"No! Don't put it there!" Stella yelled.

Daryl let out an exasperated sigh. "Well if you'd stop wiggling around, I wouldn't miss."

"Psst. My wiggling has nothing to do with it... You just have bad aim."

"I don't know why you're complaining. It's not like you can even see what I'm doing."

Stella looked over her large belly. "I can see. I just can't reach. That's where you come in."

Daryl picked up the bottle of nail polish. "What the hell color is this anyway? Why would you want this on your toes?" Daryl couldn't help think that the polish looked like glow in the dark spray paint.

"It's Tahitian Pink. I'm trying to give these babies something to aim for." Stella chuckled.

Daryl watched as she sucked in another breath and closed her eyes, her hands rubbing each side of her belly. "Another one?" Daryl asked.

Stella nodded, her concentration still on the contraction. When it passed she smiled at him. "You best get back to it. I don't want my toenails getting smudged because they didn't have enough time to dry." She tapped her feet against his chest.

Daryl rubbed his hand down her leg. He couldn't believe how calm she was. When the first contraction started three hours ago he had ran out and dragged Hershel into the room.

When they walked through the door, Stella had burst out laughing. "Do you think these babies are just gonna fall out?"

Hershel had given Daryl an understanding look. "Don't worry. It's going to be a while. She'll let you know when she's ready." He had given him a sympathetic pat on the back and headed back out.

Looking at Stella now, Daryl fought to maintain his composure. He didn't like seeing her in pain and he was terrified of what was going to happen. So many things could go wrong, especially with twins. He remembered the horror of Lori's delivery. This wouldn't be like that, he told himself. It would go just the way it was supposed to.

The contractions picked up in pace and strength over the next fifteen hours. Stella remained calm throughout, although she had insisted on using the iPod to drown out Daryl's fretting. Finally it was time.

Daryl watched as the first baby was born. "It's a girl!" Hershel cried out as he laid the squalling baby on Stella's chest. Beth started cleaning the baby off as Daryl stared down at his family. He had a daughter.

His eyes shifted to look at Stella. She was drenched with sweat and looked exhausted. He had never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her hairline. Stella looked up at him, her face was beaming. "What are we going to call her?" she asked. They had settled on boy's names, but not girl's.

"How about Evelyn? After your mom." Daryl said. He knew it was what she had wanted. Right now he'd have given her anything she asked for.

Stella reached up and placed her hand on his cheek. "I'd love that." Laughing and crying she stretched to place her lips on his. Looking back at the little girl in her arms she said, "Do you like that pretty girl? Evie..." Stella brushed her finger along the baby's cheek and then gathered her in her hands, "Here, go see your dad." She gently lifted the baby and placed her in Daryl's arms.

Daryl looked at the crying bundle in his arms. She had her mother's curls. He sat down in the chair, he was so afraid he was going to drop her. He gazed down at his daughter with wonder. He helped make this. Granted, Stella did most of the work, but still. She was his. It was amazing how much he loved the baby in his arms already. It wasn't until he heard Stella groan that he looked back up.

Lori hustled over and took the now sleeping baby from him. "Ready for round two dad?" she asked with a smile.

Daryl bolted up and resumed his position at Stella's side. A few minutes later he could see the top of the second baby's head. He laid a washcloth on Stella's forehead. "You're almost there. You can do it, I know it."

Stella nodded with grim determination and pushed. The second baby was born. "Two for two! It's another girl!" Hershel announced. "You two don't do anything in moderation do you?"

Stella started laughing. "I guess it's just not in our nature," she replied as she inspected the newest addition. "So Daryl, same question. What should we name her?" They ended up settling on Charlotte. Although Daryl insisted she would go by Charlie.

When Stella was settled back in their room, the babies sleeping beside her, Daryl stood in the doorway and took in the wonder of his new family. He had gone from a man who had shunned other people's company, a man that hadn't need anyone, to a man that would do anything for the three females in that bed. He would never leave them and he would kill anyone who tried to take them away.

Stella glanced over and gave him that special smile that he loved so much. Moving over to the bed he shucked off his clothes and climbed in.

As he laid on his side next to Evie, his eyes swept over the woman that he loved so much. The woman that had given him everything, acceptance, patience, her love. "Marry me." he said softly.

Stella's eyes popped open. A smile spread across her face. "Yes," she whispered. Daryl leaned carefully over the babies to kiss her lightly. "On one condition," she said as he pulled back.

Daryl's eyebrows drew together. "What?"

She looked down at the two newborns. "I want more. I want as many babies as we can have." She looked back at him. "I know it's not the smart thing but I can't help it."

Daryl was shocked. After eighteen hours of labor? How could she even be thinking about having another baby right now? But when he looked down at his daughters he understood. They were amazing. "We'll have as many as you want. As for it not being the smart thing, I promise I'll keep you all safe. I love you so much."

Stella's eyelids began to droop. "I know you will, I love you too."

Daryl watched her drift off to sleep, her hand resting lightly on Charlie's stomach. He covered her hand with his own and smiled as he thought of how much fun he was going to have making all those other babies.


So I hope everyone enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this. I know everyone took time out of their days to read it and it means so much. I've started writing another story, but I have no idea when it'll be ready to be published. I'd like to get at least five chapters done before I post. If you want to make sure you don't miss it, add me to your favorite authors and you'll get a notification.

I also just wanted to say that as of the time of this posting there were 134 reviews, 37 favorites, and 61 followers. Yay!

Since this is the last post please review to tell me how you liked the story now that it's all done. Even if you find this story after it's all done, I still get review notifications and I do read them all.