Hi, welcome to my first Fan-fic :) I do not own any of the Octonaut or Club Penguin characters, they are owned by Meomi and Disney respectively. The only characters I own are Walle N Eva (my penguin), Prinsessrock, Lennyice and Tweakbunny, which are some of my penguin friends on CP. Cover art belongs to, and was done by me.

For those of you who don't know, the Octonauts are a crew of eight animals, who explore and protect the ocean from their underwater submarine, the Octopod. There's, Captain Barnacles Bear, Lieutenant Kwazii Cat, Peso Penguin, Shellington Sea Otter, Tweak Bunny, Dashi Dog, Professor Inkling Octopus, and Tunip the Vegimal (part vegetable/part animal).

OK, now let's begin...

It was another fine day under the sea in the Octopod, fish were swimming by happily, while Lieutenant Kwazii Cat played pirate ping-pog with Captain Barnacles, the polar bear.

It was 20 all, Barnacles was about to score another point when... the Octo-alert sounded!

"Woop woop, woop woop,"" Yeaow!" The ping-pong ball hit Kwazii on the head.

"Sorry Kwazii." Barnacles apologized, "We'd better get to HQ".

"Right you are Captain!" Kwazii said as he somersaulted into the tube.

At the Octopod HQ, Dashi Dog explained what had happened, Peso the penguin medic, and Shellington the sea otter scientist, had been helping sea animals in a cave, when a rock slide had trapped them.

"Ok, Tweak are the Gups ready?" Barnacles turned to the bunny engineer.

"Ship shape and ready to go Cap." Tweak smiled "The Vegimals have been helping me repair them."

"Let's go save our shipmates!" Kwazii called as he ran to the tube again.

At the Lunch Bay Professor Inkling octopus and the Vegimals watched as the Octonauts left in the Gup submarines to save their friends.


Meanwhile Peso and Shellington were trying to find a way out of the blocked cave.

"What should we do now?" Peso asked,

"We'll just have to wait here until Barnacles and Kwazii come." Shellington replied.

Just then a rock began to move and familiar voices were heard beyond the rock wall, "Shellington, Peso are you alright?"

"Captain, we're ok, just stuck." Peso answered, just as a rock was removed and Kwazii stuck his head through.

"Just a few more rocks and we'll have ya out mateys." He smiled.

Soon Shellington was free, Kwazii called for Peso to come out, "Be careful Peso those rocks are beginning to look unsteady..." he warned, then suddenly some rocks began to fall.

Kwazii reached for Peso's flipper and...