Inevitable Disaster - Chapter 5

Summary: To restore peace between the two packs, Kurt and Blaine have been forced to mate. Both families are royalty but ran things very differently. With Kurt being a carrier and Blaine being the designated alpha, will both wolves live happily ever after? SlightBadboy!Blaine Innocent!Kurt AU

Warnings: Smut in the future chapters, violence, mpreg in the future. Will add more later when I decide on what the other warnings will be.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. But I would really love to.

A/N: Right, so this was originally just meant to be a short filler chapter but I guess I got carried away and wrote all this hahaha. Sorry for the really long wait for this chapter though, I guess you can say that I was suffering from mild writer's block and lack of inspiration with the season 4 of glee coming to an end and all. But rest assured, I am not quitting any of my stories. I have other fanfictions to read and gain inspiration from. And this is Klaine, it's not hard to find inspiration for this couple ;)

Hope you guys enjoy!

Gracefully descending down the long staircase of the Hummel palace, Kurt was practically bouncing in excitement as today marked the day that he was supposed to meet Blaine Anderson, the wolf who he was supposed to mate with in less than a month's time. The thought of that made Kurt feel both scared and happy at the same time. He idly wondered if that was what mating felt like.

To him, it also felt like he was on cloud nine, waiting for reality to hit him because he thought that it was just too good to be true. It wasn't like he hid it either. His father, Carole and even Finn, who was completely oblivious to half of the things that went on in his life, had noticed his sudden enthusiasm and happiness, which befuddled them at first.

Forget the fact that he had never met Blaine Anderson before because if anything, it added more excitement to the whole situation since Kurt felt as if it introduced a sense of mystery to their whole - currently non-existent - relationship. It made him even more eager to meet the guy.

"You're a bit... happy today." Finn pointed out as he walked - or stomped heavily - down the stairs to where Kurt was standing. Smiling largely at his brother, the tall boy shook his head and left the other to continue showing his excitement, walking towards the kitchen where his mum and Burt were making their breakfast. Well, Carole was making their breakfast while Burt read through the daily newspaper and sipped his coffee every minute or so. It reminded Finn of a family from the olden days for some reason and his chest swelled up in pride at the thought.

Their relationship as a family had initially started out rocky, mostly on Kurt and Finn's behalves, as a result of the words exchanged before Burt and Carole had officiated their 'marriage'. They may not have started out as mates but there was no rule against meeting - and soon, loving - someone else after the death of their own spouse. Besides, both Carole and Burt knew that they would never love each other as much as they had loved their previous spouse but they had voiced to each other that they loved each other and that was all that mattered to them.

As creepy as it sounded, they had actually also gone to the graves of Elizabeth Hummel and Christopher Hudson as a way of informing them about the said officiation, as well as announcing to them that they would always love them despite the fact that they are together, before officially announcing their marriage to the rest of the pack. Surprisingly, they had taken it well and were huge supporters of the whole Carole/Burt relationship.

Carole had especially been anxious of the reception she would receive afterwards, at first, because she knew that the entirety of the McKinley pack had adored and cherished Elizabeth greatly and all were devastated and depressed when she had been killed, but soon found that there had been nothing to be worried about since they had welcomed her with open - and thankfully, happy - arms.

"That may be because I am rather joyful today." Kurt responded with a large smile of his own as he followed Finn into the kitchen. As soon as he got in, he went straight to his dad, kissing him on the cheek, before making his way to Carole and doing the same. His family just looked at him with confused expressions but Kurt couldn't help but merely smile at them. He couldn't help it if he was happy. He was about to meet his mate and while he knew that he should feel at least slightly nervous, all his excitement completely overtook any nerves that he had been feeling the prior night.

He had actually stayed up part of the night evaluating his decision and trying to get rid of any fright that he had. There wasn't really anything to be frightened of though; he was about to get mated and mates were supposed to treat each other fairly and lovingly. He had previously heard from a meeting with the McKinley youths that the process of mating enabled the two involved wolves to further understand the other's body, as well as magically connect their emotions and feelings so they never felt the need to hurt their mate. In other words, it would probably hurt the wolf who caused the pain more than the wolf who was actually on the receiving end. This was probably because of the guilt they would feel for hurting their beloved mate and the fact that their emotions are connected.

