Pairing: Thilbo

Rating: K

A/N: Bilbo forgot to tell Thorin a small detail about his background…mpreg. Also AU, no one dies and Bilbo stays in Erebor. This is a short one-shot, I couldn't help myself, i may write more of this. Anyways here it is.

Well, this…this was not good. Bilbo thought this to himself as he heaved up what he'd had for breakfast. Oh no, this was not good at all. The hobbit sank to the floor in his and Thorin's room, set deep within the lonely mountain. It had been several months since the battle had ended and Thorin became 'King under the Mountain', it had taken no effort to convince Bilbo to stay with the man who had effectively claimed his heart. Thorin was a great king; he cared deeply for his people and ruled them wonderfully. He was also an exceedingly good partner, if Bilbo did say so himself. Loving and gentle were not words he would have associated with Thorin Oakenshield upon meeting him but over time he had learned that those very things existed under all that hair and gruff exterior. Thorin was a skilled lover, this Bilbo had learned early on in their quest, for when the dwarf king to be had stepped through his door Bilbo had instantly been taken with him. To his great surprise the feelings were returned, and a dwarf loved fiercely and passionately.

This was how Bilbo now found himself in the position he was in, it was very rare and only in a few bloodlines of hobbits, the Baggins were one of them. Over the last month he had noticed himself feeling poorly and rather lethargic, he'd paid no mind to it thinking it due to settling into life in Erebor, which was no small feat when you were used to rolling green hills and suddenly had to make the inside of a mountain home. But now he knew something far different was taking place, and he was not sure how to tell Thorin.

"Bilbo?" The hobbit flinched; leave it to Thorin to show up at that precise moment. The dwarf king appeared within a few moments of his call and spotted the younger man curled against the bathroom door. He was instantly at Bilbo's side cradling his face in his large calloused hands.

"You are pale! What is wrong? Should I fetch a healer?" Thorin was not king at that moment; he was a lover worried about the one who meant the world to him. Bilbo shook his head and smiled gently.

"No, I will be alright, though I do need to tell you something and I am not sure how you will react." Thorin gathered his beloved into his arms and walked to the bed where he deposited the hobbit and then sat down on the edge.

"What is it?" He asked wondering what in middle earth could have his hobbit so pale and sickly looking that would not need a healer. Bilbo sighed and shuffled for a moment before explaining himself.

"I am afraid that I have failed to tell you something important about myself, though I admit that this has not happened in my line for several decades, so i did not believe it to be possible for me. Anyways, back when hobbits first came to the shire we were not alone, many had lovers, which is no surprise, but many of their partners were elves, and as such many lines of hobbits have some elven blood in them. My line, the Baggins line, has particularly potent elven blood. And with that being said, I do hope you know that male elves are able to become…well pregnant after lying with another man correct?" He paused and waited for Thorin's nod, the poor man looked confused beyond reason.

"Good, is also possible for hobbits with elven blood to become pregnant as well. Again it is rare as the elf magic within us is not as strong as it once was, but it is there. Do you understand yet Thorin?" He was hoping that he would not have to spell it out, but the confusion on Thorin's face did not give him much hope for that. Bilbo started to speak again but Thorin cut him off raising a hand, his face serious.

"Give me a minute." He sounded slightly strained and Bilbo nodded watching as his lovers face went through a range of emotions, Thorin was not a stupid man, far from it actually, so it did not take long for him to work out just what Bilbo was saying to him and he gasped, eyes wide.

"You are telling me that…you…are…" He couldn't finish, his eyes strayed to Bilbo's stomach where the hobbit was protectively resting a hand. Bilbo finished the sentence for him, he could see that Thorin understood and was, quite expectedly, in shock.

"Pregnant…yes." He was becoming concerned for Thorin had not moved and did not moved for several more minutes and when he did…Thorin Oakenshield, King under the Mountain…fainted.

Ok every one, please let me know what you think. Please review! It makes a happy writer!