He noticed her every day of the week, every hour of the day. He noticed the way her blonde hair whipped around her face and the way her brown eyes would light up (sometimes, they would have green flecks in them) and the way she ran and talked and laughed and smiled. Whenever she was close, a warm feeling on either sides of his chest would appear. It was thrumming and golden, and right where his hearts were. He hadn't felt anything quite like it before. It was different and made him want to jump and laugh and – ugh – prance around yelling her name. Of course that was ridiculous.

That didn't make it go away.

She was painfully aware of everything he did. Whenever he moved, her body would tingle, evaluate his position and shift closer. She noticed the way his spiky brown hair was always messy and the way his chocolate eyes would glow (sometimes, there were gold flecks in them) and the way he ran and the way he talked and the way he said her name (sort of like a compliment) and the way he laughed and the way he smiled. Whenever he was close, a warm fluttering feeling in the left of her chest would ignite. She had never felt this way before. It made her want to sing and run and skip yelling his name. Of course, she didn't. That'd be stupid.

It still wouldn't go away.

Everyone knew.
Jack knew and thought it was amusing.
Martha knew and thought they were adorable.
Donna knew and thought they were absolutely smashing.
Jackie knew and didn't exactly like it but accepted.
Hell, the whole Torchwood team knew. Even the bloody Dalek had known.
In fact, the only two people who didn't know were them.

"Rose, I thought I told you not to wear that shirt."

She winked at him.

"Perhaps I need reminding…" She replied, stepping closer.

"You can't wear that shirt because one: It is very thin," he murmured rolling a bit of fabric between his fingers.

"Two, because it is very low cut," he edged closer and pointed to the neckline.

"And three, because it is very distracting." He finished. They were practically nose to nose.

"Is that so, Doctor?" She asked.

"It is so, Rose."

They stepped away and continued cleaning the console.

"What was that?" Jack hissed.

"That, my friend, is what we have to endure every single bloody day," Donna whispered back.

"Oh, my God. How do you cope?"

"We barely do," Martha said, rolling her eyes.


Rose didn't even know it was possible, but the warm feeling in her chest had increased about a hundred degrees. Ever since The Incident.

It all started in the swimming pool.

Rose had put on her favorite bikini, the bubble gum pink one, and jumped in the pool. It wasn't her fault she coincidentally landed on the Doctor. And that she (coincidentally, of course) straddled him. Oops?

But it was his fault completely that he kissed her. It wasn't like he had to. And maybe their lips had smashed together in the most unromantic way. But in Rose's mind, it counted as a kiss. At least she could remember it this time, unlike the time he kissed during the whole Bad Wolf scandal.

It was a kiss, and nothing anyone said could change her mind.

The Doctor didn't even thing it was possible, but ever since the Kiss his hearts had warmed up about two hundred degrees.

It all started when he decided to lurk in the bottom of the pool with his handy respiratory bypass system.

And then Rose in her pink bikini (not that he was staring. More like drooling) came in and jumped on him. And straddled him. Which he didn't mind in the least. Ahem. Which was completely uncalled for. Yeah.

Anyways, the compromising position had absolutely forced their lips together (all right, so maybe the Doctor had leaned forward a little bit. But not much) and they were kissing. Well, more like their lips touched, seemingly of their own accord (and his. Because he wanted to kiss her) but it counted as a kiss. At least she could remember it this time.

Little did they know that Jack, Martha and Donna were silently applauding Jack for shoving Rose in. At least, until the Doctor and Rose pretended it never happened.

"Okay, that didn't work. What next?" Martha asked. Mysteriously, Jack and Donna were both tired and disappeared.

Martha wondered if there was something going on between those two.