A/N This is my first attempt at writing a Person of Interest fic. I normally write stories for Scandal, and a few of the readers of my crossover fic Thorngate asked if I would write something for POI. So here goes. Hope you enjoy. I don't own POI or any of its characters even though I wish I did. Make sure leave a review, like it or not. thanks :-)

Joss Carter.

The name burned through his mind and rolled softly off his tongue. He watched as she ascended the steps to her building with Taylor by her side, carrying two bags of groceries. Taylor opened the door to let her in first and she turned and smiled at him. It lit up her face, reaching her round cheeks and travelled all the way to her eyes. She laughed at something Taylor said, and the beautiful sound echoed into the night.

It was Wednesday. And on Wednesday nights in the Carter house, they ate homemade spaghetti. John imagined the scent of garlic, rich pasta sauce and the aroma of spices filling the air. John had been inside Carter's house twice, each time uninvited, when he'd gone to ask her to help him look for Finch. He'd seen the inside of it many times, when he would watch her after she got home from work and for a brief time after she was shot by her confidential informant just to make sure that she was doing okay. He'd seen her helping Taylor with his homework, sometimes they played video games on the TV in the living room, and he watched them sit and enjoy a quiet meal at home, but he'd never been invited in.

Lately he found himself wishing that just once she'd extend the invitation.

Just then a car pulled up and the driver got out carrying what looked to be a bottle of wine in his hand. A closer look revealed that it was none other than Cal Beecher. John swore at the sight of him. Initially he'd given Carter his blessing when they first started dating, but after almost two months of him coming over for dinner, and taking Carter out he was somewhat uneasy with his presence in her life. Just recently, she'd introduced him to Taylor. His only consolation was that it didn't seem as if the boy liked him all that much no matter how friendly Beecher was with him.

Carter let him inside after he knocked on the door and he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. John's jaws tensed at their small show of affection. He stalked off heading for his car and revved up the engine.

He reached for the dial on the radio when his phone rang. It was Fusco.

"What is it, Lionel?"

"We got to talk."

"About what?"

"About Carter's new boyfriend, Beecher."

"What about him?"

"I've been asking around about him. Something about him just doesn't sit right with me. But I can't talk over the phone."

"Okay. Fifteen minutes. The usual spot."

"Make it thirty."

"What's got you so worried Lionel?" Reese asked walking towards the bench Fusco was sitting on near the Queensborough Bridge.

"Good evening to you too." Said Fusco and got up to stand beside him.

"What's on your mind?"

"Couple weeks ago I talked to Olson who pointed out some things to me. The fancy car, the clothes, the somewhat extravagant things he does every now and again, not to mention the types of women he goes out with from time to time."

"Sure you don't want to be one of them?"

"I'm being serious, here, Wonderboy." Fusco replied with a scowl.

"So am I. I've yet to hear anything that says he's involved in something suspicious. Doesn't he work undercover in Narcotics?"

"He does, yeah…."

"Then you're wasting my time, Lionel." Reese said letting out a long breath and started walking away with Fusco on his heel.

"Look I followed him. Twice. And he's met with the same guy, twice. Alonzo Quinn, you know the guy who's some political advisor for Ed Griffin?"

"Yes." He answered, opening the car door and got in.

"The first time I tailed him, Simmons was there, and he had a real problem with me watching Beecher. Wanted to know why I was asking so many questions. He told me to back off. He wouldn't do that unless I stumbled onto something. I don't know if this Quinn guy is tied to HR, but if he is, then maybe Beecher could be too."

"I'll look into, Fusco." Reese said and pulled off. He dialed Finch's number.

"Did you get that Finch?"

"I did Mr. Reese. What do you make of it?"

"It seems Cal Beecher could be playing both sides of the fence. We're going to have to start watching him."

"And what about Detective Carter?"

"We can't tell her about this, not yet. We don't have anything concrete. And without any solid evidence she won't believe us. For right now we just have to watch him.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Right now? I'm tired and I'm heading home."

