Thanks to all my followers and readers. I hope that everyone can be happy with where I ended the story. This was always about the Emma character growth for me with her and the family and I got her to where I wanted her to go. This was my first time writing, so I am glad that people have liked it. I also want to thank, Aliasscape, my first reader, for encouraging me to write and helping with my editing and discussing character throughout this fic. So here we are for the last time. Thanks again to everyone. Enjoy, friends.

Chapter 16 – Family and A Fight Worth Fighting.

For the rest of the morning Emma and Snow sat and talked about the people of the Enchanted Forest. Snow told her stories of her time on the run, stories of Red and her Granny, of their adventures in the forest with the dwarfs. They also talked about some of the nitty-gritty of the politics of their world, discussing who were allies of their kingdom and who were enemies. Thomas and Ella's as well as Abigail and Frederick's being the kingdoms most closely allied to their own.

They were later joined by Henry who chatted away about all he knew from the storybook as Snow filled in new details. The conversation continued as they prepared lunch and were joined by James who spoke of King George who was his father in name, but not by birth; Emma learned that while Snow was born royal that James was not. James was born a shepherd and not a prince and he spoke of the peacefulness and simplicity of that life and how it had been taken away when he was caught up in the plotting of Rumplestiltskin.

Then Snow and James took turns while they ate telling the story of how they met. Emma learned how James received the scar on his chin and later his nickname. Emma laughed at the look on his face when Snow recounted hitting him in the head with a rock. James returned the favor by telling how he captured Snow in a net after easily tracking her to her forest hideaway. All of it to find a ring, a ring which now sits on Snow's finger as if it was made to. This story of Snow White and Prince Charming seemed more real as she heard it told from her parents instead of simply reading it from the storybook. These are memories, real memories, spoken with affection, excitement, and love.

Emma could tell that while James had spoken wistfully of the simplicity of being a shepherd, that the excitement that is his life with Snow is not something he would give up for the world. He clearly adores her and she him; they are like two parts of a whole, having both come a long way from his days as a shepherd and hers as an exiled princess. Snow White and her Prince Charming. Emma shook her head in wonder at it all. Her parents.

Snow then spoke of the story of legend, of eating the poisoned apple given to her by the Evil Queen. James finished by recounting his journey to find her and the kiss, true love's kiss, that woke her as she lay in the mythical glass coffin. Or not so mythical because Emma had seen it, touched it, where it now resides broken and empty in a cave underneath Storybrooke.

Emma again heard the story of James proposing, but from Snow this time. Emma hadn't interrupted her because she wanted to hear it. It was just as he had said, hopelessly romantic, the perfect fairytale ending, with him down on one knee offering Snow his mother's ring. Emma noticed Snow spinning that very ring on her finger and for the first time since she met her, her mother was wearing it on her left hand instead of her right. Emma smiled.

They then spoke of their decision right then and there in the shadow of King George's castle, newly betrothed, to do as they would do all things, together, to take back their kingdom. They spoke of amassing allies and friends and how in the end they were victorious, dethroning George and Regina both and taking back what is Snow's by birth and James' by conquest. It was politics and war, so it was complicated and messy and made Emma's head hurt because it made her very aware of how difficult it would be to get everyone to work together peacefully.

James was hopefully though that they would be able to retain some of the stability of Storybrooke what with a common goal, to return home, being shared by everyone, and with common enemies, Regina and Rumplestiltskin. The hope is that people will continue to listen to Emma as the savior, regardless of former alliances and kingdoms. She broke the curse and that means something and as both sheriff and savior she has earned a measure of respect.

Emma shifted in her chair when she heard her parent's speaking that way, but it didn't bother her as much this time. Instead she nodded accepting the need in light of the situation. Snow again stated her faith and trust in Emma and that she needn't worry because she would not have to do it alone. They would do this together. Emma smiled then, for the first time understanding the reference. Just as Snow and James took back their kingdoms, Emma was now added to that we, we shall do this as we do all things, together.

