Inevitable Disaster - Chapter 1

Summary: To restore peace between the two packs, Kurt and Blaine have been forced to mate. Both families are royalty but ran things very differently. With Kurt being a carrier and Blaine being the designated alpha, will both wolves live happily ever after? SlightBadboy!Blaine Innocent!Kurt AU

Warnings: Smut in the later chapters, violence. Will add more later when I decide on what the other warnings will be.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. -insert tears here-

A/N: Hey! Sorry for not updating my other story in so long! I've been busy and I'm lacking inspiration at the moment so it's kinda hard for me to picture the whole plot. On my poll, this was among the choices and so far, it's winning. I've decided to start this early so that I can alternate between both stories and hopefully update more, just so I don't seem to completely disappear haha :) and yes, this means that I will be closing the poll now.

The title of this story is really bad right now because I have no idea what to call it. Right now, it's called 'Inevitable Disaster' but it may change in the future when I think of a better name. I'm open to suggestions :)

Hope you enjoy!




A wolf with black hair and hazel eyes charged towards its opponent with rage in its eyes, causing the other to slightly cower in fright. Traces of aggression and violence were evident in the wolf's actions as it attacked the other shamelessly, not stopping once, despite the blood that began flowing out of its opponent.

"Do you give up?" The black-haired wolf growled dangerously at the lighter-haired wolf. "I'm not as weak as you think I am. I can go on for days and I will not hesitate to kill you. I'm the fucking prince of this pack; you either respect me or you die."

"I-I-I'm not afraid of you. You're a fucking asshole, I hope you rot in hell!" The slightly lighter-haired wolf whimpered helplessly, attempting to escape the choke hold of the other wolf. He had been walking back home when the 'prince' walked past him and attacked him for a simple mistake. He had tripped and the bag he was carrying accidentally smacked the prince in the face, resulting in the latter reacting like a maniac. "I said I'm sorry; if you don't want to accept my apology, then so be it!"

"You do not smack a prince in the face and expect them to act happy afterwards. What are you? A fucking dumbass?" The prince hissed, making the other wolf face him. "I am Blaine Anderson, son of Michael Anderson, king of the Dalton pack. I don't care if you're part of our pack. You disrespected me and that is not acceptable!"

"Blaine, let go of that young wolf now!" Michael Anderson yelled loudly, causing the other two wolfs to cringe. "What have I been telling you, Blaine? Stop getting into fights over small, minor situations! I saw what happened and it was an accident. He already said sorry. I don't care if you're my son, you need to get the fuck over it!"

"But dad! He called me an asshole!" Blaine whined childishly, transforming back into his human form.

"You deserved it. You're eighteen now, you need to start taking responsibilities for your actions. I may be the king of this pack but I will not be able to take responsibility for every fight that you start. If another pack gets involved, you can end up seriously injured or, even worse, dead." Michael shook his head sympathetically. "You will be king one day, Blaine. Just because you're gay, it doesn't mean that the same rules don't apply to you anymore. You will need a mate; preferably one that can carry pups to continue to Anderson family tree. We're wolves. Male carriers are quite rare, but they do exist. You'll just have to be patient when it comes to finding one. Once you've mated, I would automatically have to hand my crown over to you if I feel that you are able to handle the pack. Me and your mother will be here beside you but we cannot offer much help. You have to start learning how to be responsible for your actions because this crown will not be handed over to you until you do. I don't care if you mate next week, tomorrow or later; it's my final choice if you get the throne."

"This is really unfair, dad!" Blaine growled in frustration as his dad explained the procedures to him yet again. That had been his fourth fight in the past week, proving his lack of responsibility and independence.

"It may be unfair but you and I both know that it's true. Cooper has already began his reign as king in our sister pack, which just leaves you as our last choice. Do not let me down, Blaine!" Michael calmly replied, successfully trying to ease the tension in the atmosphere.

"Fine." Blaine huffed snootily. Not even bothering to wait for another lecture, Blaine set off into the woods, hoping to look for another fight. He just loved getting attention and winning fights always made him feel superior. It made him feel powerful.

"Kurt, get over here!" Burt Hummel, the king of the McKinley pack and father of Kurt Hummel, shouted out as he sat down on his golden throne. Despite the intimidating and scary exterior that he puts on, he remained caring and loving to his son, earning him more respect from the members of the pack. He would do anything to make him happy and would be willing to kill anyone who put tears in his son's eyes.

"Yes, daddy?" A rather tall, lithe boy asked as he strolled to his father with practiced precision and gracefulness. From first glance, the boy would appear as a fragile, helpless victim but he was more than that. Despite not fighting physically, he had placed strong walls around him and tended to put up a cold front. There was also another reason why he chose to act like that but only a few people knew of this.

