A/N: Welcome to the last chapter of A Brother's Bond! This chapter is rather short, but I like it very much^^

Chapter 20: Raph's Gift

When Mikey woke up he rubbed at his head, he had a headache. Mikey sat up, but that a mistake. He began to cough, he felt wave a nausea come over him. Mikey ran to the bathroom.

"Mikey?" Leo called out, he went to the bathroom to see Mikey sitting on the floor, his eyes were glossed over, he has a few tears in them too. Mikey was having a hard time catching his breath. Leo helped Mikey to his feet. "Come on Mikey. Let's get something to eat," Leo walked Mikey to the kitchen and the once there he helped him down into a chair.

"Alright!" Raph announced entering the room, "who wants breakfast?" he asked.

"That depends are you making it?" Leo asked.

"You use a smoke bomb instead of the egg once and you get banned form making breakfast!" Raph said throwing his hands in the air. Mikey started to laugh it was the first time in a long time they has seen Mikey genuinely laugh.

Mikey attempted to make breakfast for his brothers, but he had to stop because of his headache. "Mikey go to the couch Raph will bring you a cold cloth, Leo and me will finish breakfast," Donnie said. Mikey just walked over to the couch.

After breakfast Donnie brought a blanket over for Mikey who had fallen asleep.

April came over later. She was going to stay with Mikey while the others were out on patrol. April was sitting with Mikey watching a movie. Halfway through the movie Mikey was curled up sleeping. April took a blanket and covered her cold-blooded friend.

"Everything go okay today?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, we watched a movie and then he fell asleep," April said standing up, "I have to go. See you guys tomorrow?"

"You want me to walk you home April?" Donnie asked.

April smiled, "I'll be alright."

The next morning Raph walked past Mikey's room. Mikey was curled up in his bed, he was sleeping soundly for the first time in a long time. Leo was sitting in a chair with his chin to his plastron. Next Raph walked by Donnie's lab, he was sleeping by his computer. On the screen was details of the poison in Mikey's blood. Finally, Raph slipped out of the lair.

Leo stretched as he woke up, "morning Mikey-" he stopped Mikey was not in his bed. Leo jumped up and ran out of Mikey's room. Leo walked into the kitchen to see Mikey awkwardly supporting himself with counter. "Mikey? You okay?" Leo asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, just, uh, resting," Mikey said with a forced smile. Leo wrapped one around Mikey's shell and helped him to a chair. "Leo I'm fine!" Mikey said.

"So I let go right now you would be able to stand without any support?" Leo asked, very slightly loosening his grip on his brother. Mikey's hand grabbed tightly onto Leo's arm.

"Fine...I'm not fine," Mikey muttered, "I'm sick of not being fine."

Leo sighed and then smiled. "Mikey you are already getting so much better."

"Then why are you helping me walk?" Mikey asked.

Leo just smiled, "Now how about I bring the bowls over to you and you can mix the pancake batter?"

"Sure," Mikey said sitting down. Leo brought over the supplies Mikey was using. Leo helped Mikey make the pancakes.

"Donnie! Raph! Breakfast!" Leo called. Donnie came into the kitchen. "Where's Raph? I have not seen him all morning."

Mikey walking to the kitchen when all off a sudden he list his balance due to a dizzy spell and fell to the ground.

"Mikey!" Raph called, as he set down a box by the lair entrance to go help Mikey.

"I'm fine!" Mikey yelled out, rolling to his side and trying to push himself to his feet, but he had no luck. Raph sat down on the floor supporting Mikey.

"Everything okay?" Leo asked rushing into the room, "Raph where were you?"

"I was-uh-let's get Mikey to his room," Raph said, "then I will tell you."

"I told you I am fine!" Mikey snapped, he was growing very angry.

"Mikey what is wrong-" Raph started but, Leo jabbed him in the side.

"Let it go Raph," Leo hissed as he picked up the still complaining Mikey. Leo and Donnie brought Mikey to his room, while Raph went back to the lair entrance to get the box he left.

Raph slowly walked into Mikey's room holding the box with a note taped to the top. Mikey was already sleeping when he came in.

Mikey woke up to see the box he read the note, "Here Mikey, Sorry about everything, Raph," Mikey looked at the box, there were holes in it, he was scared, but he opened it anyway. Mikey flinched as he opened the box. He looked inside the box he saw a small orange cat curled up inside, with a red ribbon around it's neck. He looked longer the kitten stood up and stretched. Mikey reached into the box and pulled out the kitten. The small kitten reached it's head forward and licked his cheek. Mikey noticed that there was a note tucked in the ribbon. Mikey unfolded the note: "tell anyone this cat is from me and I will beat the green off you,"

Mikey was curled up, with the kitten, covers over his head. It's been three months since his solo fight with Shredder. He was finally feeling better, he was slowly getting over the concussion, the only side effect he was experiencing was the occasional headache. Even his nightmares have practically subsided. Mikey's alarm went off, today was his first full traning session in a long time. Just last week he finally being dizzy.

When Mikey got to the dojo Splinter instructed, once again that head shot on Mikey would result in punishment. Mikey had to be careful himself; two weeks was doing a flip and get a dizzy spell and collapsed to the ground, luckily he landed on his knees rather than his head. Luckily Mikey made it through the entire practice without and problems.

"Mikey you had that cat for three months," Leo said, "you never said where you got her." Mikey glanced at Raph and smiled.

A/N: I would like to thank everyone who read, faved, commented, and followed me on this journey. I had over 12k in views, 148 reviews for the first 19 chapters, 43 favs and 35 follows.

I am working on another fic I will be posting it soon. I wanted to finish this story before I posted it. While the theme maybe similiar, it is not connect to the fic.

Thanks again,

~Colonelduckie xoxox