As it nears the time for the council, they leave the table. Emma heads up stairs to unpack her bag, getting ready for the day. They all then head down to the Town Hall, together, followed by their guard. They walk towards the entrance, Emma with her hand on Henry's shoulder keeping him in front of her with Snow and James following closely behind. The people milling outside waiting for the council to begin see them and many step forward to speak to Emma, telling her they are glad to see that she is well. Word of the skirmish in the diner must have spread and Emma is touched to hear of their concern for her well being.

They arrive at the doors to the hall to find Red and Granny waiting for them. Red smiles and Snow steps forward to give her a quick hug. Emma follows her mother over, releasing her hold on Henry who immediately moves away and starts talking to the people waiting around them.

"Hey, Red," says Emma after Snow steps back from the hug and comes to stand next to Emma, brushing her hand briefly down her arm.

"Hey, Emma. How are you feeling?" asks Red.

"Fine. Good. And how are you? Any wolfing issues?" Emma asks.

Red smiles, looking between Snow and Emma, no doubt seeing the easiness between them that wasn't there a few days ago and Emma smiles in return.

"Nope, no wolfing issues."

"Good," says Emma, "Glad to hear it."

"How's the hand?" Red asks, glancing down.

"Alright, still a little sore," says Emma, rubbing her knuckles.

"I am sorry I missed that," says Grumpy arriving arm in sling, trailed by Doc and Happy. "I hear Regina flying through the air was a sight to see and that you then decked her for good measure."

"It was a sight to see," confirms Red, nodding her head in satisfaction.

"Well, she had it coming," smirks Emma, looking to Snow and they both smile.

"No complaints from me, sister," Grumpy continues, "I just wish I could have been awake to see it."

"Grumpy," asks Snow, concerned, "how's your shoulder?"

"Fine," Grumpy answers and Snow touches his arm lightly, causing him wince and for Snow to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Doc?" asks Snow, not looking away from Grumpy.

"He'll be fine," says Doc, stepping forward. "The bruise was all the way to the bone, but as long as he takes it easy for awhile and listens to me and keeps that sling on, he should be fine."

"Good luck with that," says Happy and everyone chuckles and Grumpy scowls.

"You know he's never been a good patient," says Sneezy.

"Grumpy, you will keep the sling on," says Snow and her words allow for no argument.

Grumpy's face softens as the scowl leaves his face.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Snow's faces softens in return. "Good. And thank you, for trying to stop Regina from harming my daughter and my grandson."

Grumpy stands up straighter, looking proud, and for the first time Emma can remember, smiles.

"I would do it again."

"Emma," starts James, taking her arm, pulling her forward. "Let Doc take a look at your hand."

"No," Emma starts, pulling back, "I'm fine. Really."

"Emma," says Snow in a tone of voice that causes Emma to immediately look at her mother. "Let Doc look at your hand."

Emma hesitates; her mother's tone is not asking, but telling. Snow's voice then softens when Emma's looks over and she steps closer, speaking quietly in Emma's ear.

"Emma, please."

Emma watches her for a moment before whispering back.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

This causes Snow to laugh out right and gently roll her eyes; Emma smirks, but also immediately holds out her arm, acceding to her parents' wishes. She allows Doc to roll her wrist and carefully inspect her knuckles. While this is happening Emma looks around and begins to notice more and more people arriving and it starts to make her nervous. Talking in front of large crowds of people has never really been her thing.

Snow turns and steps away when she is called over to greet some of the other council members as they arrive for the meeting. James stays by Emma's side as Doc finishes his inspection. Doc moves her fingers gingerly as he watches her reaction and she tries not to wince too badly at the push and pull on her knuckles.

"How's it look, Doc?" James asks after a moment.

"It looks good. The swelling has gone down tremendously. Just some bruising and she has full range of motion. How does it feel, Sheriff?"

"Absolutely wonderful," answers Emma sarcastically.

"Emma," says James.

Emma sighs and answers Doc seriously. She has also never been a good patient.

"There is a bit of a twinge when I stretch my knuckles, but I think that is just the bruising. It honestly doesn't hurt that badly."

"Sounds good," Doc says, nodding. "Looks good. If the pain gets any worse then you should probably go to the hospital and get an x-ray, but it doesn't seem to be broken. Be careful with it though until it heals properly. No more hitting Evil Queens."

"Hmm, it was worth it."

Emma hears James chuckle at that and she looks at him, smiling in return.