He was a carrier.

He could carry kids. That was what made Burt feel uneasy every time his son was alone. Because male carriers were very rare, it became more dangerous for them as packs would often fight for the possession of the carriers, with some even going as far as stealing them instead. Kurt was Burt's last family. He was not going to let anything happen to his son.


"Son, I think it's time to talk about your options once you turn 18." Burt started calmly but Kurt knew that his dad was feeling stressed and possibly trying to hold back tears. The countertenor knew that his father would feel much lonelier when he turns 18, even if he chooses to stay with him. It was certainly a painful topic for the alpha. "As you know, you're a carrier and while I want to make you the leader of this pack in the future, I cannot break the rules. We need an alpha, who people will look up to and be inspired. Because you're a carrier, you will be gaining much respect but for the wrong reasons."

"W-What do you mean, dad? I've always known that I won't be able to become the leader of the pack but I don't understand what you mean... Why won't I get the right respect?" Kurt asked anxiously, afraid of what the answer was going to be. Looking around him to find his father's sidekicks staring at them with sympathy, he sighed and decided that he wasn't ready to hear the news. He was sure that it would be bad news anyway and he was not in the mood for that kind of news.

"Kurt." Burt paused, sighing and putting his head in his hands. There was no easy way to tell his son that he was in danger of losing his freedom and possibly his virtue. "I love you, you know that right? When your mother passed away, I promised her that I'll do anything to keep you safe. I intend on keeping that promise."

"Daddy, what are you trying to say? You're scaring me!" Kurt whimpered, tears starting to race down his cheeks. He wasn't sure what was happening but the way that his father had started really frightened him. Was he going to get shipped off elsewhere without his father? Was his father disowning him? What was happening?!

"Calm down, Kurt. It's nothing bad. I just think that it would be best if you have your own bodyguard for now. Packs can be unpredictable and I won't risk losing you." Burt looked up to his son and placed a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder, which was shaking uncontrollably. "I'm not going to give you away or anything. I will never let that happen, don't worry."

Kurt let out a small sigh of relief once his dad reassured him that his suspicions were incorrect. If he was honest, he didn't care if his freedom was limited or if his father was being overprotective. He was just happy that he wasn't going to be separated from his father. "Dad! You really scared me then! Why did you start it like that? I thought you were disowning me or something!"

Burt laughed lightly as he listened to his son go on about how wrong it was of him to start the conversation like that. He would never send his son away; it would hurt him too much and he would miss the boy's constant rants. His week would never be complete if he didn't hear his son bickering about something. "So you're not mad that I'm basically taking away your freedom?"

"Dad, I don't care if you take my freedom away. I would care even more if I never saw you again." Kurt replied quietly as he looked into his dad's eyes with mixed hurt and relief. Hurt because he did not want to think about something as horrible as that, and relief because he was happy that he got to stay with his father. "Can we talk about something else now? I don't like this topic and I don't think I can handle talking about something like this, if I'm being honest."

"No, we need to talk this out. I've been meaning to talk to you about this for a while but I always backed out because I was afraid that you wouldn't take it well. Now that we've started it, we might as well finish it." Burt said with a firm, yet gentle tone. The last thing he wanted to do was make Kurt feel scared in any way.

Kurt nodded, unsure what to say. He was curious as to where the topic would end up but was also nervous to learn more about his position. His rare condition often put him in complicated situations but it made him unique. And that was what Kurt loved about being a carrier.

He was unique.

"I don't know how to say this." Burt paused, trying to think of ways to break the news to his only son. "One thing that makes carriers known to those who are unaware is their fur. Normal wolves will tend to have fur that is 'usual' and 'normal' in the eyes of others. Carriers tend to have lighter fur that would occasionally glimmer in the sunlight. As you would've noticed by now, you have a birthmark that looks similar to a ribbon forming an arch-like shape. This is actually a 'C' that signifies your abilities as a carrier. Once you turn eighteen, that 'C will appear on the back of your ear, which is why I'm trying to keep a close eye on you every time you do transform. That letter will sparkle in the sun, making it much easier for someone to identify you as a carrier. And that's why I'm scared, Kurt. If someone notices this, they would automatically take advantage of your condition. They might steal you, they might rape you, they might even go as far as tricking you into joining their pack! That's what I'm afraid of. I'm not going to let that happen to you, son. It's really hard to get your head around but it's something that you'll have to learn and understand over time." Burt finished with a sigh; it was as if he had so much weight lifted off his shoulder. There really was no easy way to tell his son something like that. He hated seeing his son upset or in despair. It was the most painful thing that a father could experience in his whole life.

