Alright. I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore.

I had planned this story to be a long term one, different from what I normally wrote. And it was, and I'm still proud of it. But the fact is that I've grown up a lot. I still like HOA, objectively. But it still, to me, represents a different time in my life. I'm just not inspired and I don't watch it anymore.

I'm still really happy with this story and I have so much hope for it. But I don't have the time or inspiration anymore. It's not that I don't appreciate HOA or ship Jara, but I have so little investment in the show.

I really didn't want to be one of those writers who cancel their stories halfway through, and I never understood why they would do something like that. But now…I just can't.

Thank you so much to everyone who left such kind and well-thought out reviews. Especially my newer people who made me want to keep going longer than I had planned. I feel really bad about this, but it's just never going to get done if I keep writing it like this.


This story is now in the capable hands of Rachelisafallenangel. I have the utmost faith that she will do wonderful things with it. So, when she writes and does the update thing, I will reference it here so you can go straight there.

Thanks to Rachel for taking it over, I know she's going to do great.