"I am sure it was, but still take it easy," continues Doc, peering at her over his glasses.

"I will," Emma nods and Doc releases her wrist.

"Thanks, Doc," says James, nodding as well before Doc moves away, joining his brothers.

Emma then looks around, again watching the growing number of people arrive and enter the hall. Snow turns and immediately notices Emma's nervousness; she excuses herself from her hellos, making her way back over to Emma and James.

"Emma, is everything alright?"

"Uh, yeah," says Emma and she sees Snow's eyebrows furrow before her mother takes her wrist in her hand, checking it out for herself.

"What did Doc say about her hand?" Snow asks, looking towards James.

"It's fine," says Emma and Snow looks into her eyes and immediately relaxes while James nods in confirmation.

"Then why are you nervous?" Snow asks, releasing her hand.

Emma lowers her voice turning towards Snow. James steps closer to Emma and leans in to listen as she stands comfortably between her parents, watching the crowd nervously.

"There are just a lot of people here. I don't really do public speaking, remember the Sheriff's debate?"

"Emma, remember two days ago," James responds. "You tamed the crowd with the raise of your hand and the steadiness of your words. It'll be fine."

"Yes, but that was different. I thought they were going to riot and they were so angry at you two; that made me angry and that made me it easy."

"Well that may be, but still you did it and it went well," continues James.

"Besides, today it's not just you. It's us," says Snow.

Emma nods at that.

"There just seems to be a lot riding on this meeting. I don't want to make a mess of it and I am still not sure about this whole savior thing." Emma turns to look around at the gathering people and she sees them; she sees their allies, family, and friends. "We have to protect them though. We've got to protect everyone and to do that Regina cannot win."

Emma's eyes then fall to Henry, watching him talk excitedly to the people waiting on them. She knows that to lose to Regina is to lose Henry and to lose Henry is to lose everything and Emma knows that she will stop at nothing to prevent that from happening.

"Emma," says Snow, recapturing her attention, "in our world, after Regina set the curse, after you were born and I sent Charming to the wardrobe, Regina came to our castle to gloat in those last moments before the curse passed over our land. I struggled my way to your nursery where the wardrobe had been placed, needing to know what was happening and I found...I found your father's lifeless body on the ground."

Snow's voice catches at that and she looks briefly away from Emma to James, who is still standing closely behind Emma. James comforts Snow by running his hand down her arm and Snow reaches out holding on to his in return.

"I tried to wake him with true love's didn't work. I thought he was gone, that I had lost you both. Then Regina was there, in your nursery, asking her guards where you were and I was terrified, that you would be found, that you will be killed too. Then her guards said your father had put you in the wardrobe, closed the door and when they opened it, you were gone. Then I knew. You got away. And that was enough, Emma. That was enough. There I was on the ground at Regina's feet, holding my husband's lifeless body in my arms after having just had my newborn daughter ripped away from me and I looked up at her, right into her smug, gloating, smiling face and do you know what I said?"

"What?" asks Emma, engrossed in the story.

"'You are going to lose. I know that now. Good will always win.'" Emma smiles, imaging the moment and nods her head in agreement before Snow continues, "That's what I said, Emma. And we are going to win. Good always wins."

"Yes," agrees James and Emma turns, smiling up at him as he rubs his hands together as if he's ready to battle the whole world right then and there. "And this is a good fight. We can take on Regina and Rumplestiltskin as well if need be. Together we can do this."

"Right," Snow agrees, continuing James' thought, "Together. You won't have to do this alone."

They are right, both of them, and Emma wants this. She wants this fight because like they have both said this is a good fight and she knows that they intend to win it. A fight worth fighting, a battle worth waging, for the people of her world, for Henry, for Snow, for James, for everyone. Whether Emma feels ready as sheriff or savior, Emma will stand and fight, head high, jaw clenched, fists up, for them. For all of them.

It is like what James had said the other day when they went to retrieve his sword, this is what she did even before she believed in any of this, the curse, the Enchanted Forest, the Evil Queen. Even then, before she believed, she tried to help the people of this town and James was right; she did it because that is what she wanted to do it. And she wants it still. This is a good fight and they are going to fight it together.