"Can I ask why you're happy?" Burt asked slowly, raising an eyebrow at his now blushing son. The alpha knew why the boy was happy but didn't want to just assume that it was the main reason for his happiness. He couldn't blame his son for being excited; he remembered the first time he and Elizabeth had met. It had been one of the best things that had ever happened in his life. From the moment Burt had laid his eyes on the beautiful wolf, he immediately knew that she was the one for him.

He just hoped that the same thing happened for Kurt and Blaine. He didn't think he'd be able to handle it if Kurt came home crying because his mate had hurt him. It wasn't going to be because he'd be clueless how to comfort Kurt, it'd more like him trying hard to calm himself down before he killed the mutt. No one ever hurt his son.

He knew that the mating process would stop Blaine from hurting Kurt but from his first impressions, Blaine wasn't exactly the most well-mannered wolf around. He just didn't want anyone to take advantage of his son and his ability to carry children. If he was being honest, the fact that it was an alpha mating rather than a soul mating made him think twice about his decision to make the deal with Michael before Kurt even knew. However, instead of voicing this concern, he just held onto the hope that the alpha mating turned out to be soul mating, where they were actually made for each other.

"I'm about to meet my mate today!" Kurt squeaked excitedly, jumping up and down whilst clapping his hands to emphasise his point. Screw anyone who tried to get in the way of his happiness, he was ecstatic to finally get the chance to mate with someone and that was all that mattered to him.

"Awe, sweetie!" Carole cooed in a mother-like tone, turning the cooker off and laying out the breakfast not he table with the help of Kurt.

"I'm so excited. I don't even feel nervous, I'm just really... Excited." Kurt elaborated with a huge grin on his face.

"Do you want me or Finn to stay with you while you meet up with Blaine?" Burt asked concernedly, still not over the fact that someone may just randomly show up in the middle of nowhere and take his son away from him. Just because his son was technically betrothed to Blaine, it didn't exactly put up a barrier that would disable anyone else from touching him. For all they knew, someone may just suddenly swoop in and grab Kurt before he could even shake Blaine's hand. Like they said, whoever 'they' were, it was better to be safe than sorry.

Originally, they had arranged for the two mates to meet up in a secluded area deep in the woods where no one would interrupt them. There, the two would get to know each other and hopefully click. They were spending the rest of their lives together, they might as well take the chance to at least understand and respect each other. That was the thing that Burt was worried about.

Two teenage wolves.


Deep in the woods.

Where it was almost 100% certain that no one would find them.

To Burt, that spelt trouble. Or at least, it heightened his fatherly senses and he felt obliged to protect and stop his child from meeting up with Blaine. He could trust Kurt since he was aware of how innocent the boy was when it came to any adult situations. He didn't trust Blaine however and this scared him. He didn't want the boy to take advantage of his son's innocence and, in turn, do something that they are both too young for. They were only seventeen! He knew that the mating process involved the act of sexual intercourse but he wanted to tell Kurt to prolong the wait beforehand. He was just too young for that, in Burt's opinion. When he and Elizabeth had mated, they had been twenty years old. Sure, it wasn't exactly that much older than Kurt and Blaine but still. The point was, Burt wasn't ready to acknowledge the fact that his son would inevitably have sex since it was, and had always been, part of the mating process.

"Dad, I know what you're thinking. It's fine, it's not like we're going to be doing anything... I think." Kurt whispered the last bit, hoping that his dad didn't hear it but the alpha did. Suddenly sitting up straight in his seat, he stared at Kurt with an unidentifiable spark in his eyes but the boy just ignored it, sitting down in his seat and filling his plate up with food instead. Truth be told, Kurt didn't know what to expect. In the McKinley pack, the first time that mates met up with each other, all they did was get to know each other and talk. He didn't know how Blaine's pack (god, he loved saying his mate's name!) operated. He figured that it would be the same so he didn't bother worrying about being forced or pressured into doing anything. Well, that was what he hoped anyway. "I... We're just gonna be talking, right? We don't have to do any of those... things yet, do we?"

Burt couldn't help but smile at his son avoiding to say something as simple as 'sex'. That innocence was what made Kurt unique from the other wolves his age. He knew that despite being unmated, some wolves - namely Puck, Sam and Jake, amongst others - chose to sleep around and get pleasure through sex. He couldn't exactly blame them or kick them out of the pack because of this, simply since there was no particular law against this. He also understood where they came from. Being a teenager once himself, he had taken it upon himself to experiment and try things out during that period of his life, in order to become more comfortable with the aspect and find a release in some way.

