."

"You're rather greedy for such a small body," I said, looking at him. He glared at me but returned his unwavering gaze to the demon only to have his head suddenly grabbed by a gloved hand.

"Fine then," it said. "I shall put a mark on that big eye of yours, filled with despair."

The boy let out an ear piercing scream as his right eye began to glow. I caught him just as he fell back, wiping away the blood and tears from his eyes.

Slowly, he struggled to stand, using my shoulder to help him rise, and took the demon's extended hand.

"What is your name?" the demon asked.

"My name is... Ciel. Ciel Phantomhive," he said. "The one who will inherit the House of Earl Phantomhive."

The demon chuckled and I felt my skin crawl. "I see, that'll be fine. Then I should take a form suitable of being in service to an Earl."

Black stilettos stepped forward but before they hit the ground they morphed into black leather shoes. Black pants, a crisp white shirt, black vest and tailcoat clothed his new human form. One hand was gloved, but the other wasn't and clearly showed the Faustian Contract on the back of his hand, the same one now emblazoned on Ciel's eye.

"Well then," he said, smiling with his new, rather handsome, human face. "Give me any order, my little lord," and he bowed, hand over his heart. I scowled. The human appearance didn't comfort me in the slightest. My magic was still reacting uncomfortably around him and it made me uneasy.

As if sensing my discomfort, which he probably could, he glanced at me and threw me a dark grin. I scowled and tightened my grip on Ciel's shoulder.

"Burn it," Ciel said. "Burn it all to the ground."

"Yes, my lord," he said, smiling all the while.

I narrowed my eyes and held on the Ciel's shoulders, steering him outside. Once we were outside, he turned to me.

"Who and what are you?" he asked. He seemed to relax slightly around me. "You're not a demon like he is," and he nodded his head back to the manor which was slowly being engulfed in flames.

I knelt before him. "No," I said. "I'm not a demon. I am a witch, brought here by accident."

"And here you will remain," he said. "At my side?" Even though he tried to make it into a command it still turned into a question. No matter how tough he tried to appear… he was still a child who just escaped one of the worst situations possible.

I rubbed his head gently and smiled as his eyes slid shut. I suppose this was how my wish was to be fulfilled. Leave my old life behind, and start a new one here where I didn't always have to watch my back and could live how I liked.

I would stay and watch over him, not only for myself and because I wanted a new life, but for his sake as well. A demon is no company for a child, and I would make sure no harm came to him.

"I will remain," I told him. "I, Alyssa Flumina, will remain by your side and keep you safe from any and everything which may bring you harm."

I sensed the demon appear behind me. "Anything."

"Good," he said, reopening his eyes. "Then I have three orders for you; orders that you must follow at all costs and at all times."

I nodded while the demon at my side remained silent, calmly taking him in.

"One, You must protect me and never betray me until I obtain my revenge."

"Yes, my lord."

"Two, You must obey my orders unconditionally."

"Yes, my lord."

"And three, you must never lie," he finished.

The last one, I knew, was the most important to him. He needed that reassurance.

I knelt before him, as did the demon, and we pressed our hands to our hearts to show our sincerity (at least I did, I don't know what meaning the action held for the demon).

"Yes, my lord," we said.

Ciel turned away from us looked down at the ring in his bloody hand. It was too caked with blood for me to properly tell, but it seemed to be a sapphire.

"Someone tried to obliterate the Phantomhive household. Aunt Frances said that the best chance to counter your opponents is when they're attacking you," he said. He clenched his fist around the ring. "My predecessor lost the game. However, I won't. As Ciel Phantomhive, head of the Phantomhive household... I swear I won't."

I felt sorry for him. I could empathize. I knew what it felt like to have your parents killed. To be alone.

The demon merely chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Ciel asked.

"Well, you told me not to lie, yet you seem to be quite a liar," he said.

Ciel gave him a glare that actually made him take a step back.

"Shouldn't we be returning to your home?" I asked. I honestly didn't feel like staying in this place any longer than I had to, and I didn't feel right having Ciel here any longer than he needed to be either.

"I don't know where it is," Ciel said quietly.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"I don't even know where we are now. I didn't go out often." I could see a vein in the demon's head twitching. "I have a relative at the Royal Hospital. Let's go there first."

"Certainly," the demon said, taking the lead.

"Wait!" I called out. He turned back to glare at me.

"What's your name?" I asked him. "I can't keep calling you demon all the time. It's annoying."

"My name is whatever my master wishes," was his reply.

I looked at Ciel who seemed deep in thought. "Sebastian," he said finally. "From now on your name will be Sebastian."

"Certainly," he said, that ever present smile still on his face. "Then please call me Sebastian. Was that the name of your former butler."

Ciel shook his head. "No, it was my dog's name."

Sebastian's smile froze in his face and I burst out laughing so hard my sides began to hurt. Oh that was rich!

When I finally calmed down I saw that Sebastian was glaring at me.

"Woof," I said, then redissolved into a fit of giggles.

"Let's be off then," he huffed, turning on his heel.

Still chuckling, I followed until I noticed Ciel struggling to keep up. The poor child, he was still weak from however long he had been in there.

Without warning, I picked him up and began carrying him in my arms.

"What are you doing?!" he demanded, struggling in my grip.

"You're weak," I said. "Just relax and let us do all the hard work, okay?"

Ciel pouted, but wrapped his arms around my neck and remained silent.

"What relative do you have at the hospital?" I asked after walking for a while. When I got no reply I looked down and saw that he was asleep.

"In the end he is still just a mere child," Sebastian commented, glancing back at us.

"I won't allow you to do as you please with him," I said.

"Oh really? And what will you do to stop me?" he asked.

"I'm quite sure I know a hex or two that can work against you," I told him calmly. "I'm not afraid of you. You won't be able to walk over me."

He grinned. "And you may fight, but his soul is already mine."

I scowled. "That I don't like. But I won't doubt Ciel's choice. I will, however, make sure you won't take his soul a second sooner than you need to."

He chuckled. "I see. A demon versus a witch. I wonder who the winner will be?"

"Yes," I said, tightening my grip on Ciel's shoulders. Unconsciously, he snuggled closer to me, burying his face in my neck. "I wonder."


Hey there, this is Rayne. I decided to leave all my comments for last. I love browsing around on FF reading fics and this had been sitting in my laptop just gathering dust so i decided to post it.

Alyssa's wizarding world is very and let me repeat, very loosely based on the Harry Potter books. There's enough of a base for HP readers to seea similarity, but nothing substantial enough to make this anything like a HPxKuro crossover.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Drop a review! Let me know what you think so far so the second chapter can make its way up quickly.

Arigato minna-san!