So, for the first time Emma thinks, if this is what it means, that maybe she can do this savior thing. If it means standing side by side with her parents, her father, her mother, her son, her family. To stand and do this thing because it is worth doing, no matter how difficult or frightening it may be, it is worth doing.

Together. A good fight. For her family, for everyone. Emma looks at Snow and Snow takes her hand, smiling and giving it a squeeze. Emma then looks back at James and he nods and Emma smiles in return.

"Come. Let's go in," says James.

The three of them turn towards the door, Emma calling Henry over to her. As the four of them begin moving, all of their friends and allies move towards them as well, circling up around them as they beginning walking towards the doors to the hall.

Emma sees it then, that they are not alone; she is not alone. It is no longer her against the world; it isn't even just the four of them against the world. It is this larger group of people around them, of allies and family and friends, that would be willing do anything for one other, would be willing to fight and die for one other. They will fight this battle and any battles in the future as they shall do all things, together, and for that reason more then any other reason, good will always win.


Emma wakes up to Henry's laughter coming from the kitchen below. She sits up, feeling much better after having slept a bit. The second council had gone well as everyone discussed the many issues in town as well as a plan to contain Regina. She thinks that that more then anything, everyone seeing that they planned to move forward against Regina, helped further calm and united the people. It wasn't easy. Words were still thrown around in anger and frustration, but in the end they all found purpose in the fight and that helped everyone's fear and panic recede.

Snow, of course, noticed when Emma become more and more tired as the meeting went along and definitely noticed when she fell asleep on the car ride home. When they arrived at the apartment, Snow suggested she go upstairs and lay down for a bit, telling her she would wake her when dinner was ready. It seemed that the long day and Emma's use of magic had wore her out. Emma protested, insisting she was fine; Snow responded by taking her hand, pulling her up the stairs, sitting her down on the bed, and removing her boots. Her mother then proceeded to once again tuck her into bed. Emma had laughed and stopped protesting, realizing once she was laying down how worn out she actually felt. She absentmindedly pulled her baby blanket from under her pillow, tucking it around her shoulders, and had quickly fallen asleep with her mother sitting beside her on the bed, slowly stroking her hair.

Emma again hears Henry's laughter, followed by the murmur of her parents' voices and turns towards the railing around the loft. She stands, her blanket still draped over her shoulders and moves to look down into the kitchen. She sees Henry, Snow, and James laughing as they move around cooking dinner. Snow leans over and brushes some flour out of Henry's hair and he twists away, laughing again, and James turns, catching him. Emma smiles and leans on the railing and Henry notices the movement and looks up, smiling brightly when he sees her.

"Emma, come down!" Henry calls and her parents both turn towards her as well and smile just as brightly.

Emma's smile widens in return as she watches the three of them. When she doesn't immediately move, Henry leaves the kitchen and runs up the stairs, appearing on the landing of the loft. She turns toward him and leans sideways on the railing, smiling, as he comes to stand next to her.

"Hey, Henry. Having fun?" she says, also brushing at the flour.

"Yep. We are making brownies for dessert."

"Sounds good," says Emma, turning to look back down at her parents.

She watches them as they move around the kitchen, talking softly, lightly touching each other in passing, clearly enjoying just being close to one another. Emma realizes she is going to have to find a way to give them some time to themselves.

Henry touches her arm and Emma looks back at him. "Look. You brought back the happy endings. You found your family."

Emma smiles big and bright.

"We found our family."

Henry smiles and nods.

"Snow White, Prince Charming, and their daughter Emma got their happy ending."

"And what about their grandson Henry?" Emma asks, leaning down to look into his face as she places her hand on his shoulder.

"Well he did too," Henry grins.

"Good. I am glad to hear that," says Emma, straightening as she briefly glances at Snow and James before focusing back on Henry. "My family isn't complete with just my mom and dad; I need my son there too."

Henry smiles slightly, but the smile slides quickly away as he drops his head. Emma sees it though, that wistful expression she saw on his face earlier in the day when she was calming him after she broke the cup and chair. Emma places her hand on Henry's chin, tipping his face up towards hers so that she can look into his eyes.

"Henry? What is it? Please tell me this time."

Henry hesitates for a moment before speaking.

