"James do you know what your doing!" I yell as he takes off through the air on his brand new broom.
"Of course Lily Flower I always know what I'm doing" He shouts back, I laugh knowing full well that that is absolutely not true what so ever. Sirius and Remus laugh as well, making me start slightly as they come up behind me.
"Did we scare you Ginger?" Sirius asks, laughing as he shoves my shoulder in a friendly knowing manner.
"Scare..me!? NEVER!" I yell punching him back none too lightly.
"Oh you wanna go Ginger? Come at me!" Sirius yells jumping back and raising his fists I laugh and raise my fists as well ready to fight this overgrown dog.
"Will you two quit it out!? Seriously Lily, Sirius quit it" Remus yells trying to step forward to split us apart but failing. Sirius and I had begun to slowly circle each other and in turn began swinging punches through the air. Mean while somewhere far above us James was flying happily on his new racing broom.

Eventually Sirius and I were full out wrestling on the ground, while Remus sat to the side amused. I threw a punch at his gut, he caught it spun my arm and I fell towards the ground, twisting and catching his legs with mine I took him down with me. He tries to roll me over, but I grab him around the neck and roll the other way so that I have his arm behind his back, and he's lying face...He flips over suddenly throwing me off him and onto the ground, sending the air flying out of my lungs. He grabs my arm, I twist and catch him in the gut with my other elbow, taking a foot to his shin as well. As he falls he reaches up a hand and catches my hair in his fist making me cry out and bend backwards. He tries to roll over me to pin me down, but I twist out of the way...
"Hey Sirius! Get off my Girlfriend!" James yells coming towards us. That provides a welcome distraction, and Sirius loosens his grip on my hair, I spin around and catch him in the jaw, he reciprocates with a jab at my hip, causing me to fall slightly he grabs me by my waist and goes to take me to the ground,
"Sirius I mean it stop" James says closer now, but we don't stop, we don't even pause. I twist hitting the ground with my shoulder and roll he ends up on the ground I see, James almost at us, and I can hear Remus chuckling under his breath in amusement, 'time to end this' I think, So i grab Sirius around the waist, and roll so that I'm on top I straddle him and before he can throw me off I grab his arms and pin them to the ground.
"Got you" I say as I lean over him. I can feel a bump on my thigh and smile suggestively at him. That just makes the bump grow.
"Yes Yes you got him, now get off of him." James says sounding annoyed. Sirius smiles, but back at me and suggestively pushes his hips into me I can feel the bump at the apex of my thighs now, and I press firmly back.
"You sound slightly bothered, whats wrong deary?" I say as sweetly as possible as Remus sniggers in the background. James makes a noise, almost like a growl and Sirius playfully growls right back. And without warning he flips us over so that hes on top, and he smiles down at me.
"Have I mentioned how totally shaggable you are Lily Evans?" I laugh and he smiles even wider, thrusting forward again. This time I know I heard James growl in his throat. Next thing I know Sirius is practically flying across the practice field, and Remus is full out (pardon the pun) howling with laughter. I smile sweetly up at James, as he stalks back towards me, I cross my legs discreetly and prop myself up on one elbow,
"So how are you?" I say, James looks darkly down at me and holds out his hand, I cautiously take it and he pulls me up into a non-too gentle hug,
"You, me, unused dorm, tonight promise?" He says clipped, I raise an eyebrow at him, "we need to talk" I nod, James looks oddly disturbed and for one of the most collected, arrogant, cool headed sixth years this is extremely out of the ordinary.
"Okay James I'll be there."
"Good," He says and turns walking back up towards the castle,

Sirius walks towards me grinning from ear to ear and Remus can't help but smile.
"He looks pissed" Remus states matter of factually causing me to laugh some more, and Sirius rolled his eyes,
"Seriously Mooney? Really I mean seriously come one I personally think he's fine, it's not like he just threw me like what 20 whole freaking feet just because I complimented his girlfriend in a suggestive way." I full out choke laughing and Remus can't help it soon he's bending over holding his stomach laughing as well, Sirius the loudest of all.

"Something funny?" I hear Madam Hooch's voice say, I straighten up and unconvincingly shake me head. She smiles,
"Boys something I should know?" Sirius and Remus immediately straighten up and shake their heads,
"Just a joke that kind of doesn't make sense," Sirius says Madam raises an eyebrow,
"What about?" she asks skeptically obviously suspicious, because often whenever she caught one of the our little group laughing this way something was about to go down, good or bad doesn't matter she had just obviously learned to be wary,
"It was about and idiot dog getting thrown across a field by a stag, because the dog was eying a particularly attractive flower, all the while a human was watching and laughing to himself." Remus said quickly. Madam's eyebrow rose considerably higher at that and actually broke a smile,
"Alright then off you go the feast is about to begin." She winks at me as the boys set off quickly up the hill, I smile back and break into a run to catch up.

We enter the great hall thankfully not the quite latest ones, and hurry to our seats, and sit down still suffering the after affects of our endless laughter. James looks at us strangely but was pleasant enough. Dumbledore stood up after the very last dregs if students filed in embarrassed.
"Staff and students I have a somewhat troubling yet exciting announcement to make..." A silence hushed over the great hall, what was Dumbledore about to say? "I am somewhat pleased to announce that this year...yes yes I know it's already started, but it's still just, October...we shall be hosting a Tri-Wizard Tournament this year." I heard gasps from the staff table, and a few woops from students but otherwise silence. Someone from the Slytherin table called out,
"But Professor aren't three schools usually involved?" Dumbledore slightly smiled,
"Yes well you see, this is simply a school tournament therefore three from our school shall be selected, but there is an age limit you must be at least 16 years old, to enter the tournament which I do believe is sixth years and up," I heard some fifth years call rubbish but it made sense to me, I saw my friends jaws twitch. Dumbledore continued to speak but I soon lost concentration as I saw James, Remus, and Sirius talking to each other.

They weren't using words per-say they were talking silently with there eyes and slight head movements. I have been with long enough to decipher what they were saying...
"NO NO NO you are not entering!" I say in a hissed whisper, they look at me, and Sirius leans forward,
"Why the hell not Ginger? Didn't you hear him, its a tournament, competing, an easy chance to show up some Slytherin scum, so um yes I do think I'll enter."
"No Sirius you don't understand the Tri-Wizard Tournament was discontinued long ago after too many students began to die, don't you see how dangerous this is!" I turn to Remus, "Surely you can understand, surely you're sensible enough to know that this is crazy!" Remus just smiled at me, James nudged my side, but I ignored him, he sighs and turns back and begins to clap with everyone else. I turn back towards the front and see a large flaming Goblet being brought out,
"This is the impartial judge of who shall represent their peers as the three Champions, but... and here's the plot twist, as the champion you may choose one ally to assist you in every challenge, so in turn it makes it doubly as dangerous." I groan out loud. "Now with all that cheery stuff out of the way let's eat!"