Hey guys! My views and reviews are really toning down for this story so I'm thinking this is the last chapter. It's already time to start a sequel! There is ALOT that was left out of this story that will happen in the sequel. I'm not quite sure about the plot of the story, but I do know some key scenes that I plan on putting in there, and those "some key scenes" will be scenes you don't want to miss and some that you will wish you would have missed haha! I know a lot of people are writing stories about Ahsoka leaving the order and running to Lux, but I'm going to continue writing stories based on her being in the jedi order just for a little longer :)
Thanks for all the reviews! I hope you enjoyed this story! I can't wait to see you in the next one!
(3 days later)
Lux walked down the hallway to Ahsoka's recovery room. They had delivered the Rotico herb just in time! Although they had lost Malay in the process of fetching the vaccine they still honored her for helping in the best way she could.
Anakin and Ada had returned to the jedi temple to determine Ada's fate after learning that Ahsoka was going to be ok.
Lux cradled a box of chocolates and a bouquet of roses in his hands. He knew how much Ahsoka loved chocolate and he couldn't resist buying her a box.
Finally reaching her room he slowly opened the door. The doctor was standing next to Ahsoka who was laying in a bed with a blanket over her and an I.V. running out of her arm. Lux hid his gifts behind his back and leaned against the wall quietly waiting in the background. Ahsoka noticed his entry and smiled happily at seeing him. The doctor caught a glimpse of Ahsoka's grin and turned to see Lux standing there.
She smiled to herself as she spoke,"I should get these statistics to doctor Wasanii."
Ahsoka giggled as the nurse left the two young teens in the room all to themselves.
"How are you feeling?" Lux asked still leaning against the wall.
"Every now and then I have a minor head ache, but its nothing worth being concerned about." Ahsoka smiled.
"I brought you a gift." Lux said as he walked to the bed side still holding his arms behind his back.
"Luuux! Why! You shouldn't have gotten me anything!" Ahsoka said blushing lightly.
"But I wanted to." He smiled down at her.
Finally he revealed what he held behind his back. Ahsoka blushed and awed at the presents being presented before her.
"Lux! They're beautiful!" Ahsoka said as she took the flowers in her hands so that she could take a big whiff of them,"And the chocolate! How did you know?"
"I know my friends interests." He smiled.
The moment was interrupted when his comlink beeped to tell him that he was receiving a call.
"Bonteri here."
"King Dendup has requested your presence."
A look of slight sorrow filled his eyes. He was hoping to spend the day with Ahsoka.
"Alright. I'll be there immediately." He answered as he ended the call,"Looks like duty calls."
"I guess so." Ahsoka said softly as she watched him make his way to the door.
"Oh! I almost forgot! There's one more thing I wanted to give you!"
Lux quickly ran back to her bed side and knelt down to place a light kiss on her cheek. Ahsoka blushed heavily as she watched him make his way to the door once again.
"I'll come back to visit you soon!" He said before exiting.
Anakin and Ada stood in the middle of the council chambers. Everyone seemed to be in attendance for once!
"Come to a decision the council has." Yoda began.
"Great!" Anakin said with a smile.
"She will be placed under the council of Plo Koon" Mace stated.
As he spoke Plo Koon aorse from his seat to make his way to Ada.
"Koh-Toh-Yah, young one." Plo Koon said as he knelt down next to her,"I look forward to teaching you the ways of the force as well as the ways of the jedi."
Ada was uncertain of the man at first, but quickly established a liking for him.
"Lord Tyrannus." The sith lord said in his feeble voice.
"Yes, Master?" Dooku answered bowing.
"The fall of Skywalker is near. The seeds of the darkside I have planted in him have sprouted a small… bud." Sidious said in his dark mysterious voice.
"This is good news!" Dooku said with a small hint of concern in his voice.
"Unfortunately… there can only be two… The master.. and the Apprentice." Sidious responded.
Dooku knew exactly what Sidious was inferring,"But my lord!"
He was cut off.
"When the time comes.. don't take it as anything personal... It is only the darkside's way." Sidious smiled before his hologram vanished.
Anakin's ship exited hyperspace. Ada was now with Master Plo Koon and he had been granted a days leave to check on Ahsoka back at Doctor Wasanii's hospital.
The ship landed outside the front door to the hospital. He walked in quickly making his way down the hall. When he had finally reached her recovery room he cracked the door to peek in. He slowly entered.
Ahsoka had heard the sound of the door opening and smiled when she saw the familiar face of her master.
"How are you doing, Snips?" Anakin asked as he made his way to her bed side.
"Hey, Master! I'm doing great!" She replied smiling back up at him.
Anakin glanced over to the table next to her bed noticing the bouquet of roses.
"I see Bonteri has already been here." Anakin said smiling down at her.
"Yes. He was here this morning. What is the status on Ada?" Ahsoka asked abruptly changing the subject.
"Would it please you to know that Plo Koon is now her master?" Anakin said smiling once again.
"Oh, yes! She'll love Master Plo!" Ahsoka exclaimed.
"When do you get out of here?" Anakin questioned as he took a seat.
"Should be only one more day!" Ahsoka said happily.
"Good! Because as soon as you get back to the temple we have a lot of training to catch up on." Anakin said shooting her a wink.
"What ever you say, Skyguy." Ahsoka said rolling her eyes as the two laughed happily.
I know. It was short. But like I said. Reviews have dropped and I think it's time to end it and start something new. As soon as I finish planning out the plot I will begin writing! And if you couldn't already guess, yes Ada will be in the next book. I love her so much! And there's ALOT of things and HUGE plans I had for her that I never wrote about in this story! Also! We finally got a kiss! Well... sure it was a peck on the cheek, but It's a step! Maybe next story we get get a REAL one? ;) Any ways. I hope you have enjoyed reading "Responsibility is a Must!" I look forward to seeing you in my next fanfic!