It had been quite hard for him to prevent himself from completely stopping the experimentation once he had started but eventually, once he had finally found a mate, it had been much easier since there was someone there for him when he needed it. He just hoped that the insatiable wolves were the same as him. He couldn't decide for them so all he could do was hope. "I know, Kurt. I was just curious and I wanted to know if you're comfortable being left alone with Blaine for a while. It's going to be for a few hours and I want you to be comfortable, not awkward and out of place. Not to mention that I want to be within close range just in case you two don't 'click' or something."

Kurt shook his head. "Yes, dad. I'm sure. I'm sure that I'd feel a bit awkward at first since we're already scheduled to get mated but we have yet to meet still. I'm sure that after a while, we'd feel more relaxed. You don't have to worry about me and Blaine not clicking either. Even if we don't, why can't we be friends? Although having said that, we've already agreed to the deal. Us not clicking isn't exactly going to change much, is it? And who knows? Maybe he's the right one for me."

Burt couldn't argue with that since he realised that Kurt was being serious and that the boy had a valid point after all. Instead of replying, he just continued eating his breakfast and soon enough, the topic of their conversation had quickly watched to something completely unrelated to the subject of mating or the process that accompanied it.

"Blaine, are you ready?" Michael Anderson shouted out loudly, his voice echoing off the palace walls. They were just getting ready to leave the palace and meet up with Burt and Kurt. Once they had decided on the perfect spot for them, Michael and Burt would then go elsewhere to give the two soon-to-be mates some peace and privacy.

"Yeah, I am." Blaine answered nervously, running his fingers through his curly hair. To say that he was nervous was a complete understatement. He was jittering with nerves and Blaine Anderson did not usually do such thing. He was usually more... well-composed, but could anyone seriously blame his nervousness? He didn't exactly have the best reputation around and he didn't want to scare his potential mate off.

He promised his dad that he would try hard to get along with his mate so that was what he planned on doing. He wasn't exactly aware of how the McKinley pack worked but in the Dalton pack, mates were supposed to go through with the mating process when they first meet, whether they liked it or not. He just hoped that Kurt (he was surprised at how easy the name rolled of his tongue) would be willing to give into him and that he didn't put up much of a fight.

Walking down the stairs to where his father and mother stood, he smiled slightly as his mother wiped a fresh tear from her eye. "I'm really proud of you, Blaine. I know that you didn't exactly plan this but you're still going through with it and I'm just happy that you're at least giving this a chance. I know that our pack is quite forward and you're expected to have sex with Kurt when you meet but I'm not going to push you. Do what you feel is right." Michael replied back with a teary eye and a watery smile, something that was rare for the alpha.

Blaine may have seen his father cry before but it had always been out of anger or frustration, not pride or happiness. It made Blaine's heart swell and he didn't ever want to disappoint his father again. He had made so many wrongs in his life and maybe his father was right, maybe it was time to change and become the better person.

"If you two get along and he's ready for it then do it but if it is the complete opposite, don't force yourself or him to do something you're not ready for. I've told you this many times before but mating is for life. You can't just go through with the mating process now and suddenly change your mind tomorrow. The bond that you two will have is going to be so strong that you won't want to ever hurt him. Just make sure that this is what you want. Try is all I'm asking for, I'm not trying to force you to do this. Just try for me and your mother please."

Blaine's eyes watered as he listened to his father but quickly shook them off. He was not a crier, he took his frustrations out through attacking people and beating the shit out of them, not crying. Instead of replying, he just shook his head firmly since he didn't trust his voice. Knowing his luck, it would probably crack or shake and his whole tough persona would go to a complete waste. He didn't care if it was his father and mother, he needed to be strong and show that he was strong, tough and worthy of becoming an alpha.

When he was young, he had always been teased, despite the fact that he was destined to be the alpha when he grew up, and he absolutely hated it. That was when he promised himself that he would never let himself show any kind of weakness to the people around him. He could cry to himself if he was alone, sure, but not in front of anyone else. Never in front of anyone else.