"Emma, can I..."

Emma kneels down when he doesn't finish, pulling him closer.

"Henry, what is it? Can you what?"

"Can I call you mom?" Henry blurts out and his face turns red as he tries to gauge her reaction.

Emma takes in a sharp breath. That had not been what she was expecting him to say. Something about his fears or the book or magic or fairy tales. Something, anything, but not that. Emma takes a moment to look in wonder at her son. Her son. He is hers.

Henry steps back when she doesn't immediately respond and looks down at his feet.

"Uh, never mind. Forget it. I just..."

Emma reaches out, pulling him back towards her.

"Henry, wait. Listen," she grins then because she suddenly can't help but grin and that causes him to immediately relax and grin back. "Henry, I would love it if you called me mom."

The smile on Henry's face gets impossibly bigger and Emma pulls him into her arms and just holds him not wanting to let go. She can feel the tears starting in her eyes and huffs, pulling them back, not wanting to cry in this moment of happiness. When he finally squirms in her arms, she reluctantly releases him and Henry grabs her hand, pulling her to her feet and towards the stairs.

"Come on, mom. Help us make the brownies."

Emma laughs as he lets go of her hand and moves towards the stairs.

"Alright, I'll be down in a minute, Henry."

"Okay, mom," he says, smiling brightly as he heads back down the stairs.

Emma leans forward on the railing watching him move into the kitchen and hop up onto a stool. Henry leans over and tries to stick his finger in the brownie batter that Snow had just poured into a baking dish. Snow stops him with a word and instead hands him the spatula which he promptly starts to lick. She then pulls the brownies towards her and James opens the oven as Snow turns and slides them in.

Emma watches this all unfold and she suddenly imagines what it might have been like for this to have been hers because this would have been hers. Her parents, her home, cooking, laughing, and in that moment, as mothers do, Snow looks up and sees it. She looks and sees the loss and pain that must be etched on Emma's face and Emma immediately tries to school her expression.

She knows she failed when her mother takes another long moment to watch her face. Snow then moves in close to James, who leans down as she speaks quietly in his ear and they both turn to glance briefly at Emma before Snow starts moving towards the stairs. Emma sighs and just waits for her mother to come, which she does, looking over at her the moment her head clears the landing.

"Emma, are you alright?"

Emma sighs again as she turns to look back down into the kitchen. Snow moves in close, continuing to face her as she comes to a stop beside her. Snow leans one arm on the railing and Emma doesn't even think about her response, just answers, telling the truth.

"I'm fine, really. It is just hard sometimes, seeing you with him, brushing flour from his hair, letting him lick the spoon. It's all so normal. Don't get me wrong, I am so glad that you guys have this chance to know him because I know I am so glad to have this chance with him. It just makes me think of myself at that age and what it might have been like growing up with you both."

Snow places her hand on Emma's arm, turning her towards her, and Emma sees the regret on her mother's face.

"Emma, I am so sorry that we -"

"No. Snow, no. Don't apologize. I didn't mean...It is just hard sometimes. To see it."

Snow nods and Emma turns away looking back down into the kitchen. Snow places her hand on Emma's where it lays on the railing and the two of them just stand there for a moment watching Henry and James joke and laugh below.

"I can't believe you still have this," Snow says, speaking softly into the silence.

Emma looks over to see her mother running her hand over the ribbon on her baby blanket and Emma realizes that she still has it draped over her shoulders.

"Oh, yeah," Emma says as she quickly swings it off her shoulders and balls it up, embarrassed to have been caught with it. And embarrassed again when she remembers that she pulled it out in front of Snow earlier.

Snow immediately pulls it from Emma's hands, shaking it out, and sits down on the bed, neatly folding the blanket up. She lays it in her lap and continues running her hands over the ribbon before tracing Emma's name. Emma watches her mother for a moment before joining her on the bed.

"It was the only thing I had from you," explains Emma. "No matter how many homes I went through, not matter how many times I ran, I always took it with me. It-It was my most prized possession. Even though I was so angry with you, it still gave me comfort. It was proof that you really existed. And..."

"And?" says Snow after Emma doesn't continue.

Emma takes a deep breath and continues to watch Snow's hands move across the blanket.

