Epilogue (three weeks later)

Allison's head rested comfortably on Chase's chest as he played absentmindly with her now very tangled hair. They lay in silence, neither feeling the need to speak, as they tried to catch their breath, listening to the pounding of the rain against the windows.

It had been three weeks since she'd seen House and Lisa. Three weeks since she and House had spoken last. Three weeks since she vowed to forget all about the twisted seniors and just move on with her life. Three weeks since she'd fully committed herself to Chase. Chase, who was a wonderful boyfriend. Chase, who never failed to cheer up. Chase, who was sweet, loyal, and amazing. Chase, who's hand was traveling farther and farther down south.

"Whoa there sonny." Allison placed her hand atop his, stopping it from going down further. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

"Nothing." He blinked fake innocently as he started nibbling on her ear.

"Likely story." She giggled. "Hey, that tickles."

Just then, the doorbell rang. "Ugh. Really?"

"Ignore it." Chase said as he started planting kisses on her stomach. The feel of his lips on her bare stomach made goose bumps crop up. "It's probably just some kid selling cookies." He murmured.

"I should get that." Allison pushed him off her. "Might be important." Spotting Chase's light blue button down, she pulled it on over her way too revealing for the door bra and underwear. "Be right back." She said, blowing him a kiss.

She walked down the stairs quickly, groaning loudly as the doorbell was rung again. "I'm coming!" She called, annoyed. She pulled open the door, expecting some UPS guy standing there with a box. But to her surprise, there was no one there.

"Stupid kids." She rolled her eyes. The kids in her neighborhood were known for ringing people's doorbells and then running away. But then she noticed the bulky package sitting on the Welcome mat.

"What?" She bent over to pick it up, looking for its address. Maybe it was delivered to the wrong house. But her name and address were written on the box in spiky red ink. She noted that the handwriting was vaguely familiar. Closing the door with her hip, she took the package inside and examined it all over. It felt pretty light for a box of its size. She shook it. Sounded like there were a lot of packing peanuts or whatever.

"Allie?" Chase called from upstairs.

"Just a sec." She answered. Dimly, she realized that it might not be such a good idea to open a mysterious package, thanks to all the horror stories about people receiving poisonous substances in the mail. But curiosity got the better of her as she fetched the letter opener and ripped open the package.

What was inside made her gasp aloud as she shoved aside the packing peanuts to reveal a… toy doctor's kit? And attached to the kit was a tag. And on the tag, in the same spiky handwriting, was a single word.


Author's note: And that's the end of I Know That I'll Regret It! Thanks for reading and reviewing! And special thanks to the amazing MonkeyLovr, who helped me plan a lot of the storylines. Most likely won't be a sequel, unless I get MANY requests, since I have to work on my new Once fanfic. As always, reviews are always appreciated :)