"Are you ready to leave now?" Michael cleared his throat and putting his serious, authoritative voice on. Blaine had to resist the urge to roll his eyes at the sudden change in his father's tone. It amazed him how quickly his father could change; one minute he could be crying rivers and then the next thing they knew, he was back to being the strong leader he was known to be. Blaine guessed that his dad learnt it from the time he had spent with his own father, who had been ruthless and felt no sympathy for anyone whatsoever.

Michael, like he had told Burt, was similar to Blaine. He wouldn't show his weakness to anyone and he tended to keep to himself a lot so when someone did talk to him unexpectedly while he was in the middle of venting, he would immediately change his facade to something more sterner and less... well, weak.

"Yeah." Blaine took a deep breath and prepared himself to meet his mate. Once he had stepped out of their palace, he felt all his nerves attacking him all at one and the butterflies in his stomach flutter wildly. Yeah, he felt like he was going to be sick. No, he want actually going to be sick. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his mate. Blaine Anderson was not a wolf who embarrassed himself very often and he surely wasn't going to start embarrassing himself regularly any time soon.

Or at all.

He was too proud for that.

After what seemed like years of walking, Blaine and Michael had finally arrived at their chosen destination where they would both wait for Kurt and Burt to make their presences known. Afterwards, the two mates would then go off by themselves and find their own spot deep in the woods where they are guaranteed peace and privacy and the rest would then be up to them. If they wanted, they could go off for a walk or maybe just sit in silence or even talk as if they were on their first date. Whatever they chose, it was up to them and no one was allowed to interfere.

"Right, we're here." Michael announced gruffly, sitting on a branch that had fallen due to the intense winds. "We just need to wait for Burt and Kurt now. They shouldn't be too long. We agreed to meet here at exactly three in the afternoon and it is now 3:02."

Blaine sat down beside his father and sighed, looking up at the sky above and marvelling at the peaceful atmosphere of the woods, despite the eerie noises one would hear every now and again, as well as the types of animals that they may come face to face with if they're not careful.

"We're so sorry we're late!" Blaine looked up at the deep voice and figured that it was Burt, the alpha of the McKinley pack, rather than Kurt, his soon-to-be mate. The authority in the voice was too rough and stern to be someone who wasn't an alpha. Even for a wannabe alpha, it was too apparent and perfected. Plus, the tone made him nervous and uneasy which would be very unusual if it was only a 'normal wolf'. He saw the alpha dressed in casual wear: ripped jeans, a plain white t-shirt with a checkered shirt on top, a baseball cap and hiking boots.

Beside the alpha was a boy who looked absolutely beautiful, in Blaine's honest opinion: the boy's skin was pale but made his innocent aura stand out more; he was quite tall and lithe, perfect for Blaine to dominate; and his legs were long and endless, and it made Blaine think about how it would be like if it was wrapped around his waist instead. Taking in what the boy - Kurt, he presumed - was wearing, he found that it was elegant and sophisticated, which he found unusual for a teen their age. Kurt was wearing a light grey button down shirt with a studded collar and an open designer trench coat over it to showcase his whole outfit. The pale boy was also donning extremely tight, black skinny jeans that seemed to elongate his legs even more, if that was possible. His hair was coiffed into perfection and the brunet locks complimented his skin tone marvellously. So basically, in other words, Kurt was a masterpiece.

"Hey." Kurt shyly waved at him, his cheeks turning a dark shade of red when he saw the hungry look that Blaine was giving him. He had been given those looks before and he had always been disgusted. Now, however, he felt wanted and vulnerable but in a good way. At that moment, he immediately knew that Blaine was going to a great mate and he wasn't ashamed to say that he could see himself falling for the their wolf. Of course, it was too early to say that but as soon as their eyes met, he just knew. There was no need for explanations, it just sort of clicked inside him. It was almost like love at first sight.

"It's lovely to finally see you, Kurt." Blaine, with the sudden burst of newly-found confidence, replied as he walked over to the other boy and took his hand, planting a small kiss on Kurt's knuckles, which helped to darken the boy's blush. Laughing softly, Blaine gave Kurt his hand back and turned to Burt with an outstretched hand. "I'm so sorry that we met before through an unfortunate circumstance but with the help of my father, I have decided to try and change, in order to become a better alpha and hopefully, an even better mate to your son. I can see from your eyes that you already don't trust me but I promise to take care of your child. I won't let anyone, including myself, hurt him and if I do, I give you permission to hunt me down and knock some sense into me." At this, Blaine gave Burt a slight smirk, to which the older alpha returned with a smirk of his own.

