She hadn't meant for this to happen.
She didn't think it could happen because wasn't she already in love? But this
was different. This was soft but passionate; hot and cold. Unlike anything she
had ever known.
She hoped the Doctor wouldn't find out. He'd give him a lecture, and then he would know and confront Rose about it.
In a way, she wanted him to know. There was a small, one-in-a-million chance that he felt the same. But he wouldn't. She was a shop girl, not some exotic
alien like he seemed to prefer.
For a little while, she would be his latest shag. She might have been able to accept that, if not for the traitorous feelings she felt whenever he smiled.
In the end, it wasn't up to her. The Doctor knew; she had told him. Then he
had told him.
He cornered her.
"Rose, I have to talk to you."
She looked terrified. This was it. This was the moment he'd break her heart.
"What, Jack?" She asked, faking a smile.
He didn't reply, just crashed his lips to hers.
The next morning, he whispered in her ear:
"I love you, too."