"You finished all your homework Taylor baby?" Carter asked watching him load the dishwasher.

"I'm all done. Just got some studying to do for the Math test tomorrow."

"How was the History test today?"

"The essay question was a killer, but I think I did pretty good."

"I'm so proud of you baby." She said walking towards him and planting a big kiss on his cheeks."

"Mom…." He protested as she pulled him in for a tight squeeze.

"You know you'll always be mama's little boy. Go on, go hit those books." She said finally letting him go.

She watched as he disappeared down the hallway after saying goodnight to Cal and smiled.

"He's a good kid." Said Cal.

"He's a wonderful kid. Love him so much."

She stood leaning against the wall watching Cal as he was watching her. They'd been dating for two months, and she really liked him. But something was holding her back and she couldn't quite put a finger on it. He was sexy, a gentleman, treated her nice, but something in her couldn't make that transition from serious like to love. That something she couldn't quite name also had a lot to do with the fact that they hadn't gotten physical yet. At least not in the way Cal wanted to.

She watched as he walked closer to her, until he was standing just in front of her.

"You're so beautiful, Joss." He said and for some reason she heard John's voice in her ear. She mentally shook her head and focused on Cal as he bent his head and his lips hovered close to hers. She could feel his breath on her face, waiting to see if he'd take control. When he didn't make a move she pulled him by his jacket until their lips touched.

The touch of his mouth on hers was sweet, soft, gentle. Her arms went around his neck pulling him closer and he put his arms around her waist. His lips moved down to her neck, touching his tongue lightly against it, she liked the soft wet touch of it and she bucked against him.

His hands moved underneath her shirt, and over her back.

"Baby your skin is so soft. You feel so good."

His mouth was on hers again, this time more demanding, his tongue probing and he started unbuttoning her shirt. Carter pulled back.

"Wait, Cal." She said stepping away and redoing her buttons. "We can't do this."

"I want you, Joss."

"This can't happen here. My kid is just down the hallway. He can walk out any minute. I'm not about to let him see his mother in a compromising position."

"Then when?"

"When what?"

"You know what I'm talking about. We've been seeing each other for two months and we've yet to move beyond kissing. Are you trying to tell me something? Am I the only person in this relationship we have? Is there someone else?"

"Of course I'm in it, Cal and no, there's nobody else. But…."

"But what?"

"I'm just not ready." She could see the frustration on his face and she hated being a tease, but she couldn't bring herself to take the next step. She had Taylor to consider and the next step with Cal, meant he'd be in her life more, and whoever she let in her life could directly affect her son and the tight bond they shared. She knew Taylor didn't hate Cal, but he didn't care for him that much either. Taylor was her world. For the longest it had just been the two of them. She didn't want anything or anyone to come between them

And then there was John…wait no….why would John factor into her relationships? She shook her head.

"I'm sorry. I understand if you don't wanna see me anymore, but….that's just the way it is right now."

"No. I'm the one who's sorry. If you're not ready, you're not ready. I won't rush you. And besides, I know you'll be worth the wait."

She smiled then and walked up to him kissing him softly.

"How bout we crack open that bottle of wine you bought, huh?" she asked.

Reese stood in front of the windows in his loft and turned off the audio for Carter's phone. He'd just listened to the exchange between them. He listened to their groping, the heavy breathing and imagined Beecher's hands travelling over Carter's body, him kissing her. It made him angrier every second. He was just about to shut off the connection when he realized they were about to make love when he heard Joss say she couldn't do it. Though he was happy and relieved to hear that their relationship hadn't been physical, he wondered why.

Why wasn't she ready? And why did he feel more at ease at her admission?

He let out a long breath, removing his ear piece and getting into bed.

These were questions he didn't want to think about, especially since the answers to them would require him to dig deep inside himself and that wasn't something he was prepared to do. Not just yet.