"You better take care of my child, boy. Otherwise, I will take up your offer to hunt you down and I have Michael here as my witness for this exchange if you decide to hurt Kurt in any way." Burt stated with the smirk still plastered on his face. He wasn't joking. If he had to result in committing violence, then so be it. He would never let anyone hurt Kurt because if that did happen, it would also mean that he had failed his late wife's wish, which had been exactly just that: to take good care of Kurt.

Blaine just laughed. However, instead of the same confident tone of his voice, there was a hint of nervousness and uneasiness in his laugh, and this amused Burt to no end. At least he knew that the boy was scared of him. Oh, how he loved the power he had over people.

"Right, before this conversation leads to anywhere else, it's time for you two to get going now. After you have finished your time alone, both of you are coming back to the Dalton pack's residence." Michael explained clearly, chuckling to himself when he saw Kurt's eyes widen in fear.

"Kurt, relax. When you and Blaine mate, it will join both of our packs together so you will have to get used to associating with both sides. Not to mention that it would probably be dark by the time you two finish and I'm not allowing you to walk home by yourself in the dark. Tomorrow, it will be Blaine who will be visiting your pack to get used to the atmosphere. Also, I think it's worth mentioning that once you and Blaine mate, me and Burt have decided to pass the title as Alpha and Omega to both of you while Rachel and Finn, who I believe is your alpha-in-training, will serve as your main assistants. We can't exactly have two alphas at the same time."

Kurt nodded throughout the explanation and blushed furiously when he felt Blaine reach for his hand and give it a tight squeeze. He had already grown to love the feeling of Blaine's fingers tangled with his and found that he could care less what anyone thought, Kurt Hummel was going to be mated soon. There had apparently been a backlash within the McKinley pack when the news about Kurt's mating got around.

Many wolves had been flabbergasted and already, Kurt had been called a slut and a whore for agreeing to the deal so easily. That was what made him laugh; the people had no idea what the full story was, yet they felt the need to input their opinions as if they did. Santana and Puck, Kurt's best friends, were the ones who had knocked some sense into the bitches and gossipers (both male and female) through the act of... rather intense arguing, also known as insulting someone harshly until they backed down.

"I guess that's all I have to say now. Good luck you two and I'll see you both later." Michael finished off, smiling warmly at Blaine and Kurt. Burt, who was still beside Kurt, was about to say something as well but shut up when he saw the glare directed at him from his own son. Kurt knew that his father would probably say something that would probably cause awkwardness for the two soon-to-be mates so he figured that glaring at his dad would keep the alpha's mouth shut instead.

Mission accomplished.

Burt rolled his eyes and gave Kurt a quick hug and Blaine a brief, firm handshake (that may or may not have been a subtle message to not hurt his son or force him into doing something he wasn't ready for), before hesitantly stepping away and walking off into the woods with Michael without saying anything else to the two boys.

"Well, I guess that just leaves us two." Kurt whispered once both alphas' backs disappeared from sight, turning his head so that he was facing Blaine. "Um, I- Do you know what we're supposed to be doing?"

Blaine shook his head in laughter. "Yeah, I do. But as for now, how about we just walk and find ourselves a nice, comfy place to talk and get to know each other? I'd like to know more about my mate, if that's okay?"

Kurt nodded and this time, he was the one who grabbed Blaine's hand and let the other boy direct him to where they were supposed to be going. He may not have been as nervous to meet Blaine before but he was now. Blaine was freaking gorgeous. Who wouldn't be nervous when they find out that the wolf they're supposed to mate with looked like an Adonis?

A/N: Next chapter will probably take me a long while so bear with me on that one. School is starting again soon for me and I've just been lacking inspiration. I'm sure when glee starts again and once I've settled down at school, I'll be up and running again. But for now, I'm sorry because my updates are slow and lacking :( Can't wait to see some more Klaine soon though ;)

I have an idea what I want to happen next chapter, it's just a matter of wording it and incorporating it in the story really. I've also got a new story up so check it out if you haven't yet! :)

Sorry for any mistakes!

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