Kurt remained speechless throughout his father's lecture. The alpha was right; it was hard to understand, mostly because Kurt did not want to understand. It was degrading to know that other packs will fight, just to earn the possession of carriers. Was that all carriers are to them? Some kind of treasure? He may be one of a kind, but he still wanted to be treated with respect!

"Now, can you see why I found it hard to tell you all this before?" Burt asked, smiling gently at his son to try and get him to calm down. "This is why I'm assigning Finn, Sam, Puck and Mike as your own bodyguards. That way, you won't feel uncomfortable with them around you all the time. I've talked to the four boys before and they've agreed to take care of you."

Kurt nodded hesitantly, still unsure how to respond. "Okay, when will this... bodyguard situation start then?"

Blaine sprinted past the awkwardly positioned trees in his wolf form, dodging the branches with ease and agility. Despite his father's smart words, he refused to change his ways, mostly because he hated getting told what to do. He hated being commanded and bossed around. It was just not him. The aggressive wolf knew that when he does find a mate, he will have to change his ways but as of now, he was not even going to consider that thought.

"Fuck my father, fuck his bossy attitude, fuck this life!" Blaine growled dangerously, glaring openly at a couple of oblivious wolves, who seemed to be searching for something. 'Perfect', Blaine thought as he smirked inwardly, planning of ways to jump the clueless group. Even if they were bigger than Blaine, in terms of size and muscles, he didn't care. He could take them easily. He watched as the four wolves transform back into their human form before deciding to follow their lead, continuing to hide behind the large trees but still keeping a close eye.

"Hurry up, we need to get to Burt as soon as possible. He seems really concerned about Kurt! Even my mum is worried because she has dealt with carriers becoming injured due to packs fighting over them." A tall, awkward boy stated in an anxious tone with a pained expression on his face. What was going on?

"I feel really sorry for Kurt. He probably didn't ask for this but I envy his strength and his somewhat confident persona." An Asian boy replied with a sigh, making Blaine want to jump out and question their depressing aura. "It must suck to be a male carrier and I'm not gonna lie, Kurt is attractive so that might just give him more trouble... What? Don't look at me like that, you have to admit that Kurt is hot!"

Blaine licked his lips involuntarily when he heard this. So there was a male carrier that had yet to be claimed? Interesting. And from the Asian guy's confession and the guilty expression on the other boys' faces, he was suddenly curious - what did the boy look like? Maybe this was Blaine's big break after all.

Maybe he can find a mate, convince his father to hand his throne over to him and live happily ever after with his said mate, without having people on his back ranting about discipline all the damn time. It was really tiring, having to listen to the same speech over and over and over again. Blaine just wanted to shorten the process and rule his pack without any problems coming his way. Was that too much to ask?

However, he also realised that it will be difficult to suddenly have all the responsibility on him. He wouldn't be able to handle all the pressure so he decided to ease into it. Maybe it just wasn't the right time to find a mate after all. There was always a next time; male carriers won't just disappear. Plus, who wouldn't want to be with Blaine Anderson? He was hot.

Having said that, he turned to the boys who had their backs turned to him, with a wide smirk on his face. Shifting into his wolf form rapidly but quietly and with very little movement, he eased towards his preys and waited for the right time before jumping out of the bush and attacking the oblivious group of teens. Unbeknownst to the boys, they were struck and scratched, leaving trails of marks and blood across their bodies.

Furthermore, they did not just sit there and allow the strange wolf to continue its actions. They quickly transformed into their own animalistic forms and growled dangerously at the lone wolf, hoping to get it to run away without physically hurting it. Quickly arranging themselves to encircle their attacker when they realised that it wasn't going anywhere any time soon, they inched closer and closer but the other held its ground.

With a howl that sounded like laughter, Blaine lunged towards one of the wolves and quickly got into a massive brawl. Scratches and bites were exchanged but he did not give up, which seemingly impressed the four. Despite the outnumbered situation, the aggressive wolf did not even bother letting that limit him. Instead, he upped his game and even managed to knock out two of the wolves without losing much energy.

He felt free.

He felt happy.

He felt powerful.

But most of all, he felt...

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" One familiar voice and another unfamiliar voice shouted from both sides of him.

... Most of all, he was scared shitless.

A/N: Reviews pretty please? -insert puppy dog eyes-

Now that I've got this up, I'll be able to hopefully update more as I have two plots to work on. But having said that, I've still got many exams and homework so I doubt my updating will be any more frequent to be honest. Sorry for any mistakes!

Oh and if you have twitter, please follow me! Just made one to get in touch with the social networking gossips haha. _imlikenoother

Remember to review and also follow me ;) I do follow back!