Oh god it's good to be back on fanfiction. I'm so so very sorry for not updating but my laptop broke so i had to wait til christmas to get my new one and apparently it's anti-social to ignore my family and write stories. But I'm back and here to stay guys ;) I'm gonna be writing many stories as inspiration has been hitting alot lately so I've got alot of good ideas... well I think they're good anyways so I hope you feel the same. I would also like to say a big thank you to all the people that left reviews for my other stories. If you haven't read them check out Win her heart and Operation: Kick :D One last thing I swear ... Thank you HOLLYSTER23 (if you're reading this LOL) for all your reviews on my stories and trust me I love it when people compliment and are obsessed with my stories it encourages me to write more stories :3
DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN KICKIN' IT ... Ok now I'm gonna go sit in a corner and cry :(
I walked through the entrance of Seaford High and started walking towards my locker; Suddenly Donna Tobin and her posse of barbie dolls stormed towards me ... Oh great. Come on Jack you can do this, you have fought a group of black dragons without breaking a sweat, you can deal with a group of superficial brats. Oh god they're nearly here ... I still have enough time to run don't I? Just as I was about to run I was stopped by the voice of a demon ... I mean Donna. "Hey Jack" I heard her call in a non flirtatious way, actually she sounded as if she was bored. "Hey Donna" I replied with a slight wave. "Yeah whatever, so yeah this is Lucy." Donna said while pointing to the girl that i didn't even notice before. "Oh hey Lucy." I said trying to be polite to the apparent new girl. I barely got a reply, I just heard some high pitched giggling and squealing. I'm scared.
I felt hopeful when I saw Kim walking hurriedly towards me. Oh good she can save me. Apparently not as she nearly ran past me; I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me completely forgetting about the herd of girls surrounding me. "What's up Kim?" I asked worriedly. Kim quickly replied "Jerry wants someone to wax his back for his 'big' date tonight." I shuddered at the thought of how hairy Jerry's back is. I saw Jerry turning the corner with a pot of wax and multiple waxing strips in his hand; When he spotted me and Kim he started walking towards us while calling out our names. I quickly grabbed Kim's hand and we started running away from Jerry.
Jack ran off with some girl called Kim. Jack and I could have made a real connection if that Kim didn't ruin our moment. Anyone with eyes could see that Jack and I was getting on like a house on fire but Kim had to ruin it. I understand that she must of been jealous; she must have some sort of crush on Jack and she was threatened when she saw me. It's so obvious that was the case; what teenage boy needs his friend to wax his back. "Yeah, sorry Lucy I guess Jack wasn't interested." Donna comforted me in a bored tone. Is she blind or something? Of course he's interested. I heard her whisper to one of the other girls; I could vaguely hear the words Jack, Kim and connection. Now I'm curious; what is this whole business with Jack and Kim? I guess it isn't anything to worry about I guess Donna was just talking about how rude Kim was when she ruined me and Jack's conversation. Well I can talk to him later and he will confess his love for me, then we will be boyfriend and girlfriend so I'm not worried about this silly Kim girl.
Sorry this chapter was short but this was just the first chapter. I know what you're thinking .. Wow this Lucy girl is really intense ... ok you're probably thinking oh god she's crazy and you're right. I actually know a girl that has actually acted like this about some guy so I guess you can say that this is based on a true story. I have also wanted to do a story about some crazy obsessed girl because come on it's obvious that someone as hot as Jack Brewer is bound to have some crazed girl following him around ... Ok it would most probably be me but you can't blame me have you seen him?! Well I'm gonna shut up now and start writing the next chapter ;D