"And it made me think that maybe you wanted me. You named me and you had the name embroidered on a blanket for me. I imagined for so long that something terrible must have happened to separate me from the parents who gave me this," says Emma, running her hand over the blanket. "Though it became harder as I got older to reconcile that with the fact that I was found on the side of the road, but still I always wondered. That is why I searched for you. I needed to know."

"Emma, look at me," Snow insists, placing her hands on Emma's face, lifting her head so their eyes could meet. "I am going to repeat what I have told you before. You were wanted and you were loved and something terrible did happen. The day you were born was the best and the worst day of my life. We sent you away because of the curse, but that does not change that fact that we wanted you. We prepared for your coming. This blanket is proof of that." Emma tries to pull her face back so she can look away from the intensity in her mother's eyes, but Snow doesn't let her. "No, Emma. I need you to believe this. You are my daughter, my child. You are wanted. You are loved."

Emma places a hand on Snow's, holding it in place on her cheek as she closes her eyes and leans into the touch. She hears an intake of breath from her mother, who allows Emma to lower her head all the while Emma keeps hold of the hand pressed to her cheek. The two of them sit there quietly for a moment, while Snow briefly runs her other hand through Emma's hair. Emma finally pulls away, allowing their joined hands to drop into her lap.

"I do believe you. I see it in how you are now, how both of you are, with me, with Henry." Emma then looks up and smiles, speaking in a quiet voice full of wonder as she shakes her head, "I found my family."

"Yes, Emma. You did," says Snow with clear and real happiness in her voice and in her eyes. Then the intensity is back as she looks at Emma, "We found our family, our home, and we are never going to lose one another ever again. Not if I have anything to say about it."

Emma smiles in response because she believes it; she sees how much her mother means those words. Snow then stands and moves to the head of the bed, lifting Emma's pillow and placing the blanket in its place underneath. She then turns walking towards the stairs and stops, looking back at Emma.

"Come," Snow says, holding her hand out to her. "Let's go be with our family."

Emma smiles again and takes her mother's hand, allowing Snow to pull her down the stairs and into the kitchen. Henry turns when he sees them, once again calling her mom, and James looks over, giving her a bright smile of welcome as the two of them join them in the kitchen.

Emma finally realizes that it is not just about her wanting this family thing, though she does; she wants it so badly it hurts. It is also about what they want. Emma knows that she would move heaven and earth for the three people standing in this kitchen with her and she now knows that they would do the same thing for her. Emma has been so worried about wanting something that she realizes she already has.

Emma, the kid that grew up alone, abandoned, left on the side of the highway to die by parents that threw her out like trash will never understand what she has now, but Emma realizes she is not that child anymore; she was never really that child. She is the child of Snow White and Prince Charming, a product of true love. She is the child of parents who love her, want her, parents who love her so much that they did just that; they moved heaven and earth and found a way to send her across realms to protect her, to save her from the curse to end all curses.

Emma now realizes that the real reason she was saved from the curse is a completely different reason then what she thought just a few days ago. They wanted to save her partially because she is the savior, but truly because she was theirs, their daughter; they would do anything for her just as Emma would do anything for Henry. That is something Emma understands all to well. She fought for him, she battled a dragon for him, she, without a thought, stepped between the Evil Queen to protect him bodily from harm. Her son and that is what her parents did for her, their daughter.

Emma thinks of her memories of being held tightly in Snow's arms as her mother insisted James take her to the wardrobe. She thinks of her father fighting his way across a castle, battling armed guards, all the while cradling her safely in his arms. And, here, in this world she thinks of her mother speaking to the Evil Queen as Regina stepped towards her in the diner. Snow had distracted her, ordering Emma to leave, protecting her just as bodily as Emma had Henry the moment before. Emma thinks of Snow and James coming to stand beside her two days ago as she tried to quiet a mob and then again today as they all stood together. United.

It is overwhelming and amazing and unbelievable, but it is also true and good. It is all that Emma ever wanted growing up, good people to take her in, to just be there for her and she has that now. It is hers. It is for real, for keeps. These are the people that wanted her from the moment they knew of her coming and Emma knows they will never send her back. After all this time Emma has finally found that which she always wanted. This is home. This is family.